Chapter VI.
On Sylow’s Theorem.

I t has been proved (§ 22) that the order of any sub-group of a group G is a factor of the order of G; and it results at once from the investigation of §§ 45–47 that, in an Abelian group, there is always at least one sub-group whose order is any given factor of the order of the group. The latter result is not however generally true for groups which are not Abelian; and for factors of the order of a group which contain more than one distinct prime, no general law is known as to the existence or non-existence of corresponding sub-groups. If however pm, where p is a prime, divides the order of the group, it may be shewn that the group will always contain a sub-group of order pm. The special form of this theorem, that a group whose order is divisible by a prime p contains operations of order p, is due originally to Cauchy23. The more general result was first established by Sylow. He has shewn24 that, if pα is the highest power of a prime p which divides the order of a group, the group contains a single conjugate set of kp + 1 sub-groups of order pα.

For the special case p = 2, the following proof of Cauchy’s theorem is perhaps worth giving for its simplicity. Arrange the operations of a group of even order in pairs S and S1 of inverse operations. If at any stage no further pairs can be formed, the remaining operations must all, except the identical operation, be of order 2. The number of these remaining operations, which include the identical operation, is even. Hence there must be at least one operation of order 2, and the total number of such operations is odd.

We shall devote the present chapter to the proof of Sylow’s theorem; and a consideration of some of its more immediate consequences. These constitute, as will be seen later on, a most important set of results.

77. We shall divide the proof of Sylow’s theorem into two parts. First we shew that, if pα is the highest power of a prime p which divides the order of a group, the group must have a sub-group of order pα; and secondly that the sub-groups of order pα form a single conjugate set and that their number is congruent to unity, (modp).

Lemma. If pα is the highest power of a prime p by which the order of a group G is divisible, G must contain a sub-group whose order is divisible by pα.

If the group G is Abelian, this has been already proved in § 37. Suppose then that G of order N ( = pαm, where m is prime to p) is not Abelian; and let G of order N be the sub-group of G formed of its self-conjugate operations. If S is any operation of G which is not self-conjugate, and if n is the order of the greatest sub-group within which S is permutable, S forms one of a set of N n conjugate operations; hence, by equating the order of the group to the sum of the numbers of operations contained in the different conjugate sets, we obtain the equation

N = N + N n ,
where the sign of summation is extended to all the different conjugate sets of those operations which are not self-conjugate.

If N is not divisible by p, or in other words if G contains no self-conjugate operations of order p, this equation requires that at least one of the symbols n should be divisible by pα; therefore in this case the lemma is true.

If N is divisible by pα, the group G, being Abelian, must contain a sub-group g of order pα; and this sub-group is self-conjugate in G. Consider now the group G g of order pααm. If it has no self-conjugate operations of order p, it must (by the result just obtained) contain a sub-group whose order is divisible by pαα; and hence G contains a sub-group whose order is divisible by pα. If, on the other hand, G g has a sub-group of self-conjugate operations of order pα, then G must contain a self-conjugate sub-group of order pα+α, say g. We may now repeat the same reasoning with the group G g of order pαααm. In this way we must in any case be ultimately led to a sub-group of G whose order is divisible by pα. The lemma is therefore established.

We have as an immediate inference:—

THEOREM I. If pα is the highest power of a prime p which divides the order of a group, the group contains a sub-group of order pα.

For the group contains a sub-group whose order is divisible by pα; this sub-group must itself contain a sub-group whose order is divisible by pα, and so on. Hence at last a sub-group must be arrived at whose order is pα.

Corollary. Since it has been seen in § 53 that a group of order pα contains sub-groups of every order pβ (β < α), it follows that, if the order of a group is divisible by pβ, the group must contain a sub-group of order pβ. In particular, a group whose order is divisible by a prime p has operations of order p.

78. THEOREM II. If pα is the highest power of a prime p which divides the order of a group G, the sub-groups of G of order pα form a single conjugate set, and their number is congruent to unity, (modp).

If H is a sub-group of G of order pα, the only operations of G, which are permutable with H and have powers of p for their orders, are the operations of H itself. For if P is an operation of order pr, not contained in H and permutable with it, and if ps is the order of the greatest group common to {P} and H, the order of {H,P} is pα+r+s. But G can have no such sub-group, since pα+rs is not a factor of the order of G.

Suppose now that H is any sub-group conjugate to H; and let pβ be the order of the group h common to H and H. When H is transformed by all the operations of H, the operations of h are the only ones which transform H into itself. Hence the operations of H can be divided into pαβ sets of pβ each, such that the operations of each set transform H into a distinct sub-group. In this way, pαβ sub-groups are obtained distinct from each other and from H and conjugate to H. If these sub-groups do not exhaust the set of sub-groups conjugate to H, let H be a new one. From H another set of pαβ sub-groups can be formed, distinct from each other and from H and conjugate to H. Moreover no sub-group of this latter set can coincide with one of the previous set. For if

P11HP 1 = P21HP 2,
where P1 and P2 are operations of H, then
H = P31HP 3,
where P3 ( = P2P11) is an operation of H; and this is contrary to the supposition that H is different from each group of the previous set. By continuing this process, it may be shewn that the number of sub-groups in the conjugate set containing H is
1 + pαβ + pαβ + ,
where no one of the indices α β, α β, … can be less than unity. The number of sub-groups in the conjugate set containing H is therefore congruent to unity, (modp).

If now G contains another sub-group H1, of order pα, it must belong to a different conjugate set. The number of sub-groups in the new set may be shewn, as above, to be congruent to unity, (modp). But on transforming H1 by the operations of H, a set of pαγ conjugate sub-groups is obtained, where pγ is the order of the sub-group common to H and H1. A further sub-group of the set, if it exists, gives rise to pαγ additional conjugate sub-groups, distinct from each other and from the previous pαγ. Proceeding thus we shew that the number of sub-groups in the conjugate set is a multiple of p; and as it cannot be at once a multiple of p and congruent to unity, (modp), the set does not exist. The sub-groups of order pα therefore form a single conjugate set and their number is congruent to unity, (modp).

Corollary I. If pαm is the order of the greatest group I, within which the group H of order pα is contained self-conjugately, the order of the group G must be of the form

pαm(1 + kp).

Corollary II. The number of groups of order pα contained in G, i.e. the factor 1 + kp in the preceding expression for the order of the group, can be expressed in the form

1 + k1p + k2p2 + + k αpα,
where krpr is the number of groups having with a given group H of the set greatest common sub-groups of order pαr.

This follows immediately from the arrangement of the set of groups given in the proof of the theorem. Thus each of the pαβ groups, obtained on transforming H by the operations of H, has in common with H a greatest common sub-group of order pβ. It may of course happen that any one or more of the numbers k1, k2, …, kα is zero. If no two sub-groups of the set have a common sub-group whose order is greater than pr, then k1, k2, …, kαr1 all vanish; and the number of sub-groups in the set is congruent to unity, (modpαr). Conversely, if ps is the highest power of p that divides kp, some two sub-groups of the set must have a common sub-group whose order is not less than pαs; for if there were no such common sub-groups, the number of sub-groups in the set would be congruent to unity, (modps+1).

Corollary III. Every sub-group of G whose order is pβ, (β < α), must be contained in one or more sub-groups of order pα.

For if the sub-group of order pβ is contained in no sub-group of order pβ+1, the only operations whose orders are powers of p that transform it into itself are its own. In this case, the preceding method may be used to shew that the number of sub-groups in the conjugate set to which the given sub-group belongs must be congruent to unity, (modp). But this is impossible, as the number of such sub-groups must, on the assumption made, be a multiple of pαβ. The sub-group of order pβ is therefore contained in one of order pβ+1, and hence repeating the same reasoning in one of order pα.

79. We shall refer to Theorems I and II together as Sylow’s theorem. In discussing in this and the following paragraphs some of the results that follow from Sylow’s theorem, we shall adhere to the notation that has been used in establishing the theorem itself. Thus pα will always denote the highest power of a prime p which divides the order of G; the sub-groups of G of order pα will be denoted by H, H1, …, and the greatest sub-groups of G that contain these self-conjugately by I, I1, …. These latter form a single conjugate set of sub-groups of G, whose orders are pαm, the order of G itself being pαm(1 + kp). Moreover the number of groups in this conjugate set is 1 + kp.

Suppose now that S is any operation of G whose order is a power of p. When the 1 + kp sub-groups

are transformed by S, each one that contains S is transformed into itself, while the remainder are interchanged in sets, the number in any set being a power of p. Hence the number of these groups which contain S must be congruent to unity, (modp). In precisely the same way, it may be shewn that the number of sub-groups of order pα, which contain a given sub-group of order pβ, is congruent to unity, (modp).

A sub-group (or operation), having a power of p for its order and occurring in 1 + lp sub-groups of order pα, will not necessarily be one of the same number of conjugate sub-groups (or operations) in each of these 1 + lp sub-groups. If then h is a sub-group, of order pr, that occurs in 1 + lp sub-groups of order pα, we may choose one of these, say H, in which h is one of as small a number as possible of conjugate sub-groups. Let this number be pαrs, so that, in H, h is self-conjugate in a group of order pr+s. Then in G, the order of the greatest group i, in which h is self-conjugate, must be pr+sn, where n is relatively prime to p. The number of sub-groups of i of order pr+s must be congruent to unity, (modp). No two of these groups of order pr+s can occur in the same group of order pα; for if they did, they would generate a group of order pr+s+t, (t 1), and this is impossible, pr+s being the highest power of p that divides the order of i. Moreover the number of groups of order pα in which any one of these groups of order pr+s enters is congruent to unity, (modp). Hence the number of groups of order pα, in which h is one of pαrs (the least possible number) conjugate sub-groups, is congruent to unity, (modp). Suppose now that, in H, h is one of pαrs (s < s) conjugate sub-groups; so that in H it is self-conjugate in a sub-group of order pr+s and in no greater sub-group. Then the highest power of p that divides the order of the group common to I and i is pr+s; and therefore, when H is transformed by all the operations of i, the number of groups of order pα formed is a multiple of pss. In each of these groups, h is one of pαrs conjugate sub-groups. If this does not exhaust all the groups of order pα in which h is one of pαrs conjugate sub-groups, let H be another. Then from this another set of groups, whose number is a multiple of pss, may be formed, which are distinct from each other and from the previous set, such that in each of them h is one of pαrs conjugate sub-groups. This process may clearly be continued till all such groups are exhausted. Hence the number of groups of order pα, in which h is one of pαrs (s < s) conjugate sub-groups, is a multiple of pss. If h enters as one of pαrs conjugate sub-groups in H, a sub-group conjugate to h must enter as one of pαrs conjugate sub-groups in H. Hence if pr+s, pr+s, pr+s, … are the orders of the greatest sub-groups that contain h self-conjugately in the various sub-groups of order pα in which it appears, then H must contain sub-groups of the conjugate set (in G) to which h belongs in conjugate sets of pr+s, pr+s, pr+s, … only. The total number x of such sub-groups contained in H is clearly connected with the total number 1 + lp of sub-groups of order pα, in which h appears, by the relation

x(1 + kp) = y(1 + lp),
y being the number of sub-groups in the conjugate set. For every sub-group of order pα will contain x of the set: and the two sides of the equation represent two distinct ways of reckoning all the sub-groups of the set h contained in the sub-groups of the set H, when all repetitions are counted.

It is to be noticed that, with the above notation,

y = pαrsm(1 + kp) n ;
and therefore
x = pαrsm(1 + lp) n .

80. THEOREM III. Let pα be the highest power of a prime p which divides the order of a group G, and let H be a sub-group of G of order pα. Let h be a sub-group common to H and some other sub-group of order pα, such that no sub-group, which contains h and is of greater order, is common to any two sub-groups of order pα. Then there must be some operation of G, of order prime to p, which is permutable with h and not with H25.

Suppose that H and H are two groups of order pα to which h is common; and let h1 and h be sub-groups of H and H, of greater order than h, in which h is self-conjugate. If h1 and h generate a group whose order is a power of p, it must occur in some group H of order pα; and then H and H have a common group h1, which contains h and is of greater order. This is contrary to supposition, and therefore the order of the group generated by h1 and h is not a power of p. Hence h is permutable with some operation whose order is prime to p.

Let pr be the order of h, and pr+sn be the order of the greatest sub-group i of G that contains h self-conjugately. If i contained a self-conjugate sub-group of order pr+s, h1 and h would be sub-groups of it and they would generate a group whose order is a power of p. This is not the case, and therefore i must contain 1 + kp sub-groups of order pr+s, so that we may write m(1 + kp) for n; and then, in i, a sub-group of order pr+s is self-conjugate in a sub-group of order pr+sm. No sub-group of i of order pr+t (t > 0) can occur in more than one sub-group of order pα; and the 1 + kp sub-groups of i of order pr+s belong therefore to 1 + kp distinct sub-groups of order pα. Moreover h occurs in no sub-groups of order pα other than these 1 + kp. For if h occurred in another sub-group H1, it would in this sub-group be self-conjugate in a group of order pr+s (s > 0); and this group would occur in i. This group would then be common to two sub-groups of order pα, contrary to supposition.

An operation of i, which transforms one of its sub-groups of order pr+s into another, must transform the sub-group of order pα containing the one into that containing the other. Hence i must contain operations which are not permutable with H. The greatest common sub-group of i and I is that sub-group of i of order pr+sm which contains the sub-group of order pr+s belonging to H self-conjugately. For every operation, that transforms this sub-group of order pr+s into itself, must transform H into itself; and no operation can transform H into itself which transforms this sub-group of order pr+s into another.

81. Let P be an operation, or sub-group, which is self-conjugate in H; and let Q be another operation, or sub-group, of H, which is conjugate to P in G, but not conjugate to P in I. Suppose first that, if possible, Q is self-conjugate in H. There must be an operation S which transforms P into Q and H into some other sub-group H, so that

S1PS = Q, S1HS = H.

Now in the sub-group which contains Q self-conjugately, the sub-groups of order pα form a single conjugate set, and H must occur among them. Hence this sub-group must contain an operation T such that

T1QT = Q,
T1HT = H.
It follows that

T1S1PST = Q, T1S1HST = H,

or that, contrary to supposition, P and Q are conjugate in I. Hence:—

THEOREM IV. Let G and H be defined as in the previous theorem, and let I be the greatest sub-group of G which contains H self-conjugately. Then if P and Q are two self-conjugate operations or sub-groups of H, which are not conjugate in I, they are not conjugate in G.

Corollary. If H is Abelian, no two operations of H which are not conjugate in I can be conjugate in G. Hence the number of distinct sets of conjugate operations in G, which have powers of p for their orders, is the same as the number of such sets in I.

82. Suppose next that Q is not self-conjugate in H. Then every operation that transforms Q into P must transform H into a sub-group of order pα in which P is not self-conjugate. Of the sub-groups of order pα, to which P belongs and in which P is not self-conjugate, choose H so that, in H, P forms one of as small a number of conjugate operations or sub-groups as possible. Let g be the greatest sub-group of H that contains P self-conjugately. Among the sub-groups of order pα that contain P self-conjugately, there must be one or more to which g belongs. Let H be one of these; and suppose that h and h are the greatest sub-groups of H and H respectively that contain g self-conjugately. The orders of both h and h must (Theorem II, § 55) be greater than the order of g; and in consequence of the assumption made with respect to H, every sub-group, having a power of p for its order and containing h, must contain P self-conjugately.

Now consider the sub-group {h,h}. Since it does not contain P self-conjugately, its order cannot be a power of p. Also if pβ is the highest power of p that divides its order, it must contain more than one sub-group of order pβ. For any sub-group of order pβ, to which h belongs, contains P self-conjugately; and any sub-group of order pβ, to which h belongs, does not. Suppose now that S is an operation of {h,h}, having its order prime to p and transforming a sub-group of {h,h} of order pβ, to which h belongs, into one to which h belongs. Then S cannot be permutable with P; for if it were, P would be self-conjugate in each of these sub-groups of order pβ.

When P is an operation, we may reason in the same way with respect to {P}.

Since g is self-conjugate in both h and h, S must transform g into itself. Now P is self-conjugate in g, and therefore SrPSr is also self-conjugate in g for all values of r. If then St is the first power of S which is permutable with P, the series of groups P, S1PS, …, St+1PSt1 are all distinct and each is a self-conjugate sub-group of g. Every group in this series is therefore permutable with every other. Hence:—

THEOREM V. If G and H are defined as in the two preceding theorems, and if P is a self-conjugate sub-group or operation of H, then either (i) P must be self-conjugate in every sub-group of G, of order pα, in which it enters, or (ii) there must be an operation S, of order q prime to p, such that the set of sub-groups Sr{P}Sr

r = 0, 1,…,q − 1

are all distinct and permutable with each other.

83. In illustration of Sylow’s theorem and its consequences, we will now consider certain special types of group; and we will deal first with a group whose order is the product of two different primes.

If p1 and p2 (p1 < p2) are distinct primes, a group of order p1p2 must, by Sylow’s theorem, have a self-conjugate sub-group of order p2. If p2 is not congruent to unity, (modp1), the group must also have a self-conjugate sub-group of order p1. The two self-conjugate sub-groups of orders p1 and p2 can have no common operation except the identical operation; and therefore (Theorem IX, § 34) every operation of one must be permutable with every operation of the other. Hence if p2 is not congruent to unity, (modp1), a group of order p1p2 must be Abelian, and therefore also cyclical.

If p2 is congruent to unity, (modp1), there may be either 1 or p2 conjugate sub-groups of order p1.

If there is one, it is self-conjugate and the group is cyclical.

If there are p2 sub-groups of order p1, let P1 denote an operation which generates one of them. Then if P2 is an operation of order p2,

P11{P 2}P1 = {P2};
P11P 2P1 = P2α,
so that
P2 = P1p1 P2P1p1 = P2αp1 .
αp1 1(modp2).
If α were unity, P2 would be permutable with P1, and {P1} would not be one of p2 conjugate sub-groups. Hence α must be a primitive root of the above congruence.

A group of order p1p2, which has p2 conjugate sub-groups of order p1, must therefore, when it exists, be defined by the relations

P1p1 = 1,P2p2 = 1,P11P 2P1 = P2α,
where α is a primitive root of the congruence26
αp1 1(modp2).

It follows from § 33 that the order of the group defined by these relations cannot exceed p1p2. But also from the given relations it is clearly impossible to deduce new relations of the form

P1xP 2y = P 1xP 2y,
where x and x are less than p1, and y and y are less than p2; hence the order cannot be less than p1p2.

Again, let β be a primitive root of the congruence, distinct from α, so that

βx α(modp 2).

Then if, in the group defined by

P1p1 = 1,P2p2 = 1,P11P 2P1 = P2β,
we represent P1x by P, the defining relations become
Pp1 = 1,P2p2 = 1,P1P 2P= P2α;
and the group is simply isomorphic with the previous group.

Hence finally, when p2 is congruent to unity, (modp1), there is a single type of group of order p1p2, which contains p2 conjugate sub-groups of order p1.

84. We will next deal with the problem of determining all distinct types of group of order 24.

A group of order 24 must contain either 1 or 3 sub-groups of order 8, and either 1 or 4 sub-groups of order 3. If it has one sub-group of order 8 and one sub-group of order 3, the group must, since each of these sub-groups is self-conjugate, be their direct product. We have seen (§§ 68, 74) that there are five distinct types of group of order 8; there are therefore five distinct types of group of order 24, which are obtained by taking the direct product of any group of order 8 and a group of order 3.

If there are 3 groups of order 8, some two of them must (Theorem II, Cor. II, § 78) have a common sub-group of order 4; and (Theorem III, § 80) this common sub-group must be a self-conjugate sub-group of the group of order 24. Moreover if, in this case, a sub-group of order 8 is Abelian, each operation of the self-conjugate sub-group of order 4 must (Theorem IV, Cor. § 81) be a self-conjugate operation of the group of order 24.

With the aid of these general considerations, it now is easy to determine for each type of group of order 8, the possible types of group of order 24, in addition to the five types already obtained.

(i) Suppose a group of order 8 to be cyclical, and let A be an operation that generates it. If {A} is self-conjugate and B is an operation of order 3, then

B1AB = Aα,
and therefore
B3AB3 = Aα3 .
α3 1(mod8),
and therefore
α 1(mod8);
so that A and B are permutable. This is one of the types already obtained. Hence for a new type, {A} cannot be self-conjugate, and A2 must be a self-conjugate operation; B is therefore one of two conjugate operations, while {B} is self-conjugate. Hence the only possible new type in this case is given by
A1BA = B1.

(ii) Next, let a group of order 8 be an Abelian group defined by

A4 = 1,B2 = 1,AB = BA.

If this is self-conjugate, then, by considerations similar to those of the preceding case, we infer that the group is the direct product of groups of orders 8 and 3. Hence there is not in this case a new type.

If the group of order 8 is not self-conjugate, the self-conjugate group of order 4 may be either {A}or {A2,B}. In either case, if C is an operation of order 3, it must be one of two conjugate operations while {C} is self-conjugate. Hence there are two new types respectively given by

C3 = 1,BCB = C1,A1CA = C;
C3 = 1,A1CA = C1,BCB = C.

(iii) Let a group of order 8 be an Abelian group defined by

A2 = 1,B2 = 1,C2 = 1,AB = BA,BC = CB,CA = AB.

If it is self-conjugate, and if the group of order 24 is not the direct product of groups of orders 8 and 3, an operation D of order 3 must transform the 7 operations of order 2 among themselves; and it must therefore be permutable with one of them. Now the relations

D1AD = A,D1BD = AB,
are not self-consistent, because they give
D2BD2 = B.
Hence, since the group of order 8 is generated by AB and any other operation of order 2 except AB, we may assume, without loss of generality, that
D1AD = A,D1BD = C,D1CD = AxByCz.
These relations give
B = D3BD3 = D1AxByCzD = Ax(1+z)ByzCy+z2 ,
and therefore
y = z = 1.

Now if

and if
AB = B,AC = C,
D1BD = C,D1CD = BC;
so that the two alternatives x = 0 and x = 1 lead to simply isomorphic groups.

Hence there is in this case a single type. It is the direct product of {A} and {D,B,C}, where

D1BD = C,D1CD = BC.

If the group of order 8 is not self-conjugate, the self-conjugate group of order 4 may be taken to be {A,B}; and D being an operation of order 3, there is a single new type given by

D3 = 1,CDC = D1,ADA = D,BDB = D.

(iv) Let a group of order 8 be a non-Abelian group defined by

A4 = 1,B4 = 1,A2 = B2,B1AB = A1;
and let C be an operation of order 3. If the group of order 8 is self-conjugate, and the group of order 24 is not a direct product of groups of orders 8 and 3, C must transform the 3 sub-groups of order 4, {A}{B} and {AB}, among themselves. Hence we may take
C1AC = B,
C1BC = AB or(AB)3.
If C transforms B into (AB)3, then
C3AC3 = A1,
and C cannot be an operation of order 3. Hence in this case there is only one new type, given by
C3 = 1,C1AC = B,C1BC = AB.

If the sub-group of order 8 is not self-conjugate, the self-conjugate sub-group of order 4 is cyclical, and each of its operations must be permutable with C. Hence again we get a single new type, given by

C3 = 1,A1CA = C,B1CB = C1.

(v) Lastly, let a sub-group of order 8 be a non-Abelian group defined by

A4 = 1,B2 = 1,BAB = A1.

This contains one cyclical and two non-cyclical sub-groups of order 4. If it is self-conjugate, the group of order 24 must therefore be the direct product of groups of orders 8 and 3; and there is no new type.

If the sub-group of order 8 is not self-conjugate, and the self-conjugate sub-group of order 4 is the cyclical group {A}, then A must be permutable with an operation C of order 3, and there is a single new type given by

C3 = 1,A1CA = C,B1CB = C1.

If the self-conjugate sub-group of order 4 is not cyclical, it may be taken to be {1,A2,B,A2B}. If C is permutable with each operation of this sub-group, there is a single type given by

C3 = 1,A1CA = C1,B1CB = C.

If C is not permutable with every operation of the self-conjugate sub-group, it must transform A2BA2B among themselves and we may take

C1A2C = B,C1BC = A2B.

Now {C,A2,B}is self-conjugate, and therefore A must transform C into another operation of order 3 contained in this sub-group. Hence

A1CA = CxA2yBz.

The only values of xyz which are consistent with the previous relation

A2CA2 = CA2B,
x = 2,y = z = 1.

The last new type is therefore defined by

A4 = 1,B2 = 1,BAB = A1, C3 = 1,C1A2C = B,C1BC = A2B, A1CA = C2A2B.

When B is eliminated between these relations, it will be found that the only independent relations remaining are

A4 = 1,C3 = 1,(AC)2 = 1.

It is a good exercise to verify that these form a complete set of defining relations for the group. (Compare Ex. 1, § 35.)

There are therefore, in all, fifteen distinct types of group of order 24. The last of these is the only type, which has neither a self-conjugate sub-group of order 8, nor one of order 3. The reader should satisfy himself, as an exercise, that, in the ten cases where the group is not a direct product of groups of orders 8 and 3, the defining relations which we have given are self-consistent. This is of course an essential part of the investigation, and it may, in more complicated cases, involve some little difficulty. We have omitted the verification here, where it is very easy, for the sake of brevity.

It is to be noticed that the last type obtained gives an example, and indeed the simplest possible, of Theorem V, § 82. Thus in {A,B} of order 8, A2 is a self-conjugate operation and B is not. In the group of order 24, the operations A2 and B are conjugate; and C is an operation, of order prime to 2, such that A2, C1A2C, C2A2C2 generate three mutually permutable sub-groups.

A discussion similar to that of the present section (but simpler, since in each case the number of types is smaller), will verify the following table27:—

Order 6 10 12 14 15 18 20 22 26 28 30

Number 2 2 5 2 1 5 5 2 2 4 4

This table, taken with the results of Chapter V, gives the number of distinct types of groups for all orders less than 32.

85. As a second example, we will discuss the various distinct types of group of order 60.

A group of order 60 must, by Sylow’s theorem, contain either 1 or 6 cyclical sub-groups of order 5.

We will first suppose that a group G of order 60 contains a single cyclical sub-group of order 5, which is necessarily self-conjugate. There will then be four operations of order 5 in G; and we may deal with two sub-cases according as these operations are or are not self-conjugate.

(i) Suppose that each operation of order 5 is self-conjugate. There must then be either 1 or 3 sub-groups of order 4. If there is only one, it must be permutable with an operation of order 3; and then G contains a sub-group of order 12. If there are three, it follows, by Theorem II, Cor. II (§ 78), that some pair of them must have a common sub-group of order 2. But (Theorem III, § 80) this sub-group of order 2 must be permutable with some operation of order prime to 2, which is not permutable with a sub-group of order 4. This operation must be of order 3; hence in this case also there must be a sub-group of order 12. Thus then the group is, with either alternative, the direct product of a group of order 5 and a group of order 12. Now there are five distinct types of group of order 12; there are therefore five distinct types of group of order 60 which contain self-conjugate operations of order 5.

(ii) Suppose that S is an operation of order 5 which is not self-conjugate. If T is an operation which is not permutable with S, then

T1ST = Sα,
where α is not unity. Also, if Tx is the lowest power of T which is permutable with S, then
TxSTx = Sαx = S,
and therefore
αx 1(mod5).

It follows that x must be either 2 or 4. If x is 2 for every operation T which is not permutable with S, then S and S4 form a complete set of conjugate operations; as also do S2 and S3. If x is 4 for any operation T, the four operations S, S2, S3, S4 form a single conjugate set.

First, let S be one of two conjugate operations; it must then be self-conjugate in a sub-group of order 30, and by Sylow’s theorem this sub-group must contain a single sub-group of order 3. It will therefore be given by

 (α) A2 = 1,B3 = 1,S5 = 1,ABA = B, or  (β) A2 = 1,B3 = 1,S5 = 1,ABA = B2,

according as B is or is not a self-conjugate operation; S in either case being permutable with both A and B.

If the sub-groups of order 4 are cyclical, G must contain an operation A1 of order 4 whose square is A; and A1 must transform S into its inverse and {B} into itself. The latter condition clearly cannot be satisfied if the self-conjugate sub-group of order 30 is of type (β). Hence we have two types given by

A14 = 1,B3 = 1,S5 = 1,B1SB = S, A11SA 1 = S4, andA 11BA 1 = B orB2.

If the sub-groups of order 4 are not cyclical, G must contain an operation A of order 2, which is permutable with A; and A transforms S into its inverse and {B} into itself. In this case, if the self-conjugate sub-group is of type (α), there are two types given by

A2 = 1,A2 = 1,B3 = 1,S5 = 1,ASA = S,B1SB = S, AAA= A,ASA= S4,ABA = B,ABA= B orB2.

If the self-conjugate sub-group is of type (β), there is a single type in which the last two of the preceding equations are replaced by

ABA = B2,ABA= B.

Secondly, let the operations of order 5 form a single conjugate set. The sub-groups of order 4 must then be cyclical since G contains an operation T, such that T4 is the lowest power of T which is permutable with S. Also S is permutable in a sub-group of order 15. This sub-group must be self-conjugate; and therefore G contains a self-conjugate sub-group of order 3. Let

B3 = 1,S5 = 1,B1SB = S
define the self-conjugate sub-group of order 15; and let A1 be an operation of order 4, none of whose powers is permutable with S. We may then take
A11SA 1 = S2;
since {B}is self-conjugate, A1 must transform this sub-group into itself. There are therefore two types given by
A14 = 1,B3 = 1,S5 = 1,B1SB = S,A 11SA 1 = S2,
A11BA 1 = B or   B2.
Hence there are in all twelve distinct groups of order 60, each of which has a self-conjugate sub-group of order 5.

(iii) Next, suppose that G contains 6 conjugate sub-groups of order 5. No operation of order 3 can be permutable with an operation of order 5, and therefore by Sylow’s theorem there must be 10 conjugate sub-groups of order 3. Hence G contains 24 operations of order 5 and 20 operations of order 3. If any one operation of order 5 were permutable with an operation of order 2, all its powers would be permutable with the same operation, and therefore, since the sub-groups of order 5 form a single conjugate set, every operation of order 5 would be permutable with an operation of order 2. The group would then contain at least 24 operations of order 10. This is clearly impossible, since the sum of the numbers of operations of orders 35 and 10 would be greater than the order of the group. Hence the sub-group of order 10, which contains self-conjugately a sub-group of order 5, must be of the type

A2 = 1,S5 = 1,ASA = S4.

In a similar way, we shew that a sub-group of order 6, which contains self-conjugately a sub-group of order 3, is of the type

A2 = 1,B3 = 1,ABA = B1.

Since no operation of order 3 or 5 is permutable with an operation of order 2, it follows (Theorem III, § 80) that no two sub-groups of order 4 can have a common operation other than identity. Hence there must be 5 sub-groups of order 4; for if there were 3 or 15, some of them would necessarily have common operations. Each sub-group of order 4 is therefore contained self-conjugately in a sub-group of order 12. Such a sub-group of order 12 can contain no self-conjugate operation of order 2, since G contains no operation of order 6. Hence the sub-groups of order 4 are non-cyclical, and the 3 operations of order 2 in any sub-group of order 4 are conjugate operations in the sub-group of order 12 containing it. This sub-group must therefore be of the type

B3 = 1,B1A 1B = A2,B1A 2B = A1A2,
where A1 and A2 are two permutable operations of order 2.

The 5 sub-groups of order 4 contain therefore 15 distinct operations of order 2; and these form a conjugate set. We have already seen that the 20 operations of order 3 form a conjugate set, and that the 24 operations of order 5 form two conjugate sets of 12 each. Hence the 60 operations of the group are distributed in 5 conjugate sets, containing respectively 112, 1215 and 20 operations. It follows at once (§ 27, p. 111) that the group, when it exists, is simple.

A sub-group of order 12, the existence of which has been proved, must be one of 5 conjugate sub-groups; and, since the group is simple, no operation can transform each of these into itself. Hence if the 5 conjugate sub-groups

are transformed by any operation of the group into
and if we regard
H1,H2,H3,H4,H5 H,H,H,H,H
as a substitution performed on 5 symbols, the group is simply isomorphic with a substitution group of 5 symbols. In other words, the group can be represented as a group of substitutions of 5 symbols. Now there are just 60 even substitutions of 5 symbols; and it is easy to verify that the group they form satisfy all the conditions above determined. Moreover it will be formally proved in Chapter VIII, and it is indeed almost obvious, that no group of substitutions can be simple if it contains odd substitutions. Hence finally, there is one and only one type of group of order 60 which contains 6 sub-groups of order 5.

Ex. 1. If pqr are distinct primes, shew that a group of order p2qr, which contains a self-conjugate operation of order r, must be the direct product of two groups of orders p2q and r respectively.

Ex. 2. Shew that there is a single type of group of order 84 which contains 28 sub-groups of order 3; and determine its defining relations.

Ex. 3. If pα (α > 1) is the highest power of p which divides the order of G, and if 1 + kp be the number of sub-groups of G of order pα, shew that (i) if 1 + kp < p2, (ii) if a group of order px is cyclical and 1 + kp < pα, G is composite. (Maillet, Comptes Rendus, CXVIII, (1894), p. 1188.)

86. A remarkable and important extension of Sylow’s theorem has recently been given by Herr Frobenius28. In the theorem, as stated above, pα is the highest power of a prime p that divides the order of a group. Herr Frobenius shews that, if pk is any power of a prime p that divides the order of a group, the number of sub-groups of order pk is congruent to unity, (modp). These groups do not however, in general, form a single conjugate set.

For a group whose order is a power of p higher than pk, this result has been already proved in § 61. Suppose now that

are the sub-groups of order pk contained in a group G, and that pα is the highest power of p dividing the order of G. It has been seen, in the proof of Sylow’s theorem, that G contains at least one sub-group Gα of order pα. The above set of sub-groups of order pk may then be divided into two classes, those namely which are contained in Gα, and those which are not. The result of § 61 shews that the number of the sub-groups contained in the first of these classes is congruent to unity, (modp); and if Gα is a self-conjugate sub-group of G, all the sub-groups must be contained in this class. If Gα is not self-conjugate in G, and if Gk, any one of the sub-groups belonging to the second class, be transformed by all the operations of Gα, a set of px sub-groups of order pk will result.

Now it is easy to see that x is not less than unity, and that every one of these px sub-groups belongs to the second class. For suppose first that x is zero, so that Gk is transformed into itself by every operation of Gα. Then {Gα,Gk} is a sub-group of G whose order is a power of p; and since Gk is not contained in Gα, the order of this sub-group is not less than pα+1. This is impossible, since pα+1 is not a factor of the order of G. Secondly, if P1GkP were contained in Gα, P being some operation of Gα, then Gk would be contained in PGαP1 or in Gα, contrary to supposition. If the sub-groups of the second class are not thus exhausted, and if G is a new one, we may on transforming G by the operations of Gα form a fresh set of px sub-groups of the second class which are distinct from each other and from the previous set; and this process may be continued till the second class is exhausted. The number of sub-groups in the second class is therefore a multiple of p. Hence:—

THEOREM VI. If pk, where p is prime, divides the order of a group G, the number of sub-groups of G of order pk is congruent to unity, (modp).

87. If p is a prime which divides the order of a group G, it immediately follows from the foregoing theorem that the number of operations of G, which satisfy the relation

Sp = 1,
is a multiple of p. For the number of sub-groups of G of order p is k1p + 1, and no two of these sub-groups can contain a common operation except identity. There are therefore
(k1p + 1)(p 1)
distinct operations of order p in G; these, together with the identical operation, which also satisfies
Sp = 1,
give in all (k1p k1 + 1)p operations.

This result has been generalized by Herr Frobenius29 in the following form:—

THEOREM VII. If n is a factor of the order N of a group G, the number of operations of G, including identity, whose orders are factors of n, is a multiple of n.

It is easy to verify the truth of this theorem directly for small values of N; and we may therefore assume it true for every group whose order is less than that of the given group G. Again, when n is equal to N, the theorem is obviously true. If then, on the assumption that the theorem is true for all factors of N which are greater than n, we shew that it is true for n, the general truth of the theorem will follow by induction.

If p is any factor of N n , we assume that the number of operations of G whose orders divide np is a multiple of np, and therefore also of n; and we have to shew that the number of operations of G, whose orders divide np and do not divide n, is also a multiple of n. Let this set of operations be denoted by A. If pλ1 is the highest power of p that divides n, the order of every operation of the set A must be equal to or be a multiple of pλ. Let P be one of these operations and m its order. Then, if ϕ(m) is the number of integers less than and prime to m, the cyclical sub-group {P} contains ϕ(m) operations of order m, and each of these belongs to the set A. If these do not exhaust the set, let P of order m be another operation belonging to it. Then no one of the ϕ(m) operations of order m, contained in the cyclical sub-group {P}, can be identical with any of the preceding set of ϕ(m) operations, since P itself is not contained in that set; at the same time, the new set of ϕ(m) operations all belong to A. This process may be continued till the set A is exhausted. Now m, m, … are all divisible by pλ, and therefore ϕ(m), ϕ(m), … are all divisible by pλ1(p 1). Hence the number of operations in the set A is a multiple of pλ1.

If now n = pλ1s, where by supposition s is relatively prime to p, it remains to shew that the number of operations in the set A is a multiple of s. For this purpose, let P be any operation of G of order pλ; and let those operations of G, which are permutable with P, form a sub-group H of order pλr. The number of operations of H whose orders divide s is the same as the number whose orders divide t, where t is the greatest common measure of r and s. Now the order of  H {P} is less than N, and therefore we may assume that the number of operations of  H {P} whose orders divide t is a multiple of t, say kt. H therefore contains kt operations of the form PT, where P and T are permutable and the order of T divides s. Now P is one of a set of N pλr conjugate operations in G; and corresponding to each of these, there is a similar set of kt operations. Moreover no two of these operations can be identical; for we have seen (§ 16) that, if m and n are relatively prime, an operation of order mn of a group G, can be expressed in only one way as the product of two permutable operations of G of orders m and n.

The complete set of N pλrkt operations of the form PT belongs to A; if A is not thus exhausted, its remaining operations can be divided into similar sets. Now N is divisible by both r and s, and therefore by their least common multiple rs t . Hence Nkt pλr is divisible by s, and therefore also the number of operations in the set A is divisible by s. The number of operations in A, being divisible both by pλ1 and by s, is therefore divisible by n. Hence finally, the number of operations of G, whose orders divide n, is a multiple of n; and the theorem is proved.

Corollary I. Let Nn be the number of operations of G whose orders divide n, and suppose that

Nn = n.
Let p be the smallest prime factor of n, and pα the highest power of p that divides n, so that
n = pαn 1,
where every prime factor of n1 is greater than p. If the order of G is divisible by a higher power of p than pα, then
Npn = kpn,
where k is an integer. Now if the order m of any operation divides pn and does not divide n, then m must be a multiple of pα+1; and therefore among the operations, whose orders divide n, there must be operations whose orders are equal to or are multiples of pα. Hence
Npα1n1 = λpα1n 1,
λ < p.
Now Npαn1 Npα1n1 is the number of operations whose orders are factors of n and multiples of pα; and it has been shewn, in the proof of the theorem, that this number is a multiple of pα1(p 1). Hence
(p λ)pα1n 1 = μpα1(p 1).
Since every prime factor of n1 is greater than p, this equation requires that λ should be unity; therefore
Npα1n1 = pα1n 1.

This process may be repeated to shew that, for each value of β which is not greater than α, we have

Npαβn1 = pαβn 1,
so that, finally,
Nn1 = n1.

Moreover it is easy to see that the reasoning holds when pα is the highest power of p that divides the order of G, provided that then the sub-groups of G, of order pα, are cyclical.

Suppose now that

n = p1α1p 2α2p nαn,
where p1, p2, …, pn are primes in ascending order; and either that, for each value of r from 1 to n 1, prαr is not the highest power of pr which divides the order of G: or that, if prαr is the highest power of pr that divides the order of G, the sub-groups of order prαr are cyclical.

Then we may prove as above, first, that G contains operations of each of the orders p1α1, p2α2, …, pn1αn1; and secondly that, for each value of r from 2 to n,

Nprαrpnαn = prαrp nαn.

The equation

Npnαn = pnαn
implies that G has a self-conjugate sub-group of order pnαn; for G has a sub-group of this order, and if G had more than one, it would necessarily contain more than pnαn operations whose orders divide pnαn.

Again, since G contains a self-conjugate sub-group of order pnαn and also operations of order pn1αn1, it must contain a sub-group of order pn1αn1pnαn. If it had more than one sub-group of this order, it would contain more than pn1αn1pnαn operations whose orders divide pn1αn1pnαn. But since

Npn1αn1pnαn = pn1αn1p nαn,
this is impossible. Hence G contains a single sub-group of order pn1αn1pnαn, which is necessarily self-conjugate. In the same way we shew that, for each order
prαrp nαn(r = n 1,n 2,, 1),
G contains a single sub-group.

Finally then, under the conditions stated above, the equation

Nn = n
involves the property that G has a self-conjugate sub-group of order n and no other sub-group of the same order.

Corollary II30. If m and n are relatively prime factors of the order of G, and if the numbers of operations of G whose orders divide m and n respectively are equal to m and n; then every operation whose order is a factor of m is permutable with every operation whose order is a factor of n, and the number of operations of G whose orders divide mn is equal to mn.

Every operation of G whose order divides mn can be expressed as the product of two permutable operations whose orders divide m and n respectively; and therefore the number of operations whose orders divide mn cannot be greater than mn. On the other hand, it follows from the theorem that the number of such operations cannot be less than mn; and therefore every operation whose order divides m must be permutable with every operation whose order divides n.

Corollary III31. If a group of order mn, where m and n are relatively prime, contains a self-conjugate sub-group of order n, the group contains exactly n operations whose orders divide n.

If the group G has an operation S whose order divides n, and if S is not contained in the self-conjugate sub-group H of order n, {S,H} would be a sub-group of G, whose order is greater than n and at the same time contains no factor in common with m. This is impossible, and therefore H must contain all the operations of G whose orders divide n.

Corollary IV32. If G has a self-conjugate sub-group H of order mn, where m and n are relatively prime, and if H has a self-conjugate sub-group K of order n, then K is a self-conjugate sub-group of G.

For by the preceding Corollary, H contains exactly n operations whose orders divide n, namely the operations forming the sub-group K; and every operation that transforms H into itself must interchange these n operations among themselves. Hence every operation of G is permutable with K.

Ex. 1. Shew that if, the conditions of Corollary II being satisfied, the order of G is mn, then either G is the direct product of two groups of orders m and n, or G contains an Abelian self-conjugate sub-group.

Ex. 2. If p and q are distinct primes, there cannot be more than one type of group of order pαqβ which contains no operation of order pq.

88. We have seen in § 53 that a group G, whose order is the power of a prime, contains a series of self-conjugate sub-groups

such that in G Hr every operation of Hr+1 Hr is self-conjugate. We shall conclude the present chapter by shewing that any group which has such a series of self-conjugate sub-groups is the direct product of two or more groups whose orders are powers of primes.

THEOREM VIII. If a group G, of order pαqβrγ, where p, q, …, r are distinct primes, has a series of self-conjugate sub-groups

such that in G Hr every operation of Hr+1 Hr is self-conjugate, then G is the direct product of groups of order pα, qβ, …, rγ.

Suppose, if possible, that p divides the order of H2 and does not divide the order of H1. If P is an operation of order p contained in H2, {P,H1} is a self-conjugate sub-group of G; and every operation conjugate to P is contained in the set PH1. But the only operation of this set, whose order is p, is P. Hence P must be a self-conjugate operation, contrary to the supposition that has been made. Hence if the order of H1 is not divisible by p, neither is the order of H2. Suppose, next, that px is the highest power of p that divides the orders of both Hr and Hr1. Then the order of the sub-group Hr Hr1 of  G Hr1, formed of the self-conjugate operations of the latter, is not divisible by p; and therefore the order of Hr+1 Hr1 is not divisible by p. Hence px is the highest power of p that divides the order of Hr+1. This reasoning may be repeated to shew that px is the highest power of p that divides the order of each of the groups Hr+2, Hr+3, …. Hence x must be equal to α; and therefore the order of H1 must be divisible by each of the primes p, q, …, r.

Suppose now that, for each prime p which divides the order of G, every operation of Hr, whose order is a power of p, is permutable with every operation of G whose order is relatively prime to p. Let P be any operation, whose order is a power of p, belonging to Hr+1 and not to Hr; and let Q be any operation of G whose order is relatively prime to p. If Q is not permutable with P, then

Q1PQ = Ph r,
where hr is some operation of Hr. The order of hr must be a power of p. For let hr = hh, where the order of h is a power of p and the order of h is relatively prime to p. Then, from the supposition made with regard to the sub-group Hr, the operation Phr is the product of the permutable operations Ph and h. But, since the order of Phr is a power of p, this is impossible unless h is identity. If the order of hr is pβ, then
Qpβ PQpβ = Phrpβ = P;
and this equation implies that Q is permutable with P, since pβ and the order of Q are relatively prime. Hence if the supposition that has been made holds for Hr, it also holds for Hr+1. But it certainly holds for H1, and therefore it is true for G. Hence every operation of G whose order is a power of p is permutable with every operation of G whose order is relatively prime to p. The group therefore contains self-conjugate sub-groups of each of the orders pα, qβ, …, rγ; and it follows, from the definition of § 31, that G is the direct product of these groups.

We add here two examples in further illustration of the applications of Sylow’s theorem.

Ex. 1. If p is a prime, greater than 3, shew that the number of distinct types of group of order 6p is 6 or 4, according as p is congruent to 1 or 5, (mod6).

Ex. 2. If p is a prime, greater than 5, shew that the number of distinct types of group of order 12p is 1812, 15 or 10, according as p is congruent to 15, 7 or 11, (mod12).