The Vortex-Atom Theory

85. If Quaternions can give valuable hints or indicate a promising method of dealing with the highly interesting mathematical theory of Vortex-Atoms, I think this alone ought to be sufficient defence of its claims to be within the range of practical methods of investigation.

In what follows I think I may be said to have indicated a hopeful path to follow in order to test to some extent the soundness of this theory.

22. Statement of Sir Wm. Thomson’s and Prof. Hicks’s theories

86. Sir Wm. Thomson’s theory is so well-known that it is not necessary to state it in detail. Matter is some differentiation of space which can vary its position carrying with it so to speak certain phenomena, some of which admit of definite quantitative measurement. Perhaps the most important of these phenomena is what is called mass. Now, says in effect Sir Wm. Thomson, if we suppose all space filled with an incompressible perfect fluid the vortices in it are just such differentiations of space. They also carry about with them definite quantitative phenomena. Can we prove that these hypothetical vortices would act upon one another as do the atoms of matter, the laws of whose action are contained in the various Sciences, e.g. Physics, Chemistry and Physiology? The problem in its first stages at any rate is a mathematical one, but during the many years it has been before the mathematical world very little progress has been made with it.

Hicks’s extension of this theory is perhaps not so well known, but it seems to me quite as interesting and more likely to tally with the known phenomena of matter. He enunciates his theory in the Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. iii. p. 276. It differs from Thomson’s simply in assuming that the fluid does not quite fill space—that there are in it bubbles43. These bubbles will find their way to where the pressure is least, i.e. speaking generally to the centre of some at least of the vortices. Thus we have another source of differentiation of space and general considerations seem to point to these differentiations being the true atoms, though of course “atom” is no longer a descriptive term.

23. General considerations concerning these theories

87. In Maxwell’s article Atom in the Encyc. Brit. p. 45, he says—“One of the first if not the very first desideratum in a complete theory of matter is to explain first mass and second gravitation…… In Thomson’s theory the mass of bodies requires explanation. We have to explain the inertia of what is only a mode of motion and inertia is a property of matter, not of modes of motion. It is true that a vortex ring at any given instant has a definite momentum and a definite energy, but to shew that bodies built up of vortex rings would have such momentum and energy as we know them to have is in the present state of the theory a very difficult task.

“It may seem hard to say of an infant theory that it is bound to explain gravitation.”

Now as Hicks tells us what induced him to give his theory was the promise it gave of explaining gravitation. But I believe nowhere does he point out the still more important result that probably on his theory we can explain inertia.

The statement of the principal property of inertia put scientifically is that the motion of the centre of gravity of any two bodies approximates more and more nearly to uniform velocity in a straight line, the more nearly they are isolated from external influence. But this property is probably true of Hicks’s bubbles. The centre of gravity of any portion of the fluid containing certain bubbles (1), (2)(n) will if approximately isolated from all the rest of the fluid move approximately in a straight line, but this amounts to saying that the centre of volume of the n bubbles will also move uniformly in a straight line if the centre of the whole volume (bubbles and fluid) considered, move similarly. These conditions are not evidently true, but I think they are probably so when we consider groups of large numbers of bubbles.

Whether this theory explains gravitation is one of the principal questions to be considered in the following first trial.

24. Description of the method here adopted

88. Finding it practically impossible to consider the real problem of a number of bubbles in the liquid, I consider the fluid continuous and not incompressible. Let us assume that

D = tanh(pc),  (1)

where c is some very small constant which in the limit = 0. For ordinary values of p, D  very nearly = 1. It is only when p becomes comparable with c that D varies. When p = 0, D = 0. Also

P = (dpD) = c log sinh(pc).  (2)

For ordinary values of p then, P = p but when p becomes comparable with c, P varies and when p = 0, P = . If we assume then for the greater part of the fluid that p is large compared with the small quantity c we see that the fluid will have almost exactly the same properties as a liquid containing bubbles. We may now apply the equations of motion of Section 15, Section 15.

Now we know the velocity at any point of an infinite fluid in terms of the spins and convergences at all points. From this we may deduce the acceleration in terms of the spins, convergences and time-fluxes. It so happens that by the equations in Section 17 we can get rid of the time-fluxes of the spins. This greatly simplifies the further discussion of the problem. The equation that we thus deduce forms the starting point of our investigation, for the phenomena of gravitation, electro-magnetism, stress, &c., are exhibited and measured by the acceleration in bodies due to their relative positions.

The equation we obtain at once gives a generalisation of the integral, equation (12) Section 15 above.

At the end of this section I give an equation which is rather complicated but which promises to enable us to deal more rigorously with our problem than I profess to have done below.

We proceed to the investigation just indicated.

25. Acceleration in terms of the convergences, their time-fluxes, and the spins

89. Let us put for the convergence and twice the spin m and τ respectively, so that

Sσ = m,  (3) V σ = τ.  (4)

We have seen that in equation (50) Section 20 we may neglect the surface integral. Thus

4πσ = u(m + τ)d𝔰, (5) 4πσt = u(m + τ)t·d𝔰.     By Section 17τ̇ = τSσ Sτ·σ,

but by equation (1) Section 15

τt = τ̇ + Sσ·τ, τt = Sσ·τ + τSσ Sτ·σ,  or because Sτ = 0 τt = τSΔσ σSΔτ = V V στ  (6) 4πσt = u(V V στ + mt)d𝔰.  (7)

This equation is not in a convenient form for our purpose, for τ and m may be and most probably will be discontinuous, so that it is advisable to get rid of their derivatives. Moreover it is advisable to allow the time-flux of m to appear only under the form d(md𝔰)dt because in case of pulsations the time integral of this expression will be zero, whereas we can predicate no such thing of (mt)d𝔰, or indeed of d𝔰. Let us first then consider the first term in equation (7), viz. uV V στd𝔰. Using equation (9) Section 4, and neglecting the surface integral at infinity, this becomes

V uV στd𝔰 = V uV στd𝔰 [Section 5] = 2uV στd𝔰 SuV στd𝔰 = 4πV στ + Sστud𝔰,

by equation (19) Section 5 above.

Remembering now (Section 15 above), that

σ̇ = σt V στ (σ2)2,

we see by equation (7) that

4πσ̇ = 2π·σ2 + Sστud𝔰 + u(mt)d𝔰,  (8)

whence by equation (9) Section 15 above

P + v σ22 + (4π)1(Sστu + umt)d𝔰 = H,  (9)

where H is a function of the time only. This is a generalisation of equation (12) Section 15, for assuming that τ = 0 we know by Section 20 that ϕt = (4π)1u(mt)d𝔰.

90. This integral equation may be put into several different forms by means of equation (9) Section 4 above. The form that is useful to us is the one in which instead of mt we have d(md𝔰)dt as we have already seen. Now d(d𝔰)dt = md𝔰. Therefore

d(md𝔰)dt = ( m2)d𝔰 = (mt Sσm m2)d𝔰.

Substituting from this for mt, and then transforming by equation (9) Section 4 so as to get rid of the space variations of m involved in Sσm we get

u(mt)d𝔰 = ud(md𝔰)dt + (um2 mSσu um2)d𝔰 = ud(md𝔰)dt mSσud𝔰.

Thus from equations (8) and (9)

4πσ̇ = 2π·σ2 + Su(V στ mσ)d𝔰 + ud(md𝔰)dt, (10)


P + v σ22 + (4π)1{d𝔰Su(V στ mσ) + ud(md𝔰)dt} = H.  (11)

Sir Wm. Thomson’s theory

Sir Wm. Thomson’s Theory

91. We are now in a position to examine the two theories. We first take Thomson’s, which is considerably the simpler, and which therefore serves as an introduction to the other. We have then m = 0. Thus equations (10) and (11) become

4πσ̇ = 2π·σ2 + Sστud𝔰,  (12) pD σ22 + (4π)1Sστud𝔰 = H,  (13)

for in the present theories we may put v = 0.

We shall consider the two terms on the right of equation (12) separately. The second term gives then an apparent force per unit mass due to a potential

(4π)1Sστud𝔰.  (14)

Comparing this with equation (33) Section 14 above we see that this potential is the same as that of a magnetic system given by

4πI = V στ.  (15)

Now this magnetism is zero where τ is zero. In other words it is only present where the vortex-atoms are, and therefore it cannot be so distributed as to give an apparent force of gravitation, for taking the view of magnetic matter expressed in equation (34) Section 14 we see that there must, in every complete vortex-atom, be a sum of magnetic matter exactly = 0. Nor again is it likely to explain the phenomena of permanent magnets, because, assuming that for any given small space including many vortex-atoms V στd𝔰 is not zero, the apparent force produced will affect all other parts of space independently of whether this same integral for them is not or is zero. But to explain the phenomena of permanent magnets we must assume that the effect takes place only on portions of space where there is positive magnetic matter. This term then gives us no phenomena analogous to physical phenomena. As a matter of fact it probably has no visible effect on large groups of vortices, for there is no reason to suppose that the vector V στ is distributed otherwise than at random.

92. Let us now consider the other term in equation (12), and neglecting the term already considered, put

σ̇ = ·σ22.  (16)

The phenomena resulting from this are the same as would follow from a stress in a medium, the stress being an equal tension in all directions = σ22. Now comparing equation (62) Section 14 with equation (4) Section 25, we see that σ depends on τ4π in exactly the same way as does H on C. The question then arises—is the stress we are now considering equivalent in its mechanical effects upon the vortex-atoms to the stress given by equation (68) Section 14 above, which explains the mechanical effect of one current on another? We saw in Section 14 that this stress is a tension H28π along the vector H and an equal pressure in all directions at right angles. The effects then would be the same only if σ be at right angles to the surface of our atom. But this is obviously not in general the case. From this analogy we can see however what approximately will happen to our atom. For instead of σ being at right angles to the surface it is in all probability very nearly tangential. Assuming that it is actually tangential we see that at the surface of the atom we have a tension exactly corresponding to the pressure which in the electric analogue will be exerted on this surface. In other words, the atoms will act on each other very approximately in what may be called a converse way to the small circuits in the electric analogue; i.e. where, in the electric analogue there is an attraction, in the hydrodynamic case there will be an apparent repulsion, and vice versâ.

Now each vortex-atom forms a small circuit and therefore acts in the converse way to a small magnet. In other words, each atom acts upon each other atom as if it were charged with attracting magnetic matter. Thus we see that if we could suppose certain extra atomic vortices to exist and to be disposed throughout space in what at present must be considered quite an artificial manner with reference to the atomic vortices we could rear up a fabric which would explain gravitation. This conception however is of very little use for our present purpose.

From these considerations I think we have every reason to believe that Thomson’s theory in its native simplicity does not promise to lead us to the physical phenomena of matter. We pass on therefore to Hicks’s.

Prof. Hicks’s theory

Prof. Hicks’s Theory

93. Hicks in his theory, as I understand him, assumes that the bubbles always remain associated with the same particles of the fluid. This of course is probably not the case. By reason of the variation of the pressure with the time it is probable that evanescent bubbles start into existence and disappear at various parts of the fluid. This requires some few preliminary remarks.

The particles of the fluid with which bubbles are permanently (i.e. throughout the greater part of each small but not infinitely small interval of time) associated are those where the intensity of spin is greatest. If the intensity of spin is quite various at different points we shall thus have vortices where there is generally no bubble, extra material vortices in fact. We must suppose these distributed quite at random till the more exact mathematical treatment of our problem leads us to suppose otherwise. Now evanescent bubbles will occur rather in these vortices than in parts of the fluid where is no vortex at all (if we may suppose such parts to exist), and of course they will occur more readily in stronger than in weaker vortices. At the present stage of the theory then we may suppose evanescent bubbles to occur in all parts of the fluid. As a first approximation to the consideration of the effect of these bubbles we may assume a part m of m to be continuously distributed through space. Putting

m = m + M,  (17)

we must suppose M to be present only at the material bubbles where it is probably discontinuous, whereas m is continuous throughout both the material vortices and the rest of the fluid.

Now when on account of variation of pressure m and M are affected—is it probable that in the neighbourhood of a permanent bubble m and M are of the same or opposite signs? To answer this question observe that what we call m continuously distributed is really a series of discontinuous values of m scattered at random through space so that m is probably very small. A decrement of pressure will cause an increment of evanescent bubbles, i.e. a decrement in m. An increment of the permanent bubbles will also take place the magnitude of which by what has been said concerning m will not be by any means accounted for by the decrement in m. There will therefore also be a decrement in M. Similarly for an increment in the pressure. M and m may therefore be assumed to be of the same sign.

After noticing that m is continuous and therefore that there is no objection to introducing its space variations we are furnished with all the materials necessary for discussing our problem. The equation we shall use is (10) of Section 25 above. We divide its discussion into two parts as follows.

26. Consideration of all the terms except ·(σ2)2

94. The reasons that we have already seen in Section 25 for neglecting Sστud𝔰 still hold good so we put this aside. This is not the case with mSσud𝔰 but we can neglect ud(md𝔰)dt for the average value of d(md𝔰)dt for any particle is zero. The only term to consider then is mSσud𝔰. Putting as in equation (17) m = m + M we have

MSσud𝔰 mSσud𝔰.

The first term of this can be neglected for the same reasons as for neglecting that containing V στ. Applying equation (9) Section 4 to the last term and neglecting the surface integral as usual we get

uS(mσ)d𝔰 = u{m(m + M) + Sσm}d𝔰.  (18)

The last term can probably be neglected though we cannot give such good reasons as for the other terms we have neglected. At any rate in places not near permanent bubbles Sσm is as likely to be positive as negative and vice versâ, so that such portions of space will on the whole produce no effect on the permanent bubbles. If Sσm contributes anything for parts of space in the neighbourhood of permanent bubbles we must be content at present with the assumption either that the contribution is in general positive or that if it be negative it is not sufficient to cancel the effect of the positive term mM. Remembering that m is small compared with M we are left with the positive term mM. This as can be easily seen from the form of equation (18) leads to an apparent law of gravitation for our permanent bubbles.

95. The gravitational mass which we must on this supposition assign to each permanent bubble varies as the average value of mM for that bubble44. Now we saw in Section 23 that the probable measure of mass of a permanent bubble was proportional to its average size. Do these two results agree? I cannot say, but even if they do not these considerations would still explain the motions of the solar system, but if the sun and Jupiter (say) were to collide their subsequent motion would not be that due to the collision of two bodies the ratio of whose masses is that which is accepted as the ratio of the sun’s and Jupiter’s. As a matter of fact however I should imagine that the average value of mM for a permanent bubble is proportional to its average volume and this simply as a consequence of the reasoning in Section 23 above.

A conclusion at any rate to be drawn from the above is that there is a presumption in favour of Hicks’s theory explaining gravitation.

27. Consideration of the term ·(σ2)2

96. In considering this term we adopt the method of Section 25 and consider an electric analogue. The analogue is an electro-magnetic field for which in the notation of Section 14 to Section 14 above at every point,

H = σ.  (20)

For this field we have at once

4πC = V H = τ.  (21)

The distribution of the magnetism in the field is somewhat arbitrary, but in the notation of equations (61) and (62) Section 20 it will be found that everything is satisfied by putting

4πI = Sq.  (22)

This gives as it should S(H + 4πI) = 0, which is in fact the only equation it is necessary to satisfy. We have further

B = H + 4πI = σ Sq = V q,  so thatA = V q. (23)

Thus all the important vectors in the analogue are determined. It remains to compare the mechanical effects of the analogue with the term ·σ22.

I, it must be observed, is not confined to the bubbles, but is distributed throughout space.

97. If we now assume that bubbles have not always existed in the positions which we call permanent, there cannot at the surface of the bubbles be any circulation round them. This makes the velocity at the surface almost normal to it, so that the stress given in equation (66) Section 14 reduces to a tension SH(2B H)8π over the surface, i.e. we have a pressure

σ28π + SσV q4π.

Now on account of the absence of circulation V q is very small and may therefore be neglected. Thus we get a pressure σ28π, and are thus led once more to a “converse” of the analogue. This at once45 leads to another reason for the law of gravitation if the pulsations are synchronous. This we have already seen to be probable.

The present consideration of the subject is merely to point to a method of investigating the theory of vortex-atoms. I therefore leave the subject here, not attempting to force the phenomena we have been considering to tally with the known phenomena of electricity and magnetism. Nevertheless I may say that the prospect of discussing these things by means of the present subject can scarcely be considered as distant after what has gone before.

To sum up, this first application of the method leads to a presumption in favour of Hicks’s theory leading to an explanation of both the important properties of matter—inertia and the law of gravitation—and there is also reason from it to hope that the phenomena of electro-magnetism are not unlikely to receive an explanation. Thomson’s theory on the other hand would seem to fail in the first two at any rate of those endeavours.

98. We close the essay with the fulfilment of the promise made towards the end of Section 24. In that section it will be remembered we considered a hypothetical fluid for which D = tanh(pc), and made this do duty for a liquid containing bubbles. Strictly speaking our liquid is bounded at the bubbles and therefore as a bounded liquid should it be treated. For such a liquid we require an equation corresponding to equation (10) Section 25, and if possible equation (11) also. This last I have been unable to obtain, and I am not sure that to solve the problem explicitly is possible.

Our problem only deals with an incompressible fluid, but as the removal of this restriction does not greatly complicate the work we will consider the general case of a bounded compressible fluid. We have

4πσ = 2uσd𝔰 = uσd𝔰 = u(τ + m)d𝔰 udΣσ,


4πσt = d{u(τ + m)d𝔰}dt d(udΣσ)dt.

The justification of using t on the left and ddt under the integral sign will appear if the increment (σt)dt in σ at a given point in the time dt be considered. It will be observed that the meaning here to be attached to u̇ will be Sσu, as in the differentiation t with regard to the time the origin of u is assumed to be fixed.

I shall now merely indicate the method of procedure. By the method exhibited in Section 25 we can prove that

d(uτd𝔰)dt = V uV στd𝔰 uσSτΔd𝔰  and that d(umd𝔰)dt = mSσud𝔰 + ud(md𝔰)dt.

From this we can deduce that

4πσt = V uV στd𝔰 + { mSσud𝔰 + ud(md𝔰)dt} uσSτdΣ ud(dΣσ)dt + dΣσSσu,

and from this again we get

σ̇ = w + w + v,  (24)

where w and w are scalars and v a vector given by

4πw = 2πσ2 + {d𝔰Su(V στ mσ) + ud(md𝔰)dt},  (25)

so that w is in fact the H v P of equation (11) Section 25

4πw = (SdΣσSσu udSdΣσdt),  (26) 4πv = (uσSτdΣ + V dΣσSσu udV dΣσdt).  (27)

This last equation may be put in what for our purposes is the more convenient form

4πv = {uσSτdΣ + d(uV dΣσ)dt}.  (28)

Again it may be put in a form free from ddt; for V dΣσ̇ = 0 because the surface is a free surface and d(dΣ)dt = 1SdΣσ146, as can easily be proved by considerations similar to those in Section 21. Thus

4πv = (uσSτdΣ + V dΣσSσu uV 1σSdΣσ1).  (29)

In the problem we have to discuss m = 0, so that w gives only terms which we discussed in considering Sir Wm. Thomson’s theory. Observing that if in w we change md𝔰 into SdΣσ we get for the part of w containing m, w; we see that w only gives terms that we have virtually discussed under Hicks’s theory. We have however entirely neglected v. Are we justified in this? In the first place we have seen that if the bubbles have not always been associated with those parts of the fluid with which they now are there is round every bubble absolutely no circulation. This shows that for any one bubble V dΣσ = 047, and therefore we are justified in neglecting the last term in equation (28). We are probably also justified in neglecting the first term, for probably τ is very nearly tangential to the surface and therefore SτdΣ = 0.

[Note added, 1892. The whole of this last section is in rather a nebulous stage, and since writing it I have not had sufficient leisure to return to the matter. I hesitated whether to include it in the present issue. But since, notwithstanding the absence of any reliable results, it serves very well to illustrate how investigations are conducted by Quaternions, I have thought it worth publishing.

Should anybody feel inclined to attempt to apply the method or an analogous one it is well to note that in the Phil. Mag. June, 1892, p. 490, I have given the more general result sought in this last section. As the result is not there proved I give one proof which seems instructive. It exhibits the great variety of suitable quaternion methods of dealing with physical questions. It furnishes incidentally a fourth quaternion proof of the properties of vortices. It also illustrates how special quaternion methods developed for use in one branch of Physics at once prove themselves useful in other branches.

Adopting the notation and terminology of Phil. Trans. 1892, p. 686, §§ 5–7, let σ and τ be taken as an intensity and flux respectively, τ still being = V σ and therefore τ = V σ. Thus σ and τ are the actual velocity and double spin respectively and the equation of motion is

σ̇ = (v + P).

Putting σ = χ1σ and operating on the equation by χ

σ̇ + χd χ1 dt·σ = (v + P).


χd(χ1)dt·σ = χ̇χ1σ = χ̇σ = 1Sσσ = ·σ22. σ̇ + ·σ22 = (v + P),  (A)

which can easily be deduced from or utilised to prove Lord Kelvin’s theorem concerning “flow,” equation (23) Section 17 above.

As ddt is commutative with , τ̇ = 0 or τ is an absolute constant for each element of matter. This being interpreted at once gives the well-known properties of vortices in their usual form.

If in the equation 4π(v + P) = S·2u(v + P)d𝔰 we carry one  across the integral sign, get rid of its differentiations which affect u by equation (9) Section 4 above, and then do the same with the other  we get

4π(v + P) = {(v + P)SdΣu uSdΣ(v + P)} + u2(v + P)d𝔰.

At surfaces of discontinuity in σ, v and P will both be continuous, so that instead of (v + P)SdΣu we may write b(v + P)SdΣu. In the last equation substitute throughout for (v + P) from equation (A). Thus

4π(v + P) = b(v + P)SdΣu + uSdΣσ̇ uSσ̇d𝔰 + uSdΣ·σ22 u2σ2d𝔰2 = b(v + P)SdΣu + uSdΣσ̇ uSσ̇d𝔰 + Su·(σ2)d𝔰2,

which is equation (36) of the Phil. Mag. paper.

If the standard position and present position of matter coincide it is quite easy to prove that

dSdΣσdt = SdΣ(σ̇ + V 1σσ1) d(Sσd𝔰)dt = S(σ̇ + V 1σσ1)d𝔰.

Substituting for SdΣσ̇, Sσ̇ from these in the last equation we get equation (32) of the Phil. Mag. paper; but this equation can also be proved directly. It should be noticed that equations (34) and (35) of that paper have been wrongly written down from equation (32). In each read + ·(σ22) for ·(σ22).]