Article 37
Alternating Currents.


In the general problem treated the cable or wire is regarded as having resistance, distributed capacity, self-induction, and leakage; although some of these may be zero in special cases. The line will also be considered to feed into a receiver circuit of any description; and the general solution will include the particular cases in which the receiving end is either grounded or insulated. The electromotive force may, without loss of generality, be taken as a simple harmonic function of the time, because any periodic function can be expressed in a Fourier series of simple harmonics.20 The E.M.F. and the current, which may differ in phase by any angle, will be supposed to have given values at the terminals of the receiver circuit; and the problem then is to determine the E.M.F. and current that must be kept up at the generator terminals; and also to express the values of these quantities at any intermediate point, distant x from the receiving end; the four line-constants being supposed known, viz.:

R = resistance, in ohms per mile,
L = coefficient of self-induction, in henrys per mile,
C = capacity, in farads per mile,
G = coefficient of leakage, in mhos per mile.21

It is shown in standard works22 that if any simple harmonic function asin(ωt + θ) be represented by a vector of length a and angle θ, then two simple harmonics of the same period 2π ω , but having different values of the phase-angle θ, can be combined by adding their representative vectors. Now the E.M.F. and the current at any point of the circuit, distant x from the receiving end, are of the form
e = e1 sin(ωt + θ),i = i1 sin(ωt + θ), (64)

in which the maximum values e1, i1, and the phase-angles θ, θ, are all functions of x. These simple harmonics will be represented by the vectors e1/θ¯, i1/θ¯; whose numerical measures are the complexes e1(cosθ + jsinθ)23, i1(cosθ + jsinθ), which will be denoted by ē, ı̄. The relations between ē and ı̄ may be obtained from the ordinary equations24

di dx = Ge + Cde dt,de dx = Ri + Ldi dt; (65)

for, since de dt = ωe1 cos(ωt + θ) = ωe1 sin(ωt + θ + 1 2π), then de dt will be represented by the vector ωe1/θ + 1 2π¯; and di dx by the sum of the two vectors Ge1/θ¯,Cωe1/θ + 1 2π¯; whose numerical measures are the complexes Gē, jωCē; and similarly for de dx in the second equation; thus the relations between the complexes ē, ı̄ are

dı̄ dx = (G + jωC)ē,dē dx = (R + jωL)ı̄. (66)25 (66)26

Differentiating and substituting give

d2ē dx2 = (R + jωL)(G + jωC)ē, d2ı̄ dx2 = (R + jωL)(G + jωC)ı̄, (67)

and thus ē,ı̄ are similar functions of x, to be distinguished only by their terminal values.

It is now convenient to define two constants m, m1 by the equations27

m2 = (R + jωL)(G + jωC),m 1 = m (G + jωC); (68)

and the differential equations may then be written

d2ē dx2 = m2ē,d2ı̄ dx2 = m2ı̄, (69)

the solutions of which are28

ē = Acoshmx + Bsinhmx,ı̄ = Acoshmx + Bsinhmx,

wherein only two of the four constants are arbitrary; for substituting in either of the equations (66), and equating coefficients, give

(G + jωC)A = mB,(G + jωC)B = mA,


B = A m1,A = B m1.

Next let the assigned terminal values of ē, ı̄, at the receiver, be denoted by Ē,Ī; then putting x = 0 gives Ē = A,Ī = A, whence B = m1Ī,B = Ē m1; and thus the general solution is

ē = Ēcoshmx + m1Īsinhmx, ı̄ = Īcoshmx + I m1Ēsinhmx. (70)

If desired, these expressions could be thrown into the ordinary complex form X + jY,X + jY , by putting for the letters their complex values, and applying the addition-theorems for the hyperbolic sine and cosine. The quantities X,Y,X,Y would then be expressed as functions of x; and the representative vectors of e,i, would be e1/θ¯,i1/θ¯, where e12 = X2 + Y 2,i2 = X2 + Y 2,tanθ = Y X,tanθ = Y X.

For purposes of numerical computation, however, the formulas (70) are the most convenient, when either a chart,29 or a table,30 of coshu, sinhu, is available, for complex values of u.

Prob. 106.31
Given the four line-constants: R = 2 ohms per mile, L = 20 millihenrys per mile, C = 1 2 microfarad per mile, G = 0; and given ω, the angular velocity of E.M.F. to be 2000 radians per second; then ωL = 40  ohms, conductor reactance per mile; R + jωL = 2 + 40j  ohms, conductor impedance per mile; ωC = .001  mho, dielectric susceptance per mile; G + jωC = .001j  mho, dielectric admittance per mile; (G + jωC)1 = 1000j  ohms, dielectric impedance per mile; m2 = (R + jωL)(G + jωC) = .04 + .002j,  which is the measure of .04005/1778¯;  therefore m =   measure of .2001/8834¯= .0050 + .2000j,  an abstract coefficient per mile, of dimensions [length]1, m1 = m (G + jωC) = 200 5j  ohms.

Next let the assigned terminal conditions at the receiver be: I = 0 (line insulated); and E = 1000 volts, whose phase may be taken as the standard (or zero) phase; then at any distance x, by (70),

ē = Ecosh mx, ı̄ = E m1 sinh mx,

in which mx is an abstract complex.

Suppose it is required to find the E.M.F. and current that must be kept up at a generator 100 miles away; then

ē = 1000 cosh(.5 + 20j),ı̄ = 200(40 j)1 sinh(.5 + 20j),

but, by Prob. 89,

cosh(.5 + 20j) = cosh(.5 + 20j 6πj) = cosh(.5 + 1.15j) = .4600 + .4750j

obtained from Table II, by interpolation between cosh(.5 + 1.1j) and cosh(.5 + 1.2j); hence

ē = 460 + 475j = e1(cos θ + jsin θ),

where log tan θ = log 475 log 460 = .0139, θ = 4555, and e1 = 460 sec θ = 661.2 volts, the required E.M.F.

Similarly sinh(.5 + 20j) = sinh(.5 + 1.15j) = .2126 + 1.0280j, and hence

ı̄ = 200 1601(40 + j)(.2126 + 1.028j) = 1 1601(1495 + 8266j) = i1(cos θ+ jsin θ),

where log tan θ= 10.7427, θ= 7945, i1 = 1495 sec θ 1601 = 5.25 amperes, the phase and magnitude of required current.

Next let it be required to find e at x = 8; then

ē = 1000 cosh(.04 + 1.6j) = 1000jsinh(.04 + .03j),

by subtracting 1 2πj, and applying page §. Interpolation between sinh(0 + 0j) and sinh(0 + .1j) gives

sinh(0 + .03j) = .00000 + .02995j.  Similarly sinh(.1 + .03j) = .10004 + .03004j.  Interpolation between the last two gives sinh(.04 + .03j) = .04002 + .02999j.

Hence ē = j(40.02 + 29.99j) = 29.99 + 40.02j = e1(cos θ + jsin θ), where log tan θ = .12530, θ = 12651, e1 = 29.99 sec 12651= 50.01 volts.

Again, let it be required to find e at x = 16; here

ē = 1000 cosh(.08 + 3.2j) = 1000 cosh(.08 + .06j),


cosh(0 + .06j) = .9970 + 0j,cosh(.1 + .06j) = 1.0020 + .006j;


cosh(.08 + .06j) = 1.0010 + .0048j,


ē = 1001 + 4.8j = e1(cos θ + jsin θ),

where θ = 18017, e1 = 1001 volts. Thus at a distance of about 16 miles the E.M.F. is the same as at the receiver, but in opposite phase. Since ē is proportional to cosh(.005 + .2j)x, the value of x for which the phase is exactly 180is π .2 = 15.7. Similarly the phase of the E.M.F. at x = 7.85 is 90. There is agreement in phase at any two points whose distance apart is 31.4 miles.

In conclusion take the more general terminal conditions in which the line feeds into a receiver circuit, and suppose the current is to be kept at 50 amperes, in a phase 40in advance of the electromotive force; then Ī50(cos 40+ sin 40) = 38.30 + 32.14j, and substituting the constants in (70) gives

c̄ = 1000 cosh(.005 + .2j)x + (7821 + 6236j) sinh(.005 + .2j)x = 460 + 475j 4748 + 9366j = 4288 + 9841j = e1(cos θ + jsin θ),

where θ = 11333, e1 = 10730 volts, the E.M.F. at sending end. This is 17 times what was required when the other end was insulated.

Prob. 107.
If L = 0, G = 0, I = 0; then m = (1 + j)n, m1 = (1 + j)n1 where n2 = ωRC 2 , n12 = R 2ωC; and the solution is e1 = 1 2Ecosh 2nx + cos 2nx, tan θ = tan nxtanh nx, i1 = 1 2n1Ecosh 2nx cos 2nx, tan θ = tan nxcoth nx.
Prob. 108.
If self-induction and capacity be zero, and the receiving end be insulated, show that the graph of the electromotive force is a catenary if G0, a line if G = 0.
Prob. 109.
Neglecting leakage and capacity, prove that the solution of equations (66) is ı̄ = Ī, c̄ = Ē + (R + jωL)Īx.
Prob. 110.
If x be measured from the sending end, show how equations (65), (66) are to be modified; and prove that
ē = Ē0 cosh mx m1Ī0 sinh mx,ı̄ = Ī0 cosh mx 1 m1Ē0 sinh mx,

where Ē0, Ī0 refer to the sending end.