Chapter VIII.
On Substitution-Groups: Transitive and Intransitive Groups.

I t has been proved, in the theorem in § 20, that every group is capable of being represented as a group of substitutions performed on a number of symbols equal to the order of the group. For applications to Algebra, and in particular to the Theory of Equations, the presentation of a group as a group of substitutions is of special importance; and we shall now proceed to consider the more important properties of this special mode of representing groups38.

Definition. When a group is represented by means of substitutions performed on a finite set of n distinct symbols, the integer n is called the degree of the group.

It is obvious, by a consideration of simple cases, that a group can always be represented in different forms as a group of substitutions, the number of symbols which are permuted in two forms not being necessarily the same; examples have already been given in Chapter II. The “degree of a group” is therefore only an abbreviation of “the degree of a special representation of the group as a substitution-group.”

The n! substitutions, including the identical substitution, that can be performed upon n distinct symbols, clearly form a group; for they satisfy the conditions of the definition (§ 12). Moreover they form the greatest group of substitutions that can be performed on the n symbols, because every possible substitution occurs among them. When a group then is spoken of as of degree n, it is implicitly being regarded as a sub-group of this most general group of order n! which can be represented by substitutions of the n symbols; and therefore (Theorem I, § 22) the order of a substitution-group of degree n must be a factor of n!.

103. It has been seen in § 11 that any substitution performed on n symbols can be represented in various ways as the product of transpositions; but that the number of transpositions entering in any such representation of the substitution is either always even or always odd. In particular, the identical substitution can only be represented by an even number of transpositions. Hence if S and S are any two even (§ 11) substitutions of n symbols, and T any substitution at all of n symbols, then SS and T1ST are even substitutions. The even substitutions therefore form a self-conjugate sub-group H of the group G of all substitutions.

If now T is any odd substitution, the set of substitutions TH are all odd and all distinct. Moreover they give all the odd substitutions; for if T is any odd substitution distinct from T, then T1T is an even substitution and must be contained in H. Hence the number of even substitutions is equal to the number of odd substitutions: and the order of G is twice that of H.

Definitions. The group of order n! which consists of all the substitutions that can be performed on n symbols is called the symmetric group of degree n.

The group of order 1 2n! which consists of all the even substitutions of n symbols is called the alternating39 group of degree n.

If the substitutions of a group of degree n are not all even, the preceding reasoning may be repeated to shew that its even substitutions form a self-conjugate sub-group whose order is half the order of the group; and this sub-group is a sub-group of the alternating group of the n symbols.

104. Definition. A substitution-group is called transitive when, by means of its substitutions, a given symbol a1 can be changed into every other symbol a2, a3, …, an operated on by the group. When it has not this property, the group is called intransitive.

A transitive group contains substitutions changing any one symbol into any other. For if S and T respectively change a1 into as and at, then S1T changes as into at.

THEOREM I. The substitutions of a transitive group G, which leave a given symbol a1 unchanged, form a sub-group; and the number of substitutions, which change a1 into any other symbol ar, is equal to the order of this sub-group.

The substitutions which leave a1 unchanged must form a sub-group H of G; for if S and S both leave a1 unchanged, so also does SS.

Let the operations of G be divided into the sets


No operation of the set HSp leaves a1 unchanged; and each operation of the set HSp changes a1 into ap, if Sp does so. If the operations of any other set HSq also changed a1 into ap, then SpSq1 would leave a1 unchanged and would belong to H, which it does not. Hence each set changes a1 into a distinct symbol. The number of sets must therefore be equal to the number of symbols, while from their formation each set contains the same number of substitutions. If N is the order and n the degree of the transitive group G, then N n  is the order of the sub-group that leaves any symbol a1 unchanged; and there are N n substitutions changing a1 into any other given symbol ap.

Corollary. The order of a transitive group must be divisible by its degree.

Every group conjugate to H leaves one symbol unchanged. For if S changes a1 into ap, then S1HS leaves ap unchanged. The sub-groups which leave the different symbols unchanged form therefore a conjugate set.

A transitive group of degree n and order mn has, as we have just seen, m 1 substitutions other than identity which leave a given symbol a1 unchanged. Hence there must be at least mn 1 n(m 1), i.e. n 1, substitutions in the group that displace every symbol. If the m 1 substitutions, other than identity, that leave a1 unchanged are all distinct from the m 1 that leave ap unchanged, whatever other symbol ap may be, n 1 will be the actual number of substitutions that displace all the symbols; and no operation other than identity will displace less than n 1 symbols. If however the sub-groups that leave a1 and ap unchanged have other substitutions besides identity in common, these substitutions must displace less than n 1 symbols; and there will be more than n 1 substitutions which displace all the symbols.

Ex. If the substitutions of two transitive groups of degree n which displace all the symbols are the same, the groups can only differ in the substitutions that keep just one symbol unchanged. (Netto.)

105. We have seen that every group can be represented as a substitution-group whose degree is equal to its order. A reference to the proof of this theorem (§ 20) will shew that such a substitution-group is transitive, and that the identical substitution is the only one which leaves any symbol unchanged.

We will now consider some of the properties of a transitive group of degree n, whose operations, except identity, displace all or all but one of the n symbols. It has just been seen that such a group has exactly n 1 operations which displace all the n symbols. If these n 1 operations, with identity, form a sub-group, the sub-group must clearly be self-conjugate.

Suppose now that nm is the order of the group. Then the order of the sub-group, that leaves one symbol a1 unchanged, is m; and if a2 is any other of the n symbols, no two operations of this sub-group can change a2 into the same symbol. For if SS were two operations of the sub-group both changing a2 into ar, then SS1 would be an operation, distinct from identity, which would keep both a1 and a2 unchanged. Let now P be any operation that displaces all the symbols. Then the set of m operations S1PS, where for S is put in turn each operation of the sub-group that keeps a1 unchanged, are all distinct; for each of them changes a1 into a different symbol. If this set does not exhaust the operation conjugate to P, and if P1 is another such operation, then the set of m operations S1P1S are all distinct from each other and from those of the previous set. This process may be continued till the operations conjugate to P are exhausted. The number of operations conjugate to P is therefore a multiple of m. Since P itself does not belong to any one of the n conjugate sub-groups that each keep one symbol fixed, no operation conjugate to P can belong to any of them. Hence each of the km operations of the conjugate set to which P belongs displaces all the symbols. The n 1 operations that displace all the symbols can therefore be divided into sets, so that the number in each set is a multiple of m; and hence m must be a factor of n 1.

Suppose now that p is any prime factor of n, and that pα is the highest power of p which divides n. If P is an operation whose order is a power of p, and if pβμ is the order of the greatest sub-group h that contains P self-conjugately, then P is one of nm pβμ conjugate operations. Now (§ 87) the sub-group h contains kμ (k 1) operations whose orders are relatively prime to p; and therefore there are kμ operations of the form PQ, where Q is permutable with P and the order of Q is relatively prime to the order of P. If P is any operation conjugate to P, there are similarly kμ operations of the form PQ; and (§ 16) no one of these operations can be identical with any one of those of the previous set. The group therefore will contain nmk pβ distinct operations, which are conjugate to the various operations of the set PQ. Moreover since P displaces all the symbols, each one of these operations must displace all the symbols.

If then the group has r distinct sets of conjugate operations whose orders are powers of p, the number of operations, whose orders are divisible by p, is equal to

s=1s=rnmks pβs .

Also the number of operations, which displace all the symbols and the orders of which are not divisible by p, is of the form nk0 pα 1 (§ 87).

Hence finally

m s=1s=r ks pβs = 1 n n 1 nk0 pα 1 = pα k0 pα .

The greatest possible value of m will correspond to the suppositions

r = 1,k1 = 1,k0 = 1;
and these give
m = pα 1.

Hence if n = pαqβrγ, where p, q, …, r are distinct primes, m cannot be greater than the least of the numbers

pα 1,qβ 1,,rγ 1.

Certain particular cases may be specially noticed. First, a group of degree n and order n(n 1), whose operations other than identity displace all or all but one of the symbols, can exist only when n is the power of a prime40. Groups which satisfy these conditions will be discussed in § 112.

Similarly, a group of degree n and order nm, where m is not less than n, whose operations other than identity displace all or all but one of the symbols, can only exist when n is the power of a prime.

If n is equal to twice an odd number, a transitive group of degree n, none of whose operations except identity leave two symbols unchanged, must be of order n.

Lastly we may shew that, if m is even, a group of degree n and order nm, none of whose operations except identity leave two symbols unchanged, must contain a self-conjugate Abelian sub-group of order and degree n.

A sub-group that keeps one symbol fixed must, if m is even, contain an operation of order 2. If it contained r such operations, the group would contain nr; and each of these could be expressed as the product of 1 2(n 1) independent transpositions. Now from n symbols 1 2n(n 1) transpositions can be formed. If then r were greater than 1, among the operations of order 2 that keep one symbol fixed there would be pairs of operations with a common transposition; and the product of two such operations would be an operation, distinct from identity, which would keep two symbols at least fixed. This is impossible; therefore r must be unity. Now let

be the n operations of order 2 belonging to the group. Since no two of these operations contain a common transposition,
are the n 1 operations which displace all the symbols. These operations may also be expressed in the form
and since
ApAr ArAq = ApAq,
the product of any two of these operations is either identity or another operation which displaces all the symbols. Hence the n 1 operations which displace all the symbols, with identity, form a self-conjugate sub-group. Now
Ar ApAr Ar = ArAp,
so that Ar transforms every operation of this sub-group into its inverse. Hence
ArAp AqAr = AqAp = AqAr ArAq;
i.e. every two operations of this sub-group are permutable, and the sub-group is therefore Abelian.

106. If

S = (a1a2ai)(ai+1ai+2aj),
T = a1,a2,,an b1,b2,,bn ,
are any two substitutions of a group, then (§ 10)
T1ST = (b 1b2bi)(bi+1bi+2bj).

Hence every substitution of the group, which is conjugate to S, is also similar to S. It does not necessarily or generally follow that two similar substitutions of a group are conjugate. That this is true however of the symmetric group is obvious, for then the substitution T may be chosen so as to replace the n symbols by any permutation of them whatever.

A self-conjugate substitution of a transitive group of degree n must be a regular substitution (§ 9) changing all the n symbols. For if it did not change all the n symbols, it would belong to one of the sub-groups that keep a symbol unchanged. Hence, since it is a self-conjugate substitution, it would belong to each sub-group that keeps a symbol unchanged, which is impossible unless it is the identical substitution. Again if it were not regular, one of its powers would keep two or more symbols unchanged, and this cannot be the case since every power of a self-conjugate substitution must be self-conjugate. On the other hand, a self-conjugate sub-group of a transitive group need not contain any substitution which displaces all the symbols. Thus if

S = (12)(34), T = (135)(246),

then {S,T} is a transitive group of degree 6. The only substitutions conjugate to S are

T1ST = (34)(56) andTST1 = (12)(56);
and these, with S and identity, form a self-conjugate sub-group of order 4, none of whose substitutions displace more than 4 symbols. The form of a self-conjugate sub-group of a transitive group will be considered in greater detail in the next Chapter.

107. Since a self-conjugate substitution of a transitive substitution-group G of degree n must be a regular substitution which displaces all the symbols, the self-conjugate sub-group H of G which consists of all its self-conjugate operations must have n or some submultiple of n for its order. For if S and S are two self-conjugate substitutions of G, so also is S1S; and therefore S and S cannot both change a into b. The order of H therefore cannot exceed n; and if the order is n, the substitutions of H must interchange the n symbols in sets of n, so that n is a factor of n. Let now S, some substitution performed on the n symbols of the transitive substitution-group G of degree n, be permutable with every substitution of G. Then S is a self-conjugate operation of the transitive substitution-group {S,G} of degree n, and it is therefore a regular substitution in all the n symbols. The totality of the substitutions S, which are permutable with every substitution of G, form a group (not necessarily Abelian); and the order of this group is n or a factor of n.

The special case, in which G is a group whose order n is equal to its degree, is of sufficient importance to merit particular attention. If

S1(= 1),S2,,Sn
are the operations of G, it has been seen (§ 20) that the substitution-group can be expressed as consisting of the n substitutions
S1 , S2 ,, Sn S1Sx,S2Sx,,SnSx,(x = 1, 2,,n),
performed upon the symbols of the operations of the group.

Now if pre-multiplication be used in the place of post-multiplication, it may be verified exactly as in § 20 that the n substitutions

S1 , S2 ,, Sn SxS1,SxS2,,SxSn,(x = 1, 2,,n)
form a group G simply isomorphic with G; and the substitution of G which is given corresponds to the operation Sx1 of G. Moreover

S1 ,, Sn SxS1,,SxSn1 S1 ,, Sn S1Sy,,SnSy S1 ,, Sn SxS1,,SxSn = SxS1,,SxSn S1Sy,,S1Sn S1Sy ,, SnSy SxS1Sy,,SxSnSy = SxS1 ,, SxSn SxS1Sy,,SxSnSy = S1 ,, Sn S1Sy,,SnSy,

so that every operation of G is permutable with every operation of G, while G and G can be expressed as transitive substitution-groups in the same n symbols. Hence:—

THEOREM II. Those substitutions of n symbols which are permutable with every substitution of a substitution-group G of order n, transitive in the n symbols, form a group G of order and degree n, simply isomorphic with G41.

It has, in fact, been seen that there is a substitution-group G of order and degree n, every one of whose substitutions is permutable with every substitution of G; and also that the order of any such group cannot exceed n.

If Sx is a self-conjugate substitution of G, the substitutions

S1 ,, Sn S1Sx,,SnSx and S1 ,, Sn SxS1,,SxSn
are the same. Hence G and G have for their greatest common sub-group, that which is constituted by the self-conjugate substitutions of either; and if n is the order of this sub-group, the order of {G,G} is n2 n. In particular, if G is Abelian, G and G coincide; and if G has no self-conjugate operation except identity, {G,G} is the direct product of G and G.

The sub-group of {G,G} which leaves one symbol, say S1, unchanged, is formed of the distinct substitutions of the set

S1 , S2 ,, Sn Sx1S1Sx,Sx1S2Sx,,Sx1SnSx,(x = 1, 2,,n).

When G has no self-conjugate operation except identity, the order of this sub-group is n, and it is simply isomorphic with G. In fact, in this case the order of {G,G}, a transitive group of degree n, is n2, and therefore the order of a sub-group that keeps one symbol unchanged is n. Again

S1 , S2 ,, Sn Sx1S1Sx,Sx1S2Sx,,Sx1SnSx S1 , S2 ,, Sn Sy1S1Sy,Sy1S2Sy,,Sy1SnSy = S1 , S2 ,, Sn Sx1S1Sx,Sx1S2Sx,,Sx1SnSx Sx1S1Sx , Sx1S2Sx ,, Sx1SnSx Sy1Sx1S1SxSy,Sy1Sx1S2SxSy,,Sy1Sx1SnSxSy = S1 , S2 ,, Sn Sy1Sx1S1SxSy,Sy1Sx1S2SxSy,,Sy1Sx1SnSxSy;

thus giving a direct verification that the sub-group is isomorphic with the group whose operations are


When G contains self-conjugate operations, it will be multiply isomorphic with the sub-group K1 of {G,G} which keeps the symbol S1 fixed; and if g is the group constituted by the self-conjugate operations of G (or G), then K1 is simply isomorphic with G g .

If K1 is not a maximum sub-group of {G,G}, let I be a greater sub-group containing K1. Then I and G (or G) must contain common substitutions. For every substitution of {G,G} is of the form

S1 , S2 ,, Sn SyS1Sx,SyS2Sx,,SySnSx;
and if this substitution belongs to I, then
S1 , S2 ,, Sn SyS1Sx,SyS2Sx,,SySnSx S1 , S2 ,, Sn SxS1Sx1,SxS2Sx1,,SxSnSx1,
S1 , S2 ,, Sn SxSyS1,SxSyS2,,SxSySn,
is a substitution of G which belongs to I. Moreover, since G is a self-conjugate sub-group of {G,G}, the substitutions of G which belong to I form a self-conjugate sub-group of I: this sub-group we will call H.

Now every substitution of the group can be represented as the product of a substitution of K1 by a substitution of G: and therefore all the sub-groups conjugate to I will be obtained on transforming I by the operations of G. Hence, because every substitution of G transforms H into itself, H is common to the complete set of conjugate sub-groups to which I belongs; and H is therefore a self-conjugate sub-group of {G,G}. Finally then, K1 is a maximum sub-group of {G,G}, if and only if G is a simple group.

108. Definition. A substitution-group, that contains one or more substitutions changing k given symbols a1, a2, …, ak into any other k symbols, is called k-ply transitive.

Such a group clearly contains substitutions changing any set of k symbols into any other set of k; and the order of the sub-group keeping any j ( k) symbols unchanged is independent of the particular j symbols chosen.

THEOREM III. The order of a k-ply transitive group of degree n is n(n 1)(n k + 1)m, where m is the order of the sub-group that leaves any k symbols unchanged. This sub-group is contained self-conjugately in a sub-group of order k!m.

If N is the order of the group, the order of the sub-group which keeps one symbol fixed is N n , by Theorem I (§ 104). Now this sub-group is a transitive group of degree n 1; and therefore the order of the sub-group that keeps two symbols unchanged is  N n(n 1). If k > 2, this sub-group again is a transitive group of degree n 2; and so on. Proceeding thus, the order of the sub-group which keeps k symbols unchanged is seen to be

N n(n 1)(n k + 1),
which proves the first part of the theorem.

Let a1, a2, …, ak be the k symbols which are left unchanged by a sub-group H of order m. Since the group is k-ply transitive, it must contain substitutions of the form

a1,a2,,ak,b ,c , a,a,,a,b,c, ,
where a, a, …, a are the same k symbols as a1, a2, …, ak arranged in any other sequence. Also every substitution of this form is permutable with H, since it interchanges among themselves the symbols left unchanged by H. Further, if S1 and S2 are any two substitutions of this form, S11S2 will belong to H if, and only if, S1 and S2 give the same permutation of the symbols a1, a2, …, ak. Hence finally, since k! distinct substitutions can be performed on the k symbols, the order of the sub-group that contains H self-conjugately is k!m.

If m is unity, the identical substitution is the only one that keeps any k symbols fixed, and there is just one substitution that changes k symbols into any other k. In the same case, the group contains substitutions which displace n k + 1 symbols only, and there are none, except the identical substitution, which displace less.

If m > 1, the group will contain m 1 substitutions besides identity, which leave unchanged any k given symbols, and therefore displace n k symbols at most.

It follows from § 105 that a k-ply transitive group of degree n and order n(n 1)(n k + 1) can exist only if n k + 2 is the power of a prime. For such a group must contain sub-groups of order (n k + 2)(n k + 1), which keep k 2 symbols unchanged and are doubly transitive in the remaining n k + 2. When k is n, the group is the symmetric group; and when k is n 2, we shall see (in § 110) that the group is the alternating group. If k is less than n 2, M. Jordan42 has shewn that, with two exceptions for n = 11 and n = 12, the value of k cannot exceed 3. The actual existence of triply transitive groups of order (pn + 1)pn(pn 1), for all prime values of p, will be established in § 113.

109. A k-ply transitive group, of degree n and order N, is not generally contained in some (k + 1)-ply transitive group of degree n + 1 and order N(n + 1). To determine whether this is the case for any given group, M. Jordan43 has suggested the following tentative process, which for moderate values of n is always practicable.

Let G be a transitive group of order N in the n symbols

and suppose that G is that sub-group of the transitive group Γ in the n + 1 symbols
which leaves the symbol an+1 unchanged. Then Γ must be at least doubly transitive, and it therefore contains a substitution of order 2 which interchanges the two symbols a1 and an+1. Let A be such a substitution. Then
Γ = {G,A};
for {G,A} is contained in Γ, and its order cannot be less than the order of Γ. Also if S is any substitution of G which displaces a1, two other substitutions S and S of G can always be found such that

In fact, if ASA changes ar into an+1, and if S changes ar into a1, then AS1ASA leaves an+1 unchanged, and it therefore belongs to G.

Conversely, if A is any operation of order 2 which changes a1 into an+1 and permutes the remaining a’s among themselves; and if, whatever substitution of G is represented by S,two other substitutions of G can be found such that

then {G,A} is a group with the required properties. In fact, when these conditions are satisfied, every substitution of the group {G,A} can be expressed in one of the two forms
where S1S2S3 are substitutions of G. For instance, the substitution

ASpASqASr = SAS SqASr, = SAStASr, ifSSq = St, = SSASSr,

which is of the second form. The reduction is here carried out on supposition that Sp and St displace a1. The modification, when this is not the case, is obvious.

Moreover every operation of the form S2AS3 displaces an+1, and therefore the sub-group of {G,A} which leaves an+1 unchanged is G.

It is clearly sufficient that the conditions

should be satisfied, when each of a set of independent generating operations of G is taken for S.

Ex. Construct a doubly transitive group of degree 12 of which the sub-group that keeps one symbol unchanged is


110. Let

S = (a1a2ai)(aj1aj)(aj+1ak1ak)
be a substitution of a k-ply transitive group displacing s ( > k) symbols. If j < k 1, take
T = a1,a2,,ak1,ak, a1,a2,,ak1,bk,,
where bk is some other symbol occurring in S. Since the group is k-ply transitive, it must contain a substitution such as T. Now
T1ST = (a 1a2ai)(aj1aj)(aj+1ak1bk);
and this is certainly not identical with S, so that T1STS1 cannot be the identical substitution. Moreover a1, a2, …, ak2 are not affected by T1STS1; and therefore this substitution will displace at most 2s 2k + 2 symbols.

If j = k 1, take

T = a1,a2,,ak1,ak, a1,a2,,ak1,ck,,
where ck is a symbol that does not occur in S. Then
T1ST = (a 1a2ai)(ak2ak1)(ck),
and this cannot coincide with S. Now in this case, a1, a2, …, ak1 are not affected by T1STS1; and therefore this operation will again displace at most 2s 2k + 2 symbols.

If then

2s 2k + 2 < s,
s < 2k 2,
the group must contain a substitution affecting fewer symbols than S. This process may be repeated till we arrive at a substitution
Σ = (α1α2αi)(αi+1αj)(αj+1αk),
which affects exactly k symbols; and if this substitution be transformed by
T = α1,α2,,αk1,αk, α1,α2,,αk1,βk,,
T1ΣT = (α 1α2αi)(αi+1αj)(αj+1ak1βk),
Σ1T1ΣT = (α kβkαj+1).

Thus in the case under consideration the group contains one, and therefore every, circular substitution of three symbols; and hence (§ 11) it must contain every even substitution. It is therefore either the alternating or the symmetric group. If then a k-ply transitive group of degree n does not contain the alternating group of n symbols, no one of its substitutions, except identity, must displace fewer than 2k 2 symbols. It has been shewn that such a group contains substitutions displacing not more than n k + 1 symbols; and therefore, for a k-ply transitive group of degree n, other than the alternating or the symmetric group, the inequality

n k + 1 2k 2,
k 1 3n + 1,
must hold. Hence:—

THEOREM IV. A group of degree n, which does not contain the alternating group of n symbols, cannot be more than (1 3n + 1)-ply transitive.

The symmetric group is n-ply transitive; and, since of the two substitutions

a1,a2,,an2,an1,an b1,b2,,bn2,bn1,bn  anda1,a2,,an2,an1,an b1,b2,,bn2,bn,bn1 ,
one is evidently even and the other odd, the alternating group is (n 2)-ply transitive. The discussion just given shews that no other group of degree n can be more than (1 3n + 1)-ply transitive44.

111. The process used in the preceding paragraph may be applied to shew that, unless n = 4, the alternating group of n symbols is simple. It has just been shewn that the alternating group is (n 2)-ply transitive. Therefore, if S is a substitution of the alternating group displacing fewer than n 1 symbols, a substitution T1ST can certainly be found such that S1T1ST is a circular substitution of three symbols. In this case, the self-conjugate group generated by S and its conjugate substitutions contains all the circular substitutions of three symbols, and therefore it coincides with the alternating group itself. If S displaces n 1 symbols, then T1ST can be taken so that S1T1ST displaces not more than 2(n 1) 2(n 2) + 2, or 4 symbols; and if S displaces n symbols, S1T1ST can be found to displace not more than 2n 2(n 2) + 2, or 6 symbols.

It is therefore only necessary to consider the case n = 5, when S displaces n 1 symbols; and the cases n = 4, 56, when S displaces n symbols; in all other cases, the group generated by S and its conjugate substitutions must contain circular substitutions of 3 symbols.

When n = 5, and S is an even substitution displacing 4 symbols, we may take

S = (12)(34).
T = (12)(35),
T1ST = (12)(45),
S1T1ST = (345).
Hence, in this case again, we are led to the alternating group itself.

When n = 6, and S is an even substitution displacing all the symbols, we may take

S = (12)(3456),
S = (123)(456).
If now
T = (12)(3645),
S1T1ST = (356),
S1T1ST = (14263);
and, in either case, we are led to the alternating group.

When n = 5, and S is an even substitution displacing all the symbols, we may put

S = (12345).
T = (345),
S1T1ST = (134);
and again the alternating group is generated.

When n = 4, and S is an even substitution displacing all the symbols, we may take

S = (12)(34).
Here the only two substitutions conjugate to S are clearly (13)(24) and (14)(23), which are permutable with each other and with S. Hence the alternating group of 4 symbols, which is of order 12, has a self-conjugate sub-group of order 4.

Finally when n = 3, the alternating group, being the group {(123)}, is a simple cyclical group of order 3. Hence:—

THEOREM V. The alternating group of n symbols is a simple group except when n = 4.

112. It has been seen in § 108 that the order of a doubly transitive group of degree n is equal to or is a multiple of n(n 1). If it is equal to this number, every substitution of the group, except identity, must displace either all or all but one of the symbols; for a sub-group of order n 1 which keeps one symbol fixed is transitive in the remaining n 1 symbols, and therefore all its substitutions, except identity, displace all the n 1 symbols.

Now it has been shewn in § 105 that a transitive group of degree n and order n(n 1), whose operations displace all or all but one of the symbols can exist only if n is the power of a prime p. The n 1 operations displacing all the symbols are the only operations of the group whose orders are powers of p; and therefore with identity they form a self-conjugate sub-group of order n. Moreover it also follows from § 105 that the n 1 operations of this sub-group other than identity form a single conjugate set. Hence this sub-group must be Abelian, and all its operations are of order p.

Suppose first that n is a prime p, and that P is any operation of the group of order p. If α is a primitive root of p, there must be an operation S in the group such that

S1PS = Pα;
then Sp1 is the lowest power of S which is permutable with P. Now S must belong to a sub-group of order p 1 that keeps one symbol fixed, and we have just seen that the order of {S}is not less than p 1. The sub-group of order p 1 is therefore cyclical, and
Sp1 = 1.
Hence the group, if it exists, must be defined by
Pp = 1,Sp1 = 1,S1PS = Pα.

It is an immediate result of a theorem, which will be proved in the next chapter (§ 123), that this group can be actually represented as a transitive substitution-group of degree p; this may be also verified directly as follows.


P = (a1a2ap),
so that
Pα = (a 1aα+1a2α+1a(p1)α+1),
where the suffixes are to be reduced (modp); and suppose that S is a substitution that keeps unchanged. Then since
S1PS = Pα,
S must change a2 into aα+1, a3 into a2α+1, and generally, ar into a(r1)α+1. Hence
S = (a2aα+1aα2+1);
and since α is a primitive root of p, there is only a single cycle; so that
S = (a2aα+1aα2+1aαp2+1).

The substitutions P and S thus constructed actually generate a doubly transitive substitution-group of degree p and order p(p 1).

Without making a complete investigation of the case in which n is the power of a prime, we go on to shew that, p being any prime, there is always a doubly transitive group of degree pm and order pm(pm 1), in which a sub-group of order pm 1 is cyclical45.

Let i be a primitive root of the congruence

ipm1 1(modp),
so that the distinct roots of the congruence are
Every rational function of i with real integral coefficients satisfies the same congruence; and therefore every such function is congruent (modp) to some power of i not exceeding the (pm 1)th.

Consider now a set of transformations of the form

xαx + β(modp),
where α is a power of i, and β is either a power of i or zero. Two such transformations, performed successively, give another transformation of the same form; and since α cannot be zero, the inverse of each transformation is another definite transformation; so that the totality of transformations of this form constitute a group. Moreover
x αx + β, andx αx + β (modp),
are not the same transformation unless
α αandβ β(modp).
Hence, since α can take pm 1 distinct values and β can take pm distinct values, the order of the group, formed of the totality of these transformations, is pm(pm 1).

The transformations for which α is unity clearly form a sub-group. If S and T represent

xαx + β andxx + γ
respectively, S1TS represents
xx + αγ.
Hence the transformations for which α is unity form a self-conjugate sub-group whose order is pm. Every two transformations of this sub-group are clearly permutable; and the order of each of them except identity is p.

Again, the transformations for which β is zero form a sub-group. Since every one of them is a power of the transformation

this sub-group is a cyclical sub-group of order pm 1. If the transformation just written be denoted by I, then S1IS is
xix + β(1 i).
Hence the only operations permutable with {I}are its own operations, and therefore {I} is one of pm conjugate sub-groups.

The set of transformations

xαx + β
therefore forms a group of order pm(pm 1). This group contains a self-conjugate Abelian sub-group of order pm and type (1,1,,1), and pm conjugate cyclical sub-groups of order pm 1, none of whose operations are permutable with any of the operations of the self-conjugate sub-group.

Now if the operation

xαx + β
be performed on each term of the series
it will, since every rational integral function of i with real integral coefficients is congruent (modp) to some power of i, change the term into another of the same series; and since the congruence
αix + β αiy + β
x y(modpm1),
no two terms of the series can thus be transformed into the same term. Moreover the only operation that leaves every term of the series unchanged is clearly the identical operation.

To each operation of the form

xαx + β
therefore will correspond a single substitution performed on the pm symbols just written, so that to the product of two operations will correspond the product of the two homologous substitutions. The group is therefore simply isomorphic with a substitution group of degree pm. Moreover since the linear congruence
x αx + β(modp)
has only a single solution when α is different from unity, and none when α is unity, every substitution except identity must displace all or all but one of the symbols. The substitution group is therefore doubly transitive46.

Ex. 1. Apply the method just explained to the actual construction of a doubly transitive group of degree 8 and order 56.

Ex. 2. Shew that the equations

A2 = 1,S2m1 = 1,AS1AS = SnASn,
where n is such that a primitive root of the congruence,
i2m1 1 0(mod2),
satisfies the congruence
in + i + 1 0(mod2),
suffice to define a group which can be expressed as a doubly transitive group of degree 2m and order 2m(2m 1). (Messenger of Mathematics, Vol. XXV, p. 189.)

113. A slight extension of the method of the preceding paragraph will enable us to shew that, for every prime p, it is possible to construct a triply transitive group of degree pm + 1 and order (pm + 1)pm(pm 1). The analysis of this group will form the subject of investigation in Chapter XIV; here we shall only demonstrate its existence.

In the place of the operations of the last paragraph, we now consider those of the form

x αx + β γx + δ (modp),
where again α, β, γ, δ are powers of i, limited now by the condition that αδ βγ is not congruent to zero (modp). When this relation is satisfied, the set of operations again clearly form a group. Moreover if we represent ix 0 by for all values of x, any operation of this group, when carried out on the set of quantities
will change each of them into another of the set; while no operation except identity will leave each symbol of the set unchanged. Hence the group can be represented as a substitution group of degree pm + 1.


xia xibicib icia x ia x ibic ib ic ia
is an operation of the above form, which changes the three symbols iaibic into iaibic respectively; and it is easy to modify this form so that it holds when 0 or  occurs in the place of ia, etc. Hence the substitution group is triply transitive, since it contains an operation transforming any three of the pm + 1 symbols into any other three.

On the other hand, if the typical operation keeps the symbol x unchanged, then

γx2 + (δ α)x β 0(modp),
and this congruence cannot have more than two roots among the set of pm + 1 symbols. Hence no substitution of the group, except identity, keeps more than two symbols fixed.

Finally then, since the group is triply transitive and since it contains no operation, except identity, that keeps more than two symbols fixed, its order must (§ 108) be (pm + 1)pm(pm 1).

114. An intransitive substitution group, as defined in § 104, is one which does not contain substitutions changing a1 into each of the other symbols a2, a3, …, an operated on by the group. Let us suppose that the substitutions of such a group change a1 into a2, a3, …, ak only. Then all the substitutions of the group must interchange these k symbols among themselves; for if the group contained a substitution changing a2 into ak+1, then the product of any substitution changing a1 into a2 by this latter substitution would change a1 into ak+1. Hence the n symbols operated on by the group can be divided into a number of sets, such that the substitutions of the group change the symbols of any one set transitively among themselves, but do not interchange the symbols of two distinct sets. It follows immediately that the order of the group must be a common multiple of the numbers of symbols in the different sets.

Suppose now that a1, a2, …, ak is a set of symbols which are interchanged transitively by all the substitutions of a group G of degree n. If for a time we neglect the effect of the substitutions of G on the remaining n k symbols, the group G will reduce to a transitive group H of degree k. The group G is isomorphic with the group H; for if we take as the substitutions of G, that correspond to a given substitution of H, those which produce the same permutation of the symbols a1, a2, …, ak as that produced by the substitution of H, then to the product of any two substitutions of G will correspond the product of the corresponding two substitutions of H. The isomorphism thus shewn to exist may be simple or multiple. In the former case, the order of H is the same as that of G; in the latter case, the substitutions of G which correspond to the identical substitution of H, i.e. those substitutions of G which change none of the symbols a1, a2, …, ak form a self-conjugate sub-group.

We will consider in particular an intransitive group G which interchanges the symbols in two transitive sets; these we will refer to as the α’s and the β’s. Let Gα and Gβ be the two groups transitive in the α’s and β’s respectively, to which G reduces when we alternately leave out of account the effect of the substitutions on the β’s and the α’s. Also let gα and gβ be the self-conjugate sub-groups of G, which keep respectively all the β’s and all the α’s unchanged; and denote the group {gα,gβ} by g. This last group g, which is the direct product of gα and gβ, is self-conjugate in G, since it is generated by the two self-conjugate groups gα and gβ. Now gα is self-conjugate not only in G but also in Gα; for Gα permutes the α’s in the same way that G does, while any substitution of gα, not affecting the β’s, is necessarily permutable with every substitution performed on the β’s. The group Gα is simply isomorphic with the group  G gβ, and Gβ with  G gα; hence, using nH to denote the order of a group H,

nG = nGαngβ = nGβngα.
Let the substitutions of G be now divided into sets in respect of the self-conjugate sub-group g, so that
G = g,Sg,Tg,.

The group G g is defined by the laws according to which these sets combine among themselves, the sets being such that, if any substitution of one set be multiplied by any substitution of a second set, the resulting substitution will belong to a definite third set.

If we now neglect the effect of the substitutions on the symbols β, the group G reduces to Gα and g reduces to gα, and hence

Gα = gα,Sαgα,Tαgα,,
where Sα, Tα, … represent the substitutions S, T, …, so far as they affect the α’s. Moreover the substitutions in the different sets into which Gα is thus divided must be all distinct since, by the preceding relations between the orders of the groups, their number is just equal to the order of Gα. Hence Gα gα is defined by the laws according to which these sets of substitutions combine. But if
Sg Tg = Ug,
then necessarily
Sαgα Tαgα = Uαgα,
and therefore, finally, the three groups G g Gα gα , and Gβ gβ are simply isomorphic.

115. The relation of simple isomorphism between Gα gα and Gβ gβ thus arrived at establishes between the groups Gα and Gβ an isomorphism of the most general kind (§ 32).

To every operation of Gα correspond ngβ operations of Gβ, and to every operation of Gβ correspond ngα operations of Gα; so that to the product of any two operations of Gα (or Gβ) there corresponds a definite set of ngβ operations of Gβ (or ngα operations of Gα).

Returning now to the intransitive group G, its genesis from the two transitive groups Gα and Gβ, with which it is isomorphic, may be represented as follows. The ngα to ngβ correspondence, such as has just been described, having been established between the groups Gα and Gβ, each substitution of Gα is multiplied by the ngβ substitutions that correspond to it in Gβ. The set of nGαngβ substitutions so obtained form a group, for

SαSβ SS = SαS SβS = SS,
where, if SβS are substitutions corresponding to SαS, then S is a substitution corresponding to S. Moreover, this group may be equally well generated by multiplying every one of the substitutions of Gβ by the ngα corresponding substitutions of Gα; and by a reference to the representations of GGα and Gβ, as divided into sets of substitutions given above, it is immediately obvious that all these substitutions occur in G. Hence, as their number is equal to the order of G, the group thus formed coincides with G.

116. The general result for any intransitive group, the simplest case of which has been considered in the two last paragraphs, may be stated in the following form:—

THEOREM VI. If G is an intransitive group of degree n which permutes the n symbols in s transitive sets, and if (i) Gr is what G becomes when the substitutions of G are performed on the rth set of symbols only, (ii) Γr is what G becomes when the substitutions of G are performed on all the sets except the rth, (iii) gr is that sub-group of G which changes the symbols of the rth set only, (iv) γr is that sub-group of G which keeps all the symbols of the rth set unchanged: then the groups Gr gr and Γr γr are simply isomorphic, and nrνr being the orders of grγr, an nr to νr correspondence is thus established between the substitutions of the groups Gr and Γr. Moreover, the substitutions of G are given, each once and once only, by multiplying each substitution of Gr by the νr substitutions of Γr that correspond to it47.

It is not necessary to give an independent proof of this theorem, since if, in the discussion of the two preceding paragraphs, GαGβ, gagbg be replaced by GrΓr, grγr, {gr,γr}, it will be found each step of the process there carried out may be repeated without alteration.

If we regard Gα and Gβ as two given transitive groups in distinct sets of symbols, the determination of all the intransitive groups in the combined symbols, which reduce to Gα or Gβ when the symbols of the second or first set are neglected, involves a knowledge of the composition of the two groups. To each distinct m to n isomorphism, that can be established between the two groups, there will correspond a distinct intransitive group. If Gα is a simple group, containing therefore only itself and identity self-conjugately, then to each substitution of Gβ there must correspond either one or all of the substitutions of Gα; and the former can be the case only when Gβ contains a self-conjugate sub-group H, such that Gβ H  is simply isomorphic with Gα. Hence, if the order of Gβ is less than twice the order of Gα, the only possible intransitive group is the direct product of Gα and Gβ, unless Gβ is simply isomorphic with Gα.

117. In illustration of the preceding paragraphs, we will determine the number of distinct intransitive groups of degree 7, when the symbols are interchanged in transitive sets of 4 and 3 respectively. The four symbols will be referred to as the α’s, and the three symbols as the β’s.

If a transitive group of degree 4 contains operations of order 3, it must be either the symmetric or the alternating group. If it contains no operation of order 3, its order must be either 8 or 4. By Sylow’s theorem, the symmetric group of degree 4, being of order 24, contains a single set of conjugate sub-groups of order 8, so that there is only one type of transitive group of degree 4 and order 8. This is given by

S = (1234),T = (13),
so that
S4 = 1,T2 = 1,TST = S1.

This group contains three self-conjugate sub-groups of order 4, namely,

 (i) 1, (1234), (13)(24), (1432),  (ii) 1, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23),  (iii) 1, (13), (13)(24), (24).

The two latter are simply isomorphic; but as substitution groups, they are of distinct form. Hence for Gα in the construction of the intransitive group, we may take either G24, the symmetric group of the α’s, or G12, the alternating group of the α’s, or G8, the above group of order 8, or finally G4GG, the above three groups of order 4. The only transitive groups of 3 symbols are G6, the symmetric group, and G3, the alternating group: one of these must be taken for Gβ.

I. Gα = G24.

The only self-conjugate sub-groups of G24 are G12 and G. Also G24 G12 is a group of order 2; and it may easily be verified that G24 G is simply isomorphic with the symmetric group of degree 3.

Hence (i) if Gβ is G6, we may take

gα = G24, gβ = G6,   so that  nG = 144, gα = G12, gβ = G3, nG = 72, gα = G, gβ = 1, nG = 24;  and (ii) if Gβ is G3, we must take gα = G24, gβ = G3,   giving  nG = 72.

II. Gα = G12.

The only self-conjugate sub-group of G12 is G; and G12 G  is a cyclical group of order 3.

Hence (i) if Gβ is G6, we must take

gα = G12, gβ = G6,   giving  nG = 72;  and (ii) if Gβ is G3, we may take gα = G12, gβ = G3,   giving  nG = 36, orgα = G, gβ = 1, nG = 12.

III. Gα = G8.

The self-conjugate sub-groups of G8, of order 4, are determined above.

If (i) Gβ is G6, we may take

gα = G8, gβ = G6,   giving  nG = 48, gα = G4, gβ = G3, nG = 24, gα = G, gβ = G3, nG = 24, gα = G, gβ = G3, nG = 24.

The two latter groups are simply isomorphic; but regarded as substitution groups, they are of distinct forms.

If (ii) Gβ is G3, we must take

gα = G8,gβ = G3,  giving nG = 24.

IV. Gα = G4.

If (i) Gβ is G6, we may take

gα = G4,gβ = G6,  giving nG = 24,
gα = G2,gβ = G3, nG = 12;
G2 representing the group {1,(13)(24)}.

If (ii) Gβ is G3, we must take

gα = G4,gβ = G3,  giving nG = 12.

V. Gα = G.

There are, exactly as in the last case, three possibilities: G taking the place of G4. These groups are not however simply isomorphic with the preceding three.

VI. Gα = G.

There are in this case four possibilities. Of these three correspond to those of IV, G taking the place of G4. The remaining one is given by Gβ = G6, gβ = G3, gα = G, where G represents the group {1,(13)}. Regarded as substitution groups all these are of distinct form from the groups of V.

There are thus 22 distinct intransitive substitution groups of degree 7, in which the symbols are interchanged transitively in two sets of 4 and 3 respectively.

118. Let νr (r = 0, 1, 2,,n) be the number of substitutions of a group of degree n and order N which leave exactly r symbols unchanged, so that

N = r=0r=nν r.

Suppose first that the group is transitive; and in a sub-group, which keeps one symbol unchanged, let ν (r = 1, 2,,n) be the number of substitutions that leave exactly r symbols unchanged, so that

N n = r=1r=nν.

Each of the n sub-groups, which leave a single symbol unchanged, have ν substitutions which leave exactly r symbols unchanged; and each of these substitutions belong to r sub-groups which leave one symbol unchanged. Hence

nν = rνr,
and therefore
N = r=1r=nrν r;
or the number of unchanged symbols in all the substitutions of a transitive group is equal to the order of the group.

Suppose, next, that the group is intransitive; and consider a set of s symbols among the n, which are permuted transitively among themselves by the operations of the group. Let N1 be the order of the self-conjugate sub-group H1, which leaves unchanged each of this set of s symbols. Then if we consider the effect of the substitutions on this set of s symbols only, the group reduces to a transitive group of order  N N1 with which the original group is multiply isomorphic. If S is any substitution of this group of order  N N1, and if SH1 denote the corresponding N1 operations of the original group, then every substitution of the set SH1 produces the same effect on the s symbols that Sproduces. Now the number of unchanged symbols in all the substitutions of the transitive group of degree s and order  N N1 is  N N1; therefore, in all the substitutions of the original group, the number of symbols of the set of s that remain unchanged is N. The same reasoning applies to each separate set of the n symbols, which are permuted transitively among themselves by the operations of the group. Hence if there are t1 such transitive sets, the total number of symbols which remain unchanged in all the substitutions of the group is Nt1; or

Nt1 = r=1r=nrν r.

119. The formula just obtained is the first of a series of similar formulæ, due to Herr Frobenius,48 which are capable of many useful applications.

Consider the symbol (a1,a2,,ap), where the letters are p distinct letters chosen from the n which are operated on by the group, the sequence in which the p letters are arranged being regarded as essential. The number of such symbols that can be formed from the n letters is n(n 1)(n p + 1). Every substitution of the group interchanges this set of symbols among themselves; and no substitution can leave one of the symbols unchanged unless it leaves each of the letters forming it unchanged. Moreover no substitution of the group, other than identity, can leave each of the set of symbols unchanged. Hence the group can be expressed as a substitution group in this set of n(n 1)(n p + 1) symbols. Every substitution of the group which leaves exactly r letters unchanged will, if r < p, leave none of the set of symbols unchanged; while if r p, it will leave exactly

r(r 1)(r p + 1)
unchanged. Hence, if the set of symbols are interchanged by the substitutions of the group in tp transitive sets, then
Ntp = r=pr=n r! r p!νr.

From the symbol (a1,a2,,ap), containing p letters, may be formed n p symbols containing p + 1 letters, by adding any one of the remaining n p letters in the last place. If the symbol (a1,a2,,ap) is one of a transitive set of s symbols, to these there will correspond s(n p) symbols of p + 1 letters. No symbol of p + 1 letters, which is not included among these s(n p) symbols, can enter into a transitive set with any one of the s(n p); since if it did, the s symbols of p letters would not form a transitive set. Hence the s(n p) symbols must form, by themselves, a number of transitive sets of the symbols of p + 1 letters; and this number clearly cannot be less than 1 nor greater than n p. Accordingly, to every transitive set of the symbols of p letters, there correspond x (1 x n p) transitive sets of the symbols of p + 1 letters; and therefore

tp tp+1 (n p)tp.

Ex. 1. If tp and tp+1 are equal and if p < n 1, shew that tp+1 is unity and that the group is (p + 1)-ply transitive.

Ex. 2. Apply the method of § 119 to shew that no substitution, except identity, of a k-ply transitive group, which does not contain the alternating group, can displace less than 2k 2 letters.

Note to § 108.

The results of M. Jordan, stated on p. 459, may be established as follows. Let G be a quadruply transitive group of degree n and order n(n 1)(n 2)(n 3), so that n 2 is the power of a prime. There is a single operation of G which changes any four symbols into any other four symbols. Let ab, cd be four of the symbols operated on by G. The operations of G which permute these symbols among themselves form a sub-group H, simply isomorphic with the symmetric group of degree 4. Suppose that the remaining n 4 symbols are permuted by H in transitive sets of n1, n2, … symbols each.

The only groups with which H is multiply isomorphic are (i) the symmetric group of degree 3, (ii) a group of order 2. If then, when we consider the effect of H on a set of n1 symbols which are permuted transitively by it, the group of degree n1 so obtained is one with which H is multiply isomorphic, this group must be either the symmetric group of degree 3 or a group of order 2. Hence n1 must be either 63 or 2. Since in this case H will contain operations leaving all the n1 symbols unchanged, the value 6 for n1 is inadmissible. If n1 is 3, the operations of H, which give the substitutions

of ab, cd, leave the 3 symbols unchanged; and if n1 is 2, the operations of H which give all the even substitutions of ab, cd, leave the 2 symbols unchanged.

If, on the other hand, when we consider the effect of H on the set of n1 symbols only, the transitive group of degree n1 so obtained is simply isomorphic with H, then n1 must be either 46, 812 or 24. In this case, the value 4 for n1 is inadmissible. In fact, if n1 were 4 the operation of H which leaves c and d unchanged would also leave two of the n1 symbols unchanged; and this is impossible since no operation of H, except identity, can leave more than 3 symbols unchanged. For a similar reason, the value 12 for n1 is inadmissible; while, if n1 is 6, the sub-group that keeps one of the n1 symbols unchanged must be cyclical.

The only other possible value for n1 is unity.

Suppose, first, that n1 is 2. If any of the remaining numbers n2, n3, … differ from 24, it may be shewn immediately that H contains operations which keep more than 3 symbols fixed. Hence in this case n is congruent to 6(mod24); and since n 2 cannot then be a power of a prime unless n = 6, this case gives the alternating group of degree 6.

Next, suppose that n1 is 3. The only admissible values for n2, n3, … are 8 and 24. In this case, the sub-group of H which keeps all the n1 ( = 3) symbols unchanged is a non-cyclical sub-group of order 4. But we have seen in § 105 that, if n 3 is even, a sub-group of order n 3 which keeps 3 symbols unchanged can only have a single operation of order 2. Hence this case cannot occur.

Next, suppose that n1 is 8. The only admissible values for n2, n3, … are again 24. This case cannot occur since no number congruent to 10,(mod24), can be a power of a prime.

The only remaining possibilities are:

 (i) n1 = n2 = = 24,  (ii) n1 = 1,n2 = n3 = = 24,  (iii) n1 = 6,n2 = n3 = = 24,  (iv) n1 = 1,n2 = 6,n3 = = 24,  (v) n1 = 1,n2 = 6,n3 = = 0,  (vi) n1 = 1,n2 = n3 = = 0.

The first of them cannot occur, since then n 2 is not the power of a prime. In the second case, an operation of H which leaves c and d unchanged would be of the form

where there are 1 2(n 3) independent transpositions; while an operation of H, of order 2, which leaves none of the symbols ab, cd unchanged, will consist of the product of 1 2(n 1) independent transpositions. Now the operation
occurs in the group, conjugate to H, which permutes ab, αβ, among themselves; and as an operation of this group, it must be the product of 1 2(n 1) independent transpositions. This is a contradiction: hence this case cannot occur.

In case (iii), let 12, 3, 4, 56 be the six symbols that are permuted transitively. The self-conjugate sub-group of H of order 4 will consist of identity and the three substitutions

(ab)(cd)(34)(56)(αβ)(γδ), (ac)(bd)(56)(12)(αγ)(βδ), (ad)(bc)(12)(34)(αδ)(βγ).

This sub-group will also occur as the self-conjugate sub-group of order 4 of the group, conjugate to H, which permutes αβ, γδ among themselves. If SS are two operations, of order 3, of these sub-groups which give the same permutation of 12, 3, 4, 56, then SS1 is an operation of G, distinct from identity, which keeps the six symbols unchanged. Hence this case cannot occur. Precisely the same reasoning applies to case (iv).

Finally then, cases (v) and (vi), in which n is respectively 11 and 5 are the only remaining possibilities.

When n is 5, G is the symmetric group of degree 5.

When n is 11, the group G, if it exists, is of degree 11 and order 11 10 9 8. A sub-group of order 8 which keeps three symbols fixed must contain a single operation of order 2; hence it must either be cyclical or of the type given in Theorem V, § 63. When expressed in 8 symbols, this is generated by

(1254)(3867) and(1758)(2643),
while we may take a cyclical group of order 8 to be generated by

It is easy to verify that each of these substitutions transforms the group of order 9, generated by

(123)(456)(789) and(147)(258)(369),
into itself.

If we now apply the method of § 109, we find that each of these doubly transitive groups of degree 9 is contained in a triply transitive group of degree 10; a repetition of the same process of trial shews that, while the group

is not contained in a quadruply transitive group of degree 11 and order 11 10 9 8, the group
and the two substitutions
actually generate such a group.

A further trial will shew that this group and the substitution

generate a group of degree 12 and order 12 11 10 9 8; but that there is no group of degree 13 which contains the last group as the sub-group that keeps one symbol fixed.

The three substitutions, of order two, just given generate that sub-group of order 24, of the transitive group of degree 11 and order 11 10 9 8 in the symbols

which permutes ab, c2 among themselves.

If k 4, a k-ply transitive group, of degree n and order n(n 1)(n k + 1), must contain a quadruply transitive group of degree n k + 4 and order (n k + 4)(n k + 3)(n k + 2)(n k + 1). Hence, if the group is neither the alternating group nor the symmetric group of degree n, it must be either the group of degree 11 or the group of degree 12 that have been determined above.

Note to § 110.

It may be shewn that, with a single exception when n = 12, the inequality (p. 470)

k 1 3n + 1
may be replaced by
k < 1 3n + 1.

Since k is an integer, it is only necessary to consider the case in which n is a multiple of 3, so that we may write 3m for n. If, in this case, k = m + 1, then 2k 2 = 2m; and a (m + 1)-ply transitive group of degree 3m, which does not contain the alternating group, can therefore have no substitution which displaces fewer than 2m symbols. Its order must therefore be 3m(3m 1)(2m + 1)2m. From M. Jordan’s results, which have just been proved, such a group exists only when n = 12; and therefore when n is not 12, a k-ply transitive group of degree n, which does not contain the alternating group, can only exist if k < 1 3n + 1.