Chapter 9
The Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Undetermined Coefficients. Involution and Evolution. The Binomial Theorem

70. Function. A variable w is said to be a function of a second variable z for the area A of the z-plane (§42), when to the z belonging to every point of A there corresponds a determinate value or set of values of w.

Thus if w = 2z, w is a function of z. For when z = 1, w = 2; when z = 2, w = 4; and there is in like manner a determinate value of w for every value of z. In this case A is coextensive with the entire z-plane.

Similarly w is a function of z, if

w = a0 + a1z + a2z2 + + a nzn + ,
so long as this infinite series is convergent, i. e. for the portion of the z-plane bounded by a circle having the null-point for centre, and for radius the modulus of the smallest value of z for which the series diverges.

It is customary to use for w when a function of z the symbol f(z), read “function z.”

71. Functional Equation of the Exponential Function. For positive integral values of z and t, az at = az+t. The question naturally suggests itself, is there a function of z which will satisfy the condition expressed by this equation, or the “functional equation” f(z)f(t) = f(z + t), for all values of z and t?

We proceed to the investigation of this question and another which it suggests, not only because they lead to definitions of the important functions az and logaz for complex values of a and z, and so give the operations of involution, evolution, and the taking of logarithms the perfectly general character already secured to the four fundamental operations,—but because they afford simple examples of a large class of mathematical investigations.26

72. Undetermined Coefficients. In investigations of this sort, the method commonly used in one form or another is that of undetermined coefficients. This method consists in assuming for the function sought an expression involving a series of unknown but constant quantities—coefficients,—in substituting this expression in the equation or equations which embody the conditions which the function must satisfy, and in so determining these unknown constants that these equations shall be identically satisfied, that is to say, satisfied for all values of the variable or variables.

The method is based on the following theorem, called “the theorem of undetermined coefficients,” viz.:

If the series A + Bz + Cz2 + be equal to the series A + Bz + Cz2 + for all values of z which make both convergent, and the coefficients be independent of z, the coefficients of like powers of z in the two are equal.

For, since

A + Bz + Cz2 + = A + Bz + Cz2 + ,
A A + (B B)z + (C C)z2 + = 0
throughout the circle of convergence common to the two given series (§§ 67, 69, 1).

And being convergent within this circle, the series

A A + (B B)z + (C C)z2 +
can be made to differ as little as we please from its first term, A A (§ 68).
A A = 0 (§ 30, Cor.), orA = A.


(B B)z + (C C)z2 + = 0
throughout the common circle of convergence, and hence (at least, for values of z different from 0)
B B + (C C)z + = 0

Therefore by the reasoning which proved that

A A = 0,B B = 0, orB = B.

In like manner it may be proved that C = C, D = D, etc.

 COR. If  A + Bz + Ct + Dz2 + Ezt + Ft2 + = A + Bz + Ct + Dz2 + Ezt + Ft2 +

for all values of z and t which make both series convergent, and z be independent of t, and the coefficients independent of both z and t, the coefficients of like powers of z and t in the two series are equal.

For, arrange both series with reference to the powers of either variable. The coefficients of like powers of this variable are then equal, by the preceding theorem. These coefficients are series in the other variable, and by applying the theorem to each equation between them the corollary is demonstrated.

73. The Exponential Function. To apply this method to the case in hand, assume

f(z) = A0 + A1z + A2z2 + + A nzn + ,
and determine whether values of the coefficients Ai can be found capable of satisfying the “functional equation,”

f(z)f(t) = f(z + t), (1)

for all values of z and t.

On substituting in this equation, we have, for all values of z and t for which the series converge,

(A0+A1z+A2z2+A nzn+)(A 0+A1t+A2t2+A ntn+) = A 0+A1(z+t)+A2(z+t)2+A n(z+t)n+;
or, expanding and arranging the terms with reference to the powers of z and t,

A0A0 + A1A0z + A0A1t + A2A0z2 + A 1A1zt + A0A2t2 + + AnA0zn + A n1A1zn1t + + A nkAkznktk + + A 0Antn + = A0 + A1z + A1t + A2z2 + 2A 2zt + A2t2 + + Anzn + A nnzn1t + + A nnkznktk + + A ntn + ,  where nk = (n(n 1)(n k + 1) k!

Equating the coefficients of like powers of z and t in the two members of this equation, we get

An1Ak  equal always toAnnk.  In particular A0A0 = A0, thereforeA0 = 1. Also A1A1 = 2A2,A2A1 = 3A3, A3A1 = 4A4,,An1A1 = nAn;

or, multiplying these equations together member by member,

A1n = A nn!, orAn = A1n n! .

A part of the equations among the coefficients are, therefore, sufficient to determine the values of all of them in terms of the one coefficient A1. But these values will satisfy the remaining equations; for substituting them in the general equation

AnkAk = Annk,  we get A1nk (n k)! ×A1k k! = A1n n! ×n(n 1)(n k + 1) k! ,

which is obviously an identical equation.

The coefficient A1 or, more simply written, A, remains undetermined.

It has been demonstrated, therefore, that to satisfy equation (1), it is only necessary that, f(z) be the sum of an infinite series of the form

1 + Az + A2 2! z2 + A3 3! z3 + , (2)

where A is undetermined; a series which has a sum, i. e. is convergent, for all finite values of z and A. (§ 63, 2, § 66.)

By properly determining A, f(z) may be identified with az, for any particular value of a.

If az is to be identically equal to the series (2), A must have such a value that

a = 1 + A + A2 2! + A3 3! + .  Let ez = 1 + z + z2 2! + z3 3! + ,(3)  where e = 1 + 1 + 1 2! + 1 3! + ;27  Then eA = 1 + A + A2 2! + A3 3! + .  Therefore a = eA; or, calling any number which satisfies the equation
ez = a

the logarithm of a to the base e and writing it logea,

A = logea.

Whence finally,

az = 1 + (log ea)z + (logea)2z2 2! + (logea)3z3 3! + , (4)

a definition of az, valid for all finite complex values of a and z, if it may be assumed that logea is a number, whatever the value of a.

The series (3) is commonly called the exponential series, and its sum ez the exponential function. It is much more useful than the more general series (2), or (4), because of its greater simplicity; its coefficients do not involve the logarithm, a function not yet fully justified and, as will be shown, to a certain extent indeterminate. Inasmuch, however, as ez is a particular function of the class az, az is sometimes called the general exponential function, and series (4) the general exponential series.

74. The Functions Sine and Cosine. It was shown in § 51 that when 𝜃 is a real number,

ei𝜃 = cos𝜃 + isin𝜃.  Butei𝜃 = 1 + i𝜃 + (i𝜃)2 2! + (i𝜃)3 3! + (i𝜃)4 4! + = 1 𝜃2 2! + 𝜃4 4! + i 𝜃 𝜃3 3! + .

Therefore (by § 36, 2, Cor.), for real values of 𝜃

cos𝜃 = 1 𝜃2 2! + 𝜃4 4! , (9.1)


sin𝜃 = 𝜃 𝜃3 3! + 𝜃5 5! , (9.2)

series which both converge for all finite values of 𝜃. Though cos𝜃 and sin𝜃 only admit of geometrical interpretation when 𝜃 is real, it is convenient to continue to use these names for the sums of the series (5) and (6) when 𝜃 is complex.

75. Periodicity. When 𝜃 is real, evidently neither its sine nor its cosine will be changed if it be increased or diminished by any multiple of four right angles, or 2π; or, if n be any positive integer,

cos(𝜃 ± 2nπ) = cos𝜃,sin(𝜃 ± 2nπ) = sin𝜃,
and hence
ei(𝜃±2nπ) = ei𝜃.

The functions ei𝜃, cos𝜃, sin𝜃, are on this account called periodic functions, with the modulus of periodicity 2π.

76. The Logarithmic Function. If z = ez and t = eT,

zt = ezeT = eZ+T, § 73

logezt = logez + loget. (7)

The question again is whether a function exists capable of satisfying this equation, or, more generally, the “functional equation,”

f(zt) = f(z) + f(t), (8)

for complex values of z and t.

When z = 0, (7) becomes

loge0 = loge0 + loget,
an equation which cannot hold for any value of t for which loget is not zero unless loge0 is numerically greater than any finite number whatever. Therefore loge0 is infinite.

On the other hand, when z = 1, (7) becomes

loget = loge1 + loget,
so that loge1 is zero.

Instead, therefore, of assuming a series with undetermined coefficients for f(z) itself, we assume one for f(1 + z), setting

f(1 + z) = A1z + A2z2 + + A nzn + ,
and inquire whether the coefficients Ai admit of values which satisfy the functional equation (8) for complex values of z and t.


1 + z + t = (1 + z) 1 + t 1 + z,  identically.
f 1 + (z + t) = f(1 + z) + f 1 + t 1 + z,


A1(z + t) + A2(z + t)2 + + A n(z + t)n + = A1z + A2z2 + + A nzn + + A1(1 + z)1t + A 2(1 + z)2t2 + + A n(1 + z)ntn +

Equating the coefficients of the first power of t (§ 72) in the two members of this equation,

A1 + 2A2z + 3A3z2 + + (n + 1)A n+1zn + = A1(1 z + z2 z3 + + (1)nzn + );

whence, equating the coefficients of like powers of z,

A1 = A1,2A2 = A1,,nAn = (1)n1A 1,,  or A2 = A1 2 ,,An = (1)n1A1 n ,.

As in the case of the exponential function, a part of the equations among the coefficients are sufficient to determine them all in terms of the one coefficient A1. But as in that case (by assuming the truth of the binomial theorem for negative integral values of the exponent) it can be readily shown that these values will satisfy the remaining equations also.

The series z z2 2 + z3 3 + (1)n1zn n +

converges for all values of z whose moduli are less than 1 (§ 62, 3)

For such values, therefore, the function

A z z2 2 + + (1)n1zn n + (9)

satisfies the functional equation

f (1 + z)(1 + t) = f(1 + z) + f(1 + t).

 And since z 1 (1 z) andt 1 (1 t),  the function A 1 z + (1 z)2 2 + + (1 z)n n +

satisfies this equation when written in the simpler form

f(zt) = f(z) + f(t),

for values of 1 z and 1 t whose moduli are both less than 1.

1. Logeb. To identify the general function f(1 + z) with the particular function loge(1 + z) it is only necessary to give the undetermined coefficient A the value 1.

For since loge(1 + z) belongs to the class of functions which satisfy the equation (8),

loge(1 + z) = A z z2 2 + .


elog e(1+z) = eAzz2 2 + = 1 + A z z2 2 + + 1 2!A2 z z2 2 + 2 + .  Butelog e(1+z) = 1 + z.


1 + z = 1 + A z z2 2 + + 1 2!A2 z z2 2 + 2 + ;

or, equating the coefficients of the first power of z, A = 1.

The coefficients of the higher powers of z in the right number are then identically 0.

It has thus been demonstrated that logeb is a number (real or complex), if when b is written in the form 1 + z, the absolute value of z is less than 1. To prove that it is a number for other than such values of b, let b = ρei𝜃, (§ 51), where ρ, as being the modulus of b, is positive.

 Thenlogeb = logeρ + i𝜃,
and it only remains to prove that logeρ is a number.

Let ρ be written in the form en (en ρ), where en is the first integral power of e greater than ρ.

 Then since en (en ρ) en 1 en ρ en , logeρ = logeen + log e 1 en ρ en = n + loge 1 en ρ en , and loge 1 en ρ en is a number since en ρ en is less than 1.

2. Logab. It having now been fully demonstrated that az is a number satisfying the equation aZaT = aZ+T for all finite values of a, Z, T; let aZ = z, aT = t, and call Z the logarithm of z to the base a, or logaz, and in like manner T, logat.

 Then, since zt = aZaT = az+T, loga(zt) = logaz + logat, or logaz belongs, like logez, to the class of functions which satisfy the functional equation (8).

Pursuing the method followed in the case of logeb, it will be found that loga(1 + z) is equal to the series A z z2 2 + when A = 1 logea. This number is called the modulus of the system of logarithms of which a is base.

77. Indeterminateness of loga. Since any complex number a may be thrown into the form ρei𝜃,

logea = logeρ + i𝜃. (10)

This, however, is only one of an infinite series of possible values of logea. For, since ei𝜃 = ei(𝜃±2nπ) (§ 75),

logea = logeρei(𝜃±2nπ) = log eρ + i(𝜃 ± 2nπ),
where n may be any positive integer. Logea is, therefore, to a certain extent indeterminate; a fact which must be carefully regarded in using and studying this function.28 The value given it in (10), for which n = 0, is called its principal value.

When a is a positive real number, 𝜃 = 0, so that the principal value of logea is real; on the other hand, when a is a negative real number, 𝜃 = π, or the principal value of logea is the logarithm of the positive number corresponding to a, plus iπ.

78. Permanence of the Remaining Laws of Exponents. Besides the law azat = az+t which led to its definition, the function az is subject to the laws:

1.(az)t = azt. 2.(ab)z = azbz.29 1.(az)t = azt.  Foraz = elog ea z = 1 + (log ea)z + (logea)2z2 2! + §73,(4) = 1 + zlogea + (zlogea)2 2! + = ez log ea. §73,(3) (elog ea)z = ez log ea, andlog eaz = zlog ea.

From these results it follows that

(az)t = elog e(az)t = et log eaz = etz log ea = azt. 2.(ab)z = azbz.  For(ab)z = elog e(ab)z = ez log eab = ez log ea+z log eb §76,(7) = ez log ea ez log eb §73,(1) = az bz.

79. Permanence of the Remaining Law of Logarithms. In like manner, the function logaz is subject not only to the law

loga(zt) = logaz + logat,  but also to the law  logazt = tlog az.    For  z = alog az,  and hence zt = (alog az)t = at log az.   § 78, 1

80. Evolution. Consider three complex numbers ζ, z, Z, connected by the equation ζZ = z.

This equation gives rise to three problems, each of which is the inverse of the other two. For Z and ζ may be given and z sought; or ζ and z may be given and Z sought; or, finally, z and Z may be given and ζ sought.

The exponential function is the general solution of the first problem (involution), and the logarithmic function of the second.

For the third (evolution) the symbol zZ has been devised. This symbol does not represent a new function; for it is defined by the equation (zZ)Z = z, an equation which is satisfied by the exponential function z 1 Z .

Like the logarithmic function, zZ is indeterminate, though not always to the same extent. When Z is a positive integer, ζZ = z is an algebraic equation, and by § 56 has Z roots for any one of which zZ is, by definition, a symbol. From the mere fact that z = t, therefore, it cannot be inferred that zZ = tZ, but only that one of the values of zZ is equal to one of the values of tZ. The same remark, of course, applies to the equivalent symbols z 1 Z , t 1 Z .

81. Permanence of the Binomial Theorem. By aid of the results just obtained, it may readily be demonstrated that the binomial theorem is valid for general complex as well as for rational values of the exponent.

For b being any complex number whatsoever, and the absolute value of z being supposed less than 1,

(1 + z)b = eb log e(1+z) = ebzz2 2 + = 1 + bz +   terms involving higher powers of z.

Therefore let

(1 + z)b = 1 + bz + A 2z2 + + A nzn + . (11)

Since, then, (a + Z)b = ab 1 + z a b, § 78, 2
if z a be substituted for z in (11), and the equation be multiplied throughout by ab,

(a + z)b = ab + bab1z + A 2ab2z2 + + A nabnzn + . (12)

Starting with the identity

(1 + z + t¯)b = (1 + z¯ + t)b,
developing (1 + z + t¯)b by (11) and (1 + z¯ + t)b by (12), equating the coefficients of the first power of t in these developments, multiplying the resultant equation by 1 + z, and equating the coefficients of like powers of z in this product, equations are obtained from which values may be derived for the coefficients Ai identical in form with those occurring in the development for (1 + z)b when b is a positive integer.

It may also be shown that these values of the coefficients satisfy the equations which result from equating the coefficients of higher powers of t.