Electricity and Magnetism

Electrostatics—general problem

34. Merely observing that all the theorems in integration given in the Preliminary and ivth chapters of Maxwell’s treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Part i., are easy particular cases of equations (8) and (9) Section 4 above, we pass on to the one application of Quaternions that we propose to make in Electrostatics.

This is to find the most general mechanical results arising from Maxwell’s theory of Electrostatics, and to see if they can be explained by stress in the dielectric. This problem as far as I am aware has not hitherto in all its generality been attacked though the most important practical cases have been, as we shall see, considered by Maxwell, Helmholtz, Korteweg, Lorberg and Kirchhoff.

It is necessary first of all to indicate as clearly as possible what I take to be Maxwell’s theory of Electricity.

He assumes25 all space to be uniformly filled with a certain substance called Electricity. Whatever electrical actions take place depend on the continued or past motion of this substance as an incompressible fluid. If electricity is brought from a distance by any means and placed in a given space there must be a displacement of the original electricity outwards from that space and the quantity of foreign electricity is conveniently measured by the surface integral of that displacement.

Dielectrics are substances in which this displacement tends to undo itself, so to speak, i.e. the original electricity tends to go back to its primitive position. In conductors, on the other hand, there is no property distinguishing any imported electricity from the original electricity.

The rate of variation of displacement, whether in dielectrics or conductors, of course constitutes an electric current as it is conveniently called.

We have next to consider a vector at each point of space called the electro-motive force, which depends in some way at present undefined on the distribution of the displacement in the dielectrics, the distribution of currents whether in dielectrics or conductors, and on extra-electrical or semi-electrical action, e.g. chemical or mechanical.

If at any point the electro-motive force be multiplied by a scalar the medium at the point remaining (except electrically) unchanged, the current in the case of conductors and the displacement in the case of dielectrics is altered in the same ratio. In other words the current or the displacement, as the case may be, is a linear vector function of the electro-motive force, and the coordinates of the linear vector function26 at any point depend solely on the state of the medium (whether fluid, solid, &c., or again strained or not) at that point.

To complete the theory we have to explain how the part of the electro-motive force which is a function of the distribution of displacement and current depends on this distribution. This explanation is obtained by making the assumption that the electro-motive force bears to electricity defined as above exactly the same energy relation as ordinary force does to matter, i.e.—

( wk. dn. on electricity moved during any displacement) = ( total displacement of elect.) × ( resolved part of e.m.f. in the direction of displacement).

In the ivth part of Maxwell’s treatise he gives complete investigations of the mechanical results flowing from this theory so far as it refers to currents, but he has not given the general results in the case of Electrostatics. Nor has he shewn satisfactorily, it seems to me, that the ordinary laws of Electrostatics flow from his theory. It is these investigations we now propose to make.

35. Our notation will be as far as possible the same as Maxwell’s. Thus for the displacement at any point we use D, and for the e.m.f. E. From the connection explained in last section between D and E we have

D = KE4π,  (1)

where K at any point is some linear vector function depending on the state of the medium at the point. If the medium change in any manner not electrical, e.g. by means of ordinary strain K will in general also suffer change.

Let w be the potential energy per unit volume due to the electrical configuration. Thus if a small increment δD be given to D at all points, the increment δwd𝔰 in wd𝔰, the potential energy of the electrical configuration in any space, = work done on the electricity in producing the change,

δwd𝔰 = SEδDd𝔰,

by the relation stated in Section IV existing between E and D. Thus limiting the space to the element d𝔰

δw = SEδD.  (2)

Now suppose D = nD so that by equation (1) E = nE where E, D are corresponding e.m.f. and displacement respectively. Thus

δw = nδnSED.

Integrating from n = 0 to n = 1, and finally changing D, E into D, E we get

w = SDE2.  (3)

From this we get

δw = SEδD2 SDδE2,

so that by equation (2) SEδD = SDδE or by equation (1)


Hence (because E and δE are quite arbitrary) K is self-conjugate and therefore involves only six instead of nine coordinates27.

In electrostatics the line integral of E round any closed curve must be zero, for otherwise making a small conductor coincide with the curve we shall be able to maintain a current by Section IV, and so (by the same section) constantly do work on it (i.e. as a matter of fact create heat) without altering the statical configuration. Hence E must have a potential, say v. Thus

E = v.  (4)

Since in an electrostatic field there is no current in a conductor, E = 0 throughout any such conductor and therefore v =  const.

36. The charge in any portion of space is defined as the amount of foreign electricity within that space. Thus the charge in any space is the surface integral of the displacement outwards. Thus if there be a charge on the element dΣ of a surface in the dielectric this charge = SdΣaDa + SdΣbDb where a, b denote the two faces of the element (so that dΣa = dΣb) and in accordance with Section 1 above dΣa points away from the region in which the displacement is Da. Thus σ being the surface density

σ = [SDUdΣ]a+b,  (5)

where the notation []a+b is used for []a + []b. Similarly if there be finite volume density of foreign electricity, i.e. finite volume density of charge in any space, the charge = SDdΣ = SDd𝔰, so that if D be the volume density

D = SD.  (6)

[The reason for having + SdΣaDa before and SdΣD here is that in the former case we were considering a charge outside the region where Da is considered—between the regions a and b in fact—whereas in the latter case we are considering the charge inside the region where D is considered. The same explanation applies to the sign of  SDUdΣ for the surface of a conductor given below.]

In conductors, as we saw in Section IV, the displacement has virtually no meaning (except when it is changing and so the phenomenon of a current takes place) for the foreign electricity and the original electricity are not to be distinguished. Not so however with the surface of the dielectric in contact with the conductor. We may therefore regard the electricity within the body of the conductor as the original electricity so that the charge is entirely at the surface. Thus the surface density will be  SDUdΣ where dΣ points away from the conductor and D is the displacement in the dielectric. This may be regarded as a particular case of equation (5) D being in accordance with what we have just said considered as zero in the conductor.

37. All the volume integrals with which we now have to deal may be considered either to refer to the whole of space or only to the dielectrics, as the conductors (except at their surfaces) in all cases contribute nothing. The boundary of space will be considered as a surface at infinity and all surfaces where either D or E is discontinuous.

Putting W = wd𝔰 we have already found one expression for W, viz. 

2W = SDEd𝔰.

We now give another. By equation (4)

2W = SDvd𝔰 = vSdΣD vSDd𝔰,

by equation (9) Section 4 above. Thus by equations (5) and (6) Section IV,

2W = vσds + vDd𝔰,  (7)

where ds is put, as it frequently will be, for an element of surface, i.e. TdΣ. The value of W which we shall use28 is obtained by combining these two, viz. 

W = vσds + vDd𝔰 + 1 2SDEd𝔰.  (8)

So far we have merely been shewing that all the above results of Maxwell’s flow from what in Section IV has been described as his theory. We now proceed to the actual problem in hand which is proved from these results however they may be obtained. I may remark that some such investigation as the above seems to me necessary to make the logic of Maxwell’s treatise complete.

38. Suppose now that W is the potential energy of some dynamical system extending throughout space. Let us give to every point of space a small displacement δη vanishing at infinity and find the consequent increment δW in W. If this can be put in the form

δW = Sδη1ϕ1d𝔰,  (9)

we shall have the following expression for F the force per unit volume due to the system

F = ϕΔ,  (10)

and the following expression for FS the force per unit surface at any surface of discontinuity in ϕ

Fs = [ϕUdΣ]a+b,  (11)

the notation being the same as in equation (5) Section IV.

Moreover if ϕ be self-conjugate the forces both throughout the volume and at surfaces of discontinuity are producible by the stress ϕ as can be seen by Section 7 above. [Compare all these statements with Section 8 above.]

For proof, we have by equation (9) Section 4

δW = Sδη1ϕ1d𝔰 = SδηϕdΣ + Sδηϕ11d𝔰,

where of course the element dΣ is taken twice, i.e. once for each face. But

δW =  (work done by the system FFs of forces) = SδηFsds + SδηFd𝔰,

where the element ds is taken only once. Equating the coefficients of the arbitrary vector δη for each point of space we get the required equations (10) and (11).

39. We must then put δW where W is given by equation (8) in the form given in equation (9).

We must first define δ when applied to a function of the position of a point. Suppose by means of the small displacement δη any point P moves to P. Then Q being the value at P, before the displacement δη, of a function of the position of a point, Q + δQ is defined as the value of the function at P after the displacement. Thus even in the neighbourhood of a surface of discontinuity δQ is a small quantity of the same order as δη.

Now the charge within any space, that is the quantity of foreign electricity within that space will not be altered by the strain.

δ(Dd𝔰) = 0,δ(σds) = 0.  (12)

To find δ we have

S(dρ + δdρ)( + δ)· = Sdρ·

or, since δdρ = Sdρ·δη,

Sdρδ = Sdρ1Sδη1,  whenceδ = 1Sδη1. (13)

The part of δW depending on the first two terms of equation (8) is by equation (12)

δvDd𝔰 + δvσds = δvSDd𝔰 + δvSdΣD [by equations (5) and (6) Section IV] = SDδvd𝔰  [by equation (9) Section 4].

Noticing that δd𝔰 = d𝔰Sδη and that 4πδD = KδE + δKE we see that the last term in equation (8) contributes

SDδEd𝔰 1 2SDESδηd𝔰 + (8π)1SEδKEd𝔰.

Combining the last result with the first term of this we get

SD(δv δ(v))d𝔰 = SDδ·vd𝔰 = SD1Sδη1vd𝔰 = SD1SEδη1d𝔰.

Thus we have

δW = Sδη1(1 21SDE ES1D)d𝔰 + (8π)1SEδKEd𝔰. (14)

40. Now the increment δK in K is caused by two things viz. the mere rotation of the body and the change of shape of the body. Let us call these parts δKr and δKs respectively.

First consider δKr. Suppose the rotation is 𝜖 so that any vector which was ω becomes thereby ω + V 𝜖ω. Thus the result of operating on ω + V 𝜖ω by K + δKr is the same as first operating on ω by K and then rotating. In symbols

(K + δKr)(ω + V 𝜖ω) = Kω + V 𝜖Kω,

 whenceδKrω = V 𝜖Kω K(V 𝜖ω).  Thus SEδKrE = SE𝜖KE SEK(V 𝜖E) = 2S𝜖KEE = 8πS𝜖DE, whence giving 𝜖 its value V δη2, (8π)1SEδK rE = SδηV DE2.

Substituting in equation (14)

δW = Sδη1{V 1DE2 ES1D}d𝔰 + (8π)1SEδK sEd𝔰,


δW = 1 2Sδη1V D1Ed𝔰 + (8π)1SEδK sEd𝔰.  (15)

It only remains to consider δKs. K is a function of the pure strain of the medium and δKs is the increment in K due to the increment in pure strain owing to δη. Calling this increment of pure strain δψ so that by equation (3) Section 7 above

δψω = δη1Sω12 1Sωδη12,

we have

δKs = Sδψζψ D 2ζ·K2,  (16)  by equation (7) Section 3 above. This gives by equation (5) Section 2 δKs = Sδη1ψ D 21·K2,  (17) SEδKsE = Sδη1ψ D 21SEK2E.  (18)

Now by equations (1) and (3) Section IV,

8πw = SEKE,

so that w is a function of the independent variables E, ψ (because K is a function of ψ). Therefore

(8π)1SEδK sE = Sδη1ψ D w 1.  (19)

This equation might have been deduced at once thus

(8π)1SEδK sE = Sδψζψ D wζ = Sδη 1ψ D w 1,

but equation (17) is itself of importance so the above proof is preferable.

Thus finally from equation (15) we get

δW = Sδη1(V D1E2 + ψ D w 1)d𝔰.  (20)

We therefore have for ϕ in equations (10) and (11) Section IV,

ϕω = V DωE2 ψ D wω.  (21)

This is a self-conjugate function so that as we saw in Section IV it is a stress which serves to explain forces both throughout the volume of the dielectric and over any surfaces of discontinuity in D or E29.

14. The force in particular cases

41. Let us first consider that part V DΔE2 of the force (equations (10) Section IV and (21) Section IV) which does not depend on the variation of K with the shape of the body.

Suppose our dielectric is homogeneous and electrically isotropic so that K is a simple constant scalar. In this case

4πD = Kv,  (22)

by equations (1) and (4) Section IV. Therefore by equations (5) and (6) Section IV,

4πD = K2v,  (23) 4πσ = K[SUdΣv]a+b.  (24)

From these we at once get by the theory of potential that

Kv = uDd𝔰 + uσds.  (25)

From this we know by the theory of potential that at the surface where the charge σ resides v is discontinuous only with regard to its normal component and at all other points is continuous. Thus

va = vb + xUdΣa

and by equation (24) x = 4πσK so that

(4π)1K(v a vb) = σUdΣa,  whence(4π)1KUdΣ a(va vb) = σ.(26)

Now the force F per unit volume is

V DΔE2 = KV vΔv8π = K2vv4π,  orF = Dv, (27)

and the force per unit surface Fs is by equation (11) Section IV,

1 2[V DUdΣE]a+b = (8π)1K[V vUdΣv] a+b = (8π)1KV (v aUdΣava vbUdΣavb) = (8π)1KV (v a + vb)UdΣa(va vb),

whence by equation (26)

Fs = 1 2σ[v]a+b.  (28)

Thus we see that Maxwell’s theory as given in Section IV above reduces to the ordinary theory when K is a single scalar. In fact two particles containing charges ee apparently repel one another with a force eeKr2 where r is the distance between them, for by equations (25), (27) and (28) the force in any charged body is that due to a field of potential v given by

Kv = Σue.  (29)

42. If the medium when strained remain electrically isotropic ψ DK as well as K must be a simple scalar. Thus with Thomson and Tait’s notation for strain, which makes the coordinates of ψ, e, f, g, a2, b2, c2 we have

ψ DK = dKde = dKdf = dKdg dKda = dKdb = dKdc = 0.

Therefore K is a function of e + f + g only, i.e. of the density (m) of the medium. Thus because

de + df + dg = dmm = d log m

we get ψ D K = dKd log m = k suppose. Hence

ψ D w = (8π)1 SE(dKd log m)E = kE28π.

Thus the force ψ D wΔ [equations (21) Section IV and (10) Section IV] resulting from the change of K with pure strain is in the case we are now considering

kE28π,  (30)

and is30 therefore, according as k is positive or negative, in the direction of or that opposite to that of the most rapid increase of the square of the electro-motive force. Thus even in the case of a fluid dielectric which has no internal charge but which forms part of a non-uniform field of (electro-motive) force the surfaces of equal pressure and therefore the free surface will if originally plane no longer remain so.

Nature of the stress

Nature of the Stress

43. We have seen that the stress which serves to explain the electrostatic forces is that given by equation (21) Section IV, viz. 

ϕω = V DωE2 ψ D wω.  (21)

Let us first consider the part V DωE2 which does not depend on the variation of K. Putting ω first = UD and then = UE we get


Therefore putting ω first = any multiple of UD + UE and then = any multiple of UD UE we get

ϕω = TDTEω2, ϕω = TDTEω2.

Lastly, since


we see that if we put ω = any multiple of V DE

ϕω = ωSDE2 = ωw.

Thus we see that the stress now considered is a tension along one of the bisectors of D and E (the bisector of the positive directions or the negative directions of both) = TDTE2, an equal pressure along the other bisector and a pressure = w perpendicular to both these directions. When D is parallel to E this at once reduces to Maxwell’s case, viz. a tension in the direction of E and a pressure in all directions at right angles each = w.

44. We have now to consider the other part of the stress, viz.

ϕω = ψ D wω,  orϕω = ψ D 1ωSEK1E8π.(31)

If we assume that K is a function of the density (m) of the medium only we shall have

dKde = dKdf = dKdg = dKd log m = k,

say, and

dKda = dKdb = dKdc = 0,

as in Section 14. Here however k is not in general a mere scalar but a self-conjugate linear vector function. We have then in this case

ϕω = ωSEkE8π,

which is a hydrostatic pressure or an equal tension in all directions according as SEkE is positive or negative. In this case the 36 coordinates of ψ D 1ω·K1 reduce to the 6 of k for each point of space.

A more general assumption is that δKs (Section IV) depends only on the elongations in the directions of the principal axes of K. Taking i, j, k as unit vectors in these directions we again have

dKda = dKdb = dKdc = 0,  and thusϕi = iSE(dKde)E8π,

and similarly for j and k, so that the principal axes of the stress now considered are the principal axes of K.

4531. The most natural simple assumption for solid dielectrics seems to me to be that the medium is electrically isotropic before strain, and also isotropic with regard to the strain in the sense that if the strain be, so to speak, merely rotated, δKs will suffer exactly the same rotation. We may treat this problem exactly as we did (Section 11) that of stress in terms of strain for an isotropic solid. Thus splitting up δψ into its principal elongations, i.e. putting

δψω = ΣδeiSiω,

we shall get, as in Section 11,

δKsω = (α β)ΣδeiSiω + βωΣδe = (α β)δψω βωSζδψζ.

But δKsω = Sδψζψ D 1ζ·K1ω by equation (16) Section IV, so that from equation (31)

8πSδψζϕζ = (α β)SEδψE βE2Sζδψζ,

whence we see by Section 2 above that

ϕω ={(α β)ESEω + βE2ω}8π,  (32)

which consists of a pressure in the directions of the lines of force = αE28π and another pressure in all directions at right angles = βE28π.

Magnetism—magnetic potential, force, induction

beginalign*2ex] Magnetic potential, force, induction

46. We now go on to the ordinary theory of magnetism; and here we shall merely follow Maxwell in his General Theory, so as to give an opportunity of comparing Quaternion proofs with Cartesian, as we have already done in Elasticity.

We shall not consider in detail the effect of one small magnet upon another, as this has already been done by Tait. In connection with this I am content to remark that I think the treatment of this problem can be made somewhat simpler than Tait’s by means of potential.

Suppose we have a pole  m at O and a pole  + m at O where OO is small. Calling the vector from O to OOO¯, let us call the vector mOO¯μ, so that μ is the vector magnetic moment of the magnet. The potential of  m at any point P is  mu, where u as usual = PO1. Similarly the potential of  + m is mu, where u = PO1. Therefore the potential of the magnet

= m(u u) = mSOO¯u,

where of course P is the variable point implied by . Thus the potential of a small magnet μ at any point = Sμu.

Hence the potential of any magnet whose magnetic moment per unit volume at any point is I is

Ω = SuId𝔰 = SIud𝔰,  (33)

according to the convention of Section 5 above. By equation (9) Section 4 this may be put

Ω = uSIdΣ + uSId𝔰,  (34)

which shews that we may consider it due to a volume density SI and a surface density SIUdΣ32 of magnetic matter, the surface density occurring wherever there is discontinuity in I.

By again considering the poles m and  m of the small magnet μ we see that its potential energy when placed in a field of magnetic potential Ω is SμΩ, whence just as we obtained equation (33) we now see that the potential energy (W) of any magnet in such a field is

W = SIΩd𝔰, (35)  orW = ΩSIdΣ + ΩSId𝔰,(36)

by equation (9) Section 4 above, so that the potential energy is just the same as it would be for the imaginary distribution of magnetic matter.

47. The force (H) on a unit magnetic pole at any point external to the magnet is given by

H = Ω = SuId𝔰 = 2uId𝔰 + V uId𝔰 = 4πI + V Iud𝔰 = 4πI + A,


A = V Iud𝔰.  (37)

Thus we see that for all external points H = A, so that A is called the vector magnetic potential. [It is to be observed that since A = H + 4πI = a vector, SA = 0.] A is called the magnetic induction and for it we use the single symbol B so that

B = A. (38)  ThusSB = S2A = 0,(39)

and also by the equation for H just given

B = H + 4πI.  (40)

This is not the way in which Maxwell defines the magnetic force and induction, but he shews quite simply (Elect. and Mag. §§ 398–9) that his definition and the present one are identical. This can be shewn as easily without analysis at all.

48. Where I is discontinuous both H and B are also discontinuous. From the surface density view we gave in equation (34) we see that, just as we have the expression, given in Section 14 for va vb, so now

Hb Ha = 4πUdΣa[SIUdΣ]a+b,  (41)

so that the discontinuity in H is entirely normal to the surface of discontinuity. Further from this equation we have

S(Hb Ha)dΣa = 4π[SIdΣ]a+b,  i.e.[S(H + 4πI)dΣ]a+b = 0,  or [SBdΣ]a+b = 0 (42)

so that the discontinuity in B is entirely tangential.

From this equation we see that for any closed surface whatever whether it include surfaces of discontinuity in I or not

SdΣB = 0.

For adding these surfaces to the boundary of the inclosed space, in accordance with Section 4 above, we see by equation (42) that they contribute zero to the surface integral; but the total surface integral is by equation (9) Section 4 SBd𝔰 = 0 by equation (39).

Magnetic solenoids and shells

Magnetic Solenoids and Shells

49. A magnet is said to be solenoidal if the imaginary magnetic matter of equation (34) is entirely on the surface. Thus for a solenoidal distribution

SI = 0.  (43)

In this case the potential is by equation (34)

Ω = uSIdΣ.  (44)

50. A simple magnetic shell is defined as a sheet magnetised everywhere normally to itself and such that, at any point, the magnetic moment per unit surface is a constant called the strength of the shell.

Calling the strength ϕ we have for the potential energy at any point by equation (33)

Ω = ϕSdΣu.  (45)

Now SdΣu is the solid angle subtended by the element dΣ at the point considered, so that

Ω = ϕ × (solid angle subtended by shell at point).  (46)

Thus if P be a point on the positive side of the shell and P a point infinitely near P but on the negative side

 Potential at P Potential at P = 4πϕ,

or what comes to the same thing

P PSHdρ = 4πϕ.

This integral may be taken along any path, e.g. along a path which nowhere cuts the shell. The same integral is true if H be the magnetic force due to a whole field of which the shell is only one of several causes, for the part contributed by the rest of the field is zero on account of the infinite proximity of P and P. For future use in electro-magnetism observe that this statement cannot be made if for H in the integral be substituted B.

51. The condition that any magnet can be divided up into such shells is at once seen to be that I can be put in the form

I = ϕ,  (47)

where ϕ is some scalar.

In this case the potential is by equation (33)

Ω = SIud𝔰 = Sϕud𝔰,  or by equation (9) Section 4 Ω = ϕSdΣu + ϕ2ud𝔰,  i.e.Ω = ϕSdΣu + 4πϕ. (48)

Remarking that the solid angle again occurs here it is needless to interpret the equation further. By equation (37) we have for the vector potential

A = V Iud𝔰 = V ϕud𝔰,

or by equation (9) Section 4

A = ϕV dΣu.  (49)

52. The potential energy of a magnetic shell of strength ϕ placed in a field of potential Ω is of importance. We see by equation (35) that it is

W = ϕSdΣΩ.

If then the magnets which cause Ω do not cut the shell anywhere, so that Ω = A, we shall have

W = ϕSdΣA = ϕSdΣB,(50)  orW = ϕSdρA, (51)

by equation (8) Section 4.

Suppose now that A is caused by another shell of strength ϕ. Then by equation (49)

A = ϕV dΣu = ϕudρ,

by equation (8) Section 4. Thus finally the potential energy M of these two shells is given by

M = ϕϕuSdρdρ.  (52)

53. The general theory of induced magnetism when once the proposition (given in equation (42) Section 14) that [SdΣB]a+b is zero is established, is much the same whether treated by Quaternion or Cartesian notation. We shall therefore not enter into this part of the subject.

Electro-magnetism—general theory

beginalign*2ex] General theory

54. We now propose to prove the geometrical theorems connected with Maxwell’s general theory of Electro-magnetism by means of Quaternions.

We assume the dynamical results of Chaps. V., VI. and VII., and the first six paragraphs of Chap. VIII. of the fourth part of his treatise.

These assumptions amount to the following. Connected with any closed curve in an electro-magnetic field there is a function

p = SAdρ,  (53)

where A is some vector function at every point of the field. The function p has the following properties. If any circuit be made to coincide with the curve the generalised force acting upon the electricity in the circuit is

E = .  (54)

Again, if there be a current of electricity γ flowing round this circuit, the generalised force X, corresponding to any coordinate x of the position of the circuit due to the field acting upon the conductor, is

X = γdpdx.  (55)

55. The first thing to be noticed is that p can be transformed into a surface integral by equation (8) Section 4 above.

 Thus p = SBdΣ,(56)  where B = V A, (57)  so thatSB = 0.

Next we see by the fundamental connection (Section IV above) between the e.m.f. E and electricity, that E must equal the line integral of E round the circuit, or

E = SEdρ.  (58)

We are now in a position to find E in terms of A and B, i.e. of A.

56. The rate of variation of p is due to two causes, viz. the variation of the field (Ȧ) and the motion of the circuit (ρ̇). In the time δt then there will be an increment δA in A and an increment δdΣ in dΣ to be considered. Thus

δt = SδAdρ SBδdΣ.

[This amounts to assuming that SδAdρ = SδBdΣ, which of course is true by equation (8) Section 4.] Now when the circuit changes slightly we may suppose the surface over which the new integral extends to coincide with the original surface and a small strip at the boundary traced out by the motion (ρ̇δt) of the boundary. Thus δdΣ is zero everywhere except at the boundary and there it

= V (ρ̇δt)dρ,

 so thatδt = SδAdρ + δt Sρ̇Bdρ,  whence dividing by δt = S(Ȧ + V ρ̇B)dρ, (59)  but by equations (54) and (58)  =SEdρ. Thus E = Ȧ + V ρ̇B ψ, (60) where ψ is a scalar and ψ is put as the most general vector whose line integral round any closed curve is zero.

57. We now come to the mechanical forces exerted on an element through which a current C per unit volume flows.

We see by equation (55) that the work done by the mechanical forces on any circuit through which a current of magnitude γ flows in any small displacement of the circuit equals γ× the increment in p caused by the displacement. Give then to each element dρ of the circuit an arbitrary small displacement δρ and let F be the mechanical force exerted by the field upon the element. Thus as in last section

SFδρ = γδp = γSBδdΣ = γ SδρdρB.

Thus the force F on the element dρ is γV dρB. But we may suppose this element to be an element d𝔰 of volume through which the current C flows. Thus if for γdρ we write Cd𝔰, and for F, Fd𝔰, where F is the force per unit volume exerted by the field, we get

F = V CB.  (61)

58. So far we have been able to go by considering the electric field as a mechanical system, but to go further (as Maxwell points out) and find how B or A depends on the distribution of current and displacement in the field we must appeal to experiment. It has been shewn by experiment that a small circuit produces exactly the same mechanical effects on magnets as would a small magnet, at the same point as the circuit, placed with its positive pole pointing in the direction of the positive normal to the plane of the circuit when the positive direction round the circuit is taken as that of the current33. Moreover the magnetic moment of the magnet which must be placed there is proportional to the strength of the current × the area of the circuit. Further, the effect of this circuit upon other such small circuits is the same as the mutual effects of corresponding magnets. We have now only to consider a finite circuit as split up in the usual way into a number of elementary circuits to see that a finite circuit will act upon magnets or upon other circuits exactly like a magnetic shell of strength proportional to the strength of the current and boundary coinciding with that of the circuit. The unit current in the electro-magnetic system is so taken as to make this proportionality an equality.

The one difference between the circuit and the magnetic shell is that there is no discontinuity in the magnetic potential in going round the circuit, so that by Section 14 above the line integral of H round the circuit will be 4π× the strength of the current. In symbols

SHdρ = 4πSCdΣ

for any curve, so that by equation (8) Section 4

4πC = V H,(62)  whenceSC = 0, (63)

which of course is a direct result of our original assumption that electricity moves like an incompressible fluid. Maxwell tacitly assumes this by making the assumption that only one coordinate is required to express the motion of electricity in a circuit.

59. We are now in a position to identify the B we are now using with the magnetic induction for which we have already used the same symbol.

We see by equation (50) Section 14 that the mechanical force on the shell corresponding to any coordinate x is


where B is the magnetic induction; and by equations (53) and (55) that the force on the corresponding electric circuit is


therefore B = B wherever there is no magnetism. And where there is magnetism B is not = H for SB = 0, as we have seen. Thus B = B at all points. In other words the two vectors are identical and we are justified in using the same symbol for the two.

This practically ends the general theory of electro-magnetism. We content ourselves with one more application of Quaternions in this subject. We give it because it exhibits in a striking manner the advantages of Quaternion methods.

Electro-magnetic stress

Electro-magnetic phenomena explained by Stress

60. In Section 14 equation (35) we have seen that the potential energy of a magnetic element = Id𝔰 in a magnetic field is SIHd𝔰 when H has a potential. Maxwell assumes that the same expression is true whether H have a potential or not. Assuming this point34 with him we can find the force and couple acting on the medium and a stress which will produce that force and couple. The force and couple due to the magnetism of an element is obtained by giving the element an arbitrary translation and rotation and assuming that the work done by this force and couple = the decrement in the potential energy of the element. Thus the force per unit volume is 1SIH1 for the decrement in the potential energy due to a small translation δρ is Sδρ1SIH1. Similarly the couple M is given by

M = V IH  (64)

for the decrement SMδω in the potential energy due to a small rotation δω is SV δωI·H = SδωV IH. The total force F per unit volume is the sum of that just given and that given by equation (61), so that

F = V CB 1SIH1.

Therefore by equation (62)

4πF = V V H·B 4π1SIH1 = H1S1B + 1SBH1 4π1SIH1 = H1S1B + 1SHH1.

Now SB = 0 so that H1S1B = HSΔB, and again

1SHH1 = (H2)2,  so thatF = ϕΔ, (65)  where 8πϕω = 2HSωB + ωH2.(66)  From this we get 8πV ζϕζ = 2V BH = 8πV IH,  so thatM = V ζϕζ. (67)

From these two results (equations (65) and (67)) we see by Section 7 above that the stress ϕ will produce all the mechanical effects of the field.

This stress, as can be seen by giving ω the required values in equation (66), is one of pressure H28π in all directions at right angles to B and of tension SH(2B H)8π in the direction of H. When there is no magnetism H = B so that this pressure and tension become equal and their directions at right angles to and along B respectively. In fact we then have

8πϕω = BωB.  (68)