Quaternion Theorems

1. Definitions

1. As there are two or three symbols and terms which will be in constant use in the following pages that are new or more general in their signification than is usual, it is necessary to be perhaps somewhat tediously minute in a few preliminary definitions and explanations.

A function of a variable in the following essay is to be understood to mean anything which depends on the variable and which can be subjected to mathematical operations; the variable itself being anything capable of being represented by a mathematical symbol. In Cartesian Geometry the variable is generally a single scalar. In Quaternions on the other hand a general quaternion variable is not infrequent, a variable which requires 4 scalars for its specification, and similarly for the function. In both, however, either the variable or the function may be a mere symbol of operation. In the following essay we shall frequently have to speak of variables and functions which are neither quaternions nor mere symbols of operation. For instance K in Section IV below requires 6 scalars to specify it, and it is a function of ψ which requires 6 scalars and ρ which requires 3 scalars. When in future the expression “any function” is used it is always to be understood in the general sense just explained.

We shall frequently have to deal with functions of many independent vectors, and especially with functions which are linear in each of the constituent vectors. These functions merely require to be noticed but not defined.

Hamilton has defined the meaning of the symbolic vector thus:—

= i d dx + j d dy + k d dz,

where i, j, k are unit vectors in the directions of the mutually perpendicular axes x, y, z. I have found it necessary somewhat to expand the meaning of this symbol. When a numerical suffix 1, 2, … is attached to a  in any expression it is to indicate that the differentiations implied in the  are to refer to and only to other symbols in the same expression which have the same suffix. After the implied differentiations have been performed the suffixes are of course removed. Thus Q(α,β,γ,δ) being a quaternion function of any four vectors α, β, γ, δ, linear in each

Q(λ1μ212) Q dλ dx dμ dxii + Q dλ dy dμ dxji + Q dλ dz dμ dxki + Q dλ dx dμ dyij + Q dλ dy dμ dyjj + Q dλ dz dμ dykj + Q dλ dx dμ dzik + Q dλ dy dμ dzjk + Q dλ dz dμ dzkk

and again

Q1(λ1,μ2,1,2) Q3(λ1,μ2,1 + 3,2).

It is convenient to reserve the symbol Δ for a special meaning. It is to be regarded as a particular form of , but its differentiations are to refer to all the variables in the term in which it appears. Thus Q being as before

Q(λ1,μ, Δ,1) = Q2(λ1,μ2,1 + 2,1)5.

If in a linear expression or function 1 and ρ1 (ρ being as usual ix + jy + kz) occur once each they can be interchanged. Similarly for 2 and ρ2. So often does this occur that I have thought it advisable to use a separate symbol ζ1 for each of the two 1 and ρ1, ζ2 for each of the two 2 and ρ2 and so for ζ3, &c. If only one such pair occur there is of course no need for the suffix attached to ζ. Thus ζ may be looked upon as a symbolic vector or as a single term put down instead of three. For Q(α,β) being linear in each of the vectors α, β

Q(ζ,ζ) = Q(1,ρ1) = Q(i,i) + Q(j,j) + Q(k,k).  (1)

There is one more extension of the meaning of to be given. u, v, w being the rectangular coordinates of any vector σ, σ is defined by the equation

σ = i d du + j d dv + k d dw.

To σ of course are to be attached, when necessary, the suffixes above explained in connection with . Moreover just as for 1, ρ1 we may put ζ, ζ so also for σ1, σ1 may we put the same.

With these meanings one important result follows at once. The 1’s, 2’s, &c., obey all the laws of ordinary vectors whether with regard to multiplication or addition, for the coordinates ddx, ddy, ddz of any  obey with the coordinates of any vector or any other  all the laws of common algebra.

Just as σ may be defined as a symbolic vector whose coordinates are ddu, ddv, ddw so ϕ being a linear vector function of any vector whose coordinates are

(a1b1c1a2b2c2a3b3c3)( i.e. ϕi = a1i + b1j + c1k, &c.).

ϕ D6 is defined as a symbolic linear vector function whose coordinates are


and to ϕ D is to be applied exactly the same system of suffixes as in the case of . Thus q being any quaternion function of ϕ, and ω any vector

ϕ D 1ω·q1 = (idqda1 + jdqdb1 + kdqdc1)Siω (idqda2 + jdqdb2 + kdqdc2)Sjω (idqda3 + jdqdb3 + kdqdc3)Skω.

The same symbol ϕ D is used without any inconvenience with a slightly different meaning. If the independent variable ϕ be a self-conjugate linear vector function it has only six coordinates. If these are PQRSTU (i.e. ϕi = Pi + Uj + Tk, &c.) ϕ D is defined as a self-conjugate linear vector function whose coordinates are

(ddP,ddQ,ddR,1 2ddS,1 2ddT,1 2ddU).

We shall frequently have to compare volume integrals with integrals taken over the bounding surface of the volume, and again surface integrals with integrals taken round the boundary of the surface. For this purpose we shall use the following notations for linear, surface and volume integrals respectively Qdρ, QdΣ, Qd𝔰 where Q is any function of the position of a point. Here dρ is a vector element of the curve, dΣ a vector element of the surface, and d𝔰 an element of volume. When comparisons between line and surface integrals are made we take dΣ in such a direction that dρ is in the direction of positive rotation round the element dΣ close to it. When comparisons between surface and volume integrals are made dΣ is always taken in the direction away from the volume which it bounds.

2. Properties of ζ

2. The property of ζ on which nearly all its usefulness depends is that if σ be any vector

σ = ζSζσ,

which is given at once by equation (1) of last section.

This gives a useful expression for the conjugate of a linear vector function of a vector. Let ϕ be the function and ω, τ any two vectors. Then ϕ denoting as usual the conjugate of ϕ we have

Sωϕτ = Sτϕω,

whence putting on the left τ = ζSζτ we have

Sτ(ζSωϕζ) = Sτϕω,

or since τ is quite arbitrary

ϕω = ζSωϕζ.  (2)

From this we at once deduce expressions for the pure part ϕ¯ω and the rotational part V 𝜖ω of ϕω by putting

(ϕ + ϕ)ω = ϕζSωζ ζSωϕζ = 2ϕ¯ω, (ϕ ϕ)ω = ϕζSωζ + ζSωϕζ = V V ζϕζ.ω = 2V 𝜖ω.  (3)

And all the other well-known relations between ϕ and ϕ are at once given e.g. Sζϕζ = Sζϕζ, i.e. the “convergence” of ϕ = the “convergence” of ϕ.

3. Let Q(λ,μ) be any function of two vectors which is linear in each. Then if ϕω be any linear vector function of a vector ω given by

ϕω = ΣβSωα  we have            Q(ζ,ϕζ) = ΣQ(ζSζα,β) = ΣQ(α,β),  (4)

or more generally

Q(ζ,ϕχζ) = ΣQ(χα,β).  (4a)

To prove, it is only necessary to observe that

ϕχζ = ΣβSαχζ = ΣβSζχα,  and that ζSζχα = χα.

As a particular case of eq. (4) let ϕ have the self-conjugate value

ϕω = 1 2Σ(βSωα + αSωβ).  ThenQ(ζ,ϕζ) = 1 2Σ{Q(α,β) + Q(β,α)},  (5)

or if Q(λ,μ) is symmetrical in λ and μ

Q(ζ,ϕζ) = ΣQ(α,β).  (6)

The application we shall frequently make of this is to the case when for α we put 1 and for β, σ1, where σ is any vector function of the position of a point. In this case the first expression for ϕ is the strain function and the second expression the pure strain function resulting from a small displacement σ at every point. As a simple particular case put Q(λ,μ) = Sλμ so that Q is symmetrical in λ and μ. Thus ϕ being either of these functions

Sζϕζ = Sσ.

Another important equation is

7Q(ζ,ϕζ) = Q(ϕζ,ζ).  (6a)

This is quite independent of the form of ϕ. To prove, observe that by equation (2)

ϕζ = ζ1Sζϕζ1,

and that ζSζϕζ1 = ϕζ1. Thus we get rid of ζ and may now drop the suffix of ζ1 and so get eq. (6a). [Notice that by means of (6a), (4a) may be deduced from (4); for by (6a)

Q(ζ,ϕχζ) = Q(χζ,ϕζ) = ΣQ(χα,β) by (4).]

3a. A more important result is the expression for ϕ1ω in terms of ϕ. We assume that

Sϕλϕμϕν = mSλμν,

where λ, μ, ν are any three vectors and m is a scalar independent of these vectors. Substituting ζ1, ζ2, ζ3 for λ, μ, ν and multiplying by Sζ1ζ2ζ3

Sζ1ζ2ζ3Sϕζ1ϕζ2ϕζ3 = 6m,  (6b)

which gives m in terms of ϕ. That Sζ1ζ2ζ3Sζ1ζ2ζ3 = 6 is seen by getting rid of each pair of ζ’s in succession thus:—

Sζ1(Sζ1V ζ2ζ3)ζ2ζ3 = SV ζ2ζ3·ζ2ζ3 = S(ζ22ζ 3 ζ2Sζ2ζ3)ζ3 = 2ζ3ζ3 = 6.

Next observe that

Sϕωϕζ1ϕζ2 = mSωζ1ζ2.

Multiplying by V ζ1ζ2 and again on the right getting rid of the ζs we have

V ζ1ζ2Sϕωϕζ1ϕζ2 = 2mω,  (6c)

whence from equation (6b)

ωSζ1ζ2ζ3Sϕζ1ϕζ2ϕζ3 = 3V ζ1ζ2Sϕωϕζ1ϕζ2,

or changing ω into ϕ1ω

ϕ1ω = 3V ζ1ζ2Sωϕζ1ϕζ2 Sζ1ζ2ζ3Sϕζ1ϕζ2ϕζ3.  (6d)

By equation (6a) of last section we can also put this in the form

ϕ1ω = 3V ϕζ1ϕζ2Sωζ1ζ2 Sζ1ζ2ζ3Sϕζ1ϕζ2ϕζ3,  (6e)

so that ϕ1ω is obtained explicitly in terms of ϕ or ϕ.

Equation (6c) or (6d) can be put in another useful form which is more analogous to the ordinary cubic and can be easily deduced therefrom, or8less easily from (6d), viz. 

Sζ1ζ2ζ3(ϕ3ωSζ 1ζ2ζ3 3ϕ2ωSζ 1ζ2ϕζ3 + 3ϕωSζ1ϕζ2ϕζ3 ωSϕζ1ϕζ2ϕζ3) = 0.  (6f)

As a useful particular case of equation (6d) we may notice that by equation (4) Section 2 if

ϕω = σ1Sω1, ϕ1ω = 3V 12Sωσ1σ2S123Sσ1σ2σ3,(6g)  andϕ1ω = 3V σ 1σ2Sω12S123Sσ1σ2σ3.(6h)

4. Let ϕ, ψ be two linear vector functions of a vector. Then if

Sχζϕζ = Sχζψζ,

where χ is a quite arbitrary linear vector function

ϕ ψ,

for we may put χζ = τSζω where τ and ω are arbitrary vectors, so that

Sτϕω = Sτψω,  orϕω = ψω.

Similarly9 if ϕ and ψ are both self-conjugate and χ is a quite arbitrary self-conjugate linear vector function the same relation holds as can be seen by putting

χζ = τSζω + ωSζτ.

3. Fundamental Property of D

5. Just as the fundamental property of σ is that, Q being any function of σ

δQ = Q1Sδσσ1,

so we have a similar property of  D . Q being any function of ϕ a linear vector function

δQ = Q1Sδϕζϕ D 1ζ.  (7)

The property is proved in the same way as for , viz. by expanding Sδϕζϕ D 1ζ in terms of the coordinates of ϕ D . First let ϕ be not self-conjugate, and let its nine coordinates be



Q1Sδϕζϕ D 1ζ = Q1Sδϕiϕ D 1i Q1Sδϕjϕ D 1j Q1Sδϕkϕ D 1k, = δa1dQda1 + δb1dQdb1 + δc1dQdc1, + δa2dQda2 + δb2dQdb2 + δc2dQdc2, + δa3dQda3 + δb3dQdb3 + δc3dQdc3 = δQ.

The proposition is exactly similarly proved when ϕ is self-conjugate.

4. Theorems in Integration

6. Referring back to Section 1 above for our notation for linear surface and volume integrals we will now prove that if Q be any linear function of a vector10

Qdρ = Q(V dΣΔ),  (8) QdΣ = QΔd𝔰.  (9)

To prove the first divide the surface up into a series of elementary parallelograms by two families of lines—one or more members of one family coinciding with the given boundary,—apply the line integral to the boundary of each parallelogram and sum for the whole. The result will be the linear integral given in equation (8). Let the sides of one such parallelogram taken in order in the positive direction be α, β + β, α α, β; so that α and β are infinitely small compared with α and β, and we have the identical relation

0 = α + β + β α α β = β α.

The terms contributed to Qdρ by the sides α and α α will be (neglecting terms of the third and higher orders of small quantities)

Qα Qα Qα + Q1αSβ1 = Qα + Q1αSβ1.

Similarly the terms given by the other two sides will be

Qβ Q1βSα1

so that remembering that β α = 0 and therefore Qβ Qα = 0 we have for the whole boundary of the parallelogram

Q1αSβ1 Q1βSα1 = Q1(V V αβ·1) = QV dΣΔ,

where dΣ is put for V αβ. Adding for the whole surface we get equation (8).

Equation (9) is proved in an exactly similar way by splitting the volume up into elementary parallelepipeda by three families of surfaces one or more members of one of the families coinciding with the given boundary. If α, β, γ be the vector edges of one such parallelepiped we get a term corresponding to Qβ Qα viz. 

Q (vector sum of surface of parallelepiped) 0,

and we get the sum of three terms corresponding to

Q1αSβ1 Q1βSα1

above, viz. 

Q1(V βγ)Sα1 Q1(V γα)Sβ1 Q1(V αβ)Sγ1 = Q11Sαβγ,

whence putting Sαβγ = d𝔰 we get equation (9).

7. It will be observed that the above theorems have been proved only for cases where we can put dQ = Q1Sdρ1 i.e. when the space fluxes of Q are finite. If at any isolated point they are not finite this point must be shut off from the rest of the space by a small closed surface or curve as the case may be and this surface or curve must be reckoned as part of the boundary of the space. If at a surface (or curve) Q has a discontinuous value so that its derivatives are there infinite whereas on each side they are finite, this surface (or curve) must be considered as part of the boundary and each element of it will occur twice, i.e. once for the part of the space on each side.

In the case of the isolated points, if the surface integral or line integral round this added boundary vanish, we can of course cease to consider these points as singular. Suppose Q becomes infinite at the point ρ = α. Draw a small sphere of radius a and also a sphere of unit radius with the point α for centre, and consider the small sphere to be the added boundary. Let dΣ be the element of the unit sphere cut off by the cone which has α for vertex and the element dΣ of the small sphere for base. Then dΣ = a2dΣ and we get for the part of the surface integral considered a2Q dΣdΣ where QdΣ is the value of Q at the element dΣ. If then

 LtT(ρα)=0T2(ρ α)Q dΣU(ρ α) = 0

the point may be regarded as not singular. If the limiting expression is finite the added surface integral will be finite. If the expression is infinite the added surface integral will be generally but not always infinite. Similarly in the case of an added line integral if  LtT(ρα)=0T(ρ α)QU(ρ α) is zero or finite, the added line integral will be zero or finite respectively (of course including in the term finite a possibility of zero value). If this expression be infinite, the added line integral will generally also be infinite.

This leads to the consideration of potentials which is given in Section 5.

8. Some particular cases of equations (8) and (9) which (except the last) have been proved by Tait, are very useful. First put Q = a simple scalar P. Thus

Pdρ = V dΣP,  (10) PdΣ = Pd𝔰.  (11)

If P be the pressure in a fluid PdΣ is the force resulting from the pressure on any portion and equation (11) shews that P is the force per unit volume due to the same cause. Next put Qω = Sωσ and V ωσ. Thus

Sdρσ = SdΣσ,  (12) V dρσ = V (V dΣ·σ) = dΣSσ 1SdΣσ1,  (13) SdΣσ = Sσd𝔰,  (14) V dΣσ = V σd𝔰.  (15)

Equations (12) and (14) are well-known theorems, and (13) and (15) will receive applications in the following pages. Green’s Theorem with Thomson’s extension of it are, as indeed has been pointed out by Tait particular cases of these equations.

Equations (14) and (15) applied to an element give the well-known physical meanings for Sσ and V σ11. The first is obtained by applying (14) to any element, and the second (regarding σ as a velocity) is obtained by applying (15) to the element contained by the following six planes each passing infinitely near to the point considered—(1) two planes containing the instantaneous axis of rotation, (2) two planes at right angles to this axis, and (3) two planes at right angles to these four.

One very frequent application of equation (9) may be put in the following form:—Q being any linear function (varying from point to point) of R1 and 1, R being a function of the position of a point

Q(R1,1)d𝔰 = Q1(R,1)d𝔰 + Q(R,dΣ).  (16)

5. Potentials

9. We proceed at once to the application of these theorems in integration to Potentials. Although the results about to be obtained are well-known ones in Cartesian Geometry or are easily deduced from such results it is well to give this quaternion method if only for the collateral considerations which on account of their many applications in what follows it is expedient to place in this preliminary section.

If R is some function of ρ ρ where ρ is the vector coordinate of some point under consideration and ρ the vector coordinate of any point in space, we have

ρR = ρR.

Now let Q(R) be any function of R, the coordinates of Q being functions of ρ only. Consider the integral Q(R)d𝔰 the variable of integration being ρ (ρ being a constant so far as the integral is concerned). It does not matter whether the integral is a volume, surface or linear one but for conciseness let us take it as a volume integral. Thus we have

ρQ(R)d𝔰 = ρQ(R)d𝔰 = ρ1Q(R1)d𝔰.

Now ρ operating on the whole integral has no meaning so we may drop the affix to the  outside and always understand ρ. Under the integral sign however we must retain the affix ρ or ρ unless a convention be adopted. It is convenient to adopt such a convention and since Q will probably contain some ρ but cannot possibly contain a ρ we must assume that when  appears without an affix under the integral sign the affix ρ is understood. With this understanding we see that when  crosses the integral sign it must be made to change sign and refer only to the part we have called R. Thus

Q(R)d𝔰 = 1Q(R1)d𝔰.  (17)

Generally speaking R can and will be put as a function of T1(ρ ρ) and for this we adopt the single symbol u. Both this symbol and the convention just explained will be constantly required in all the applications which follow.

10. Now let Q be any function of the position of a point. Then the potential of the volume distribution of Q, say q, is given by:—

q = uQd𝔰,  (18)

the extent of the volume included being supposed given. We may now prove the following two important propositions

2q = 4πQ,  (19) SdΣ·q = 4πQd𝔰.  (20)

The latter is a corollary of the former as is seen from equation (9) Section 4 above.

Equation (19) may be proved thus. If P be any function of the position of a point which is finite but not necessarily continuous for all points


is always finite and if the volume over which the integral extends is indefinitely diminished, so also is the expression now under consideration, and this for the point at which is this remnant of volume. This in itself is an important proposition. The expression, by equation (17), = uPd𝔰 and both statements are obviously true except for the point ρ. For this point we have merely to shew that the part of the volume integral just given contributed by the volume indefinitely near to ρ vanishes with this volume. Divide this near volume up into a series of elementary cones with ρ for vertex. If r is the (small) height and dω the solid vertical angle of one of these cones, the part contributed by this cone is approximately U(ρ ρ)Pρrdω3 where Pρ is the value of P at the point ρ. The proposition is now obvious.

Now since

2q = 2uQd𝔰 = 2uQd𝔰,

we see that the only part of the volume integral uQd𝔰 which need be considered is that given by the volume in the immediate neighbourhood of ρ, for at all points except ρ, 2u = 0. Consider then our volume and surface integrals only to refer to a small sphere with ρ for centre and so small that no point is included at which Q is discontinuous and therefore Q infinite. (This last assumes that Q is not discontinuous at ρ. In the case when Q is discontinuous at ρ no definite meaning can be attached to the expression 2q.) We now have

2q = 2uQd𝔰 = uQd𝔰 [by Section 5] = uQd𝔰 udΣQ,

equation (9) Section 4 being applied and the centre of the sphere being not considered as a singular point since the condition of Section 4 is satisfied, viz. that  LtT(ρρ)=0T2(ρ ρ)uU(ρ ρ) = 0. Now putting P  above = Q we see that the first expression, viz. uQd𝔰 can be neglected and the second gives

2q = udΣQ = 4πQ¯,

where Q¯ is the mean value of Q over the surface of the sphere and therefore in the limit  = Q. Thus equation (19) has been proved.

When Q has a simple scalar value all the above propositions, and indeed processes, become well-known ones in the theory of gravitational potential.

We do not propose to go further into the theory of Potentials as the work would not have so direct a bearing on what follows as these few considerations.