Chapter 6
Homomorphism of Fundamental Regular Semigroups

Let E and E be biordered sets and S and S be regular semigroups. Let θ : E E be a bimorphism and h : S S, a homomorphism. We say that h extends θ to S and θ is a restriction of h to E if and only if

θS h = θ θS (6.1)

where θS : E E(S) and θS : E E(S). If θS = IE and θS = IE, θ is the usual restriction of h to E since

h|E = IE h = θ IE = θ.

By Theorem 4.10, every homomorphism of a regular semigroup is an extension of some bimorphism. In this chapter we shall show that every bimorphism is the restriction of some homomorphism of a regular semigroup to its set of idempotents.

Definition 6.1. Let θ : E E be a bimorphism of a biordered set E into a biordered set E. Suppose that T PT (E) and TPT (E). Then we shall say that a mapping

ν : T T

is compatible with θ if and only if the following conditions are satisfied.


α T (e,f) αν T(eθ,fθ)

where αν denotes the image of α under v

(c2) If c = (e0,,en) is a δ0-chain in E and if cθ = (e0θ,,enθ) then

ϵ(c)ν = ϵ(cθ).

(c3) If α,β T and if either fαωeβ or eβωfα, then

(α β)ν = αν βν.

Theorem 6.1. Let E and E be biordered sets, T PT (E) and TPT (E). If θ : E E is a bimorphism and if v : T T is compatible with θ then h(ν,θ) defined by

α¯h(ν,θ) = αv¯ (6.2)

is a homomorphism of T̄ into T̄ which extends θ.

Conversely if h : T̄ T̄ is a homomorphism and if θh denotes the bimorphism defined by

θh = χE h χE1 (6.3)

where χE : E E(T¯) and χE : E E(T¯) are isomorphisms defined by (5.13), then there exists a mapping v : T T compatible with θh such that

h = h(ν,θh).

Proof. First we prove that h(ν,θ) is a mapping. Suppose that α,αT and ασα. Then from (5.5) and the fact that θ is a bimorphism we obtain


Further if hωreα(hωlfα)

(h α)ν = (τr(h,hτr(e α)) α)ν = τr(h,hτr(e α))ν αν = τr(hθ,hθτr(e αθ)) αν

by (c2) and (c3). Therefore

(h α)ν = hθ αν((α h)ν = ανhθ) (6.4)

Hence by (5.5)

eαθ αν = (e α α)ν = (α f α)ν = (αν f αθ),

which implies that ανσαv. Thus h(ν,θ) is a mapping. Moreover by (5.8), and (6.2)

(α¯ β¯)h(ν,θ) = (α h h β¯)h(ν,θ) = (α h h β¯)ν

where α,β T, h s(fα,eβ). Since hθ s(fαθ,eβθ) we have by (c3) and (6.4),

(α¯ β¯)h(ν,θ) = αν hθ hθ βν¯ = αν¯ βν¯ = α¯h(ν,θ) β¯h(ν,θ).

Thus h(ν,θ) is a homomorphism of T¯ into T¯. Also for e E,

(eχE)h(ν,θ) = ϵ(e,e)ν¯ = ϵ(eθ,eθ)¯ = (eθ)χE

and therefore h(ν,θ) extends θ.

If h : T¯T¯ is a homomorphism, Theorem 4.10 and Lemma 5.9 show that θh is a bimorphism. Evidently θh is a restriction of h to E. Now define v by

αν = χ E a(α¯h,α1¯h) χE 1, (6.5)

for all α T. Since α¯h T¯ and α1¯h i(α¯h) by (5.14), αν T. By definition of θh

eανχE = α¯h α1¯h = (eαχE)h = (eαθα)χE

and hence eαν = eαθh. Similarly fαν = fαθh. Hence v satisfies axiom (c1).

Let α,β T and fαωeβ. Since fα S(fα,eβ) we have

α¯ β¯ = α β¯


β1¯ α1¯ = β1 α1¯.

Substituting these in (6.5), we obtain

(α β)ν = χ E a((α¯ β¯)h,(β1¯,α1¯)h) χE 1.

Since α1¯ α¯ = fαχEωeβχE = β¯ β1¯ we have by (4.16) that

a((α¯ β¯)h,(β1¯α1¯)h) = a(α¯h,α1¯h) a(β¯h,β1¯h).


(α β)ν = (χ E a(α¯h,α1¯h) χE 1) (χ E a(β¯h,β1¯h),χE 1) = αν βν.

Similarly it can be seen that the same equality holds when eβωfα. Thus v satisfies (c3) also.

To verify (c2), let erf. Then

τr(e,f) χ E = χE τr(eχ,fχ) = χE a(fχE,eχE).


τr(e,f)ν = χ E a((fχE)h,(eχE)h) χE1 = χE a((fθh)χE)(eθh,χE) χE1.


τr(eθ h,fθh) χE = χE a((fθh)χE,(eθh,χE)),

we have

τr(e,f)ν = τr(eθ h,fθh) χE χE1 = τr(eθ h,fθh).

Similarly if elf we obtain

τl(e,f)ν = τl(eθ h,fθh).

This together with axiom (c3) implies axiom (c2). Hence the theorem.

Theorem 6.2. Let θ : E E and ν : T T be as given in Theorem 6.1. Then the following statements are equivalent.

  1. h(ν,θ) is injective.
  2. ν is injective.
  3. θ is injective.

Proof. If h(ν,θ) is injective, since

θ = χE h(ν,θ) χE1

θ is also injective. On the other hand, if θ is injective

h(ν,θ)|E(T¯) = IE(T¯) h(ν,θ) = χE1 θ χ E,

is also injective and so h(ν,θ) is an idempotent separating homomorphism. Since T ¯ is fundamental, this implies that h(ν,θ) is injective. Thus (a) (c).

Let α,β T and αν = βν. Then by Definition 6.1

eαθ = eβθ fαθ = fβθ

and since θ is injective we have eα = eβ,fα = fβ. Further, since αν = βν,

α¯h(ν,θ) = β¯h(ν,θ)

which implies that ασβ. Hence α = β i.e., ν is injective and thus (a) (b).

Let eθ = fθ. Then

ϵ(e,e)ν = ϵ(eθ,eθ) = ϵ(fθ,fθ) = ϵ(f,f)ν.

Since v is injective we have ϵ(e,e) = ϵ(f,f) and hence e = f. Thus (b) (c).

Lemma 6.3. Let v : T T be a mapping compatible with the bimorphism θ : E E. Then for all α T

  1. (αν)1 = (α1)ν and
  2. α θ = θ αν.

Proof. If α T then αν T(eαθ,fαθ) and hence (αν)1 T(fαθ,eαθ). But since α1 T (f,e),(α1)ν also belongs to T(fαθ,eαθ). Further αν1¯ and (α1)ν¯ are inverse of αν in the -class H(fαθ)χE,(eαθ)χE of T¯ and therefore (αν)¯1 = (α1)¯ν, which implies that (αν)1σ(α1)ν. Thus (αν)1 = (α1)ν.

To prove (b), let x = ᾱ and x = α1¯. Then for g ω(eα)

g(χE)(a(x,x) h(ν,θ)) = (xh(ν,θ))(gχEh(ν,θ))(xh(ν,θ)) = ((gχE)h(ν,θ))a(xh(ν,θ),xh(ν,θ)).


a(x,x) h(ν,θ) = h(ν,θ) a(xh(ν,θ),xh(ν,θ)). (6.6)

For g ω(eα) we have by (5.14), (6.1), (6.2) and (6.6)

(g)(α θ χE) = (gα)(χE h(ν,θ)) = (gχE)(a(x,x) h(ν,θ)) = (gχE)(h(ν,θ) a(xh(ν,θ),xh(ν,θ))) = (gθ)(χE a(xh(ν,θ),xh(ν,θ))) = ((gθ)χE)a(α¯ν,αν1¯) = ((gθ)αν)x E = (g)(θ αν χ E).

Since χE is an isomorphism, we have for all g ω(eα)

(g)(α θ) = (g)(θ αν).

Lemma 6.4. Let θ and ν be as given above and let θ be surjective. Then if α T and ανσα then there exists α1 T such that α1ν = α.

Proof. Since θ is surjective, there exist e,f E such that

eθ = eα andfθ = fα.

Let e2 S(e,eα) and e1 = e2τr(eα). Then e2θ S(eθ,e2θ) = S(eα,eαθ) = {eα} since eαreαθ; and

e1θ = e2θτr(e αθ)(eα)τr(e αθ) = eαθ.


e2θ = eα,e1θ = eαθ,

and e2re1ωeα.

Dually we can prove that there exist f1 and f2 such that

f1θ = fαθ,f2θ = fα


f2lf 1ωf2.

Now let h1 (f1α1,e1). Then h1 ω(eα) and by Lemma 6.3.

(f1α1)θ = (f 1θ)(α1)ν = (f αθ)αν1 = e αθ.


h1θ S(eαθ,e1θ) = S(eαθ,eαθ) = {eαθ}

and if h1 = h1α

h1θ = (h 1α)θ = (h1θ)αν = (e αθ)αν = f αθ.

Since h1 ωr(e2) and h1 ωl(f2), for

h2 = h1τr(e 2) andh = hτl(f 2),

we have

h2θ = h1θτr(e 2θ) = (eαθ)τr(e α) = eα


hθ = hθτl(f 2θ) = (f2θ)τl(f α) = fα.

By definitions of h2 and h2

h2rh 1,h2lh 1 andh 1 α T (h1,h1).

Therefore by (6.4)

(h1 α)ν = h 1θ αν = e αθ αν = αν.

Now if

α1 = τr(h 2,h1) h1 τl(h,h)

then α1σh1 α and α1 T (h2,h). Thus

α1νσ(h 1 α)ν = αν


α1ν T(h 2θ,hθ) = T(eα,fα).

Consequently α1ν,αT(eα,fα) and α1ν,σα, which imply that α1ν = α.

Theorem 6.5. Let ν : T T(T PT (E),TPT (E)) be compatible with bimorphism θ : E E. Then we have the following:

  1. h(ν,θ) is surjective if and only if ν is surjective.
  2. If θ is surjective, then (T )ν = {αν|α T}PT (E).

Proof. (a) If h(ν,θ) is surjective, by (4.6) and (6.1), θ is also surjective. For αT, there exists α T such that ανσα. Also by Lemma 6.4 there exists α1 T such that α1ν = α and thus ν is surjective.

If ν is surjective, by definition, h(ν,θ) is also surjective.

(b) If θ is surjective, we have by (4.6), and (6.1)

(E(T̄))h(ν,θ) = E(T̄).

Denoting (T̄)h(ν,θ) by T̄ we see that T̄ is a regular subsemigroup of T̄ such that E(T̄) = E(T̄) since h(ν,θ) is a homomorphism of T̄ onto T̄ and T̄ is fundamental, we have

T = {α|ᾱ T̄}PT (E).

It now follows from (a) that ν maps T into T.

From Theorems 6.2 and 6.5 we notice that h(ν,θ) is an isomorphism if and only if ν is a bijection. A similar characterization of isomorphisms in terms of θ is not possible since, h(ν,θ) need not be a surjection when θ is a surjection. This is true for a limited class of fundamental semigroups.

Theorem 6.6. Let θ : E E be a bimorphism of E into E. For every δ0-chain c = (e0,,en) in E, define θ̄ by

ϵ(c)¯θ̄ = ϵ(cθ)¯ (6.7)

where cθ = (e0θ,,enθ). Then θ̄ is a homomorphism of E0 ̃̄ into E0 ̃̄ and θ̄ is injective (surjective) if and only if θ is injective (surjective).

Proof. Let c be a δ0-chain in E and define θ̃ by

ϵ(c)θ̃ = ϵ(cθ). (6.8)

Then clearly

ϵ(c)¯θ̄ = ϵ(c)θ̃¯. (6.9)

We now prove that θ̃ is compatible with θ which will imply that θ̄ = h(θ̃,θ).

Since ϵ(c) 0(e0,en) and ϵ(cθ) 0(e0θ,enθ), axiom (c1) is clearly satisfied. Axiom (c2) follows from the definition of θ̃ itself.

Let c = (e0en), c = (e0em) and suppose that enωe0. Then by 3.2 we have

ϵ(enc) = τr(e n,en) ϵ(c).


ϵ(c enc) = ϵ(c) τr(e n,en) ϵ(c) = ϵ(c) ϵ(c).

But by definition of (c enc)θ

(c enc)θ = cθ e nθcθ

and enθωe0θ. Thus

ϵ(c encθ) = ϵ(cθ) ϵ(cθ)


(ϵ(c) ϵ(c))θ̃ = ϵ(c)θ̃ ϵ(c)θ̃.

The same equality can be proved when e0ωen. Hence θ̃ satisfies (c3) and we conclude that θ̃ is compatible with θ.

By Theorem 6.2, θ̄ is injective if and only if θ is injective. If θ is surjective, clearly θ̄ is also surjective. On the other hand, if θ̄ is surjective, by Theorem 6.5(b),

0θ̃ PT (E),

and hence 00θ̃. But clearly θ̃ maps 0 into 0 and therefore 0θ̃ 0. Thus θ̃ is surjective and hence by Theorem 6.5(a), θ is surjective.

Remark 6.7: It is clear that the partial groupoids of idempotents of ̄0 and ̄0 are isomorphic if and only if E(̄0) is isomorphic to E(̄0) (as biordered sets). Hence the statement that θ̄ is an isomorphism if and only if θ has this property is essentially equivalent to Corollary 17 of [5].

Corollary 6.8. If θ : E E is a bimorphism of E into E, then Eθ is a biordered subset of E.

Proof. By Theorem 6.6, θ̄ is a homomorphism of ̄0 into ̄0 and hence ̄0θ̄ is a regular subsemigroup of ̄0. E(̄θ̄) is therefore a biordered subset of E(̄0). But by (4.6),

E(̄0θ̄) = E(̄0)θ̄,

and hence E(̄0θ̄)χE1 is a biordered subset of E. Since

θ = χE θ χE1

and E(̄0) = EχE, we notice that

Eθ = (EχE)(θ̄ χE1)

is a biordered subset of E

Remark 6.9: We have already noted that the restriction of a homomorphism to the set of idempotents of a regular semigroup is a bimorphism (Theorem 4.10). Theorem 6.6 shows that the converse of this is also true (ie., every bimorphism extends to a homomorphism of a regular semigroup). Just as biordered sets are charecterized as idempotent sets of regular semigroup, these results show that bimorphisms may be characterized as those mappings of biordered sets that extend to homomorphisms.