Elastic Solids13

6. Brief recapitulation of previous work in this branch

11. As far as I am aware the only author who has applied Quaternions to Elasticity is Prof. Tait. In the chapter on Kinematics of his treatise on Quaternions, §§ 360–371, he has considered the mathematics of strain with some elaboration and again in the chapter on Physical Applications, §§ 487–491, he has done the same with reference to stress and also its expression in terms of the displacement at every point of an elastic body.

In the former he has very successfully considered various useful decompositions of strain into pure and rotational parts and so far as strain alone is considered, i.e. without reference to what stress brings it about he has left little or nothing to be done. In the latter he has worked out the expressions for stress by means of certain vector functions at each point, which express the elastic properties of the body at that point.

But as far as I can see his method will not easily adapt itself to the solution of problems which have already been considered by other methods, or prepare the way for the solution of fresh problems. To put Quaternions in this position is our present object. I limit myself to the statical aspect of Elasticity, but I believe that Quaternions can be as readily, or nearly so, applied to the Kinetics of the subject.

For the sake of completeness I shall repeat in my own notation a small part of the work that Tait has given.

Tait shews (§ 370 of his Quaternions) that in any small portion of a strained medium the strain is homogeneous and (§ 360) that a homogeneous strain function is a linear vector one. He also shews (§ 487) that the stress function is a linear vector one and he obtains expressions (§§ 487–8) for the force per unit volume due to the stress, in terms of the space-variation of the stress.

7. Strain, Stress-force, Stress-couple

12. This last however I give in my own notation. His expression in § 370 for the strain function I shall throughout denote by χ. Thus

χω = ω Sω·η,  (1)

where η is the displacement that gives rise to the strain.

Let χ consist of a pure strain ψ followed by a rotation q()q1 as explained in Tait’s Quaternions, § 365 where he obtains both q and ψ in terms of χ. Thus

χω = qψωq1.  (2)

When the strain is small ψ takes the convenient form χ¯ where χ stands for the pure part of χ so that

χ¯ω = ω 1 2Sω·η 1 21Sωη1,  (3)

by equation (3) Section 2 above. Similarly q()q1 becomes V 𝜃() where 2𝜃 = V η. The truth of these statements is seen by putting in equation (2) for q, 1 + 𝜃2 and therefore for q1, 1 𝜃2 for ψ, χ¯ and then neglecting all small quantities of an order higher than the first.

13. Next let us find the force and couple per unit volume due to a stress which varies from point to point. Let the stress function be ϕ. Then the force on any part of the body, due to stress, is

ϕdΣ = ϕΔd𝔰,

by equation (9) Section 4. Thus the force per unit volume = ϕΔ, for the volume considered in the equation may be taken as the element d𝔰.

Again the moment round any arbitrary origin is

V ρϕdΣ = V ρ1ϕ1d𝔰 + V ρϕ11d𝔰,

by equation (9) Section 4. The second term on the right is that due to the force ϕΔ just considered, and the first shews that in addition to this there is a couple per unit volume = V ζϕζ = twice the “rotation” vector of ϕ. Let then ϕ¯ be the pure part and V 𝜖() the rotatory part of ϕ. Thus

Force per unit volume

= ϕΔ = ϕ¯Δ V 𝜖,  (4)

Couple per unit volume

= V ζϕζ = 2𝜖.  (5)

These results are of course equivalent to those obtained by Tait, Quaternions, §§ 487–8.

The meanings just given to η, χ, χ¯, ψ, q, ϕ, ϕ¯ and 𝜖 will be retained throughout this Section. In all cases of small strain as we have seen we may use ψ or χ¯ indifferently and whenever we wish to indicate that we are considering the physical phenomenon of pure strain we shall use ψ, χ¯ being regarded merely as a function of χ. We shall soon introduce a function ϖ which will stand towards ϕ somewhat as ψ towards χ and such that when the strain is small ϖ = ϕ¯.

It is to be observed that ϕω is the force exerted on a vector area, which when strained is ω, not the stress on an area which before strain is ω. Similarly in equations (4) and (5) the independent variable of differentiation is ρ + η so that strictly speaking in (4) we should put ϕ¯ρ+ηΔ V ρ+η𝜖. In the case of small strain these distinctions need not be made.

8. Stress in terms of strain

14. To express stress in terms of strain we assume any displacement and consequent strain at every point of the body and then give to every point a small additional displacement δη and find in terms of ψ and ϕ the increment δwd𝔰0 in the potential energy of the body, wd𝔰0 being the potential energy of any element of the body whose volume before strain was d𝔰0. Thus

δwd𝔰0 =  (work done by stresses on surface of portion considered)  (work done by stresses throughout volume of same portion).

Thus, observing that by Section 7 the rotation due to the small displacement δη is V ρ+ηδη2, we have

δwd𝔰0 = SδηϕdΣ + Sδηϕ1ρ+η1d𝔰 + S𝜖ρ+ηδηd𝔰.

The first of the terms on the right is the work done on the surface of the portion of the body considered; the second is (work done by stress-forces ϕρ+ηΔ); and the third is (work done by stress-couples 2𝜖). Thus converting the surface integral into a volume integral by equation (9) Section 4 above

δwd𝔰0 = Sδη1ϕρ+η1d𝔰 + Sδη1V 𝜖ρ+η1d𝔰 = Sδη1ϕ¯ρ+η1d𝔰.

Limiting the portion of the body considered to the element d𝔰 we get

δw = mSδη1ϕ¯ρ+η1  (6)

where m is put for d𝔰d𝔰0 and therefore may be put by Section 2 and Section 2 above in the various forms

6m = Sζ1ζ2ζ3Sχζ1χζ2χζ3  (6a) = Sζ1ζ2ζ3Sχζ1χζ2χζ3  (6b) = Sζ1ζ2ζ3Sψζ1ψζ2ψζ3  (6c) = S123S(ρ + η)1(ρ + η)2(ρ + η)3.  (6d)

It is to be observed that since the rotation-vector 𝜖 of ϕ does not occur in equation (6), 𝜖 and therefore the stress-couple are quite arbitrary so far as the strain and potential energy are concerned. I do not know whether this has been pointed out before. Of course other data in the problem give the stress-couple. In fact it can be easily shewn that in all cases whether there be equilibrium or not the external couple per unit volume balances the stress-couple. [Otherwise the angular acceleration of the element would be infinite.] Thus if M be the external couple per unit volume of the unstrained solid we have always

M + 2m𝜖 = 0.  (7)

In the particular case of equilibrium F being the external force per unit volume of the unstrained solid we have

F + m(ϕ¯ρ+ηΔ V ρ+η𝜖) = 0.  (8)

The mathematical problem is then the same as if for Fm we substituted Fm + V ρ+η(M2m) and for M, zero. In the case of small strains m may be put = 1. In this case then the mathematical problem is the same as if for F we substituted F + V M2 and for M zero.

Returning to equation (6) observe that

δχω = Sχωρ+η·δη

[which is established just as is the equation χω = Sω·(ρ + η)], so that changing ω which is any vector into χ1ω

δχ·χ1ω = Sω ρ+η·δη.

Therefore by equation (6) of this section and equation (4) Section 2 above we have

δw = mSδχχ1ζϕ¯ζ.

We must express the differential on the right of this equation in terms of δψ and δq, the latter however disappearing as we should expect. Now χω = qψωq1 [equation (2) Section 7] so that remembering that δ·q1 = q1δqq1

δχω = δqψωq1 qψωq1δqq1 + qδψωq1 = 2V V δqq1·χω + qδψωq1, δwm = 2S·V δqq1·ζϕ¯ζ Sqδψχ1ζq1ϕ¯ζ,

or since V ζϕ¯ζ = 0, ϕ¯ being self-conjugate

δw = mSδψχ1ζq1ϕ¯ζq.

This can be put into a more convenient shape for our present purpose. First put for χ1 its value ψ1q1()q and then apply equation (6a) Section 2 above, putting for the ϕ of that equation q1()q and therefore for the ϕ, q()q1. Thus

δw = mSδψψ1ζϖζ,(9)  whereϖω = q1ϕ¯(qωq1)q. (10)

The physical meaning of this last equation can easily be shewn. Suppose when there is no rotation that ϕ¯ = ϖ. Then it is natural14 to assume—in fact it seems almost axiomatic—that the superimposed rotation q()q1 should merely so to speak rotate the stress along with it. Thus if ω is some vector area before the rotation which becomes ω by means of the rotation

qϖω·q1 = ϕ¯ω.

But ω = qωq1, so that

ϖω = q1ϕ¯(qωq1)q = ϖω.

Thus we see that ϖ is as it were ϕ¯ with the rotation undone.

Before proceeding further with the calculation let us see what we have assumed and what equation (9) teaches us. The one thing we have assumed is that the potential energy of the body can be taken as the sum of the potential energies of its elements, in other words that no part of the potential energy depends conjointly on the strains at P and Q where P and Q are points separated by a finite distance. This we must take as an axiom. By it we are led to the expression for δw in equation (9). This only involves the variation of the pure strain ψ but not the space differential coefficients of ψ. This is not an obvious result as far as I can see but it is I believe always assumed without proof.

We may now regard w as a function of ψ only. Therefore by equation (7) Section 3 above

δw = Sδψζψ D wζ,

therefore by equation (9) of this section

Sδψζψ D wζ = mSδψψ1 ζϖζ15.

In equation (6a) Section 2 above putting ϕ = ψ1 the right-hand member of this equation becomes mSδψζϖψ1ζ. Now putting in equation (6a) Section 2 ϕ = ϖψ1 this member becomes mSζδψψ1ϖζ or mSδψζψ1ϖζ. Thus we have

2Sδψζψ D wζ = mSδψζ(ϖψ1 + ψ1ϖ)ζ.

Now ϖψ1 + ψ1ϖ is self-conjugate. Hence by Section 2 above

m(ϖψ1 + ψ1ϖ) = 2 ψ D w.  (11)

This equation can be looked upon as giving ϖ in terms of the strain. We can obtain ϖ however explicitly for ψ1ϖ is the conjugate of ϖψ1. Hence from equation (11) (because (ψ1ϖ + ϖψ1)2 is the pure part of ϖψ1)

mϖψ1ω = ψ D wω + V 𝜃ω

where 𝜃 is a vector to be found. Changing ω into ψω

mϖω = ψ D wψω + V 𝜃ψω.

Now ϖ being self-conjugate V ζϖζ = 0. Hence

V ζψ D wψζ = V ζV 𝜃ψζ = 𝜃Sζψζ ψζS𝜃ζ = 𝜃Sζψζ + ψ𝜃,


𝜃 = (ψ + Sζ1ψζ1)1V ζ ψ D wψζ  or            𝜃 = (ψ + Sζ1ψζ1)1V ψζ ψ D wζ (12)

by equation (6a) Section 2 above. Thus finally

mϖω = ψ D wψω + V 𝜃ψω  or            mϖω = ψ D wψω V ψω(ψ + Sζ 1ψζ1)1V ψζ ψ D wζ. (13)

This completely solves the problem of expressing stress in terms of strain in the most general case.

15. ϖω + V 𝜖ω, where, as we saw in last section, 𝜖 is perfectly arbitrary so far as the strain is concerned, is the force on the strained area ω due to the pure strain ψ. And again

ϕ¯ω + V 𝜖ω orq(ϖq1ϖq)q1 + V 𝜖ω

is that due to the strain qψ()q1 or χ.

To find the force on an area which before strain was ω0 let its strained value after ψ has taken place be ω. Then by equation (4), § 145 of Tait’s Quaternions, mω0 = ψω. Hence

 Required force = ϖω + V 𝜖ω = ψ D wω 0 + V 𝜃ω0 + mV 𝜖ψ1ω 0

by equation (13) of last section. If the rotation now take place this force rotates with it so that the force on the area which was originally ω0 is after the strain χ or qψ()q1

τω0 = qψ D wω 0q1 + qV 𝜃ω 0·q1 + V (𝜖qψ1ω 0·q1)  (14)

where 𝜖 = mq𝜖q1 and

  𝜖 = 1 2 the stress-couple per un. vol. of unstrained body.

This force then is a linear vector function of ω0, but in general even when 𝜖 = 0 it is not self-conjugate. When both 𝜖 and the rotation are zero we see that the rotation vector of τ is 𝜃 given by equation (12) of last section.

The stress-force can be shewn as in Section 7 to be τΔ per unit volume of the unstrained body. Thus since the corresponding stress-couple is 2𝜖 the moment exerted by the stresses on any portion of the body round an arbitrary origin is

V (ρ + η)τ11d𝔰0 + 2𝜖d𝔰0.

But this moment may also be put in the form

V (ρ + η)τdΣ0,  or      V ζτζd𝔰0 + V (ρ + η)τ11d𝔰0 + V η1τ1d𝔰0,

by equation (9) Section 4 above. Comparing these results

 or 2𝜖 = V ζτζ + V η1τ1 2𝜖 = V ρ1τ1, (14a)

in the notation of next section. This equation may also be deduced from equation (15l) below but not so naturally as above.

9. The equations of equilibrium

16. We require equation (9) Section 8 above to prove the statement that no space-variations of ψ or q are involved in w. It is also required to shew that the fact that q also is not involved in w is a mathematical sequence of the assumption that the potential energy of a solid is the sum of the potential energies of its elements. Assuming these facts however we can arrive at the equation of stress (11) Section 8 in a different way from the above. We shall also obtain quite different expressions for ϖ, τ, &c. and most important of all we shall obtain the equations of equilibrium by obtaining τ explicitly in terms of the displacement and its space derivatives. From Section 7 above we have

χω = qψωq1,χω = ψ(q1ωq), χχ = ψ2 = Ψ,  (15)

(say) as in Tait’s Quaternions, § 365. Thus Ψω = 1Sω2Sρ1ρ2 where ρ is put as it will be throughout this section for ρ + η, the vector coordinate after displacement of the point ρ. From this as we have seen in the Introduction we deduce that the coordinates of Ψ are the A, B, C, a, b, c of Thomson and Tait’s Nat. Phil. App. C.

We may as do those authors regard w as a function of Ψ. Thus:—

δw = SδΨζΨ D wζ, = SδχχζΨ D wζ Sχδχζ Ψ D wζ.

By equation (4a) Section 2 above, each of the terms in this last expression

= Sδη1χΨ D w 1,

δw = 2Sδη1χΨ D w 1,  (15a) Comparing this with equation (6) Section 8 and putting in both δη1 = ωSωρ where ω, ω are arbitrary constant vectors, we get mSωϕ¯ω = 2SωχΨ D wχω.

Hence, since ω is quite arbitrary

mϕ¯ = 2χΨ D wχ.  (15b)

From equation (10) Section 8 above which defines ϖ we see that

mϖ = 2ψΨ D wψ,  (15c)

which we should expect since we have already seen that ϖ is the value of ϕ¯ when there is no rotation and therefore χ = χ = ψ. Now since

Sδψζψ D ζ= SδΨζ Ψ D ζ= S(δψψ + ψδψ)ζ Ψ D ζ,

we deduce by any one of the processes already exemplified that

ψ D = Ψ D ψ+ ψ Ψ D ,

where of course the differentiations of Ψ D must not refer to ψ. We see then from equation (15c) that

m(ϖψ1 + ψ1ϖ) = 2 ψ D w,

which is equation (11) Section 8.

Our present purpose however is to find the equations of equilibrium. Let ω0 be the vector area which by the strain χ becomes ω. Thus16 as in last section

mω0 = χω.  (15e)

Further let 2𝜖 be the stress-couple per unit volume of the unstrained solid so that 2𝜖m is the same of the strained solid. As we know, 𝜖 is quite independent of the strain. By Section 7 we see that the force τω0 on the area which before strain was ω0 is ϕ¯ω + V 𝜖ωm. Therefore

τω0 = 2χΨ D wω 0 + V 𝜖χ1ω 0.  (15f)

We saw in the last section that the force per unit volume of the unstrained solid is τΔ and the couple 2𝜖. Hence

F + τΔ = 0,  (15g) M + 2𝜖 = 0,  (15h)

are the equations of equilibrium, where F and M are the external force and couple per unit volume of the unstrained solid. All that remains to be done then is to express τ in terms of 𝜖 and the displacement. Putting

ρ + η = ρ,  (15i)

as already mentioned, we have

χω = ρ1Sω1,  (15j)

so that by equation (6h) Section 2 above we have

χ1ω = 3V ρ 1ρ2Sω12S123Sρ1ρ2ρ3.  (15k)

Therefore by equation (15f)

τω = 2ρ1S1Ψ D wω 3V 𝜖V ρ 1ρ2Sω12S123Sρ1ρ2ρ3. (15l)

It is unnecessary to write down what equation (15g) becomes when we substitute for τ, changing 𝜖 into  M2 by equation (15h). In the important case however when M = 0, the equation is quite simple, viz. 

F = 2ρ1S1Ψ D wΔ.  (15m)

Addition to Section 9, Dec., 1887 (sent in with the Essay). [The following considerations occurred just before I was obliged to send the essay in, so that though I thought them worth giving I had not time to incorporate them in the text.

It is interesting to consider the case of an isotropic body. Here w is a function of the three principal elongations only and therefore we may in accordance with Section 8 and Section 8 suppose it a function of a, b, c or in accordance with Section 9 of A, B, C where

a = Sζψζ, b = Sζψ2ζ2, c = Sζψ3ζ3. (A) A = SζΨζ, B = SζΨ2ζ2, C = SζΨ3ζ3. (B)

Let us use x, y, z, X, Y , Z for the differential coefficients of w with respect to a, b, c, A, B, C respectively. Thus

dw = xda + ydb + zdc = Sdψζ(x + yψ + zψ2)ζ

as can be easily proved by means of equation (6a) Section 2 above. But

dw = Sdψζψ D wζ. ψ D w = x + yψ + zψ2 ,  (C)  by Section 2 above. Similarly we have Ψ D w = X + Y Ψ + ZΨ2 .  (D)

(Notice in passing that to pass to small strains is quite easy for ψ Dw is linear and homogeneous in ψ 1 so that ψ D w = x + yψ where y is a constant and x + y a multiple of a 3.)17

From equation (C) we see that 𝜃 in equation (12) Section 8 is zero and therefore that from equation (13)

mϖ = ψ D wψ = xψ + yψ2 + zψ3.  (E)  Again from equation (14) Section 8 τω = xqωq1 + yχω + zχψω + V 𝜖χ1ω.  (F )  Similarly from equations (15b) and (15f) Section 9 we may prove by equation (D) that 1 2mϕ¯ = Xχχ + Y(χχ)2 + Z(χχ)3,  (G)

 andτ = 2Xχ + 2Y χχχ + 2Zχχχχχ + V 𝜖χ1().(H)

If we wish to neglect all small quantities above a certain order the present equations pave the way for suitably treating the subject. I do not however propose to consider the problem here as I have not considered it sufficiently to do it justice.]

Variation of temperature

Variation of Temperature

16a. The w which appears in the above sections is the same as the w which occurs in Tait’s Thermo-dynamics, § 209, and therefore all the above work is true whether the solid experience change of temperature or not. w will be a function then of the temperature as well as ψ. To express the complete mathematical problem of the physical behaviour of a solid we ought of course instead of the above equations of equilibrium, to have corresponding equations of motion, viz. equations (15h), (15l) and (instead of (15g))

Dρ̈ = F + τΔ,  (15n)

where D is the original density of the solid at the point considered. Further we ought to put down the equations of conduction of heat and lastly equations (16f) and (16d) below.

We do not propose to consider the conduction of heat, but it will be well to shew how the thermo-dynamics of the present question are treated by Quaternions.

Let t be the temperature of the element which was originally d𝔰0 and Ed𝔰0 its intrinsic energy. Let

δH = SδψζMζ + Nδt,

where M,N are a linear self-conjugate function and a scalar respectively, both functions of ψ and t. Here δHd𝔰0 is the heat required to be put into the element to raise its temperature by δt and its pure strain by δψ. Now when t is constant δH must be a perfect differential so that we may put

M = tψ D f,

where f is some function of ψ and t. Thus

δH = tSδψζψ D fζ + Nδt.  (16)

Now we have seen in Section 8 that the work done on the element during the increment δψ, divided by d𝔰0

= mSδψψ1ζϖζ.

Thus by the first law of Thermo-dynamics

δE = JδH mSδψψ1ζϖζ = JNδt JtSδψζψ D fζ mSδψψ1 ζϖζ,

where J is Joule’s mechanical equivalent. Thus

JN = dEdt, (16a)  and 1 2m(ϖψ1 + ψ1ϖ) = ψ D w,(16b)  wherew = E Jtf. (16c)

To apply the second law we go through exactly the same cycle as does Tait in his Thermo-dynamics, § 209, viz. 

(ψ,t)(ψ + δψ,t)(ψ + δψ,t + δt)(ψ,t + δt)(ψ,t).

We thus get18

Jψ D f= 1 2m dϖ dt ψ1 + ψ1dϖ dt = dψ D w dt = ψ D dw dt

 orJf = dwdt(16d) the arbitrary function of t being neglected as not affecting any physical phenomenon. Substituting for w from equation (16c), Jtdfdt = dEdt = JN  (16e)

by equation (16a). Thus from equation (16)

δH = tδf,  (16f)

so that in elastic solids as in gases we have a convenient function which is called the “entropy”. Thus the intrinsic energy Ed𝔰0, the entropy fd𝔰0 and the stress ϖ have all been determined in terms of one function w of ψ and t which function is therefore in this general mathematical theory supposed to be known.

If instead of regarding w (which with the generalised meaning it now bears may still conveniently be called the “potential energy” per unit volume) as the fundamental function of the substance we regard the intrinsic energy or the entropy as such it will be seen that one other function of ψ must also be known. For suppose f the entropy be regarded as known. Then since dwdt = Jf

w = W J fdt,  (16g)

where the integral is any particular one and W is a function of ψ only, supposed known. Again

E = w + Jtf  orE = W + J(tf fdt).(16h)

Thus all the functions are given in terms of f and W. Similarly if E be taken as the fundamental function

w = t(W Edtt2),  (16i) Jf = Et + Edtt2 W,  (16j)

where as before the integral is some particular one and W is a function of ψ only.

10. Small strains

17. We now make the usual assumption that the strains are so small that their coordinates can be neglected in comparison with ordinary quantities such as the coefficients of the linear vector function ψ Dw. We can deduce this case from the above more general results.

To the order considered q = 1 so that by equation (10) Section 8 above

ϕ¯ = ϖ.

We shall use the symbol ϖ rather than ϕ¯ for the same reasons explained in Section 7 above as induce us to use ψ rather than χ¯.

Remembering that ω0 and ω are now the same and that ψ may be put = 1 so that V ζψ D wψζ = V ζ ψ D wζ = 0 and therefore 𝜃 of equation (12) = 0, we have from equation (13),

ϖω = ψ D wω.  (17)

Of course we do not require to go through the somewhat complicated process of Section 8, Section 8 to arrive at this result. In fact in equation (6) Section 8, we may put m = 1 and ρ+η = so that

δw = Sδη1ϕ¯1 = Sδη1ϖ1,

and therefore by Section 2 above

δw = Sδχ¯ζϖζ = Sδψζϖζ.

But by Section 3 above

δw = Sδψζψ D wζ,

and therefore by Section 2 we get equation (17).

18. It is convenient here to slightly change the notation. For ψ, χ we shall now substitute ψ + 1, χ + 1 respectively. This leads to no confusion as will be seen.

With this notation the strain being small the stress is linear in ψ i.e. ψ D w is linear and therefore w quadratic. Now for any such quadratic function

w = Sψζψ D wζ2,  (18)  for we have by Section 3, dw = Sdψζψ D wζ.

Put now ψ = nψ. Then because ψ D w is linear in ψ

ψ D w = n ψ D w,

where ψ D w is put for the value of ψ D w when the coordinates of ψ are substituted for those of ψ. Thus keeping ψ constant and varying n,

dw = ndnSψζψ D wζ,

whence integrating from n = 0 to n = 1 and changing ψ into ψ we get equation (18).

From equation (18) we see that for small strains we have

w = Sψζϖζ2.  (19)

Now w is quadratic in ψ and therefore also quadratic in ϖ, so that regarding w as a function of ϖ we have as in equation (18)

w = Sϖζϖ D wζ2,

so that by equation (19) and Section 2 above

ψ = ϖ D w.  (20)

All these results for small strains are well-known in their Cartesian form, but it cannot be bias that makes these quaternion proofs appear so much more natural and therefore more simple and beautiful than the ordinary ones.

19. Let us now consider (as in Section 9 is really done) w as a function of the displacement. Now w is quadratic in ψ, and ψ is linear and symmetrical in 1 and η1. In fact from equation (3) Section 7 above, remembering that the χ¯ of that equation is our present ψ + 1, we have

2ψω = η1Sω1 1Sωη1.

Therefore we may put

w = w(η1,1,η2,2),  (21)

where w(α,β,γ,δ) is linear in each of its constituents, is symmetrical in α and β, and again in γ and δ, and is also such that the pair α, β and the pair γ, δ can be interchanged. [This last statement can be made true if not so at first, by substituting for w(α,β,γ,δ), w(α,β,γ,δ)2 + w(γ,δ,α,β)2 as this does not affect equation (21).] Such a function can be proved to involve 21 independent scalars, which is the number also required to determine an arbitrary quadratic function of ψ, since ψ involves six scalars.

Thus we have the two following expressions for δw, which we equate

Sδψζϖζ = w(δη1,1,η2,2) + w(η1,1,δη2,2) = 2w(δη1,1,η2,2),

or19 by Section 2 above,

Sδη1ϖ1 = 2w(δη1,1,η2,2).

Now let us put δη = ωSωρ where ω and ω are arbitrary constant vectors. We thus get

Sωϖω = 2w(ω,ω,η1,1) = 2Sωζw(ζ,ω,η1,1).

Whence since ω is quite arbitrary,

ϖω = 2ζw(ζ,ω,η1,1).  (22)

The statical problem can now be easily expressed. As we saw in Section 8, equations (7) and (8), it is simply

F + V M2 + ϖΔ = 0,  (22a)

throughout the mass; and at the surface

FS V UdΣM2 ϖUdΣ = 0,  (22b)

where F, M are the given external force and couple per unit volume and FS is the given external surface traction per unit surface. Substituting for ϖ from equation (22)

F + V M2 + 2ζw(ζ, Δ,η1,1) = 0 FS V UdΣM2 2ζw(ζ,UdΣ,η1,1) = 0.  (23)

11. Isotropic Bodies

20. The simplest way to treat these bodies is to consider the (linear) relations between ϖ and ψ.

In the first place notice that ψ can always be decomposed into three real elongations (contractions being of course considered as negative elongations). Thus i being the unit vector in the direction of such an elongation,

ψω = ΣeiSiω.

The elongation eiSiω will cause a stress symmetrical about the vector i, i.e. a tension Ae in the direction of i and a pressure Be in all directions at right angles; A and B being constants (on account of the linear relation between ϖ and ψ) independent of the direction of i (on account of the isotropy of the solid). This stress may otherwise be described as a tension (A + B)e in the direction of i and a hydrostatic pressure Be. Thus

ϖω = (A + B)ΣeiSiω BωΣe = (A + B)ψω + BωSζψζ.

To obtain the values of A and B in terms of Thomson and Tait’s coefficients k and n of cubical expansion and rigidity respectively; first put

ψω = eω  andϖω = 3keω,  and then put ψω = V λωμ  andϖω = 2nV λωμ,

λ and μ being any two vectors perpendicular to each other. We thus get

A + B = 2n,B = (k 2n3),


ϖω = 2nψω (k 2n3)ωSζψζ.  (24)

From this we have

ψω = ϖω2n + ωSζψζ(k 2n3)2n,

but from the same equation

Sζϖζ = 3kSζψζ; ψω = 1 2nϖω + 1 6n 1 9kωSζϖζ.  (25)

Equation (24) gives stress in terms of strain and (25) the converse.

21. We can now give the various useful forms of w for isotropic bodies for from equation (19) Section 10,

w = Sψζϖζ2.

Therefore from equations (24) and (25) respectively

w = n(ψζ)2 + 1 2(k 2n3)Sζ1ψζ1Sζ2ψζ2,  (26) w = 1 4n(ϖζ)2 1 2 1 6n 1 9kSζ1ϖζ1Sζ2ϖζ2.  (27)

Therefore again from Section 2 above and from equation (26),

w = nSη1ψ1 + 1 2(k 2n3)(Sη)2


2w(η1,1,η2,2) = nS1η2S2η1 + nS12Sη1η2 + (k 2n3)S1η1S2η2.  (28)

Hence from equation (22)

ϖω = nSω·η n1Sη1ω (m n)ωSη,  (29)

where m is put for k + n3. This last could have been deduced at once from equation (24) by substituting for ψω.

Thus the equations (23) for the statical problem are

F + V M2 = n2η + mSη,  (30) FS + V UdΣM2 = nSUdΣ·η + n1Sη1UdΣ  (31) + (m n)UdΣSη.

We now proceed to apply these results for small strains in isotropic bodies to particular cases. These particular cases have all been worked out by the aid of Cartesian Geometry and they are given to illustrate the truth of the assertion made in the Introduction that the consideration of general problems is made simpler by the use of Quaternions instead of the ordinary methods.

Particular integral of the equation of equilibrium

Particular integral of equation (30)20

22. Since from equation (30) (F being put for simplicity instead of F + V M2) we have

n2η = F mSη

we obtain as a particular case by equations (18) and (19) Section 5,

4πnη = u(F mSη)d𝔰,

where u has the meaning explained in Section 5, and the volume integral extends over any portion (say the whole) of the body we may choose to consider. To express uSηd𝔰 as a function of F put in this term u = 1 2Uρ11 where ρ is taken for the ρ ρ of Section 5, and apply equation (9) Section 4. Thus

4πnη = uFd𝔰 + 1 2mUρ11Sηd𝔰 = uFd𝔰 1 2mUρ2Sηd𝔰 +   a surf. int. = uFd𝔰 m 2(m + n)UρSFd𝔰 +   the surf. int.

for by equation (30) SF = (m + n)2Sη. Now (in order to get rid of any infinite terms due to any discontinuity in F) apply equation (9) Section 4 to the second volume integral. Thus

4πnη = uFd𝔰 + m 2(m + n)SF·Uρd𝔰 +   a surf. int.

The surface integral may be neglected as we may thus verify. Call the volume integral 4πnη. Thus

4πn2η = 4πF + m 2(m + n)SF·2Uρd𝔰 4πmSη = m n SF·ud𝔰 + m2 2n(m + n)SF·SUρd𝔰,

so that putting Uρ = 2u we get

n2η + mSηF,

whence we have as a particular solution of equation (30) η = η or

η = 1 4πnuFd𝔰 + m 8πn(m + n)SF·Uρd𝔰.  (32)

This is generally regarded as a solution of the statical problem for an infinite isotropic body. In this case some law of convergence must apply to F to make these integrals convergent. Thomson and Tait (Nat. Phil. § 730) say that this law is that Fr converges to zero at infinity. This I think can be disproved by an example. Put21 Fr = raλ where λ is a constant vector and a a positive constant less than unity. Equation (32) then gives for the displacement at the origin due to the part of the integral extending throughout a sphere whose centre is the origin and radius R

η = m + 3n 3n(m + n) R1a 1 aλ.

Putting R = , η also becomes . The real law of convergence does not seem to me to be worth seeking as the practical utility of equation (32) is owing to the fact that it is a particular integral.

The present solution of the problem has only to be compared with the one in Thomson and Tait’s Nat. Phil. §§ 730–1 to see the immense advantage to be derived from Quaternions.

It is easy to put our result in the form given by them. We have merely to express SF·Uρ in terms of F and r2SF·u where r is put for the reciprocal of u. Noting that

u = u3ρ,Uρ = uρ,SF·ρ = F,

we have at once

SF·Uρ = uF u3ρSFρ SF·u = u3F + 3u5ρSFρ

therefore eliminating ρSFρ,

SF·Uρ = uF23 r2SF·u3, η = {24πn(m + n)}1d𝔰{2(2m + 3n)uF mr2SF·u},  (33)

which is the required form.

23. Calling the particular solution η as before and putting

η = η + η

the statical problem is reduced to finding η to satisfy

n2η + mSη = 0

and the surface equation either

η + η =   given value,  i.e. η =   given value,  or  ϖUdΣ =   given surface traction,

i.e. by equation (29) Section 11 above,

nSUdΣ·η + n1SηUdΣ + (m n)UdΣSη =   known value.

This general problem for the spherical shell, the only case hitherto solved, I do not propose to work out by Quaternions, as the methods adopted are the same as those used by Thomson and Tait in the same problem. But though each step of the Cartesian proof would be represented in the Quaternion, the saving in mental labour which is effected by using the peculiarly happy notation of Quaternions can only be appreciated by him who has worked the whole problem in both notations. The only remark necessary to make is that we may just as easily use vector, surface or solid, harmonics or indeed quaternion harmonics as ordinary scalar harmonics.

12. Orthogonal coordinates

24. It is usual to find what equations (22a) of Section 10 and (3) of Section 7 become when expressed in terms of any orthogonal coordinates. This can be done much more easily by Quaternions than Cartesian Geometry. Compare the following investigation with the corresponding one in Ibbetson’s Math. Theory of Elasticity, Chap. V.

Let x, y, z be any orthogonal coordinates, i.e. let x =  const., y =  const., z =  const., represent three families of surfaces cutting everywhere at right angles. Particular cases are of course the ordinary Cartesian coordinates, the spherical coordinates r, 𝜃, ϕ and the cylindrical coordinates r, ϕ, z. Let Dx, Dy, Dz stand for differentiations per unit length perpendicular to the three coordinate surfaces and let λ, μ, ν be the unit vectors in the corresponding directions. Thus

= λDx + μDy + νDz.

Thus, using the same system of suffixes for the D’s as was explained in connection with  in Section 1,

ϕΔ = Dx1ϕ1λ + Dy1ϕ1μ + Dz1ϕ1ν,  (34)


ϕΔ = Dx(ϕλ) + Dy(ϕμ) + Dz(ϕν) ϕ(Dxλ + Dyμ + Dzν).  (35)

25. Now to put equation (22a) Section 10 into the present coordinates all that is required is to express ϖΔ in terms of those coordinates. Let the coordinates of ϖ be PQRSTU. Thus from equation (35) we have

ϖΔ = Dx(Pλ + Uμ + Tν) + Dy(Uλ + Qμ + Sν) + Dz(Tλ + Sμ + Rν) ϖ(Dxλ + Dyμ + Dzν).

The first thing then is to find Dxλ, Dxμ, Dyλ &c.

Let p2, p3 be the principal curvatures normal to x =  const., i.e. (by a well-known property of orthogonal surfaces) the curvatures along the lines of intersection of x =  const., with z =  const., and y =  const. p2, p3 will be considered positive when22 the positive value of dx is on the convex side of the corresponding curvatures. Similarly for q3q1r1r2. Thus for the coordinates r, 𝜃, ϕ;

p2 = p3 = 1r,q3 = cot 𝜃r,q1 = r1 = r2 = 0.

Again for r, ϕ, z; p2 = 1r and the rest are each zero.

With these definitions we see geometrically that

Dxλ = μq1 νr1,Dxμ = λq1,Dxν = λr1.  (36)

Similarly for Dyλ, Dyμ, Dzλ &c. Thus

ϖΔ = λ(DxP + DyU + DzT) + μ() + ν() + λ(Qp2 Rp3 + Tr1 + Uq1) + μ() + ν() + λ{(p2 + p3)P + (q3 + q1)U + (r1 + r2)T} + μ{} + ν{},


ϖΔ = λ{DxP + DyU + DzT + P(p2 + p3) Qp2 Rp3 + T(2r1 + r2) + U(q3 + 2q1)} + μ{} + ν{}.  (37)

26. The other chiefly useful thing in transformation of coordinates in the present subject is the expression for the strain function ψ in terms of the coordinates of displacement. Let u, v, w be these coordinates. Now by equation (3) Section 7, remembering (Section 10) that ψ = χ¯ 1 we have

2ψω = Sω·η + 1Sωη1,

 whence 2ψλ = λSλDxη + μSλDyη + νSλDzη Dxη.  ButDxη = λDxu + μDxv + νDxw + uDxλ + vDxμ + wDxν = λ(Dxu + vq1 + wr1) + μ(Dxv uq1) + ν(Dxw ur1).


Dyη = λ(Dyu vp2) + μ(Dyv + wr2 + up2) + ν(Dyw vr2) Dzη = λ(Dzu wp3) + μ(Dzv wq3) + ν(Dzw + up3 + vq3) 2ψλ = 2λ(Dxu + vq1 + wr1) + μ(Dyu + Dxv uq1 vp2) + ν(Dzu + Dxw ur1 wp3).  (38)

But with Thomson and Tait’s notation for pure small strain

2ψλ = 2λe + μc + νb,

23e = Dxu + vq1 + wr1 f = Dyv + wr2 + up2 g = Dzw + up3 + vq3 a = Dyw + Dzv wq3 vr2 b = Dzu + Dxw ur1 wp3 c = Dxv + Dyu vp2 uq1.  (39)

Thus we have efgabc in terms of the displacement and we have already in equation (24) Section 11, which expresses ϖ in terms of ψ, found the values of PQRSTU in terms of e, &c. Finally the expression in equation (37) for ϖΔ gives us the equations of equilibrium in terms of P, &c. Thus we have all the materials for considering any problem with the coordinates we have chosen.

All these results can be at once applied to spherical and cylindrical coordinates, but as this has nothing to do with our present purpose—the exemplification of Quaternion methods—we leave the matter here.

Let us as an example of particular coordinates to which this section forms a suitable introduction consider St Venant’s Torsion Problem by means of cylindrical coordinates.

Saint-Venant’s torsion problem

Saint-Venant’s Torsion Problem

27. In this problem we consider the equilibrium of a cylinder with any given cross-section, subjected to end-couples, but to no bodily forces and no stress on the curved surface.

We shall take r,ϕ,z as our coordinates, the axis of z being parallel to the generating lines of the cylinder. Let λ,μ,ν be the unit vectors in the directions of dr,dϕ,dz respectively and let

η = uλ + vμ + wν

as before.

We shall follow Thomson and Tait’s lines of proof—i.e. we shall first find the effect of a simple torsion and then add another displacement and so try to get rid of stress on the curved surface.

Holding the section z = 0 fixed let us give the cylinder a small torsion of magnitude τ, i.e. let us put

η = τzrμ,  (40)

for all points for which τz is small.

The practical manipulation of such expressions as this is almost always facilitated by considering the general value of Q(1,η1) where Q is any function linear in each of its constituents. Thus in the present case

Q(1,η1) = τ{zQ(λ,μ) zQ(μ,λ) + rQ(ν,μ)}.

[If Q is symmetrical in its constituents, e.g. in the case of stress below this reduces to the simple form Q(1,η1) = τrQ(ν,μ).] From this we at once see that η satisfies the equation of internal equilibrium

n2η + mSη = 0,

for putting Q(α,β) = αβ

η = τ(2zν rλ) = τ(z2 r22)

so that both Sη and 2η = 0.

Again the value for Q at once gives us the stress for

ϖω = nSω·η n1Sωη1 (m n)ωSη,  orϖω = nτr(μSων + νSωμ), (41)

which is a shearing stress nτr on the interfaces perpendicular to μ and ν.

Putting ω = the unit normal of the curved surface we have for the surface traction

ϖω = nτrνSωμ.

In the figure let the plane of the paper be z = 0, O the origin, P a point on the curved surface and OM the perpendicular from O on the tangent at P. Thus rSωμ = OP cos OPM = PM, PM being reckoned positive or negative according as it is in the positive or negative direction of rotation round Oz. Thus we see that the surface traction is parallel to Oz and  = nτPM.


Hence in the case of a circular cylinder a torsion round the axis satisfies all the conditions of our original problem, but this is true in no other case.

The surface traction at any point on the plane ends necessary to produce this strain is ϖν = nτrμ by equation (41) so that its moment round the origin is nτr2dA, where dA is an element of area and the integral extends over the whole cross-section.

28. Let us now assume a further displacement

η = wν,  (42)

where w is a function of r,ϕ only, and let us try to determine w so that there is still internal equilibrium and so that the stress on the curved surface due to w shall neutralise the surface traction already considered.

In the present case

Q(1,η1) = Q(w,ν).

Thus Sη = 0 (since ν is perpendicular to w) and therefore the equation of internal equilibrium gives

2w = 0.

 Againϖω = nSω·η n1Sωη1,  or ϖω = n(νSωw + wSων),(43) a shear = nTw on the interfaces perpendicular to w and ν. Thus putting ω for the unit normal to the curved surface, the present surface traction will neutralize the former if Sωw = τrSωμ = τSων(λr) = 1 2τSνω(r2),  i.e.dw dn = d(τr22)ds,

where ddn represents differentiation along the normal outwards and dds differentiation along the positive direction of the bounding curve.

We leave the problem here to the theory of complex variables and Fourier’s Theorem.

Observe however that the surface traction at any point on the plane end is equal to ϖν = nw by equation (43), and therefore that the total couple is equal to nrSμwdA = n(dwdϕ)dA. This leads to the usual expression for torsional rigidity.

13. Wires

29. In the following general treatment of Wires some of the processes are merely Thomson and Tait’s translated into their shorter Quaternion forms; others are quite different. The two will be easily distinguished by such as are acquainted with Thomson and Tait’s Nat. Phil.

The one thing to be specially careful about is the notation and its exact meaning. This meaning we give at the outset.

The wires we consider are not necessarily naturally straight but we assume some definite straight condition of the wire as the “geometrically normal” condition.

The variable in terms of which we wish to express everything is s the distance along the wire from some definite point on it.

Any element of the wire, since it is only slightly strained, may be assumed to have turned as a rigid body from its geometrically normal position. This rotation is expressed as usual (Tait’s Quaternions, § 354) by the quaternion q; the axis of q being the axis of rotation, and the angle of q, half the angle turned through.

ω is taken so that the rate of this turning per unit length of the wire is qωq1 so that ω is the rate of turning per unit of length when the whole wire is moved as a rigid body so as to bring the element under consideration back to its geometrically normal position. Of course ω is a function of q and its derivative with reference to s. This function we shall investigate later. The resolved part of qωq1 parallel to the wire is the vector twist and the resolved part perpendicular to the wire is in the direction of the binormal and equal to the curvature. In fact ω is the vector whose coordinates are the κ,λ,τ of Thomson and Tait’s Nat. Phil. § 593. When we are given q or ω for every point we know the strain of the wire completely. ω0 is defined as the naturally normal value of ω, i.e. the value of ω when the wire is unstressed.

As usual we take ρ as the coordinate vector of any point of the wire, ρ like the rest of the functions being considered as a function of s. We shall denote (after Tait, Quaternions, Chap. ix.) differentiations with regard to s by dashes.

We now come to the dynamical symbols. F and M are the force and couple respectively exerted across any normal section of the wire on the part of the wire which is on the negative side of the section by the part on the positive side.

Finally let X,L be the external force and couple per unit length exerted upon the wire.

30. When the wire is strained in any way let us impose a small additional strain represented by an increment δω in ω and an increment δe in the elongation at any point. Then the work done on the element ds by the stress-force = δeSFρds and that done by the stress-couple = Sqδωq1Mds. If (as we assume, though the assumption is not justified in some useful applications of the general theory of wires) F and M to be of the same order of magnitude the former of these expressions can be neglected in comparison with the latter for δe is a quantity small compared with δω. Now the work done on the element by the stress = the increment of the element’s potential energy = δwds where w is some function of the strain. Hence

δw = Sδωq1Mq.  Thus w is a function of ω only and δw = Sδωωw,  whence we see that q1Mq = ωw.  (46)

Notice that M is Thomson and Tait’s ξ, η, ζ and q1Mq their KLM (Nat. Phil. §§ 594, 614).

31. Now since the strain is small, q1Mq is linear in terms of the strain and therefore in terms of ω. Hence we see that w is quadratic in terms of ω. Let us then put

w = w2(ω ω0,ω ω0) + w1(ω ω0) +   a function of temperature only,

w2 and w1 being linear and homogeneous in each of their constituents. This is the most general quadratic function of ω. Now

ωw = ζw2(ζ,ω ω0) + ζw2(ω ω0,ζ) + ζw1ζ.

Putting then ω = ω0 and ωw = 0 we get ζw1ζ = 0. Operating on the last by Sσ() where σ is any vector we see that w1 = 0. Thus putting

ωw = ϕ(ω ω0),

where ϕ has the value given by the last equation and is therefore self-conjugate we get the two following equations

w = S(ω ω0)ϕ(ω ω0)2 + w0,  (47)

[as can be seen by a comparison of the last three equations w0 being the function of the temperature] and

q1Mq = ϕ(ω ω 0).  (48)

When the natural shape of the wire is straight these become

w = Sωϕω2 + w0,  (49) q1Mq = ϕω,  (50)

and when further the wire is truly uniform ϕ and w0 are constant along the wire.

32. Assuming the truth of these restrictions let us conceive a rigid body moving about a fixed point which, when placed in a certain position which we shall call the normal position, has, if then rotating with any vector angular velocity ω, a moment of momentum = ϕω where ϕ has the meaning just given. If the rigid body be made to take a finite rotation q()q1 and then to move with angular velocity qωq1 its moment of momentum will be qϕωq1. Now let a point move along the wire with unit velocity and let the rigid body so move in unison with it that when the moving point reaches the point s the rigid body shall have made the rotation represented by q (Section 13 above). Thus by the definition of ω and q its angular velocity at any instant is qωq1 and its moment of momentum therefore qϕωq1 or M.

Now consider the equilibrium of the wire when no external force or couple acts except at its ends. In this case F is constant throughout and it is easy to see (what indeed is a particular case of equation (53) below) that

M + V ρF = 0.  (51)

Interpreting this equation for our rigid body we get as the law which governs its motion

d( vect. mom. of mom.)dt = V ρF.

Thus the rigid body will move as if acted upon by a constant force F at the end of the unit vector ρ or—since this vector is fixed in the body—as if acted upon by a constant force acting through a point fixed in the body. From this kinetic analogue of Kirchhoff’s the mathematical problem of the shape of such a wire as we are now considering, under the given circumstances, is shewn to be identical with the general problem of the pendulum of which the top is a variety.

33. We will now give the general equations for any wire under any external actions. The comparison of the Quaternion treatment of this with the Cartesian as given in Thomson and Tait’s Nat. Phil. § 614 seems to me to be all in favour of the former.

The equations of equilibrium of an element ds are with the notation explained in Section 13 above

dF + Xds = 0, V dρF + dM + Lds = 0,

or dividing by ds

F + X = 0,  (52) V ρF + M + L = 0.  (53)

Operating on the last equation by V ρ() noting that ρ2 = 1 and putting SρF = T we get

F = ρT + V ρ(M + L),  (54)

whence by equations (52) and (53) respectively

X + d{ρT + V ρ(M + L)}ds = 0,  (55) Sρ(M + L) = 0.  (56)

Now by equation (48) above

q1Mq = ϕ(ω ω 0).  (48)

Also by the definition of q

ρ = qλq1,  (57)

where λ is some given constant unit vector. Finally as we are about to prove

ω = 2V q1q.  (58)

It is usual in the Cartesian treatment to leave the problem in the form of equations equivalent to the above (55) to (58), 13 scalar equations for the 13 unknown scalars of ρ, T, M, q and ω. We can however as we shall directly in the Quaternion treatment quite easily reduce the general problem to one vector and one scalar equation involving the four unknown scalars of T and q in terms of which all the other unknowns are explicitly given.

To prove equation (58)24 observe that

(q + dq)σ(q + dq)1 = q(σ + V ωσds)q1,

where σ is any vector. The truth of this is seen by noticing that (q + dq)()(q + dq)1 is the operator that rotates any vector of the element s + ds from its geometrically normal position to its strained position. But we can also get to this final position by first in the geometrically normal wire making the small strain ωds at the given element and then performing the strain of the wire up to the point s. The first process is represented on the left of the last equation and the second on the right. Thus we get

q1dqσ + σd(q1)·q = V ωσds,  or  d(q1) = q1dqq1, q1qσ σq1q = V ωσ,  whenceω = 2V q1q.

Returning to equations (55) to (58) observe that equations (57) and (58) give ρ and ω as explicit functions of q. Hence by equation (48)

M = qϕ(2V q1q ω 0)q1,  (59)

which gives M also explicitly. Substituting for M and ρ in equations (55) and (56) we have

X + d ds qλq1T + V qλq1(L + d ds[qϕ(2V q1q ω 0)q1]) = 0,  (60) Sqλq1(L + d ds[qϕ(2V q1q ω 0)q1]) = 0,  (61)

which are sufficient equations to determine T and q, whereupon M is given by equation (59), ω by equation (58) and ρ and therefore also ρ by equation (57).

Spiral springs can be treated very simply by means of the above equations, but we have already devoted sufficient space to this subject.