Extract from the Preface to the Second Edition

THE principal changes made in this edition are as follows. I have inserted in Chapter I a sketch of Dedekind’s theory of real numbers, and a proof of Weierstrass’s theorem concerning points of condensation; in Chapter IV an account of ‘limits of indetermination’ and the ‘general principle of convergence’; in Chapter V a proof of the ‘Heine-Borel Theorem’, Heine’s theorem concerning uniform continuity, and the fundamental theorem concerning implicit functions; in Chapter VI some additional matter concerning the integration of algebraical functions; and in Chapter VII a section on differentials. I have also rewritten in a more general form the sections which deal with the definition of the definite integral. In order to find space for these insertions I have deleted a good deal of the analytical geometry and formal trigonometry contained in Chapters II and III of the first edition. These changes have naturally involved a large number of minor alterations.

G. H. H.
October 1914