Chapter 3
Elementary Properties of Congruences

3.1 Congruences Modulo m

DEFINITIONS. If a and b are any two integers, positive or zero or negative, whose difference is divisible by m, a and b are said to be congruent modulo m, or congruent for the modulus m, or congruent according to the modulus m. Each of the numbers a and b is said to be a residue of the other.

To express the relation thus defined we may write

a = b + cm,

where c is an integer (positive or zero or negative). It is more convenient, however, to use a special notation due to Gauss, and to write

a bmodm,

an expression which is read a is congruent to b modulo m, or a is congruent to b for the modulus m, or a is congruent to b according to the modulus m. This notation has the advantage that it involves only the quantities which are essential to the idea involved, whereas in the preceding expression we had the irrelevant integer c. The Gaussian notation is of great value and convenience in the study of the theory of divisibility. In the present chapter we develop some of the fundamental elementary properties of congruences. It will be seen that many theorems concerning equations are likewise true of congruences with fixed modulus; and it is this analogy with equations which gives congruences (as such) one of their chief claims to attention.

As immediate consequences of our definitions we have the following fundamental theorems:

I. If a cmodm, b cmodm, then a bmodm; that is, for a given modulus, numbers congruent to the same number are congruent to each other.

For, by hypothesis, a c = c1m, b c = c2m, where c1 and c2 are integers. Then by subtraction we have a b = (c1 c2)m; whence a bmodm.

II. If a bmodm, α βmodm, then a ± α b ± βmodm; that is, congruences with the same modulus may be added or subtracted member by member.

For, by hypothesis, a b = c1m, α β = c2m; whence (a ± α) (b ± β) = (c1 ± c2)m. Hence a ± α = b ± βmodm.

III. If a = bmodm, then ca = cbmodm, c being any integer whatever.

The proof is obvious and need not be stated.

IV. If a bmodm, α βmodm, then aα bβmodm; that is, two congruences with the same modulus may be multiplied member by member.

For, we have a = b + c1m, α = β + c2m. Multiplying these equations member by member we have aα = bβ + m(bc2 + βc1 + c1c2m). Hence aα bβmodm.

A repeated use of this theorem gives the following result:

V. If a bmodm, then an bn modm where n is any positive integer.

As a corollary of theorems II, III and V we have the following more general result:

VI. If f(x) denotes any polynomial in x with coefficients which are integers (positive or zero or negative) and if further a b mod m, then

f(a) f(b) mod m.

3.2 Solutions of Congruences by Trial

Let f(x) be any polynomial in x with coefficients which are integers (positive or negative or zero). Then if x and c are any two integers it follows from the last theorem of the preceding section that

f(x) f(x + cm) mod m. (1)

Hence if a is any value of x for which the congruence

f(x) 0 mod m. (2)

is satisfied, then the congruence is also satisfied for x = α + cm, where c is any integer whatever. The numbers α + cm are said to form a solution (or to be a root) of the congruence, c being a variable integer. Any one of the integers α + cm may be taken as the representative of the solution. We shall often speak of one of these numbers as the solution itself.

Among the integers in a solution of the congruence (2) there is evidently one which is positive and not greater than m. Hence all solutions of a congruence of the type (2) may be found by trial, a substitution of each of the numbers 1,2,,m being made for x. It is clear also that m is the maximum number of solutions which (2) can have whatever be the function f(x). By means of an example it is easy to show that this maximum number of solutions is not always possessed by a congruence; in fact, it is not even necessary that the congruence have a solution at all.

This is illustrated by the example

x2 3 0 mod 5.

In order to show that no solution is possible it is necessary to make trial only of the values 1,2,3,4,5 for x. A direct substitution verifies the conclusion that none of them satisfies the congruence; and hence that the congruence has no solution at all.

On the other hand the congruence

x5 x 0 mod 5

has the solutions x = 1,2,3,4,5 as one readily verifies; that is, this congruence has five solutions—the maximum number possible in accordance with the results obtained above.


Show that (a + b)p ap + bp mod p where a and b are any integers and p is any prime.
From the preceding result prove that αp α mod p for every integer α.
Find all the solutions of each of the congruences x11 x mod 11,x10 1 mod 11,x5 1 mod 11.

3.3 Properties of Congruences Relative to Division

The properties of congruences relative to addition, subtraction and multiplication are entirely analogous to the properties of algebraic equations. But the properties relative to division are essentially different. These we shall now give.

I. If two numbers are congruent modulo m they are congruent modulo d, where d is any divisor of m.

For, from a b mod m, we have a = b + cm = b + cd. Hence a b mod d.

II. If two numbers are congruent for different moduli they are congruent for a modulus which is the least common multiple of the given moduli.

The proof is obvious, since the difference of the given numbers is divisible by each of the moduli.

III. When the two members of a congruence are multiples of an integer c prime to the modulus, each member of the congruence may be divided by c.

For, if ca cb mod m then ca cb is divisible by m. Since c is prime to m it follows that a b is divisible by m. Hence a b mod m.

IV. If the two members of a congruence are divisible by an integer c, having with the modulus the greatest common divisor δ, one obtains a congruence equivalent to the given congruence by dividing the two members by c and the modulus by δ.

By hypothesis ac bc mod m,c = δc1,m = δm1. Hence c(a b) is divisible by m. A necessary and sufficient condition for this is evidently that c1(a b) is divisible by m1. This leads at once to the desired result.

3.4 Congruences with a Prime Modulus

The congruence2

a0xn + a 1xn1 + + a n 0 mod p,a00 mod p

where p is a prime number and the a’s are any integers, has not more than n solutions.

Denote the first member of this congruence by f(x) so that the congruence may be written

f(x) 0 mod p (1)

Suppose that a is a root of the congruence, so that

f(a) 0 mod p.

Then we have f(x)

f(x) f(a) mod p.

But, from algebra, f(x) f(a) is divisible by x a. Let (x a)α be the highest power of x a contained in f(x) f(a). Then we may write

f(x) f(a) = (x a)αf 1(x), (2)

where f1(x) is evidently a polynomial with integral coefficients. Hence we have

f(x) (x a)αf 1(x) mod p. (3)

We shall say that a occurs α times as a solution of (1); or that the congruence has α solutions each equal to a.

Now suppose that congruence (1) has a root b such that ba mod p. Then from (3) we have

f(b) (b a)αf 1(b) mod p.


f(b) 0 mod p,(b a)α0 mod p.

Hence, since p is a prime number, we must have

f1(b) 0 mod p.

By an argument similar to that just used above, we may show that f1(x) f1(b) may be written in the form

f1(x) f1(b) = (x b)βf 2(x),

where β is some positive integer. Then we have

f(x) (x a)α(x b)βf 2(x) mod p.

Now this process can be continued until either all the solutions of (1) are exhausted or the second member is a product of linear factors multiplied by the integer a0. In the former case there will be fewer than n solutions of (1), so that our theorem is true for this case. In the other case we have

f(x) a0(x a)α(x b)β(x l)λ mod p.

We have now n solutions of (1): a counted α times, b counted β times, …, l counted λ times; α + β + + λ = n.

Now let η be any solution of (1). Then

f(η) a0(η a)α(η b)β(η l)λ 0 mod p.

Since p is prime it follows now that some one of the factors η a,η b,,η l is divisible by p. Hence η coincides with one of the solutions a,b,c,,l. That is, (1) can have only the n solutions already found.

This completes the proof of the theorem.


Construct a congruence of the form
a0xn + a 1xn1 + + a n 0 mod m,a00 mod m,

having more than n solutions and thus show that the limitation to a prime modulus in the theorem of this section is essential.

Prove that
x6 1 (x 1)(x 2)(x 3)(x 4)(x 5)(x 6) mod 7

for every integer x.

How many solutions has the congruence x5 1 mod 11? the congruence x5 2 mod 11?

3.5 Linear Congruences

From the theorem of the preceding section it follows that the congruence

ax c mod p,a0 mod p,

where p is a prime number, has not more than one solution. In this section we shall prove that it always has a solution. More generally, we shall consider the congruence

ax c mod m

where m is any integer. The discussion will be broken up into parts for convenience in the proofs.

I. The congruence

ax 1 mod m, (1)

in which a and m are relatively prime, has one and only one solution.

The question as to the existence and number of the solutions of (1) is equivalent to the question as to the existence and number of integer pairs x,y satisfying the equation,

ax my = 1, (2)

the integers x being incongruent modulo m. Since a and m are relatively prime it follows from theorem IV of § 1.9 that there exists a solution of equation (2). Let x = α and y = β be a particular solution of (2) and let x = ᾱ and y = β̄ be any solution of (2). Then we have

aα mβ = 1, aᾱ mβ̄ = 1;


a(α ᾱ) m(β β̄) = 0.

Hence α ᾱ is divisible by m, since a and m are relatively prime. That is, a ᾱmodm. Hence α and ᾱ are representatives of the same solution of (1). Hence (1) has one and only one solution, as was to be proved.

II. The solution x = α of the congruence ax 1modm, in which a and m are relatively prime, is prime to m.

For, if aα 1 is divisible by m, α is divisible by no factor of m except 1.

III. The congruence

ax cmodm (3)

in which a and m and also c and m are relatively prime, has one and only one solution.

Let x = γ be the unique solution of the congruence cx = 1modm. Then we have aγx cγ 1modm. Now, by I we see that there is one and only one solution of the congruence aγx 1modm; and from this the theorem follows at once.

Suppose now that a is prime to m but that c and m have the greatest common divisor δ which is different from 1. Then it is easy to see that any solution x of the congruence ax cmodm must be divisible by δ. The question of the existence of solutions of the congruence ax c mod m is then equivalent to the question of the existence of solutions of the congruence

ax δ c δ mod m δ ,

where x δ is the unknown integer. From III it follows that this congruence has a unique solution x δ = α. Hence the congruence ax c mod m has the unique solution x = δα. Thus we have the following theorem:

IV. The congruence ax c mod m, in which a and m are relatively prime, has one and only one solution.

COROLLARY. The congruence ax c mod p, a0 mod p, where p is a prime number, has one and only one solution.

It remains to examine the case of the congruence ax = c mod m in which a and m have the greatest common divisor d. It is evident that there is no solution unless c also contains this divisor d. Then let us suppose that a = αd, c = γd, m = μd. Then for every x such that ax = c mod m we have αx = γ mod μ; and conversely every x satisfying the latter congruence also satisfies the former. Now αx = γ mod μ, has only one solution. Let β be a non-negative number less than μ, which satisfies the congruence αx = γ mod μ. All integers which satisfy this congruence are then of the form β + μν, where ν is an integer. Hence all integers satisfying the congruence ax = c mod m are of the form β + μν; and every such integer is a representative of a solution of this congruence. It is clear that the numbers

β,β + μ,β + 2μ,,β + (d 1)μ (A)

are incongruent modulo m while every integer of the form β + μν is congruent modulo m to a number of the set (A). Hence the congruence ax = c mod m has the d solutions (A).

This leads us to an important theorem which includes all the other theorems of this section as special cases. It may be stated as follows:

V. Let

ax c mod m

be any linear congruence and let a and m have the greatest common divisor d(d 1). Then a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of solutions of the congruence is that c be divisible by d. If this condition is satisfied the congruence has just d solutions, and all the solutions are congruent modulo m/d.


Find the remainder when 240 is divided by 31; when 243 is divided by 31.
Show that 225 + 1 has the factor 641.
Prove that a number is a multiple of 9 if and only if the sum of its digits is a multiple of 9.
Prove that a number is a multiple of 11 if and only if the sum of the digits in the odd numbered places diminished by the sum of the digits in the even numbered places is a multiple of 11.