
1 The hyperbolic functions are not so named on account of any analogy with what are termed Elliptic Functions. “The elliptic integrals, and thence the elliptic functions, derive their name from the early attempts of mathematicians at the rectification of the ellipse. …To a certain extent this is a disadvantage; … because we employ the name hyperbolic function to denote coshu,sinhu, etc., by analogy with which the elliptic functions would be merely the circular functions cosφ,sinφ, etc. …” (Greenhill, Elliptic Functions, p. 175.)

2This angle was called by Gudermann the longitude of u, and denoted by lu. His inverse symbol was L; thus u = L(lu). (Crelle’s Journal, vol. 6, 1830.) Lambert, who introduced the angle θ, named it the transcendent angle. (Hist. de l’acad. roy. de Berlin, 1761). Hoüel (Nouvelles Annales, vol. 3, 1864) called it the hyperbolic amplitude of u, and wrote it amhu, in analogy with the amplitude of an elliptic function, as shown in Prob. 62. Cayley (Elliptic Functions, 1876) made the usage uniform by attaching to the angle the name of the mathematician who had used it extensively in tabulation and in the theory of elliptic functions of modulus unity.

3The relation gdu = amu,(mod.1), led Hoüel to name the function gdu, the hyperbolic amplitude of u, and to write it amhu (see note, Art. 22). In this connection Cayley expressed the functions tanhu, sechu, sinhu in the form singdu, cosgdu, tangdu, and wrote them sgu, cgu, tgu, to correspond with the abbreviations snu, cnu, dnu for sinamu, cosamu, tanamu. Thus tanhu = sgu = snu,(mod.1); etc. It is well to note that neither the elliptic nor the hyperbolic functions received their names on account of the relation existing between them in a special case. (See foot-note, p. 40.2)

4Forms 7–12 are preferable to the respective logarithmic expressions (Art. 19), on account of the close analogy with the circular forms, and also because they involve functions that are directly tabulated. This advantage appears more clearly in 13–20.

5For tanh1(.5) interpolate between tanh(.54) = .4930, tanh(.56) = .5080 (see tables, pp. §, §); and similarly for tanh1(.3333).

6The use of vectors in electrical theory is shown in Bedell and Crehore’s Alternating Currents, Chaps, XIV–XX (first published in 1892). The advantage of introducing the complex measures of such vectors into the differential equations is shown by Steinmetz, Proc. Elec. Congress, 1893; while the additional convenience of expressing the solution in hyperbolic functions of these complex numbers is exemplified by Kennelly, Proc. American Institute Electrical Engineers, April 1895. (See below, Art. 37.)

7It is to be borne in mind that the symbols cosh, sinh, here stand for algebraic operators which convert one number into another; or which, in the language of vector-analysis, change one vector into another, by stretching and turning.

8The generalized hyperbolic functions usually present themselves in Mathematical Physics as the solution of the differential equation d2φ du2 = m2φ, where φ, m, u are complex numbers, the measures of vector quantities. (See Art. 37.)

9“If two rth-degree functions of a single variable be equal for more than r values of the variable, then they are equal for all values of the variable, and are algebraically identical.”

10This method of generalization is sometimes called the principle of the “permanence of equivalence of forms.” It is not, however, strictly speaking, a “principle,” but a method; for, the validity of the generalization has to be demonstrated, for any particular form, by means of the principle of the algebraic identity of polynomials enunciated in the preceding foot-note. (See Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 6, p. 81.)

11The symbol expu stands for “exponential function of u,” which is identical with eu when u is real.

12In this table .7 is written for 1 22,= .707.

13Such a chart is given by Kennelly, Proc. A. I. E. E., April 1895, and is used by him to obtain the numerical values of cosh(x + iy), sinh(x + iy), which present themselves as the measures of certain vector quantities in the theory of alternating currents. (See Art. 37.) The chart is constructed for values of x and of y between 0 and 1.2; but it is available for all values of y, on account of the periodicity of the functions.

14See a similar problem in Chap. 1, Art. 7.

15 For the theory of this form of arch, see “Arch” in the Encyclopædia Britannica.

16This curve is used in Schiele’s anti-friction pivot (Minchin’s Statics, Vol. I, p. 242); and in the theory of the skew circular arch, the horizontal projection of the joints being a tractory. (See “Arch,” Encyclopædia Britannica.) The equation φ = gd t c furnishes a convenient method of plotting the curve.

17Jones, Trigonometry (Ithaca, 1890), p. 185.

18Merriman, Mechanics of Materials (New York, 1895), pp. 70–77, 267–269.

19See references in foot-note Art. 27.

20Chapter V, Art. 8.

21Kennelly denotes these constants by r, l, c, g. Steinmetz writes s for ωL, κ for ωC, θ for G, and he uses C for current.

22Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, Vol. I. p. 40; Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, Vol. I. p. 20; Bedell and Crehore, Alternating Currents, p. 214.

23 In electrical theory the symbol j is used, instead of i, for 1.

24Bedell and Crehore, Alternating Currents, p. 181. The sign of dx is changed, because x is measured from the receiving end. The coefficient of leakage, G, is usually taken zero, but is here retained for generality and symmetry.

25These relations have the advantage of not involving the time. Steinmetz derives them from first principles without using the variable t. For instance, he regards R + jωL as a generalized resistance-coefficient, which, when applied to i, gives an E.M.F., part of which is in phase with i, and part in quadrature with i. Kennelly calls R + jωL the conductor impedance; and G + jωC the dielectric admittance; the reciprocal of which is the dielectric impedance.

26The complex constants m, m1 are written z,y by Kennelly; and the variable length x is written L2. Steinmetz writes v for m.

27See Art. 14, Probs. 28–30; and Art. 27, foot-note.

28Art. 30, footnote.

29See Table II.

30The data for this example are taken from Kennelly’s article (l. c., p. 38).

31Gudermann in Crelle’s Journal, vols. 6–9, 1831–2 (published separately under the title Theorie der hyperbolischen Functionen, Berlin, 1833). Glaisher in Cambridge Phil. Trans., vol. 13, 1881. Geipel and Kilgour’s Electrical Handbook.

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