Chapter 1
Definitions and Notations

Let X be a nonempty set and ρ, a quasi-order (a reflexive and transitive relation) on X. The pair (X,ρ) is called a quasi-ordered set. For every x X, the set

ρ(x) = {xxρx} (1.1)

is described as the (principal) ρ-ideal of (X,ρ) generated by x. The relation ρ ρ1 which is clearly an equivalence relation on X, is termed as the equivalence relation associated with ρ. An element x X is said to be universally maximal in X if

ρ(x) = X. (1.2)

Let (X,ρ) and (X,ρ) be quasi-ordered sets. Then,

ρ × ρ = {((x,x),(y,y))xρy  and xρy} (1.3)

is a quasi-order on X × X. The quasi-ordered set (X × X,ρ × ρ) is called product ordered set and is denoted by

(X,ρ) × (X,ρ).

Let f : (X,ρ) (X,ρ) be a mapping. The image of x under f is denoted by xf (or by (x)f). f is called an order preserving map or an order morphism if

xρy xfρyf, (1.4)

for all x,y X.

If f : (X,ρ) (X,ρ) and g : (X,ρ) (X,ρ) then f g denotes the composition

(X,ρ)f(X,ρ)g(X,ρ) = (X,ρ)f g(X,ρ). (1.5)

An order morphism f : (X,ρ) (X,ρ) is called a retraction (co-retraction) if there exists an order morphism g : (X,ρ) (X,ρ) such that

g f = IX(f g = IX) (1.6)

where IX denotes the identity map on X. (We shall use this notation for identity maps throughout this work).

An order morphism which is both a retraction and a co-retraction is called an order isomorphism (or isomorphism when there is no confusion). An order isomorphism of (X,ρ) onto (X,ρ) may also be defined as a bijection satisfying the following condition: For all x,y X,

xρy xfρyf. (1.7)

We regard composition of functions as a particular case of composition of relations defined on p. 13 of [2], so that f g is defined even when range fdomg (so that f g = if range f domg = ), being written in the order shown in (1.5) which agrees with the definition given in [2].

All notations associated with semigroups, not explicitly defined here, are from [2] and [3]. We give below some additional notations which are used throughout this work.

By a semigroup we mean a regular semigroup which we denote by S. For x,y S we denote by Rx and Ly the and -classes of x and y respectively. We write

Hx,y = Rx Ly (1.8)

so that if Hx,y, it is an -class of S. Further, if X S, we define

E(X) = {e X|e2 = e} (1.9)

so that E(S) denotes the set of idempotents of S, and when there is no confusion, we write E instead of E(S). On E, define

ωr = {(e,f) E2fe = e},ωl = {(e,f) E2|ef = e}  (1.10)  r = ωr (ωr)1,l = ωl (ωl)1,  (1.11)  ω = ωr ωl.  (1.12) 

Clearly ωr(ωl) denotes the quasi-order on E induced by the inclusion relation among the principal right (left) ideals. Thus for all e E,

ωr(e) = E eS andωl(e) = E Se;


r = (E × E) andl = (E × E).

It can be easily verified that

ωr (ωl)1 = (ωr)1 ωl = I E (1.13)

and in particular, ω is a partial order.

On S, define

i = is = {(x,x) S2xxx = x,xxx = x}; (1.14)

and for x S and X S,

i(x;X) = {x X(x,x) i}. (1.15)

For convenience, denote i(x;S) by i(x). If e,f E and x He,f, then i(x;f,e) is the unique inverse of x in Hf,e.

Let L and L(R  and R) be two ()-classes of S. If the right (left) translation ρx(λx) determined by x S is a one-to-one ()-class preserving map of L onto L(R  onto R), then we say that x translates L onto L(R  onto R) so that Lx = L(xR = R). Clearly, if x translates L onto L and if y translates L onto L, then xy translates L onto L and by the associativity of multiplication in S,

(Lx)y = Lxy.

In this investigation we deal with the left–right duals of statements and concepts. Left–right dual of a statement or concept T is denoted by T while the actual statement or definition of T is omitted. Thus the quasi-order ωl is the left–right dual of ωr. Corresponding to any statement or concept involving ωr, there is a statement or concept involving ωl which will be the left–right dual of the former. The same remark applies to definitions of biordered sets (Definition 2.1), bimorphisms (Definition 2.2) etc., where the quasi-order ωr, function τr(e) etc., are regarded as duals of ωl,τl(e) etc. Unless otherwise stated, with every statement, axiom or definition we assume its dual and its explicit formulation is omitted.