
61. In the applications I am about to make in this I have practically nothing new to shew except the utility of Quaternion methods in the general theory of Hydrodynamics in all its parts.

I therefore take a treatise (Greenhill’s article in the Encyc. Brit. on this subject) and work out the general theory on the lines of the treatise. This is more necessary than at first sight it would seem, for I believe mathematicians who have studied Quaternions are under the impression that the method does not lend itself conveniently to the establishment and treatment of such equations as the Lagrangian and those of Cauchy’s integrals. With our meaning of , however, the Quaternion treatment of these equations is as much simpler than the Cartesian as in the case of the Eulerian equations.

Down to equation (13) below the subject has already been handled by Prof. Hicks35 in his Quaternion treatment of Strains and Fluid motion (Quart. Journ. Mathxiv. [1877] p. 271). I do not hesitate to go over the ground again as my methods are different from his.

15. Notation

62. For the vector velocity at any point we shall use σ, for the density D, for the force per unit mass F, for its potential, when it has one, v, and for the pressure p. For time-flux which follows a particle we shall use ddt or the Newtonian dot, and for that which refers to a fixed point of space t36.


ddt = t Sσ.  (1)

This equation is given on p. 446 of Greenhill’s article already mentioned. In future we shall refer to this article simply as “Greenhill’s article.”

Euler’s equations

Euler’s Equations

63. To find the equation of continuity, with Greenhill, we merely express symbolically that the rate of increase of the mass of the fluid in any space equals the rate at which it is flowing through the boundary. Thus M being the mass in any space,

Mt = DSσdΣ.  (2)

This is Greenhill’s equation (1) p. 445. By it and equation (9) Section 4 above we have

Mt = S(Dσ)d𝔰,

whence reducing the volume to the element d𝔰,

Dt = S(Dσ).  (3)

This is Greenhill’s equation (2). Thus by equation (1) of last section,

D = Sσ.  (4)

64. To obtain Euler’s equations of motion we express that the vector sum of the impressed forces for any volume equals the vector sum of the bodily forces plus the vector sum of the pressures on the surface. Thus

Dσ̇d𝔰 = DFd𝔰 pdΣ = (DF p)d𝔰,

by equation (9) Section 4 above. Applying this to the element d𝔰 and dividing by Dd𝔰 we have

σ̇ = F pD,  (5)

or by equation (1) Section 15

σt Sσ·σ = F pD.  (6)

This is Greenhill’s equations (4) (5) (6).

If F(ρ,t) = 0 (F a scalar) be the equation of a surface always containing the same particles = 0, or by equation (1)

Ft SσF = 0.  (7)

This is Greenhill’s equation (7).

65. Let us now put

dpD = P.  (8)

This of course assumes that D is a function of p only, which is not always the case, for instance in a gas where diffusion of heat is taking place. If F have a potential v, F = v. Thus equation (5) becomes

σ̇ = (v + P),  (9)

and equation (6)

σt Sσ·σ = (v + P).  (10)


Sσ1·σ1 = V σV 1σ1 + 1Sσσ1 = V σV σ + (σ2)2.

Thus equation (10) becomes

σt + 2V 𝜖σ + R = 0,  (11)

where the scalar R is put for P + v σ22 and the vector 𝜖 for V σ2. This is Greenhill’s equations (8) (9) (10).

If 𝜖 = 0, i.e. V σ = 0, we have σ = ϕ, whence our equation becomes

(ϕt + R) = 0,  so thatϕt + R = H,(12)

where H is a function of t only. In next section we shall obtain in the case of an infinite fluid a generalisation of this which I believe has not hitherto been obtained. Here we have made the assumption that if V σ = 0 at one epoch it will be so always. This we shall prove later.

66. Greenhill next considers the case of steady motion. In this case σt = 0, so that equation (11) becomes

2V 𝜖σ + R = 0,  (13)

and therefore the surface R =  const. contains both vortices and stream-lines and the relation dRdn = 2qω sin 𝜃 given on p. 446 of Greenhill’s article is the natural interpretation of our equation.

So far we have been going over much the same ground as Hicks, but now we enter upon applications of Quaternions that I think have not been made before.

67. Greenhill next considers rotating axes and finds the form of the equations of motion when referred to these. Let σ be the velocity referred to them; so that if the axes have at any time made the rotation q()q1 the real velocity will be qσq1. Thus37, as always with rotating axes, if α be any vector function of a particle the rate of increase of α in space is

α̇ + V ωα,

where ω is the angular velocity referred to the same system of rotating axes. Thus we see that the acceleration of a particle = σ̇ + V ωσ. The velocity σ = ρ̇ + V ωρ, where ρ is the vector coordinate referred to our present axes (i.e. in the notation of the footnote ρ = qρq1). Thus our equation of motion is now

σ̇ + V ωσ = F ρpD,

but now

ddt = t Sρ̇ρ· = t S(σ ωρ)ρ,

whence changing ρ into ρ we have

σt S(σ ωρ)·σ + V ωσ = F pD,  (14)

which is the equation Greenhill gives on p. 446.

The Lagrangian equations

The Lagrangian Equations38

68. We now consider the history of a single particle and for this we require different notation.

We consider the vector coordinate (ρ) of a particle as a function of some other vector α (say the initial value of ρ) and of t.

We first require the connection between α and ρ. We shall drop the affix α and retain ρ, so that now not Q(1,ρ1) but Q(1,α1)

= Q(ζ,ζ).

    NowSdα = Sdρρ,  but dρ = ρ1Sdα1, Sdα = Sdα1Sρ1ρ, or since dα is perfectly arbitrary = 1Sρ1ρ.  (15)

Thus operating upon equation (9) Section 15 by 1Sρ1() and remembering that in that equation  must be changed to ρ we get

1Sρ1σ̇ = (v + P),  (16)

and this is our new equation of motion (Greenhill’s (1) (2) (3) p. 448).

In equation (1) Section 7 above let us put for ρ + η, ρ; and for ρ, α.

 Thusχω = Sω·ρ.(17)

Hence by equation (6d) Section 8 above,

 strained vol. of el./original vol. = S123Sρ1ρ2ρ36,

whence we see that

DS123Sρ1ρ2ρ3 = 6D0,  (18)

where D0 is a constant which when α is taken as the initial value of ρ is the original density. This is the equation of continuity.

16. Cauchy’s integrals of these equations

69. To obtain these integrals we require to express ρ in terms of . Now equation (15) of last section expresses  as a linear function of ρ. The converse we have already seen how to get. In fact from equation (6h) Section 2 above

2Jρ = V ρ1ρ2S12,  (19)

where, with Greenhill, for brevity J is put for S123Sρ1ρ2ρ36. The only function we wish to apply this to is V ρσ. We have

2JV ρσ = V σ3V ρ1ρ2S123 = (ρ2Sρ1σ3 ρ1Sρ2σ3)S123,

or interchanging the suffixes 1 and 2 in the last term

JV ρσ = ρ2Sρ1σ3S123,  (20)

which gives the spin at any instant in terms of our present independent variables α and t.

70. In order to obtain Cauchy’s integral of equation (16) operate on it by V (). Thus

0 = V (1 + 2)1Sρ1σ̇2 = Sρ1σ̇2·V 21.


d(Sρ1σ2·V 21)dt = Sσ1σ2·V 21 + Sρ1σ̇2·V 21.

The first term of this last expression is zero since the sign is changed by interchanging the suffixes. From the last expression then

Sρ1σ2·V 21 =  constant =  initial value of Sζσ2V 2ζ = V σ0,

where σ0 is the initial value of σ. Changing the suffixes and substituting in equation (20) we have

JV ρσ = ρ1Sσ01,

or giving J its value D0D from equation (18) and putting V ρσ = 𝜖, V σ0 = 𝜖0, we have

𝜖D = S(𝜖0D0)·ρ.  (21)

This is Greenhill’s equations (4) (5) (6) p. 448.

The physical interpretation of this equation is quite easy. Consider a small vector dα drawn in the fluid initially. At the time t this will have become dρ = Sdα·ρ. Thus we see that if a small vector c𝜖0D0 be drawn in the fluid initially it will at the time t be c𝜖D, from which we infer that an element of a vortex filament will always remain an element of a vortex filament; or, a vortex filament or tube always remains a vortex filament or tube. Again we see that T𝜖D at any time varies directly with the elongation in the direction of the vortex filament so that T𝜖 varies as that elongation × the density, i.e. inversely as the cross-section of a small vortex tube at the point. This is not the easiest way of arriving at these results, but it is well to show in passing how easy of interpretation are our results.

We see from equation (21) that if 𝜖0 = 0, 𝜖 = 0. In other words, if the motion have a velocity potential at one instant it will have one always.

17. Flow, circulation, vortex-motion

71. We are about to consider vortex-motion from another point of view, viz. that of circulation.

In Section 7 we saw that a strain due to a small displacement η could be decomposed into a pure strain followed by a rotation, the vector rotation being V η2. If now for η we put the small vector σδt we see the propriety of calling V σ2 the spin. This therefore is taken as a definition of spin. Greenhill does not take this (usual) course but uses the property we shall immediately prove concerning circulation and spin to lead to his definition.

It is not necessary here to define flow and circulation. Putting σ = ϕ we see that for irrotational motion the flow = Sσdρ =dϕ from one point to another is the increment in the velocity potential. Thus for mutually reconcilable paths it is always the same.

Taking the circulation round a closed curve in the general case, the curve not inclosing any singular region of the fluid, we may transform the line integral into a surface integral by equation (8) Section 4 above. Thus

Sσdρ = SdΣσ,  (22)

so that the circulation round the curve equals twice the surface integral of the spin. Hence Greenhill’s definition of the spin.

72. From equation (9) Section 15 we see that

d dt ABSσdρ = ABSσdσ ABSσ̇dρ = 1 2ABd(σ2) ABd(v + P),  or d dt ABSσdρ = [v + P + σ22] AB. (23)

Therefore for a closed curve

d( Sσdρ)dt = 0,

so that the circulation round the curve, and therefore the corresponding surface integral of the spin remains always constant. Taking the curve round a small vortex tube we once more arrive at the propositions enunciated in Section 16 about vortices.

Thus at any point of a vortex tube the strength which is defined as the product of the spin into the cross-section is constant throughout all time. Also it is the same for all points of the tube, for by equation (9) Section 4 we have

SdΣσ = S2σd𝔰 = 0

for any portion of the tube. But the only part contributing to the surface integral is the ends of the part of the tube considered, so that the strength at these two ends is the same, and is therefore constant for the whole tube.

73. These propositions are proved in the paper by Hicks already referred to. There is yet a third method of proof which, like Hicks’s, is derived directly from the equation (9) of motion.

We have from equation (1) Section 15

d dtd dt = Sσ· + Sσ· = 1Sσ1·;  (24)39

therefore dV σdt V σ̇ = V (1Sσ12·σ2).

Now by equation (9) Section 15, V σ̇ = 0, so that

dV σdt = V 1σ2S2σ1,  (25) d(ρ + xV σ)dt = σ + V σ + xV 1σ2S2σ1.

Now σ1S2σ21 = V σ21S2σ1 + V 12Sσ1σ2 + V 2σ2S1σ1, but V 12Sσ1σ2 = 0, for an interchange of suffixes leads to a change of sign. Therefore

V 1σ2S2σ1 = V σSσ Sσ·σ.

Put now x = cD where c is some small constant. Thus

c = D2 = SσD,  and we getd(ρ + cV σ·D)dt = σ cSσ·σ·D.(26)

This shews that ρ ρ + cV σD is the variable vector of a particle, for the equation asserts that the time-flux of ρ = the velocity at ρ. Thus again we get the laws of vortices given in Section 16.

18. Irrotational Motion

74. We use this heading merely to connect what follows with what Greenhill has under the same on p. 449. It is not very appropriate here.

For irrotational motion we have seen that we may put

σ = ϕ.  (27)

If the fluid be incompressible we have further

0 = Sσ = 2ϕ.  (28)

Let T be the kinetic energy of this liquid. Thus

2T = D(ϕ)2d𝔰 = DϕSdΣϕ Dϕ2ϕd𝔰

by equation (9) Section 4 above. Thus by equation (28)

T = 1 2DϕSdΣϕ.  (29)

Hence we see that if we have a vector σ which satisfies the equations V σ = 0 and Sσ = 0 throughout any singly-connected space, or more generally satisfies the second of these equations throughout any space, and also has zero circulation round any closed curve in that space40; and further satisfies the equation SdΣσ = 0 at the boundary; then the function

σ2d𝔰 = 0,

or σ = 0 at all points of the space, for each element of the integral being essentially negative must be zero.

75. The following important theorem now follows: If there are given; at every point of any region the convergence Sσ and the spin V σ, at every point of the boundary the normal velocity (and therefore SdΣσ), and the circulation round every cavity which increases the cyclomatic number of the region; then the motion (as given by σ at every point) if possible, is unique. For let σ be one possible velocity, and if possible σ + τ another. Thus τ satisfies all the conditions that σ does at the end of last section, and therefore τ = 0 at every point or σ is unique.

19. Motion of a solid through a liquid

76. We assume that there is no circulation of the liquid for any cycle; in other words, that if all the solids be brought to rest, so will be also the liquid.

We shall take axes of reference fixed in the (one) moving solid. In the foot-note to Section 15 is explained how the rotation of these axes is taken account of. The effect of the translation of the origin will be easily found.

Let σ, ω be the linear and angular velocities respectively of the moving solid. Let us put

ϕ = Sσψ Sωχ,  (30)

where ϕ is the required velocity potential of the liquid, and ψ and χ are two vector functions of the position of a point independent of σ and ω. Let us see whether ψ and χ can be found so as to satisfy these conditions. σ and ω are of course assumed as quite arbitrary.

The conditions are first the equation (28) of continuity

2ϕ = 0,  (28)

which gives

2ψ = 0,2χ = 0,  (31)

and second, the equality of the normal velocity SUdΣϕ of the liquid at any point of the boundary with that of the boundary at the same point. Thus for a fixed boundary

Sσ(SdΣ·ψ) + Sω(SdΣ·χ) = 0,

whence on account of the arbitrariness of σ and ω

SdΣ·ψ = SdΣ·χ = 0.  (32)

For a moving boundary again we have

SdΣϕ = SdΣ(σ + V ωρ),  orSσ(dΣ + SdΣ·ψ) + Sω(V ρdΣ + SdΣ·χ) = 0,  which gives dΣ + SdΣ·ψ = 0, (33) V ρdΣ + SdΣ·χ = 0. (34)

Now it is well known that ψ and χ can be determined to satisfy all these conditions. In fact x being a coordinate of either ψ or χ these conditions amount to:— 2x = 0 throughout the space, and SdΣx = given value at the boundary.

77. We do not propose to find ψ and χ in any particular case. We leave p. 454 of Greenhill’s article and go on to p. 455, i.e. we proceed to find the equations of motion of the solid. For this purpose we require the kinetic energy of the system. Calling this T we shall have

T = SσΣσ2 SωΦσ SωΩω2,  (35)

where Σ, Ω and Φ are linear vector functions and the first two are self-conjugate. This is the most general41 quadratic function of ω and σ. It involves 21 independent constants, six in Σ, six in Ω and nine in Φ. When ψ and χ are known Σ, Φ and Ω are all known. We will obtain the expressions for them, and for simplicity will assume that the origin is at the centre of gravity of the moving solid. Let M be the mass of this last and μω (where, as is well-known, μ is a self-conjugate linear vector function) the moment of momentum. Thus by equation (29)

2T = DϕSdΣϕ Mσ2 Sωμω.

Putting SdΣϕ = SdΣ(σ + V ωρ) at the moving boundary and zero at the fixed,

2T = D(Sσψ + Sωχ)(SσdΣ + SωρdΣ) Mσ2 Sωμω

where the surface integral must be taken only over the moving boundary. Thus noting that Σ and Ω are self-conjugate

Σλ = Mλ 1 2D(ψSλdΣ + dΣSλψ),  (36) Ωλ = μλ 1 2D(χSλρdΣ + V ρdΣSλχ),  (37) SλΦλ = 1 2D(SλχSλdΣ + SλρdΣSλψ).  (38)

These surface integrals can be simplified, for in each of these equations the first surface integral equals the second. In equation (36) in order to prove this we have merely to put for dΣ, SdΣ·ψ (equation (33)) when we shall find by equation (9) Section 4 above (since we may now suppose the integrations to extend over the whole boundary), that

ψSλdΣ = ψ1S12Sλψ2d𝔰 = dΣSλψ.

Similarly for equation (37). Again in equation (38),

SλχSλdΣ = S12Sλχ1Sλψ2d𝔰 = SλρdΣSλψ.

Thus finally for Σ, Ω and Φ

Σλ = Mλ DψSλdΣ = Mλ DdΣSλψ,  (39) Ωλ = μλ DχSλρdΣ = μλ DV ρdΣSλχ,  (40) SλΦλ = DSλχSλdΣ = DSλρdΣSλψ.  (41)

This last may be put in the following four forms

Φλ = DdΣSλχ = DψSλρdΣ,  (42) Φλ = DχSλdΣ = DV ρdΣSλψ.  (43)

Thus assuming that ψ and χ are determined we have found T as a quadratic function of σ and ω.

78. If P,G be the linear and angular impulses of the system respectively our equations of motion are

+ V ωP = F, Ġ + V ωG = M,

by the footnote to Section 15 above. Here F and M are the external force and couple applied to the body. Now at the instant under consideration P = σT, G = ωT. But if the origin had been at the point  ρ, P would still be σT whereas G would be ωT + V ρP. Thus differentiation with regard to t does not affect the form of P but does that of G. In fact using the last stated values of P and G along with the last two equations and eventually putting ρ̇ = σ, ρ = 0 we get

dσTdt + V ωσT = F,  (44) dωTdt + V ωωT + V σσT = M.  (45)

Now from equation (35) we see that

σT = Σσ + Φω,  (46) ωT = Φσ + Ωω,  (47)

whence from equations (44) and (45)

Σσ̇ + Φω̇ + V ωΣσ + V ωΦω = F,  (48) Φσ̇ + Ωω̇ + V σΣσ + (V σΦω + V ωΦσ) + V ωΩω = M.  (49)

Thus we see that with Quaternion notation even the general equations of motion are not too complicated to write down conveniently.

We now leave Greenhill’s article and proceed to certain theorems not contained therein. The Cartesian treatment of these subjects will be found in Lamb’s treatise on The Motion of Fluids, Chapters vi. and ix., which are headed Vortex Motion and Viscosity respectively.

20. The velocity in terms of the convergences and spins

79. We have seen in Section 18 that if the spin and convergence are given for each point of a bounded fluid and the normal velocity at each point of the boundary, there is if any, but one possible motion. We shall see directly that this unique value always exists.

At present we observe that we cannot find a motion giving an assigned spin and convergence for each point and any assigned velocity for each point of the boundary. If however with such data a motion be possible we can find the velocity at any point explicitly. By equation (19) Section 5 above we have

4πσ = uσd𝔰,

but by equation (9) Section 4

uσd𝔰 = udΣσ uσd𝔰 4πσ = [V ]udΣσ [V ]uσd𝔰,  (50)

where the square brackets indicate that we may or may not retain the V at our convenience. This equation may be put

4πσ = [V ](udΣσ udΣσ) + u2σd𝔰.  (51)

Both of these equations solve the question now proposed.

If the fluid be considered infinite the surface integral of equation (50) vanishes if σ converges to zero at infinity and also that of equation (51) if in addition the spin and convergence converge to a quantity infinitely small compared with the reciprocal of the distance of the surface.

80. We may now consider the case when σ (spin and convergence) is given at all points and SdΣσ (normal velocity) at the boundary. It must be observed that the given value of the spin must be distributed in a solenoidal manner for

SV σ = 0.

Whenever the quaternion

4πq = uσd𝔰 = uσd𝔰,  (52)

is a vector, we see that all the conditions except the boundary ones are satisfied by putting σ = q. Let us then see when q reduces to a vector. By equation (9) Section 4 above

4πSq = uSdΣσ + uS2σd𝔰.

Thus q is a vector if this surface integral vanish. The surface integral vanishes if all the vortices form closed curves within the space. If they do not we must extend the space and make them form closed curves outside the original space. Extending the volume integral accordingly, we may put

4πσ = uσd𝔰,  (53)

and now σ = σ. Suppose then that

σ = σ + σ.  (54)

We thus get σ = 0 and may therefore put

σ = ϕ,  (56)

where ϕ satisfies the equations

2ϕ = 0, (57)  andSdΣϕ = SdΣ(σ σ) =  known quantity.(58)

Now it is well known that ϕ can be determined so as to satisfy these two equations. Therefore the problem under discussion always admits of solution.

The above is equivalent to Lamb’s §§ 128–131. His § 130 is the natural interpretation of the equation

4πσ = V uσd𝔰.

His § 132 is seen at once from equation (50) above. For in the case he considers we, in accordance with Section 4 above, take each side of the surface of discontinuity as a part of the boundary. Now [SdΣσ]a+b = 0 so that for this part of the boundary we can leave out the part SdΣσ and we get

4πσ = V uV dΣσ V uσd𝔰,  (59)

so that if we regard [V dΣσ]a+b as 2× an element of a vortex, we get the same law for these vortex sheets as for the vortices in the rest of the fluid.

81. The velocity potential due to a single vortex filament of strength d𝜃 is at once obtained by putting in equation (50) for V σd𝔰, 2d𝜃dρ. Thus calling σ the part of the velocity due to the filament

2πσ = d𝜃 V udρ = d𝜃u1V 1V dΣ1

by equation (8) Section 4 above. Now

V 1V dΣ1 = dΣ12 + 1SdΣ1.

Hence, since 2u = 0 for all points not on the filament

2πσ = (d𝜃SdΣu).  (60)

Thus the velocity potential = (2π)l× the strength × the solid angle subtended by the filament at the point considered.

Kinetic Energy

82. Let us put

4πq = uσd𝔰,(61)  so thatσ = q. (62)

We may now find expressions for T, the kinetic energy, in one or two interesting forms. We have

2T = Dσ2d𝔰,  whence2T = DSσqd𝔰 = DSσdΣq + D1Sσ11qd𝔰.

We assume that the fluid extends to infinity and that the vortices and convergences are all at a finite distance, so that at infinity σ is of order 1R2 and q of order 1R. Thus the surface integral vanishes and we have

2T = D1Sσ11qd𝔰,  (63)

or, putting in the value of q from equation (61),

T = (8π)1uD 1Sσ112σ2d𝔰1d𝔰2.  (64)

These are Lamb’s equations (28) and (29), p. 160, generalised.

Similarly his equation 30 generalised is

2T = D1Sρσ11σ1d𝔰, (65)  forD1Sρσ11σ1d𝔰 = DSρσdΣσ DSζσζσd𝔰,

by equation (9) Section 4 above. But

ζσζ = 2ζSσζ ζ2σ = σ,

and the surface integral vanishes as before.

21. Viscosity

83. To consider viscosity the assumption is made that the shearing stress which causes it is μ × the rate of shear of the moving fluid. μ is assumed independent of the velocity and experiment seems to shew that it is also independent of the density. This last we assume though the variation with density can be easily treated.

Consider a general strain χω. Since

mSλμν = Sχλχμχν = SλχV χμχν42, V χμχν = mχ1V μν.

Putting μ and ν for any two vectors perpendicular to ω we see that the normal Uω to any interface becomes Uχ1ω by the strain. Hence the interface ω experiences a shear (strain) which equals the resolved part of χUω perpendicular to the vector χ1ω equals resolved part of (χ χ1)Uω perpendicular to χ1ω. Now when χ is the strain function due to a small displacement σdt, by Section 7 above

χω = ω Sω·σdt, (66)  whenceχ1ω = ω + 1Sωσ1dt,(67)

and we see that the shear is the resolved part of

(SUω·σ + 1SUωσ1)dt

perpendicular to ω, i.e. parallel to the interface ω. From this we see by our assumption concerning viscosity that any element of the fluid is subject to a stress ϕ given by

ϕω = Rω μ(Sω·σ + 1Sωσ1)

R being a scalar. Now we define the pressure p by putting

3p = Sζϕζ = 3R + 2μSσ ϕω = pω + 2 3μωSσ μ(Sω·σ + 1Sωσ1).  (68)

The equation of motion is

Dσ̇ = DF + ϕΔ,


D(σt Sσ·σ) = Dσ̇ = DF p μSσ3 μ2σ. (69)

If μ be not as stated independent of D this equation must be made to contain certain space fluxes of μ which are quite easy to insert.

84. In § 179 of Lamb’s treatise he considers the dissipation function due to the viscosity of a fluid in a way that seems to me misleading if not wrong. It appears as if he should add to the first expression of that section

udpxxdx + vdpxydx + wdpxzdx.

He refers to Stokes, Camb. Trans. vol. ix. p. 58. Let us give the quaternion treatment of Stokes’s method.

If T is the kinetic energy of any portion of the fluid

2T = Dσ2d𝔰.  Thus d(Dd𝔰)dt = 0, = DSσσ̇d𝔰,  but Dσ̇ = DF + ϕ11,  so that = DSσFd𝔰 Sσϕ11d𝔰  or = DSσFd𝔰 SσϕdΣ + Sσ1ϕ1d𝔰. (70)

If now ϕ be expressed in terms of p and μ we have  depending on F, p and μ. The part of  depending on F and p represents energy stored up as potential energy of position and potential energy of strain respectively, but the part depending on μ represents a loss of energy to the system we are considering the energy being converted into heat.

Thus putting ϕ = p + ϖ we have by equation (68)

ϖω = 2 3μωSσ μ(Sω·σ + 1Sωσ1) = 2 3μωSζψζ + 2μψω,  (71)

where ψ is given by equation (75) below.

Thus we see that the rate of loss of energy is

SσϖdΣ Sσ1ϖ1d𝔰.  (72)

The surface integral is the work done by viscosity against the moving fluid at the boundary and the volume integral is considered due to the work done against the straining of the fluid. Thus we put

F = Sσ1ϖ1,  (73)

and call F the “dissipation function.”

By equation (6) Section 2 above

F = Sψζϖζ,  (74)

where ψ is the rate of pure strain of the fluid, i.e. 

2ψω = Sω·σ 1Sωσ1.  (75)

Again by equation (18) Section 10 above because F is quadratic in ψ

F = Sψζψ D Fζ2,  (76)

so that from equation (74) we have, by Section 2 above,

ϖ = ψ D F2.  (77)

Substituting for ϖ from equation (71) in equation (74)

F = 2 3μ(Sζψζ)2 2μψζψζ,  (78)

which gives F in terms of ψ.