2. Categories with subobjects

We assume that the reader is familiar with the basic concepts such as categories, functors, natural transformations, etc. [see for example MacLane1971]. For the more specialized concepts like categories with subobjects and related ideas, we follow Nambooripad [1994]. We begin by reviewing briefly the definition of categories with subobjects.

2.1. Subobjects

Recall that two morphisms f,g 𝒫 are parallel if domf = domg and codf = codg. A preorder 𝒫 is a category such that for all f,g 𝒫, f is parallel to g if and only if f = g. Equivalently, 𝒫 is a preorder if and only if 𝒫(p,q) contain atmost one element for all p,q 𝖛𝒫. It follows that the relation , defined for all p,q 𝖛𝒫, by

p q𝒫(p,q)

is a quasi-order on the class 𝖛𝒫. In particular, if 𝒫 is small, then (𝖛𝒫,) is a quasi-ordered set. Conversely, it is clear that any quasi-ordered set Λ uniquely determines a small preorder 𝒫 such that Λ = 𝖛𝒫. The preorder 𝒫 is said to be strict if the quasi-order relation above is a partial order; that is, 𝒫 has the property that for all p,q 𝖛𝒫,

𝒫(p,q) and𝒫(q,p)p = q.

The concepts of a small strict preorder and a partially ordered set are equivalent and will be used interchangeably in the sequel.

Recall E. Krishnan [2000] that a choice of subobject in a category 𝒞 is sub-preorder 𝒫𝒞 satisfying the conditions:

𝒫 is a strict preorder with 𝖛𝒫 = 𝖛𝒞.
Every f 𝒫 is a monomorphism in 𝒞.
If f,g 𝒫 and if f = hg for some h 𝒞, then h 𝒫.

If 𝒫 is a choice of subobjects in 𝒞, the pair (𝒞,𝒫) is called a category with subobjects. For brevity, we shall say that a category 𝒞 has subobjects if a choice of subobjects in 𝒞 has been specified. Also, we shall use the notation 𝖛𝒞 to denote the preorder of subobjects as well as the partially ordered set of vertexes in 𝒞. No ambiguity will arise since both these are equivalent. We may then use the usual notation (see E. Krishnan [2000]) to denote subobject relation in 𝒞. If c d, the unique morphism in 𝖛𝒞, the inclusion of c in d, is denoted by ȷdc. If f 𝒞(c,d) and c c, then we write

fc = ȷc c f.

As usual, fc is called the restriction of f to c.

In the following 𝒞,𝒟, etc.stands for catagories with subobjects in which 𝖛𝒞,𝖛𝒟, etc.denote the corresponding preorder of subobjects. A functor F : 𝒞𝒟 is said to be inclusion preserving if its vertex map 𝖛F is an order-preserving map of 𝖛𝒞 to 𝖛𝒟; that is, 𝖛F : 𝖛𝒞 𝖛𝒟 is a functor of preorders. F is an embedding if F is faithful and 𝖛F is an order-embedding of 𝖛𝒞 into 𝖛𝒟. In particular, 𝒞 is a subcategory (with subobjects) of 𝒟 if 𝒞𝒟 as partial algebras. In this case, the inclusion is a category embedding of 𝒞 in 𝒟 whose vertex map is 𝖛𝒞 𝖛𝒟.

The category Set is clearly a category with subobjects in which the subobject relation coincides with usual set-theoretic inclusion. Similarly categories of groups Grp, abelian groups Ab, etc., are categories with natural subobject relations.

It is clear that there is a category Cato whose objects are small categories with subobjects and morphisms are inclusion preserving functors. Further, the assignments

𝖛 : 𝒞𝖛𝒞, andF𝖛F

is a functor of the category Cato to the category of preorders (or the category of partially ordered sets).

Remark 2.1: Notice that an abstract category 𝒞 may have more than one possible choices of subobjects. For example, if 𝒞 is a small category of sets, the the usual relation of inclusion among vertexes that are morphisms in 𝒞, gives a choice of subobjects in 𝒞. Also, identity on 𝖛𝒞 is also a choice of subobjects which may be different from the one given in the last sentence.

2.2. Categories with factorization

Recall that two monomorphisms f,g 𝒞 are equivalent if there exists h,k 𝒞 with f = hg and g = kf (see Nambooripad [1994], Equation I.4(15)). The fact that f and g are monomorphisms imply that the morphism h is an isomorphism and k = h1. A monomorphism f 𝒞(c,d) is called an embedding if f is equivalent to an inclusion. Clearly, every inclusion is an embedding. It is important to notice that no two inclusions can be equivalent as mopnomorphisms [E. Krishnan2000, see Lemma 1.10].

Eqivalence of epimorphisms are defined dually. As above, one can see that two epimorphisms f,g 𝒞 are equivalent if and only if there is an isomorphism h 𝒞 with g = fh.

Recall also that a monomorphism f : c d [epimorphism h : c d] splits if there exists g : d c [k : d c] such that fg = 1c [kh = 1d]. Notice that when f is a split monomorphism, then g is a split epimorphism and similarly if h is a split epi, k is a split mono. If an inclusion ȷdc is said to be split if it is split as a monomorphism; that is, there exist 𝜖 𝒞 with ȷdc𝜖 = 1c. In this case, 𝜖 is called a retraction which is clearly a split epimorphism.

A category 𝒞 with subobjects is said to have factorization property if every morphism f 𝒞 can be factorized as f = kh where k is an epimorphism and h is an embedding. In this case we can choose k and h so that h is an inclusion (see E. Krishnan [2000], § 3.2.2). A factorization of the form f = qj where q is an epimorphism and j is an inclusion, is called a canonical factorization. Thus 𝒞 has factorization property if and only if every morphism has canonical factorization. 𝒞 is said to have unique factorization if every morphism in 𝒞 has unique canonical factorization.

Let f be a morphism in the categopry 𝒞 with factorization. A canonical factorization f = qj of f is called an image factorization if f = qj has the following universal property: if f = qj is any canonical factorization of f, there is an inclusion j with q = qj (see E. Krishnan [2000], § 3.2.3). The factorization f = qj with the universal property above, if it exists, is unique. The epimorphism q = f is called the epimorphic component of f. If j is the inclusion such that f = fj then the vertex

imf = codf = dom(j) (2)

is called the image of f. Also the image facorizatrion of f is the unique canonical factorzation

f = fȷcod f im f .

A morphism f such that f = f is said to be surjective. Note that any surjection is an epimorphism but not conversely. Also, the universal property of the image-factorization implies that, the epimorphic component f of a morphism f is surjective; that is, (f) = f.

The category 𝒞 is said to have images if every morphism in 𝒞 has image.

If 𝒞 has images, and f 𝒞 then, as usual, we may write

f(a) = im(fa) for alla domf.

This defines a mapping

f𝔄 : af(a) ofP(domf) toP(codf),

of the principal order ideal of the partially ordered set P = 𝖛𝒞 of subobjects of domf to the partially ordered set of subobjects of codf. It is easy to see that the map f𝔄 is order-preserving. Moreover, for f 𝒞 and x codf we write

f1(x) = max{y domf : f(y) x}. (3)

If the vertex f1(x) exists it is called the inverse image or preimage of x. Observe that, for all x codf, the set

f1(P(x)) = {y domf : f(y) x}

is an order ideal in the partially ordered set P = 𝖛𝒞 and the preimage of x exists if and only if this ideal is non-empty and principal.