8. Biordered sets of von Neumann algebras

8.1. Projections

A projection is a bounded self-adjoint idempotent operator acting on H. We denote by P(M) (or P for brevity if there is no ambiguity) the set of all projections in M. For p,q P(M) define

p qpq = p.

This relation is a partial order on P. It is known that P is a complete lattice with respect to [see ?]. Since projections are selfadjoint, (pq) = qp for any two projections. Hence the dual relation defined by

p qqp = p

for any two projection p and q, coincides with the relation defined above.

If p is a projection then the image of p:

imp = {ξ H : p(σ) = ξ for someσ H},

is a closed subspace of H uniquely determined by p. Subspaces of H arising in this way are called subspaces belonging to M. Let ΞM [or simply Ξ for brevity] denote the set of all subspaces belonging to M. Ξ is partially ordered set with respect to inclusion. Furthermore, this gives a mapping

imM = im : P Ξ;pimp

which is an order-isomorphism. For V Ξ, let pV , denote the unique projection with impV = V . Then the map V pV is also an order-isomorphism of Ξ onto P and is the inverse of im : P Ξ.

Similarly to each p P we can associate a closed subspace

N(p) = {ξ H : p(ξ) = 0} of H and the mapN() : pN(p)

is an order-reversing dual isomorphism of P onto Ξ. Furthermore, we have

N(p) = (imp) for allp P.

8.2. The biordered set E(M)

In the following we use the notations and terminology from Nambooripad [1979] associated with biordered sets. In particular, the set E(S) of all idempotents of a semigroup S is a biordered set with respect to the partial binary operation on E(S) induced from S ([see Nambooripad1979, Theorem 1]). Therefore given a von Neumann algebra M, the set E(M) of all idempotents in M is the biordered set of idempotents of the multiplicative semigroup of M. It is well known that a von Neumann algebra is uniquely determined by the set projections P(M) of M [see ?]. Since P(M) E(M), it follows that the algebra M is uniquely determined by the biordetred set E(M). Hence we shall refer to E(M) as the biordered set of M. We thus infer that for every von Neumann algebra M, E(M) is a nonempty and non-trivial biordered set.

Let e E(M). Since e : H H is a continuous idempotent,

Ue = im(e) andV e = N(e)

are closed and complementary subspaces in Ξ. Therefore (Ue,V e) is a complementary pair of subspaces in Ξ associated with the idempotent e E(M); for brevity, we will denote by (U : V ) a complementary pair of subspaces in M.

Proposition 8.1. Every idempotent e in M is associated with a pair (Ue : V e) = (U : V ) of complementary subspaces in M. Conversely, let (U : V ) be any complementary pair of subspaces in M and let p = pU and q = pV are projections determined by the subspaces U and V respectively. Then

e(U : V ) = (1 q)p  is the unique idempotent in M such that ime(U : V ) = U andN(e(U : V )) = V.

Therefore the map e(Ue : V e) is a bijection of E(M) onto the set of all complementary pairs of subspaces in M.

Proof. The remarks preceding the statement shows that every idempotent e E(S) determines a unique pair of complementary subspaces in M. Conversely, let (U : V ) be any pair of complementary subspaces in M. Since pim(p) is a bijection there exist unique p = pU and q = pV in P(M) such that U = im(p) and V = im(q). Then q = 1 q is a projection such that im(q) = V and N(q) = V . Then V and U are complements of V . It follows that pV is a linear homeomorphism of V onto U. Hence

im(qp) = im(pV ) = U.  (*)  Similarly U and V  are complements of U and we have im(pq) = im(qU) = V .  (**)

Now pqp is a projection such that pqp p. Also by Equation (1) and (2) im(pqp) = U = im(p). Since the map im : pim(p) is an order-isomorphism we have pqp = p. Similarly qpq = q. Clearly both qp and pq are idempotents. Also by equation (1) im(qp) = U and since pV is a linear homeomorphism of V onto U, N(qp) = N(q) = V . Since q and p are projections in M, e(U : V ) = qp is an idempotent in M. Thus the idempotent e(U : V ) satisfies all the requirements. Since q and p are projections uniquely determined by V and U respectively the idempotent qp is uniquely determined by the pair (U : V ). It follows that the assignments e(U : V )(U : V ) is a bijection.

The result above shows that we may identify idempotents in M with the corresponding complementary pair of subspaces in M by the correspondence e(U : V )(U : V ) so that E(M) will also denote the set of all complementary pairs of subspaces in M. Here it will be useful to determine explicitly the biorder structure on E(M) in terms of complementary pairs of subspaces in M. Recall that basis of the structure of a biordered set on a set E consists of two quasiorder relations on E denoted by ωr and ωl respectively and a partial binary operation determined by these relations [see Chapter 3 in E. Krishnan2000].

Let ei E(M), i = 1,2. Then for each i = 1,2, by Proposition 8.1, there exist complementary pairs of subspaces (Ui : V i) with

ei = e(Ui : V i)  (29)  and projections qi and pi such that  N(qi) = Ui im(pi) = V i andei = qipi.  (30)

Given idempotents e1,e2 E(M), it follows that [see for example Clifford and Preston1961, § 2.2 Exercise 6] that e1ωle2 if and only if V 1 = im(e1) im(e2) = V 2. In this case we can show that the basic product e2e1 = e()