Chapter XV.
On Soluble and Composite Groups.

T he most general problem of pure group-theory, so far as it is concerned with groups of finite order, is the determination and analysis of all distinct types of group whose order is a given integer. The solution of this problem clearly involves the previous determination of all types of simple groups whose orders are factors of the given integer.

Now there is no known criterion by means of which we can say whether, corresponding to an arbitrarily given composite integer N as order, there exists a simple group or not. For certain particular forms of N, this question can be answered in the affirmative. For instance, when N = 1 2n!, previous investigation enables us to state that there is a simple group of order N; but even in these cases we cannot, in general, say how many distinct types of simple group of order N there are.

On the other hand, we have seen that, for certain forms of N, it is possible to state that there is no simple group of order N. Thus, when N is the power of a prime, or is the product of two distinct primes, there is no simple group whose order is N; and further, every group of order N is soluble. Again, if N is divisible by a prime p, and contains no factor of the form 1 + kp, a group of order N cannot be simple; for, by Sylow’s theorem, it must contain a self-conjugate sub-group having a power of p for its order.

We propose, in the present Chapter, to prove a series of theorems which enable us to state, in a considerable variety of cases, that a group, which has a number of given form for its order, is either soluble or composite. If the results appear fragmentary, it must be remembered that this branch of the subject has only recently received attention: it should be regarded rather as a promising field of investigation than as one which is thoroughly explored.

The symbols p1p2, p3, … will be used throughout the Chapter to denote distinct primes in ascending order of magnitude; while distinct primes, without regard to their magnitude, will be denoted by pq, r, ….

242. THEOREM I. If H is one of n conjugate sub-groups of a group G of order N, and if N is not a factor of n!, G cannot be simple.

The group G is isomorphic with the group of substitutions given on transforming the set of n conjugate sub-groups by each of the operations of G. This is a transitive group of degree n, and its order therefore is equal to or is a factor of n!. Hence, if N is not a factor of n!, the isomorphism cannot be simple; G is therefore not simple.

Corollary94. If a prime p divides N, and if m is the greatest factor of N which is congruent to unity (modp), G will be composite unless N is a factor of m!.

There cannot, in fact, be more than m conjugate sub-groups whose order is the highest power of p that divides N; so that this result follows from the theorem.

In dealing with a given integer as order, it may happen that, though no single application of this theorem will prove the corresponding group to be composite, a repeated application of Sylow’s theorem, on which the theorem depends, will lead to that result. As an example, let us consider groups whose order is 32 5 11. Any such group must contain either 1 or 45 sub-groups of order 11, and either 1 or 11 sub-groups of order 5. Hence, if the group is simple, it must contain 45 sub-groups of order 11, and 11 sub-groups of order 5; and each one of the latter must be contained self-conjugately in a sub-group of order 45. Now the 45 sub-groups of order 11 would contain 450 distinct operations of order 11, leaving only 45 others; and therefore a sub-group of order 45, if the group contain such a sub-group, must in this case be self-conjugate. This is, however, in direct contradiction to the assumption that the group contains 11 sub-groups of order 5; therefore the group cannot be simple.

243. THEOREM II. Every group whose order is the power of a prime is soluble.

This has already been proved in § 54.

THEOREM III95. A group G whose order is pαqβ, where α is less than 2m, m being the index to which p belongs (modq), is soluble.

If α < m, G contains a self-conjugate sub-group H of order qβ.

If α = m, G contains either 1 or pm sub-groups of order qβ. In the latter case, if qr is the order of the greatest sub-group common to two groups of order qβ, and if h is such a sub-group, h must (§ 80) be contained self-conjugately in a sub-group k of order pxqr+s, x > 0, s > 0; and this sub-group must contain more than one sub-group of order qr+s. Hence x must be m; and therefore h must be common to all the pm sub-groups of order qβ, so that h is self-conjugate, and s is β r. If r is zero, no two sub-groups of order qβ have a common operation except identity, and the pm sub-groups contain pm(qβ 1) distinct operations, so that a sub-group of order pm is self-conjugate. Hence when α is equal to m, G contains either a self-conjugate sub-group of order qr (r > 0) or else one of order pm.

If m < α < 2m, G contains 1 or pm sub-groups of order qβ. If there is only one, it is self-conjugate.

If there are pm sub-groups of order qβ, and if qr (r > 0) is the order of the greatest group common to any two of them, it may be shewn, exactly as in the preceding case, that G contains a self-conjugate sub-group of order qr.

If r = 0, the qβ 1 operations, other than identity, of each of the pm sub-groups of order qβ are all distinct. Now G is isomorphic with a group of degree pm. If the isomorphism is multiple, G must have a self-conjugate sub-group whose order is a power of p. If the isomorphism is simple, we may regard G as a transitive group of degree pm; and every operation, except identity, of a sub-group of order qβ will leave one symbol only unchanged. Hence qβ is equal to or is a factor of pm 1. Moreover, when G is thus regarded, the sub-groups of order pα must be transitive; for all the sub-groups of order qβ will be given on transforming any one of them by the operations of a sub-group of order pα.

Consider now a sub-group of order pαmqβ, which keeps one symbol fixed and contains a sub-group of order qβ self-conjugately. It will contain qγ (γ β) sub-groups of order pαm. Any one of these must keep px symbols fixed; for it is the sub-group of a transitive group of order pα and degree pm, which keeps one symbol fixed. If γ < β, there are operations of order q which transform one of these sub-groups into itself, and therefore interchange among themselves the px symbols unchanged by the sub-group. Hence px 1 must be divisible by q. This requires that x = m, which is impossible. Hence γ = β, and the sub-group of order pαmqβ contains qβ sub-groups of order pαm. It is obvious that no two of these can enter in the same sub-group of order pα; for if they did, they would generate a group of order pαm+x (x > 0), a sub-group of this order cannot enter in a group of order pαmqβ. Therefore G contains qβ sub-groups of order pα.

Since the sub-groups of G, of order pα, are transitive, their self-conjugate operations must (§ 106) displace all the symbols, and they cannot therefore be permutable with any operation whose order is a power of q. Suppose now that every operation of a sub-group Q, of order qx, is permutable with an operation P of order py, and that there is no sub-group of order qx+1 of which this is true. If S is a self-conjugate operation of a sub-group of order pα to which P belongs, P is transformed into itself and Q into a new sub-group Q by S. Hence the sub-group which contains P self-conjugately has two, and therefore pm, sub-groups of order qx. No two of these can belong to the same sub-group of order qβ, for if they did they would generate a group of order qx+x (x > 0). Now since P is permutable with Q, it must leave unchanged the symbol which Q leaves unchanged. Hence P must leave every symbol unchanged; i.e. it must be the identical operation. The order of every operation of G is therefore either a power of p or a power of q.

Suppose now that pr is the order of the greatest sub-group that is common to any two sub-groups of order pα, and that h is such a sub-group. Then (§ 80) h must be permutable with an operation of order q. Since no operation of h is permutable with any operation of order q, it follows that pr 1 is divisible by q, and therefore that r = m.

Let k, of order pm+tqγ, be the greatest sub-group that contains h self-conjugately. If γ = β, h is common to each of the qβ sub-groups of order pα, and it is therefore a self-conjugate sub-group of G.

If γ < β, let Q be a sub-group, of order qγ, of k. In G there must be a group, whose order is divisible by qγ+1, containing Q self-conjugately. Hence there must be operations in G, which transform Q into itself and h into a conjugate sub-group h. If h and h have a common sub-group, it must be transformed into itself by every operation of Q. This is impossible, since ps 1 is not divisible by q when s < m.

In the group {h,Q}, Q is one of pm conjugate sub-groups, and therefore no operation of h can transform Q into itself. Hence if an operation P of h transforms h into itself, it must transform Q into a group Q, which is conjugate to Q in k. Hence, k being the greatest sub-group that contains h self-conjugately, {Q,Q} must be common to k and k. But {Q,Q} containing two sub-groups of order qγ, must contain pm such sub-groups; and therefore the pm sub-groups of order qγ that enter in k are identical with those that enter in k. This is impossible if H and H are distinct; for the pm sub-groups of k, of order qγ, generate {h,Q}. Hence no operation of h, except identity, transforms h into itself, and the number of sub-groups in the conjugate set to which h belongs must not be less than pm; so that

pm pαmtqβγ.

Now we have seen that

pm 1(modqβ), andqβ 1(modpαm);

from these congruences, and the inequality α m < m, it follows that

pm pαmqβ qβ + 1.

This inequality is inconsistent with the previous one, which follows directly from the supposition that γ is less than β. Hence γ = β, and h is a self-conjugate sub-group of G.

It follows therefore that, on every possible supposition, G must have a self-conjugate sub-group. If this sub-group be represented by G1, the same reasoning may be repeated with respect to the groups G G1 and G1. Hence G is soluble.

Corollary. All groups whose orders are p1p2α, p12p2α, p13p2α, p14p2α, p15p2α, p1αp2 are soluble.

Since the congruence

p12 1(modp 2)
is satisfied only by p1 = 2, p2 = 3, the results stated follow immediately from the theorem, except for the cases 243α and 253α.

If in these cases there are 16 sub-groups of order 3α (α > 1), there must (§ 78) be sub-groups of order 3α1 common to two sub-groups of order 3α; and, in the groups of order 243α or 253α, such a sub-group, if not self-conjugate, must be one of either 4 or 8 conjugate sub-groups. The groups must therefore be isomorphic with groups of degree 4 or 8; from this it follows immediately that they must be soluble (§ 146).

244. THEOREM IV. Groups of order p1αp22 are soluble.

If a group G, of order p1αp22, contains only p2 sub-groups of order p1α, it cannot be simple, for a group of order p22 cannot be expressed as a substitution-group of p2 symbols. Similarly, if G contains a single group of order p1α, it is not simple.

If G contains p22 sub-groups of order p1α, and if these sub-groups have no common operations, except identity, there are p22(p1α 1) operations in G whose orders are powers of p1; and therefore a group of order p22 is self-conjugate. If the operations of the p22 sub-groups of order p1α are not all distinct, let p1r be the order of the greatest sub-group common to any two of them; and let h be such a sub-group. Then (§ 80) h must be self-conjugate in a group k of order p1r+sp2β (s > 0, β = 1 or 2). If β = 2, h is self-conjugate in G; and if β = 1, k must contain p2 sub-groups of order p1r+s, and therefore

p2 1(modp1).

Now (§ 78)

p22 1(modp 1αr),
and therefore
p2 1(modp1αr),
unless p1 = 2; but, if p1 = 2, then
p2 ±1(modp1αr1).

Again, if s = α r, h is one of p2 conjugate sub-groups; as before, G cannot then be simple.

Suppose now that H is a sub-group of order p1α, and that the self-conjugate operations of H form a sub-group h. This must be one of 1p2 or p22 conjugate sub-groups; in the first two cases, G cannot be simple. Moreover, if any two sub-groups of the conjugate set to which h belongs have a common sub-group, it must be self-conjugate in a group containing more than one sub-group of order p1α; again, G cannot be simple.


be the p2 sub-groups (§ 80) of order p1α that contain h; and suppose that h is not contained in h. Every operation of each of the p2 sub-groups
is permutable with every operation of h. But these sub-groups, since they occur in k and not in h, generate a sub-group of k, whose order is divisible by p2. Hence there must be an operation Q, of order p2, which is permutable with every operation of h. This operation would be permutable with every operation of a group of order p1rp22 at least, and it would therefore be one of p1αr conjugate operations at most. Now, if p1 > 2, p1αr < p2; and as a group of order p22 cannot be represented in terms of less than p2 symbols, G would in this case have a self-conjugate sub-group. If p1 = 2, then either p1αr or p1αr = 2(p2 + 1). A group of order p22 cannot be expressed in less than 2p2 symbols; a cyclical group of order p22 cannot be expressed in 2(p2 + 1) symbols; and a group of degree 2(p2 + 1), which contains a non-cyclical sub-group of order p22, must (§ 141) contain the alternating group. Hence again, in this case, G must have a self-conjugate sub-group.

Finally, suppose that h contains the p2 sub-groups


If h contains further sub-groups of the conjugate set to which h belongs, they must be permuted among themselves in sets of p2 when h is transformed by an operation Q, of order p2, belonging to k. Hence we may assume that

h, h1, , hp21, hp2, hp2+1, , h2p21, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h(x1)p2, h(x1)p2+1, , hxp21,
is the complete set of sub-groups of the conjugate set to which h belongs, contained in h; and that, when transformed by Q, those in each line are permuted among themselves. If {Q,Q} is a sub-group96 of order p22, the p22 sub-groups
are permuted transitively among themselves, when transformed by the operations of {Q,Q}. Hence if Q change h into hyp2, it must change the set
into the set
and therefore
is a set of p2 sub-groups of order p2α, which have the common sub-group Q1hQ.

Now, since by supposition h is not a self-conjugate sub-group of H, there must (§ 55) be in H a sub-group h conjugate to and permutable with h. Let this be the sub-group of order p1r, common to

No one of the sets
Hyp2,Hyp2+1,,H(y+1)p21,(y = 0, 1,,x 1),
can have more than one group in common with this set, as otherwise p1r would not be the order of the greatest group common to two groups of order p1α. Hence, of the set of groups
at least p2 x are distinct from the groups, conjugate to h, which enter in h. Every group of order p1r+s occurring in k will have a similar set of p2 x sub-groups of the set h, which do not occur in h. Hence, since the operations of h are the only operations common to two sub-groups of order p1r+s in k, there must be in k not less than p2(p2 x) + p2x, i.e. p22, sub-groups of the set to which h belongs.

In other words, k must contain a self-conjugate sub-group of G.

On every supposition that can be made, we have shewn that G must have a self-conjugate sub-group. If this sub-group is G1, and if the order of either G1 or G G1 contains p22, we may repeat the same reasoning; while if the orders of G G1 and G1 are both divisible by p2, we have already seen that they must be soluble. Finally, then, G itself must be soluble.

245. THEOREM V. A group of order p1αp2β, in which the sub-groups of orders p1α and p2β are Abelian, is soluble.

Suppose, first, that there are p2γ (γ < β) sub-groups of order p1α. The group is then isomorphic with a substitution group of degree p2γ. Now the operations of a sub-group of order p2β transform the p2γ sub-groups of order p1α transitively among themselves; and therefore, in the isomorphism between the given group and the substitution group of degree p2γ, there corresponds to an Abelian sub-group of order p2β a transitive substitution group of degree p2γ. But (§ 124) an Abelian group can only be represented as a transitive substitution group of a number of symbols equal to its order. Hence the isomorphism between the given group and the substitution group is multiple; and the given group is not simple.

Suppose, next, that there are p2β sub-groups of order p1α, and therefore (§ 81) p1α 1 distinct sets of conjugate operations whose orders are powers of p1. Let P be an operation whose order is a power of p1; and let H, of order p1αp2δ, be the greatest group which contains P self-conjugately. Then H contains at least p2δ operations whose orders are powers of p2, and therefore at least p2δ distinct operations of the form PQ, where P and Q are permutable and

Qp2δ = 1.
Now P is one of p2βδ conjugate operations; corresponding to each of these, there is a similar set of p2δ operations of the form PQ; while no two such operations can be identical. The group therefore contains p2β operations of the form PQ; and similarly, it contains an equal number for each set of conjugate operations whose order is a power of p1. Hence, finally, the group contains p2β(p1α 1) operations whose orders are divisible by p1. There is therefore in this case a self-conjugate sub-group of order p2.

The group therefore always contains a self-conjugate sub-group. A repetition of the same reasoning shews that it is soluble.

246. THEOREM VI. A group of order p1α1p2α2pnαn, in which the sub-groups of order p1α1, p2α2, …, pn1αn1 are cyclical, is soluble97.

If the number of operations of the group, whose orders divide prαrpr+1αr+1pnαn, is exactly equal to this number, it follows from Theorem VII, Cor. I, § 87, that the same is true for the number of operations of the group whose orders divide pr+1αr+1pnαn. Now, when r = 1, this relation obviously holds; and therefore it is true for all values of r. The group therefore contains just pnαn operations whose orders divide pnαn; hence a sub-group of order pnαn is self-conjugate. Any sub-group of order pn1αn1 must transform this self-conjugate sub-group of order pnαn into itself, so that the group must contain a sub-group of order pn1αn1pnαn. If there were more than one sub-group of this order, the group would contain more than pn1αn1pnαn operations whose orders divide this number. Hence the group contains a single sub-group of order pn1αn1pnαn, and this sub-group must be self-conjugate. By continuing this reasoning it may be shewn that, for each value of r, the group contains a single sub-group of order prαrpr+1αr+1pnαn, such a sub-group being necessarily self-conjugate. The group is therefore soluble; for we have already seen that a group whose order is the power of a prime is always soluble.

The self-conjugate sub-group of order prαrpnαn must contain the complete set of sub-groups of order prαr. If then there are m of these sub-groups, m must be a factor of pr+1αr+1pnαn; and a sub-group of order prαr must be contained self-conjugately in a sub-group of order

p1α1p rαrpr+1αr+1pnαn m .
Hence if i and j are any two indices between 1 and n, the group contains sub-groups of order piαipjαj. Now the above sub-group, which contains a sub-group of order prαr self-conjugately, is of the same nature as the original group. Hence, i and j being any two indices less than r, it contains a sub-group of order piαipjαjprαr. This process may be continued to shew that, if μ is any factor of p1α1pnαn which is relatively prime to p1α1pnαn μ , then the group contains sub-groups of order μ.

Ex. Shew that, when the groups of order pnαn are also cyclical, there are sub-groups whose orders are any factors whatever of the order of the group.

247. A special case of the class of groups under consideration is that in which the order contains no repeated prime factor. These groups have formed the subject of a memoir by Herr O. Hölder98. He shews that they are capable of a specially simple form of representation, which we shall now consider.


N = p1p2pn
be the order of a group G. It has been seen above that a sub-group of order pn is self-conjugate. Suppose then that pl, pm, …, pn are the orders of those cyclical sub-groups of prime order which are contained self-conjugately in G. They generate a self-conjugate sub-group H of order plpmpn, say μ. Each of the cyclical sub-groups {Pl}, {Pm}, …, {Pn} of H, generated by an operation of prime order, is permutable with all the rest; and therefore (§ 34) the operations Pl, Pm, …, Pn are all permutable. Hence, since their orders are distinct primes, the sub-group H is cyclical. Let now K be a sub-group of G of order ν, where N = μν. No self-conjugate sub-group of G can be contained in K. For if it contained such a sub-group of order pαpβpγ (α < β < < γ), this sub-group would contain a single cyclical sub-group of order pγ; and G would contain a self-conjugate sub-group of order pγ, contrary to supposition. Since then K contains no self-conjugate sub-group of G, it follows (§ 123) that G can be expressed transitively in μ symbols; when it is so expressed, an operation M of order μ, that generates H, will be a circular substitution of μ symbols. The only substitutions performed on the μ symbols, which are permutable with M, are its own powers; and therefore no operation of G is permutable with M except its own powers. Every operation of K must therefore give a distinct isomorphism of {M}. Now (§ 169) the group of isomorphisms of a cyclical group is Abelian. Hence K must be Abelian; and since its order contains no repeated prime factor, it must be cyclical. The group G is therefore completely defined by the relations
Mμ = 1,Nν = 1,N1MN = Mα,
where α belongs to index ν,(modμ).

248. The theorem of § 246 is a particular case of the following more general one, due to Herr Frobenius99, from which a number of interesting and important results may be deduced.

THEOREM VII. If G is a group, of order N = mn, where m and n are relatively prime, and where

m = pαqβrγ;
and if sub-groups P, Q, …, R, of orders pα, qβ, …, rγ, are Abelian, while 𝜃(P) and N pα, 𝜃(Q) and N pαqβ, …, 𝜃(R) and N m, are relatively prime; then G contains (i) exactly n operations whose orders divide n, and (ii) a sub-group of order m which has a self-conjugate sub-group of order rγ.

The theorem will be proved inductively, by shewing that, if it is true for any similar group of order mn, where m is a factor of m, it is also true for G.

Suppose that the greatest group, which contains R self-conjugately, is a group H of order pαqβrγn, where n is a factor of n. Let N be any operation of this sub-group, whose order ν is a factor of n. Then (§ 177) since 𝜃(R) and ν are relatively prime, N is permutable with every operation of R. Hence every operation of H, whose order divides n, is permutable with every operation of R.

Let now S be any operation of R; and suppose that the order of K, the greatest sub-group which contains S self-conjugately, is pα1qβ1rγn1. If the order of S is rδ, the order of  K {S} is pα1qβ1rγδn1, say m1n1. We have seen in § 176 that, if P1 is a sub-group of P, then 𝜃(P1) is equal to or is a factor of 𝜃(P). Hence if P1 is a sub-group of order pα1 of  K {S}, 𝜃(P1) and N pα are relatively prime; therefore, a fortiori, 𝜃(P1) and m1n1 pα1 are relatively prime. Similarly 𝜃(Q1) and m1n1 pα1qβ1 are relatively prime, and so on. Moreover m1 is a factor of m. We may therefore assume that the theorem holds for  K {S}. Hence this group contains exactly n1 operations whose orders divide n1, and it also contains a sub-group of order m1 in which a sub-group of order rγδ is self-conjugate. Therefore K contains a sub-group of order pα1qβ1rγ in which a sub-group of order rγ is self-conjugate, and exactly n1 operations of the form SN, where S and N are permutable and the order of N divides n.

Now S is one of pαα1qββ1 n n1 conjugate operations in G; corresponding to each of these, there is such a set of n1 operations of the form SN, while (§ 16) no two of these operations can be identical. Hence G contains pαα1qββ1n operations of the form SN, arising from the conjugate set to which S belongs. If then we sum for the distinct conjugate sets of operations of G whose orders are powers of r, the number of operations of G, whose orders divide rγn and do not divide n, is n pαα1qββ1.

Now since H is the greatest group that contains R self-conjugately, the greatest common sub-group of K and H is the greatest sub-group of K that contains R self-conjugately. The order of this group certainly contains pα1qβ1rγ as a factor; and if the order is pα1qβ1rγν, then S is one of pαα1qββ1n ν conjugate operations in H. Every operation of H however, whose order divides n, is permutable with every operation of R; and therefore ν = n. Hence the number of operations of H, excluding identity, whose orders are powers of r, is pαα1qββ1, where the summation is extended to all the distinct conjugate sets of operations of H whose orders are powers of r. It has been shewn (Theorem IV, Corollary, § 81) that the number of distinct conjugate sets of operations in G, whose orders are powers of r, is the same as the number in H. Hence the symbols and represent summations of the same number of terms.

Finally, in accordance with the induction we are using, we may assume that the number of operations of G whose orders divide rγn is exactly equal to rγn. For the order of G may be separated into the factors

m = pαqβ,
n = rγn,
where m is a factor of m, while the conditions of the theorem hold for this separation.

Hence the number of operations of G whose orders divide n, is equal to

n(rγ pαα1qββ1),
while at the same time
rγ 1 = pαα1qββ1.
Unless α = α, β = β, …, the former of these numbers is negative, which is impossible; these conditions must therefore be satisfied. The number of operations, whose orders divide n, is therefore exactly equal to n; and the order of the greatest group H that contains R self-conjugately is pαqβrγn. The factor-group H R has for its order pαqβn, and it satisfies the same conditions as G. Hence it contains a sub-group of order pαqβ; and H therefore contains a sub-group of order pαqβrγ.

The free use of the inductive process that has been made in the preceding proof may possibly lead the reader to doubt its validity. He will find it instructive to verify the truth of the theorem directly in the simpler cases. In fact, the direct verification for the case in which m is a power of a prime is essential to the formal proof; it has been omitted for the sake of brevity.

Corollary I. If m = m1m2, where m1 and m2 are relatively prime, G has a single conjugate set of sub-groups of order m1.

That G contains groups of order m1 may be shewn inductively at once. For since it is clearly true when m contains only one, or two, distinct prime factors, we may assume it true when m1 does not contain rγ as a factor. Now G has a sub-group g of order pαqβrγ, which contains a sub-group R of order rγ self-conjugately. The factor-group g R contains then a sub-group of order m where m is any factor of m rγ which is relatively prime to m mrγ; and therefore g contains a sub-group of order mrγ.

If now I and I are two sub-groups of G of order mrγ, they may be assumed to contain the same sub-group R of order rγ. For the sub-groups of G of order rγ form a single conjugate set; and therefore, if I contained a sub-group R of this set, S1IS would contain S1RS, which may be taken to be R. Now R is a self-conjugate sub-group of both I and I, and therefore the factor-groups I R and I R of order m are sub-groups of the factor-group H R . Hence if the result is true when m1 does not contain the factor rγ, it is also true when m1 does contain rγ. But when m1 is equal to pα, the result is obviously true; and therefore it is true generally.

Corollary II. If the sub-groups P, Q, …, R of G contain characteristic sub-groups P0, Q0, …, R0 of orders pα0, qβ0, …, rγ0; then G contains a sub-group of order m0 = pα0qβ0rγ0, which has a self-conjugate sub-group of order rγ0.

Assuming the truth of this statement when m0 does not contain the factor r, the factor-group H R must contain a sub-group of order m0 rγ0; and therefore G contains a sub-group J of order pα0qβ0rγ which has R for a self-conjugate sub-group. Hence, since R0 is a characteristic sub-group of R, J contains a sub-group of order pα0qβ0 and a self-conjugate sub-group of order rγ0. It therefore contains a sub-group of order pα0qβ0rγ0, which has a self-conjugate sub-group of order rγ0.

249. The reader will have no difficulty in seeing, as has already been stated, that Theorem VI is a direct result of the theorem proved in the last paragraph. We shall proceed at once to further applications of it.

THEOREM VIII. A group G of order

N = p1α1p 2α2p nαn,
in which the sub-groups of every order prαr

r = 1, 2,…,n − 1

are Abelian, with either one or two generating operations, is generally soluble; the special case p1 = 2, p2 = 3, may constitute an exception100.

If an Abelian sub-group Pr of order prαr is generated by a single operation, it is cyclical and 𝜃(Pr) is (§ 176) equal to pr 1. If Pr is generated by two independent and permutable operations, 𝜃(Pr) is equal to (pr 1)(pr2 1). Now no prime greater than pr can divide (pr 1)(pr2 1) unless pr + 1 be a prime; and this is only possible when pr is equal to 2. Hence unless P1 = 2, p2 = 3, 𝜃(Pr) and N p1α1p2α2prαr are relatively prime for all values of r from 1 to n 1. Omitting for the present this exceptional case, the conditions of Theorem VII are satisfied by G; it therefore contains exactly pnan operations whose orders are divisible by pn. Therefore G has a self-conjugate sub-group Pn of order pnαn, and hence also one or more sub-groups of order pn1αn1pnαn. There are however only pn1αn1pnαn operations in G whose orders are divisible by no prime smaller than pn1, and therefore the sub-group of order pn1αn1pnαn must be self-conjugate. This process clearly may be continued to shew that G has a self-conjugate sub-group of every order prαrpr+1αr+1pnαn (r = 2, 3,,n); from which it follows immediately that G is soluble.

Returning now to the exceptional case, suppose that a group of order 2α1 is contained self-conjugately in a maximum group of order 2α13βm. If every operation of the group of order 2α1 is self-conjugate within this sub-group, G contains 2α1 1 distinct conjugate sets of operations whose orders are powers of 2; hence it follows that there are just N 2α1 operations in G whose orders are not divisible by 2. In this case, the conditions of Theorem VII are satisfied by G; and it is still soluble.

If, lastly, the operations of the sub-groups of order 2α13βm, whose orders are powers of 2, are not all self-conjugate, there must be an operation B, whose order is a power of 3, in this sub-group which is not permutable with every operation of the sub-group of order 2α1. Let now

be a characteristic series of the group A of order 2α1; and suppose that Ar+1 is the greatest of these groups with every one of whose operations B is permutable. Then (§ 175) B is not permutable with every operation of  Ar Ar+1. Hence Ar Ar+1 is a quadratic group; and its three operations of order 2 must be permuted cyclically when transformed by B. It follows that {Ar,B} is multiply isomorphic with a tetrahedral group. Hence finally, under the conditions of the theorem, G is certainly soluble unless it contains a sub-group which is isomorphic with a tetrahedral group.

Corollary. A group of order p1α1p2α2pnαn in which no one of the indices α1, α2, …, αn1 is greater than 2, is soluble unless it has a sub-group which is isomorphic with a tetrahedral group. For a group of order pr2 is necessarily an Abelian group which is generated by either one or two independent operations.

250. We shall next consider certain groups of even order in which the operations of odd order form a self-conjugate sub-group. If G is a group of order N, where

N = 2αn, (n odd),
we shall suppose, in this and the following paragraphs, that a sub-group 𝒬 of order 2α is Abelian, and that 𝜃(𝒬) and n are relatively prime. Let us take first the case in which 𝒬 is cyclical, so that 𝜃(𝒬) is unity and the latter condition is satisfied for all values of n. If such a group is represented in regular form as a substitution group of 2αn letters, the substitution corresponding to an operation of order 2α will consist of n cycles of 2α symbols each. This is an odd substitution; and therefore G has a self-conjugate sub-group of order 2α1n. In this sub-group there are cyclical operations of order 2α1. Hence the same reasoning will apply to it, and it contains a self-conjugate sub-group of order 2α2n. Now (Theorem VII, Cor. I. § 87) G contains exactly 2α2n operations whose orders are not divisible by 2α1. Hence the sub-group of order 2α2n must be self-conjugate in G. Proceeding thus, it may be shewn that G contains self-conjugate (and characteristic) sub-groups of every order 2αrn (r = 1, 2,,α)101.

251. Suppose, secondly, that, under the same conditions, G contains a self-conjugate sub-group 𝒬 of order 2α. Since 𝜃(𝒬) and n are relatively prime, every operation of 𝒬 is permutable with every operation of G (§ 177). If 𝒬 is a sub-group of 𝒬 of order 2α1, 𝒬 must therefore be self-conjugate in G. Now the order of the factor group G 𝒬 is 2n; hence, by the preceding result, it has a self-conjugate sub-group of order n. It follows that G has a self-conjugate sub-group of order 2α1n. This group, again, has a self-conjugate sub-group of order 2α2n, and so on. Hence G has a sub-group of order n. Now by Theorem VII (§ 248), G has just n operations whose divide n. Hence the sub-group H, of order n, must be self-conjugate; and G is the direct product of the two groups 𝒬 and H.

252. Suppose next that 𝒬 is not self-conjugate in G; and let I, of order 2αn, be the greatest group that contains 𝒬 self-conjugately. Every operation of I is permutable with every operation of 𝒬; and therefore (§ 81) G contains 2α1 distinct sets of conjugate operations whose orders are powers of 2. The case, in which 𝒬 is cyclical, has been already dealt with and will now be excluded; we may thus assume that 𝒬 contains 2β 1 (β 2) operations of order 2, and that G contains an equal number of sets of conjugate operations of order 2.

If possible, let no two sub-groups of order 2α have a common operation except identity. Then if two operations S and T, of order 2, are chosen, belonging to distinct conjugate sets and to different sub-groups of order 2α, they cannot be permutable with each other. They will therefore generate a dihedral sub-group of order 2m. If m were odd, S and T would be conjugate operations. Hence m must be even; and the dihedral sub-group must contain a self-conjugate operation U of order 2. Since U is permutable with both S and T, it must occur in at least two different sub-groups of order 2α; and therefore the supposition, that no two sub-groups of order 2α have a common operation except identity, is impossible.

Let now 𝒬 of order 2α be a sub-group common to 𝒬 and 𝒬1, two sub-groups of order 2α; and suppose that no two sub-groups of order 2α have a common sub-group which contains 𝒬 and is of greater order. Since every operation of 𝒬 is self-conjugate in I, 𝒬 must be self-conjugate in I. If then J, of order 2αnr, is the greatest sub-group of G that contains 𝒬 self-conjugately, J contains r sub-groups of order 2α. Hence the factor-group J 𝒬 contains r sub-groups of order 2αα, and no two of these have a common sub-group; for if they had, some two sub-groups of order 2α contained in J would have a common sub-group greater than and containing 𝒬, contrary to supposition. The r sub-groups of order 2αα of  J 𝒬 must therefore be cyclical.

253. We will apply the results of the last paragraph to the case in which all the operations of 𝒬 are of order 2. Then 𝒬 must be of order 2α1, since 𝒬 𝒬 is cyclical. Suppose now that R is an operation of J of odd order, which is permutable with 𝒬 but not with 𝒬. If R were self-conjugate in a sub-group whose order is divisible by 2α, this sub-group would contain 𝒬 and therefore one or more sub-groups of order 2α containing 𝒬. But R is not permutable with any sub-group of order 2α that contains 𝒬; and therefore the highest power of 2 that divides the order of the group in which R is self-conjugate is 2α1, so that R is one of 2μ (μ odd) conjugate operations. If now A is an operation of order 2 that belongs to 𝒬 and not to 𝒬, no operation conjugate to R can be permutable with A. Hence in the substitution group of degree 2μ, that results on transforming the set of operations conjugate to R among themselves by all the operations of G, the substitution corresponding to A is an odd substitution. This substitution group has therefore a self-conjugate sub-group whose order is half its own, and therefore G has a self-conjugate sub-group of order 2α1n. In the same way it may be shewn that this sub-group has a self-conjugate sub-group of order 2α2n; and so on. Hence G has a sub-group H of order n. But it follows from Theorem VII, § 248, that G has exactly n operations whose orders divide n; and therefore H is a self-conjugate sub-group. Moreover, since G H is an Abelian group of order 2α, it must contain self-conjugate sub-groups of every order 2r (r = 1, 2,,α 1); and G therefore has self-conjugate sub-groups of every order 2rn. In general however these sub-groups are not characteristic, as is the case when 𝒬 is cyclical.

254. We will consider next the case where 𝒬 is generated by two operations A and B, of orders 2α1 and 2. There are in 𝒬 three operations of order 2, namely, A2α2 A2α2 B, and B; and in 𝒬 there are no operations, of order greater than 2, of which the two latter are powers. Suppose that G contains an operation B, conjugate to B, with which A2α2  is not permutable. Then {A2α2 ,B} is a dihedral group, and if R is an operation of odd order of this group, no power of A is permutable with R. Since A2α2 and B are not conjugate operations in G, there must be an operation of order 2, conjugate to A2α2 B, and permutable with R. The sub-group, in which {R} is self-conjugate, therefore contains representatives of each of the three sets of conjugate operations of order 2 that belong to G; and in this sub-group these representatives form three distinct conjugate sets. Hence no operation conjugate to A2α2 can be permutable with R; and therefore no power, except identity, of an operation conjugate to A is permutable with R. Hence R is one of 2α1μ (μ odd) conjugate operations, with none of which is A permutable. It follows that, in the substitution group of degree 2α1μ, with which G is isomorphic, A is an odd substitution. Hence G contains a self-conjugate sub-group of order 2α1n; and since this is of the same type as G, the same reasoning may be applied to it. Exactly as before, G will contain self-conjugate sub-groups of every order 2rn (r = 0, 1,,α 1).

We have assumed that there is an operation B, conjugate to B, with which A2α2 is not permutable. If A2α2  were permutable with every operation that is conjugate to B, the sub-group in which A2α2 is permutable would contain a self-conjugate sub-group G of G whose order is divisible by 2. In this case, we may deal with  G G exactly as we have been dealing with G.

The results of §§ 250–254 may be summed up in the following form:—

THEOREM IX. If in a group G of order 2αn, where n is odd, a sub-group 𝒬 of order 2α is an Abelian group of type (α), (α 1, 1), or (1, 1,, 1), and if 𝜃(𝒬) and n are relatively prime, then G contains self-conjugate sub-groups of each order 2βn

β = 0, 1,…,α − 1


255. Still representing the order of G by 2αn, where n is odd, there are two cases, in which the sub-groups of order 2α are not Abelian, where it may be shewn without difficulty that G contains a self-conjugate sub-group of order n.

THEOREM X. If the order of G is 2αn, where n is odd and not divisible by 3, and if a sub-group 𝒬 of order 2α is of the type

 (i) A2α1 = 1, B2 = A2α2 , B1AB = A1, or  (ii) A2α1 = 1, B2 = 1, B1AB = A1,

G contains a self-conjugate sub-group of each order 2βn

β = 0, 1,…,α − 1


For each of these types, 𝜗(𝒬) is 3 or 1; and if 𝒬 is any sub-group of 𝒬, 𝜗(𝒬) is either 3 or 1. Hence if any operation of G of odd order is permutable with 𝒬 or 𝒬, it must be permutable with every operation of 𝒬 or 𝒬. In each type, the self-conjugate operations form a cyclical sub-group of order 2, namely {A2α2 }.

We will consider first the case where 𝒬 is of type (i). In this case, {A2α3} and {B} are sub-groups of G of order 4, the former being self-conjugate in 𝒬 while the latter is not. If they are conjugate sub-groups in G, we have seen (§ 82) that G must contain an operation of odd order S, such that the sub-groups Sn{B}Sn (n = 0, 1, 2,) are permutable with each other. This is impossible, since every operation that is permutable with a sub-group 𝒬 is permutable with all its operations. Hence {A2α3 } and {B} are not conjugate sub-groups; and A2α3  and B are not conjugate operations.

Now A2α3 is self-conjugate in {A} and is one of two conjugate operations in 𝒬; therefore in G it must be one of 2μ conjugate operations, where μ is odd. When these 2μ conjugate operations are transformed by A2α3 , two only, namely, A2α3 and A2α3 , remain unchanged. Let us suppose that, in the resulting substitution, there are x cycles of 2 symbols and y cycles of 4 symbols.

When the 2μ conjugate operations are transformed by B, none can remain unchanged; and we may suppose that the resulting substitution has x cycles of 2 symbols and y cycles of 4 symbols.

Now since

A2α2 = B2, y = y,

and therefore

1 + x = x.

Hence one of the two substitutions A2α3 and B must be odd; G has therefore a self-conjugate sub-group of order 2α1n. The groups of order 2α1 contained in this self-conjugate sub-group are either of type (i), with α 1 written for α: or they are cyclical; for, like 𝒬, they can only contain a single operation of order 2. If they are cyclical, the reasoning of § 250 may be applied; and if they are of type (i) the same reasoning will apply to the self-conjugate sub-group of order 2α1n that has been used for G. Finally, then, G must contain sub-groups of orders n2n, 22n, …, 2α1n, each of which is contained self-conjugately in the next; and therefore the sub-group H of order n must be self-conjugate.

If 𝒬 is of type (ii), A is one of 2μ conjugate operations in G, where μ is odd. It may be shewn, as in the previous case, that B and A2α2 cannot be conjugate in G, so that no one of the operations conjugate to A has B for one of its powers. If now B were permutable with any one of these 2μ conjugate operations, the group would contain an Abelian sub-group of order 2α, which is not the fact. Hence the substitution, given on transforming the 2μ operations by B, consists of μ transpositions and is an odd substitution. Therefore G contains a self-conjugate sub-group of order 2α1n, in which the sub-groups of order 2α1 are cyclical. Hence, again, there is a self-conjugate sub-group of order n.

256. The only non-Abelian groups of order 23 are those of types (i) and (ii) of § 255, when α = 3. The Abelian groups of order 22 and 23 are all included in the types considered in Theorem IX, § 254. For an Abelian group 𝒬, of order 23 and type (2, 1), 𝜃(𝒬) is 3; and for one of order 23 and type (1, 1, 1), 𝜃(𝒬) is 21. Hence Theorems IX and X shew that, if 222 or 23 divide the order of a group, but not 24, then the operations of odd order form a self-conjugate sub-group, with possible exceptions when 12 or 56 is a factor of the order. Hence:—

THEOREM XI. A group of even order cannot be simple unless 1216 or 56 is a factor of the order102.

257. In further illustration of the methods of the preceding paragraphs, we will deal with another case in which the sub-groups of order pα are not Abelian.

Let G be a group of order pαm, where m is relatively prime to p(p 1)(pα 1); and suppose that a sub-group H of order pα is such that within it every operation is either self-conjugate or one of p conjugate operations103. Let h be a sub-group of G whose order is a power of p; and let S be an operation of G whose order is not divisible by p. Then since m is relatively prime to p(p 1)(pα 1), if S is permutable with h, it is permutable with every operation of h. Hence it follows from § 82 that no operation of H, which is not self-conjugate in H, can be conjugate in G to a self-conjugate operation of H. Suppose now that S1 and S2 are two operations of H, each of which in H is one of p conjugate operations; and that while S1 and S2 are conjugate in G, they are not conjugate in I, the greatest group that contains H self-conjugately. Let H1 and H2 be the sub-groups of H, of orders pα1, which contain S1 and S2 self-conjugately. Since S1 and S2 are conjugate in G, all the sub-groups of order pα1 which contain either of them self-conjugately belong to the same conjugate set. If then H1 and H2 are identical, there must be an operation, of order prime to p, which will transform S1 into S2 and H1 into itself. This, we have seen, is impossible. If H1 and H2 are not identical, there must be an operation which will transform S1 into S2 and H1 into H2. Now H1 and H2 both contain the sub-group h formed of the self-conjugate operations of H; and since no self-conjugate operation of H is conjugate in G with any operation of H which is not self-conjugate, the operation in question, which transforms S1 into S2 and H1 into H2, must transform h into itself. Hence S1 and S2 are conjugate operations in that sub-group, G, of G which contains h self-conjugately. Now in G h the operations, that correspond to S1 and S2, are self-conjugate operations of H h . Since then these operations are conjugate in G h , they must (§ 82) be conjugate in I h. This however is impossible, since every operation of I h whose order is a power of p is self-conjugate. Finally, then, no two operations of H, which are not conjugate in H, can be conjugate in G; and the number of distinct sets of conjugate operations in G, whose orders are powers of p, is equal to the number in H. From this it follows, as in previous cases, that the number of operations of G whose orders divide m is equal to m.

258. THEOREM XII. The only simple groups, whose orders are the products of four or of five primes, are groups of orders 60168, 660, and 1092: and no group, whose order contains less than four prime factors, is simple.

Groups, whose orders are p1p1p2, p12, p13, p12p2, p1p22 or p1p2p3 are all proved to be soluble by previous theorems in the present chapter.

If the order of a group contains four prime factors, it must be of one of the forms p14p13p2, p12p22, p12p2p3, p1p23, p1p22p3, p1p2p32 or p1p2p3p4. If p1 is an odd prime, groups of any one of these orders have already been shewn to be soluble; while if p1 is 2, the only case which can give a simple group is 22p2p3. If a group of this order is simple, it follows from Theorem VIII, Cor. (§ 249), that p2 must be 3; and the order of the group 12p3. A cyclical sub-group of order p3 must be one of 1 + kp3 conjugate sub-groups. Hence 1 + kp3 must be a factor of 12, so that p3 is either 5 or 11. If p3 were 11, the 12 conjugate sub-groups of order 11 would contain 120 distinct operations of order 11, and the tetrahedral sub-group, which the group (if simple) must contain, would be self-conjugate. Hence p3 must be 5 and the order of the group is 60. We have already seen that a simple group of order 60 actually exists, namely, the icosahedral group; and that there is only one type for such a group (§ 85).

If the order of a group contains five prime factors, it must be of one of the forms:—

p15,p 14p 2,p13p 22,p 13p 2p3,p12p 23,p 12p 22p 3,p12p 2p32,p 12p 2p3p4,p1p24, p1p23p 3,p1p22p 32,p 1p22p 3p4,p1p2p33,p 1p2p32p 4,p1p2p3p42,p 1p2p3p4p5.

If p1 is an odd prime, it follows from previous theorems that none of these forms, except p13p2p3 and p1p23p3, can give simple groups.

Taking first the order p1p23p3, let us suppose (without limitation to the particular case) that a group of order p1p2mp3 is simple. It must contain p3 or p1p3 conjugate sub-groups of order p2m. In either case, the operations of these sub-groups must be all distinct, or else they must all have a common sub-group, for the order of the group contains no factor congruent to unity (modp2), except p3 or p1p3. Now the group contains (§ 248) just p2mp3 operations whose orders are not divisible by p1; and if there are p3 sub-groups of order p2m whose operations are all distinct, there are (p2m 1)p3 operations whose orders are powers of p2. Hence, in this case, a sub-group of order p3 is self-conjugate. On the other hand, if there are p1p3 sub-groups of order p2m, their operations cannot be all distinct; and the group has a self-conjugate sub-group whose order is a power of p2. A repetition of this reasoning shews that a group of order p1p2mp3 is always soluble.

We consider, next, a group whose order is p13p2p3. If p1 is odd, p12 cannot be congruent to unity, (modp2) or (modp3). The same is true, when p1 = 2, if p2 is not equal to 3. We shall therefore first deal with a group of order p13p2p3 on the supposition that p2 is not 3.

If neither p2 nor p3 divides p13 1, it follows from §§ 248, 257 that there are just p2p3 operations in the group whose orders divide p2p3. When this is the case, the group clearly cannot be simple.

If p3 divides p13 1, and if there are more than p2p3 operations whose orders divide p2p3, a sub-group of order p13 must be self-conjugate in a sub-group of order p13p3, so that the group is isomorphic with a group of degree p2. In this case, again, the group cannot be simple.

Finally, then, we have only to deal with the case in which a sub-group of order p13 is self-conjugate in a sub-group of order p13p2, while in this sub-group an operation of order p2 is one of p13 conjugate operations. Now the congruences

p13 1(modp 2), p2 1(modp1),

are inconsistent; therefore, if a sub-group of order p2 is self-conjugate in a sub-group of order p1αp2, the latter must be Abelian. Hence the group contains p13(p2 1)p3 operations whose orders are divisible by p2. Now if the sub-groups of order p13 have a common sub-group, it must be common to all of the sub-groups of order p13, and it is a self-conjugate sub-group. If, however, no two have a common sub-group, the group contains (p13 1)p3 operations of order p1; and there remain only p3 operations whose orders divide p3. The group is therefore in any case composite.

If now p2 = 3, a group of order 233p3 has, by Sylow’s theorem, a self-conjugate sub-group of order p3 unless p3 is 5711 or 23. If p3 = 23, the group (if simple) would have just 24 operations whose orders divide 24; it is thence easily seen to be non-existent. If p = 11, the group (if simple) could be expressed as a doubly transitive group of degree 12. In this form, however, each operation, which transforms an operation of order 11 into its own inverse, would be a product of 5 transpositions and therefore an odd substitution. This group therefore cannot be simple. If p3 = 5, the group could be expressed as a doubly transitive group of degree 6. The sub-group of order 4 which transforms a sub-group of order 5 into itself would be cyclical; and the corresponding substitution being odd, the group could not be simple.

Hence, finally, the only possibility is a group of order 168. That a simple group of this order actually exists is shewn in § 146; also, there is only one type of such group.

When p1 is equal to 2, the only case, that requires discussion in addition to those we have dealt with, is p12p2p3p4. A group of this order can only be simple (§ 249) when it contains a tetrahedral sub-group. In this case, the operations of order 2 form a single conjugate set, and the group contains just 3p3p4 operations whose orders are divisible by 2. If a sub-group of order 2α3q is the greatest that contains a sub-group of order 3 self-conjugately, the group will contain 22α(3 1)p3p4 operations whose orders are divisible by 3 and not by 2. Hence the group must contain either p3p45p3p4, or 7p3p4, operations whose orders divide p3p4. On the other hand, the number of these operations may be expressed in the form

x(p3 1)p4 + y(p4 1) + 1,
where x is a factor of 12, and y is a factor of 12p3 which is congruent to unity, (modp4).


x(p3 1)p4 + y(p4 1) = zp3p4 1,(z = 1, 5, 7).

The case z = 1 leads to y = 1, so that the sub-group of order p4 is self-conjugate.

The case z = 5 gives no solution; but when z = 7, it will be found that there are two solutions, namely,

x = 6, y = 12, p3 = 5, p4 = 11, andx = 6, y = 14, p3 = 7, p4 = 13.

That simple groups actually exist corresponding to the two orders 660 and 1092 thus arrived at, is shewn in § 221. There is also in each case a single type; the verification of this statement is left to the reader.

259. As has already been stated at the beginning of the present chapter, the solution of the general problem of pure group-theory, namely, the determination of all possible types of group of any given order, depends essentially on the previous determination of all possible simple groups. A complete solution of this latter problem is not to be expected; but for orders, which do not exceed some given limit, the problem may be attacked directly. The first determination of this kind was due to Herr O. Hölder104, who examined all possible orders up to 200: he proved that none of them, except 60 and 168, correspond to a simple group. Mr Cole105 continued the investigation, by examining all orders from 201 to 660, with the result of shewing that in this interval the only orders, which have simple groups corresponding to them, are 360504 and 660. The existence of a simple group of order 504 had not been recognised before Mr Cole’s investigation.

The author106 has carried on the examination from 661 to 1092, with the result of shewing that 1092 is the only number in this interval which is the order of a simple group.

As the limit of the order is increased, such investigations as these rapidly become more laborious, since a continually increasing number of special cases have to be dealt with. There is little doubt however but that, with the aid of the theorems proved in the present chapter, the investigation might be continued without substantial difficulty up to 2000.

We shall here be content with verifying the result of Herr Hölder’s and Mr Cole’s investigations for orders up to 660. The method used in dealing with particular numbers may suggest to the reader how the determination might be continued.

260. It follows from Theorem XII that, if an odd number can be the order of a simple group, it must be the product of at least 6 prime factors. Moreover, by previous theorems, we have seen that 3635p and 34p2 cannot be orders of simple groups. Hence certainly no odd number less than 34 5 7 or 2835107 can be the order of a simple group. Therefore, by Theorem XI, we need only examine numbers less than 660 which are divisible by 1216, or 56. When each number less than 660 which is divisible by 1216, or 56 is written in the form p1α1p2α2…, it will be found that, with eleven exceptions, Theorems II to XII of the present chapter immediately shew that there are no simple groups corresponding to them. The exceptions are 60168, 240, 336, 360, 480, 504, 528, 540, 560660. We will first deal with such of these numbers as do not actually correspond to simple groups.

240 = 24 3 5.

A simple group of this order would contain 6 or 16 sub-groups of order 5. If it contained 6 sub-groups of order 5, the group could be expressed as a transitive substitution group of degree 6; and there is no group of degree 6 and order 240. If there were 16 sub-groups of order 5, each would be self-conjugate in a group of order 15, which must be cyclical. The group then would be a doubly transitive group of degree 16 and order 16 15. Such a group (§ 105) contains a self-conjugate sub-group of order 16.

336 = 24 3 7.

A simple group of this order would contain 8 sub-groups of order 7, each self-conjugate in a group of order 42. We have seen (§ 146) that there is no simple group of degree 8 and order 8 7 6.

480 = 25 3 5.

Since 25 is not a factor of 5!, a group of order 480 must, if simple, contain 15 sub-groups of order 25. Now 25 is not congruent to unity, (mod 4), and therefore (§ 78) some two sub-groups of order 25 must have a common sub-group of order 24. Such a sub-group, of order 24, must (§ 80) either be self-conjugate, or it must be contained self-conjugately in a sub-group of order 25 3 or 25 5. In either case the group is composite.

528 = 24 3 11.

There must be 12 sub-groups of order 11, each being self-conjugate in a group of order 44. A group of order 44 necessarily contains operations of order 22, and such an operation cannot be represented as a substitution of 12 symbols. The group is therefore not simple.

540 = 22 33 5.

There must be 10 sub-groups of order 33, each self-conjugate in a group of order 2 33. There must also be 36 sub-groups of order 5, each self-conjugate in a group of order 15. Now when the group is expressed as transitive in 10 symbols, the substitutions of order 5 consist of 2 cycles of 5 symbols each, and no such substitution can be permutable with a substitution of order 3. Hence the group is not simple.

560 = 24 5 7.

There must be 8 sub-groups of order 7. A transitive group of degree 8 and order 8 7 10 does not exist (§ 146).

That there are actually simple groups of orders 60168, 360, and 660, has already been seen; the verification that there is only a single type of simple group of order 360 may be left to the reader. It remains then to consider the order 504.

504 = 23 32 7.

A simple group of this order must contain 8 or 36 sub-groups of order 7. There is no group of degree 8 and order 504 (§ 146). Hence there must be 36 sub-groups of order 7.

Again, there must be 7 or 28 sub-groups of order 32; and since there is no group of degree 7 and order 504 (l.c.), there are 28 sub-groups of order 32. If two of these have a common operation P of order 3, it must (§ 80) be self-conjugate in a group containing more than one sub-group of order 32. If the order of this sub-group is 22 32, it must contain a sub-group of order 22 self-conjugately; and therefore this sub-group of order 22 must be self-conjugate in a group of order 23 32 at least. Such a group would be one of 7 conjugate sub-groups, and this is impossible. Similarly, P cannot be self-conjugate in a group whose order is greater than 22 32. Hence no two sub-groups of order 32 have a common operation, except identity.

There are therefore in the group 216 operations of order 7, and 224 operations whose orders are powers of 3, leaving just 64 other operations.

Suppose now that A is an operation of order 2, self-conjugate in a sub-group of order 23. If A is self-conjugate in a group of order 23x (x being a factor of 32 7), this group must contain at least x operations of odd order and therefore at least x operations of the form AS, where S is an operation of odd order permutable with A. There are also x operations of this form, corresponding to each of the 63 x operations conjugate to A; so that the whole group contains 63 operations of the form AS, where S is of odd order and permutable with A, while A is one of a set of conjugate operations of order 2, each of which is self-conjugate in a sub-group of order 23. Hence taking the identical operation with these 63 operations of even order, all the operations of the group are accounted for; and there are therefore no operations whose orders are powers of 2 except those of the conjugate set to which A belongs. The sub-groups of order 23 are therefore Abelian groups whose operations are all of order 2; and since the 7 operations of order 2, in a group of order 23, are all conjugate in the group of order 504, they must (§ 81) be conjugate in the sub-group within which the group of order 23 is self-conjugate. Hence, finally, there must be 9 sub-groups of order 23, each self-conjugate in a group of order 23 7, in which the 7 operations of order 2 form a single conjugate set.

A simple group of order 504, if it exists, must therefore be expressible as a triply transitive group of degree 9, in which the sub-group of order 56 that keeps one symbol fixed is of known type. From this, several inferences can be drawn. Firstly, all the 63 operations of order 2 of the 9 sub-groups of order 23 must be distinct, since each operation of order 2 keeps just one symbol fixed. There is therefore a conjugate set of 63 operations of order 2, and there are no other operations of even order in the group. Secondly, the 224 operations whose orders are powers of 3 cannot all be operations of order 3. For, if they were, there would be 8 operations of order 3 containing any three given symbols in a cycle; and therefore the group would contain operations other than identity which keep 3 symbols fixed. This is not the fact; the sub-groups of order 32 are therefore cyclical.

Conversely, we may now shew that such a triply transitive group of degree 9, if it exists, is certainly simple. The distribution of its operations in conjugate sets has, in fact, been determined as follows. There are:—

3  conjugate sets of operations of order 7  each containing 72  operations 3 9 56 1 3 56 1 2 63

A self-conjugate sub-group, that contains a single operation of order 7, must contain all of them; and such a sub-group, that contains a single operation of order 9, must contain all the operations of orders 3 and 9. Hence if a self-conjugate sub-group contains operations of order 9, its order must be of the form

1 + 224 + 216x + 63y;
and if it contains no operations of order 9, its order must be of the form
1 + 56x + 216y + 63z;
each of the symbols xy, xyz being either zero or unity. The order must at the same time be a factor of 504. A very brief consideration will shew that all these conditions cannot be satisfied, and therefore that no self-conjugate sub-group exists.

That there is a triply transitive group of degree 9 and order 9 8 7, has already been seen in § 113; and the actual formation of the substitutions generating this group will verify that it satisfies the conditions just obtained.

We may however very simply construct the group by the method of § 109; and this process has the advantage of shewing at the same time that there is only one type.

There is no difficulty in constructing the sub-group of order 56 as a doubly transitive group of 8 symbols. If we denote by s and t the two substitutions

(1254673) and(12)(34)(56)(78),
{s,t} is, in fact, a group of the desired type. If now A is any substitution of order 2 in the symbols 1, 2, …, 89 which contains the transposition (89), and satisfies the conditions
AsA = S1,AtA = S2AS3,
where S1S2S3 belong to {s,t}: then (§ 109) it follows that {A,s,t} is a triply transitive group of degree 9 and order 504.

Now every operation of order 2 in the group, which interchanges 8 and 9, must transform s into its inverse. Also from the 9 symbols only 7 operations of order 2, satisfying these conditions, can be formed; and if one of them belongs to the group, they must all belong to it. Hence there cannot be more than one type of group satisfying the conditions.

Finally, if

A = (89)(23)(46)(57),
AsA = s1,
and AtA can be expressed in the form
where the two operations (1635842) and (1685437) belong to {s,t}. It follows, then, that {A,s,t} is a triply transitive group of degree 9 and order 504, which satisfies all the conditions, and that there is only a single type of such group.

261. The order of a non-soluble group must be divisible by the order of some non-cyclical simple group. Moreover, if N is the order of a non-cyclical simple group and if n is any other number, there is always at least one non-soluble group of order Nn; for, G being a simple group of order N and H any group of order n, the direct product of G and H is a non-soluble group of order Nn. Herr Hölder108 has determined all distinct types of non-soluble groups whose orders are less than 480. He shews that, besides the three simple groups of orders 60168, and 360, there are 22 non-soluble groups whose orders are given by the following table.

120 180 240 300 336 360 420

3 1 8 1 3 5 1

For the proof of all these results except the first, and for the very interesting and suggestive methods that lead to them, the reader is referred to Herr Hölder’s memoir. The case of a non-soluble group of order 120 is susceptible of simple treatment; and we will consider it here as exemplifying how composite groups may be constructed when their factor-groups and the isomorphisms of the latter are completely known.

262. The composition-factors of a non-soluble group G of order 120 are 2 and 60. If these may be taken in either order, then G contains a self-conjugate sub-group of order 2 and a self-conjugate sub-group of order 60. The latter, being simple, must be an icosahedral group and cannot contain the former. Hence, in this case, G must (§ 34) be the direct product of an icosahedral group and a group of order 2.

Next, suppose that the composition-factors can only be taken in the order 260. Then G contains a self-conjugate sub-group H of icosahedral type and no self-conjugate sub-group of order 2. Hence if S is any operation of G which is not contained in H, the isomorphism of H which arises on transforming its operations by S must (§ 165) be contragredient. It follows that G is simply isomorphic with a group of isomorphisms of H. Now H is isomorphic with the alternating group of degree five, and its group of isomorphisms is therefore (§ 173) simply isomorphic with the symmetric group of degree five. Hence, in this case, G is simply isomorphic with the symmetric group of degree five.

Lastly, suppose that the composition-factors can only be taken in the order 602. Then G has a self-conjugate sub-group of order 2 and no self-conjugate sub-group of order 60. Hence (§ 35) G has no sub-group of order 60. Suppose that A is the self-conjugate operation of order 2, and arrange the operations of G in the sets

Since G {A}is simply isomorphic with an icosahedral group, it must (§ 203) be possible to choose three sets
such that either operation of the first, multiplied by either operation of the second, belongs to the third set; while at the same time the cube of either operation of the first set, the fifth power of either operation of the second set, and the square of either operation of the third set, belong to the set 1A. Now if
S3 = 1,
(SA)3 = A.
Hence we may assume, without loss of generality, that
S3 = 1,S5 = 1,SS= SorSA.

If S is of order 2, so also is SA, and G would then contain an icosahedral sub-group. Hence

S4 = 1,
S2 = A.


S13 = 1,S 25 = 1,(S 1S2)2 = 1,
is a complete set of defining relations for the icosahedral group; so that, from the symbols S1 and S2, exactly 60 distinct products can be formed. Hence from SS, and A, where
S3 = 1,S5 = 1,(SS)2 = A,A2 = 1,
A being permutable both with S and S, exactly 120 distinct products can be formed. It follows that the relations just given are the defining relations of a non-soluble group of order 120, which has a self-conjugate sub-group of order 2 and no sub-group of order 60; and that there is only one type of such group. We have already seen (§ 221) that there must be at least one such type of group; viz. the group defined by
x αx1 + βx2, x γx1 + δx2, αδ βγ 1, (mod5).

Ex. If p is an odd prime, shew that a group, whose composition-factors are 60 and p, must be the direct product of an icosahedral group and a group of order p. (Hölder.)

263. Let G be a composite group; and suppose that the factor-groups of the composition-series of G are the two non-cyclical simple groups H and H in the order given. Then (§ 165) if H1 is the group formed of all the operations of G which are permutable with every operation of H, the direct product {H,H1} of H and H1 is a self-conjugate sub-group of G. Now the composition-factors of {H,H1} are composition-factors of G. Hence H1 must either be isomorphic with H, or it must reduce to the identical operation. The latter alternative can only occur if L H has a sub-group simply isomorphic with H, L being the group of isomorphisms of H. In the cases of the simple groups whose groups of isomorphisms have been investigated in Chapter XI, i.e. the alternating groups, the doubly transitive groups of degree pn + 1 and order 1 2pn(p2n 1), and the triply transitive groups of degree 2n + 1 and order 2n(22n 1), L H was found to be an Abelian group. (These groups include all the simple groups whose orders do not exceed 660.) If H and H belong to these classes of groups, then G must be the direct product of simple groups simply isomorphic with H and H. For instance, a group of order 3600, whose composition-factors are 60 and 60, must be the direct product of two icosahedral groups.

This result may clearly be extended to the case of a group, the factor-groups of whose composition-series are a number of non-cyclical simple groups H1, H2, …, Hn, such that no two of them are of the same type, while for each of them L H is soluble. Such a group must be the direct product of n simple groups which are isomorphic with H1, H2, …, Hn.

If, however, several of these groups are of the same type, the inference is no longer necessarily true. Thus if G is the direct product of five icosahedral groups, and if L is the group of isomorphisms of G, the order of L G is 25 5!, and this group contains icosahedral sub-groups. A group of order (60)6, the factor-groups of whose composition-series are all of order 60, is not therefore necessarily the direct product of 6 icosahedral groups.

Note to § 257.

The property stated in the footnote on p. 1050 may be proved as follows. Let S1 and S2 be two operations of the group which are not permutable with each other; and suppose that

S21S 1S2 = S1Σ.
The sub-group of order pn1, which contains S1 self-conjugately, also contains S1Σ self-conjugately (§ 55); therefore it contains Σ self-conjugately. Similarly the sub-group, which contains S2 self-conjugately, contains S2Σ1 and therefore Σ self-conjugately. Hence Σ, being contained self-conjugately in two distinct sub-groups of order pn1, is a self-conjugate operation. From this it follows at once that H h  is Abelian.

Note to § 258.

The statement, on p. 1056, that the congruences p13 1(modp2) and p2 1(modp1) are inconsistent, is subject to an exception if p12 + p1 + 1 is a prime. When this is the case and when p2 = p12 + p1 + 1, a group of order p12p2p3 can only be simple, under the conditions assumed in the text, if it contains (p13 1)p3 operations of order p1, p12(p2 1)p3 operations of order p2, p12p2(p3 1) operations of order p3, and no other operation except identity. The relation

p13p 2p3 = (p13 1)p 3 + p12(p 2 1)p3 + p12p 2(p3 1) + 1
cannot however be satisfied; the group is therefore composite.

Note to § 260.

No simple group of odd order is at present known to exist. An investigation as to the existence or non-existence of such groups would undoubtedly lead, whatever the conclusion might be, to results of importance; it may be recommended to the reader as well worth his attention. Also, there is no known simple group whose order contains fewer than three different primes. This suggests that Theorems III and IV, §§ 243, 244, may be capable of generalisation. Investigation in this direction is also likely to lead to results of interest and importance.


T he technical phraseology that has been used in this book is borrowed almost entirely from French or German; and far the greater number of important memoirs on the subject of finite groups are written in one or the other of those languages. To enable the reader to refer, with as little trouble as possible, to the writings of foreign mathematicians, a table is here given of the French and the German equivalents of the more important technical terms. Even abroad, the phraseology of the subject has not yet arrived at that settled state in which every writer uses a technical term in the same sense; but the variations of usage are not very serious. In his recently published Lehrbuch der Algebra, however, Herr Weber has introduced or adopted several deviations from ordinary usage; the chief of these are noted, by the addition of his name after the term, in the subjoined table.




Abelian group

Groupe des opérations échangeables

Abel’sche Gruppe

Alternating group

Groupe alterné

Alternierende Gruppe

Complete group

Vollkommene Gruppe

Composite group

Groupe composé

Zusammengesetzte Gruppe


Groupe facteur


Primitive or imprimitive group

Groupe primitif ou non-primitif

Primitive oder imprimitive Gruppe

Transitive or intransitive group

Groupe transitif ou intransitif

Transitive oder intransitive Gruppe

Simple group

Groupe simple

Einfache Gruppe

Soluble group

Groupe résoluble

Auflösbare Gruppe

Metacyclische Gruppe109 (Weber)

Substitution group

Groupe des substitutions or système des substitutions conjuguées


Symmetric group

Groupe symétrique

Symmetrische Gruppe

Group of isomorphisms

Gruppe der Isomorphismen




Theiler (Weber)

Conjugate sub-groups

Sousgroupes conjugués

Gleichberechtigte Untergruppen

Conjugirte Theiler (Weber)

Self-conjugate sub-group

Sousgroupe invariant

Ausgezeichnete Untergruppe or invariante Untergruppe

Normaltheiler (Weber)

Maximum self-conjugate sub-group

Sousgroupe invariant maximum

Ausgezeichnete or invariante Maximaluntergruppe

Grösster Normaltheiler (Weber)

Characteristic sub-group

Charakteristische Untergruppe


Suite de composition

Reihe der Zusammensetzung

Compositionsreihe (Weber)

Composition factors

Facteurs de composition

Factoren der Zusammensetzung

Chief series


Characteristic series

Lückenlose Reihe charakteristischer Untergruppen

Simple isomorphism

Isomorphisme holoédrique

Holoëdrischer or einstufiger Isomorphismus

Multiple isomorphism110

Isomorphisme meriédrique

Meriëdrischer or mehrstufiger Isomorphismus

Isomorphism of a group with itself

Isomorphismus der Gruppe in sich

Cogredient or contragredient isomorphism

Cogredient oder contragredient Isomorphismus

Degree (of a group)



Order ” ”



Grad (Weber)

Genus ” ”




Substitution or Buchstabenvertauschung

Circular substitution

Substitution circulaire


Even and odd substitutions

Substitutions positives et négatives

Gerade und ungerade Substitutionen

Regular substitution

Substitution régulière

Reguläre Substitution

Similar substitutions

Substitutions semblables

Ähnliche Substitutionen




One other term, introduced by Herr Weber, for which no simple equivalent is used in this book, must be mentioned. The greatest sub-group which is common to two groups he calls the “Durchschnitt” of the two groups.

The ratio of the order of a sub-group H, to the order of the group G containing it, is called by French writers the “indice,” by German the “Index,” of H in G. The phrase is most commonly used of a substitution group in relation to the symmetric group of the same degree.

The smallest number of symbols displaced by any substitution, except identity, of a substitution group is called by French writers the “classe,” by Germans the “Klasse,” of the group.