Chapter IV.
On Abelian Groups.

W e shall now apply the general results, that have been obtained in the last chapter, to the study of two special classes of groups; in the present chapter we shall deal particularly with those groups whose operations are all permutable with each other.

Definition. A group, whose operations are all permutable with each other, is called an Abelian13 group.

It is to be expected (and it will be found) that the theory of Abelian groups is much simpler than that of groups in general; for the process of multiplication of the operations of such groups is commutative as well as associative.

Every sub-group of an Abelian group is itself an Abelian group, since its operations are necessarily all permutable. For the same reason, every operation and every sub-group of an Abelian group is self-conjugate both in the group itself and in any sub-group in which it is contained.

If G is an Abelian group and H any sub-group of G, then since H is necessarily self-conjugate, there exists a factor-group G H, and this again must be an Abelian group. (The reader must not however infer that, if H and G H are both Abelian, then G is also Abelian. It is indeed clear that this is not necessarily the case.)

37. Let now G be any Abelian group, and let pm be the highest power of a prime p that divides its order. We shall first shew that G has a single sub-group of order pm, consisting of all the operations of G whose orders are powers of p.

If S1S2 are any two operations of G, it follows from § 33, that, because S1 and S2 are permutable, the order of {S1,S2} is equal to or is a factor of the product of the orders of S1 and S2. So again, if S3 is an operation of G not contained in {S1,S2}, the order of {S1,S2,S3} is equal to or is a factor of the product of the orders of {S1,S2} and S3. Now by continually including a fresh operation, not contained in the group already arrived at, we must in this way after a finite number of steps arrive at the group G, whose order is divisible by p. Hence, among the operations S1S2, S3, …, there must be at least one whose order is divisible by p, and some power of this, say S, will be an operation of order p. Now, if m is greater than unity, the order of the factor-group G {S}, which is also Abelian, is divisible by p, and therefore this factor-group must have an operation of order p. Hence G will (§ 28) contain a sub-group of order p2. If m is greater than 2, the same reasoning may be repeated to shew that G has a sub-group of order p3, and so on. Hence, finally, G has a sub-group of order pm. Let H be this sub-group; and suppose if possible that G contains an operation T, whose order is a power of p, which does not belong to H. Then {H,T} is a sub-group of G, whose order is a power of p, greater than pm; and this is impossible (§ 22). The sub-group H must therefore contain all the operations of G whose orders are powers of p. Hence:—

THEOREM I. If pm is the highest power of a prime p that divides the order of an Abelian group G, then G contains a single sub-group of order pm, which consists of all the operations of G whose orders are powers of p.

38. Let the order of G be

N = p1m1p 2m2p nmn,
where p1, p2, …, pn are distinct primes; and let
be the sub-groups of G of orders
p1m1,p 2m2,,p nmn.

Since the orders of H1 and H2 are relatively prime, they can have no common operation except identity; and therefore the order of {H1,H2} is p1m1p2m2. This sub-group contains all the operations of G whose orders are relatively prime to N p1m1p2m2. For if T were an operation of G of order p1αp2β, not contained in {H1,H2}, then {H1,H2,T} would be a sub-group of G, of order p1n1p2n2, where n1 > m1 if α > 0 and n2 > m2 if β > 0; and this is impossible (§ 22).

This process may clearly be continued to shew that, if N = μν, where μ and ν are relatively prime, then G contains a single sub-group of order μ, consisting of all the operations of G whose orders are relatively prime to ν. Moreover G itself is the direct product (§ 31) of H1, H2, …, Hn.

39. The first problem of pure group-theory that presents itself in connection with Abelian groups is the determination of all distinct Abelian groups of given order N. Let H1 and H be two distinct Abelian groups of order p1m1, i.e. two groups which are not simply isomorphic. Then two Abelian groups of order N, whose sub-groups of order p1m1 are simply isomorphic with H1 and H respectively, are necessarily distinct. Since then G is the direct product of H1, H2, …, Hn, the general problem for any composite order N will be completely solved when we have determined all distinct types of Abelian groups of order p1m1, p2m2, …, pnmn. We may therefore, for the purpose of this problem, confine our attention to those Abelian groups whose orders are powers of primes.

40. Suppose then that G is an Abelian group whose order is the power of a prime. If among the operations of G we choose at random a set

from which the group can be generated, they will not in general be independent of each other.

As an instance, we may take the group whose multiplication table is:—

1 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7

1 1 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
P1 P1 P2 P3 1 P5 P6 P7 P4
P2 P2 P3 1 P1 P6 P7 P4 P5
P3 P3 1 P1 P2 P7 P4 P5 P6
P4 P4 P5 P6 P7 1 P1 P2 P3
P5 P5 P6 P7 P4 P1 P2 P3 1
P6 P6 P7 P4 P5 P2 P3 1 P1
P7 P7 P4 P5 P6 P3 1 P1 P2

Here P1 and P5 are two operations from which every operation of the group may be generated: an inspection of the table will shew that they are connected by the relation

P12P 52 = 1.

On the other hand, if we choose P1 and P4 as generating operations, we find that every operation of the group can be expressed in the form

P1αP 4β,(α = 0,1,2,3;β = 0,1),
while the only conditions to which the permutable operations P1 and P4 are submitted are
P14 = 1,P 42 = 1.

The question then arises as to whether G can be generated by a set of permutable and independent operations, i.e. by a set of permutable operations which are connected by no relations except those that give their orders. That this question is always to be answered in the affirmative may be proved in the following manner.

41. Let the order of G be pm; and let P1 be an operation of G whose order pm1 is not less than that of any other operation of the group. Then every operation of the group satisfies the equation

Spm1 = 1.

If m1 = m, the order of {P1} is equal to the order of G; the latter is then a cyclical group generated by the operation P1.

If m1 < m, G must contain other operations besides those of {P1}. Denoting {P1} by G1, let Q be any operation of G not contained in G1, and let Qa be the lowest power of Q that is contained in G1. Then (§ 33) a must be a power of p; and when for Q each operation of G that is not contained in G1 is taken in turn, a must have some maximum value, say pm2. Since no operation of G is of greater order than pm1 it follows that m2 m1. We may suppose then Q to be an operation of G, such that Qpm2 is the lowest power of Q which is contained in G1.


Qpm2 = P1λ1,
Qpm1 = 1 = P1λ1pm1m2 ,
so that λ1 is divisible by pm2 and may be expressed in the form xpm2. The case λ1 = 0 forms no exception to this statement, since λ1 is congruent to zero, (modpm1); but we actually take x = 0 in this case.

If now we write

QP1x = P 2,
P2pm2 = 1,
and P2pm2 is the lowest power of P2 which is contained in G1. Let the sub-group {P1,Q} be denoted by G2. Then G2 is generated by the two independent operations P1 and P2 of orders pm1 and pm2; and every operation S of G is such that
Spm2 = P1α1,
where α1 is divisible by pm2.

This process may now be continued step by step. That it will ultimately lead to a representation of G as generated by a set of independent operations may be shewn by induction. To this end, we will suppose that a sub-group Gn has been arrived at which is generated by the n independent operations

of orders
m1 m2 mn.

We will also suppose that, if T is any operation of G,

Tpmn = P1α1P 2α2P n1αn1,
where α1, α2, …, αn1 are all divisible by pmn. In the special case n = 2 these suppositions have been justified.

Let Q be any operation of G, and let Qa be the lowest power of Q that occurs in Gn. Then when for Q each operation of G that is not contained in Gn is taken in turn, a will have a certain maximum value, say pmn+1; and from the suppositions made above, mn+1 is not greater than mn. We may therefore write

Qpmn+1 = P1β1P 2β2P n1βn1P nβn,
and hence
Qpmn = P1β1pmnmn+1 P2β2pmnmn+1 Pn1βn1pmnmn+1 Pnβnpmnmn+1 .

Now P1, P2, …, Pn are independent; it follows therefore from the second assumption made above, that the exponents of P1, P2, …, Pn in this last equation are divisible by pmn; and hence that β1, β2, …, βn are divisible by pmn+1.

If we now suppose that Q itself is chosen so that Qpmn+1 is the lowest power of Q that occurs in Gn, then

Qpmn+1 = P1x1pmn+1 P2x2pmn+1 Pnxnpmn+1 ;
hence, if
QP1x1P 2x2P nxn = P n+1,
Pn+1pmn+1 = 1;
and Pn+1pmn+1 is the lowest power of P that occurs in Gn. Hence finally {P1,P2,,Pn,Q} is generated by the n + 1 independent operations P1, P2, …, Pn+1 of orders pm1, pm2, …, pmn+1 (m1 m2 mn+1); and S being any operation of G,
Spmn+1 = P1γ1P 2γ2P nγn,
where γ1, γ2, …, γn are divisible by pmn+1.

This completes the proof by induction, and we may now state the result in the form of the following theorem:—

THEOREM II. An Abelian group of order pm, where p is a prime, can be generated by r

≤ m

independent operations P1, P2, …, Pr, of orders pm1, pm2, …, pmr, where

m1 + m2 + + mr = m,
and m1 m2 mr. Moreover if μ is any positive integer such that ms μ ms+1, while Q is any operation of the group, then
Qpμ = P1α1P 2α2P sαs,
where α1, α2, …, αs are divisible by pμ.

The actual existence of the set of independent generating operations is demonstrated by the above inductive proof. The other inferences in the theorem may be established as follows. A set of independent permutable operations of orders pm1, pm2, …, pmr generate a group of order pm1+m2++mr, and therefore

m1 + m2 + + mr = m.

Since each number in this equation is a positive integer, the number of terms on the left-hand side cannot be greater than m. Hence

r m;
and, if r = m, every operation of the group except identity is of order p.

Finally, from the above inductive proof it follows that, if Q is any operation of the group, then

Qpms+1 = P1β1P 2β2P sβs,
where β1, β2, …, βs are all divisible by pms+1.


Qpμ = P1β1pμms+1 P2β2pμms+1 Psβspμms+1 = P1α1P 2α2P sαs,

where α1, α2, …, αs are all divisible by pμ.

42. It is clear, from the synthetic process by which it has been proved that an Abelian group of order pm can be generated by a set of independent operations, that a considerable latitude exists in the choice of the actual generating operations; and the question arises as to the relations between the orders of the distinct sets of independent generating operations.

The discussion of this question is facilitated by a consideration of certain special sub-groups of G. If A and B are two operations of G, and if the order of A is not less than that of B, the order of AB is equal to, or is a factor of, the order of A. Hence the totality of those operations of G whose orders do not exceed pμ, or in other words of those operations which satisfy the relation

Spμ = 1,
form a sub-group Gμ. The order of Gμ clearly depends on the orders of the various operations of G and in no way on a special choice of generating operations. Now if
P1α1P 2α2P rαr
belongs to Gμ, then
P1α1pμ P2α2pμ Prαrpμ = 1.

Hence if ms+1 is the first of the series

which is less than μ, then αs+1, …, αr may have any values whatever; but αt (t = 1, 2,,s) must be a multiple of pmtμ.

It follows from this that Gμ is generated by the r independent operations

P1pm1μ ,P2pm2μ ,,Pspmsμ ,Ps+1,,Pr.
If then the order of Gμ is pν, we have
ν = μs + s+1rm t.

The order of G1, the sub-group formed of all operations of G whose order is p, is clearly pr.

43. Suppose now that by a fresh choice of independent generating operations, it were found that G could be generated by the r independent operations

of orders
m m m.

If m is the first of this series which is less than μ, the order of Gμ will be pν, where

ν = μs + s+1rm.

The order of Gμ is independent of the choice of generating operations; so that for all values of μ

ν = ν.

Hence, by taking μ = 1,

r = r,
or the number of independent generating operations is independent of their choice.

If now

mt = m(t = s + 1,s + 2,,r),
ms > m,
and if we choose μ so that
ms μ > m;
ν = μs + s+1rm t,
ν = μ(s 1) + m + s+1rm t.

The condition

ν = ν
μ = m,
in contradiction to the assumption just made.

Similarly we can prove that the assumption m > ms cannot be maintained; hence

ms = m;
and therefore, however the independent generating operations of G are chosen, their number is always r, and their orders are

44. If G is a second Abelian group of order pm, simply isomorphic with G, and if

of orders
m m m,
are a set of independent generating operations of G, exactly the same process as that of the last paragraph may be used to shew that
r = r,
ms = m(s = 1, 2,,r).

In fact, since corresponding operations of two simply isomorphic groups have the same order, the order of Gμ must be equal to the order of G; and this is the condition that has been used to obtain the result of the last paragraph.

Two Abelian groups of order pm cannot therefore be simply isomorphic unless the series of integers m1, m2, …, mr is the same for each. On the other hand when this condition is satisfied, it is clear that the two groups are simply isomorphic, since by taking Ps and P (s = 1, 2,,r) as corresponding operations, the isomorphism is actually established.

The number of distinct types of Abelian groups of order pm, where p is a prime, i.e. the number of such groups no one of which is simply isomorphic with any other, is therefore equal to the number of partitions of m. When the prime p is given, each type of group may be conveniently, and without ambiguity, represented by the symbol of the corresponding partition. Thus the typical group G that we have been dealing with would be represented by the symbol (m1,m2,,mr).

45. Having thus determined all distinct types of Abelian groups of order pm, a second general problem in this connection is the determination of all possible types of sub-group when the group itself is given. This will be facilitated by the consideration of a second special class of sub-groups in addition to the sub-groups Gμ already dealt with.

If S and S are any two operations of G, then

Spμ Spμ = (SS)pμ ;
and therefore the totality of the distinct operations obtained by raising every operation of G to the power pμ will form a sub-group Hμ.


ms μ > ms+1,
then (Theorem II, § 41)
Spμ = P1α1pμ P2α2pμ Psαspμ ,
S being any operation of G. Hence Hμ is generated by the s independent operations
P1pμ ,P2pμ ,,Pspμ ;
and the order of Hμ is p 1smtμs .

46. Let now Γ of type (n1,n2,,ns) be any sub-group of G. The order of the group Γ1, formed of all the operations of Γ which satisfy the equation

Sp = 1,
is ps (§ 42). This group must be identical with or be a sub-group of G1 whose order is pr. Hence
s r,
i.e. the number of independent generating operations of any sub-group of G is equal to or is less than the number of independent generating operations of G itself.

If pn is the order of Γ, there must be one or more sub-groups of G of order pn+1 which contain Γ; for G Γ  has operations of order p. Hence Γ must be contained in one or more sub-groups of G of order pm1. We may begin then by considering all possible types of sub-groups of G of order pm1. Let g be such a sub-group and (m,m,,m) its type; and suppose that

mt = m(t = 1, 2,,k 1),

Then if

mk < m,
the order of hmk, the sub-group of g which results by raising all its operations to the power pmk, is greater than the order of Hmk. This is impossible, since hmk must coincide with Hmk or with one of its sub-groups. Hence
m < mk.


1rm = 1rm t 1;
m = mk 1,
m = mt(t = k + 1,,r).

In the particular case in which mr is unity if we take k equal to r, m is zero; and in this case g would have r 1 generating operations.

It is easy to see that sub-groups of order pm1 and of all the types just determined actually exist. For

are a set of independent operations which generate a sub-group of the type (m1,m2,,mk1,mk 1,mk+1,,mr).

47. Returning to the general case, we will assume for all orders not less than pn the existence of a sub-group Γ of type (n1,n2,,ns), when the inequalities

1tn u 1tm u(t = 1, 2,,r)
are satisfied, where if t > s, nt is zero. When n is equal to m 1, the truth of this assumption has been established.

If Γ of type (n,n,,n) is a sub-group of order pn1, it must be contained in some sub-group of order pn, say Γ of type (n1,n1,,ns). Then, by the preceding discussion,

1tn 1tn u(t = 1, 2,,s);
and therefore
1tn 1tm u(t = 1, 2,,r),
so that the conditions assumed for sub-groups of order not less than pn are necessary for sub-groups of order pn1. Moreover if the conditions
1tn 1tm u(t = 1, 2,,r)
are satisfied, and if n is the first of the series
which is less than the corresponding term of the series
we may take

nu = n,uk, nk = n + 1;

and then the conditions

1tn u 1tm u(t = 1, 2,,r);
are satisfied. But these conditions being satisfied it follows, from the assumption made, that G contains a sub-group of order pn and type (n1,n2,,ns) and therefore also a sub-group of order pn1 and type (n,n,,n). If the conditions assumed are sufficient for the existence of a sub-group of order pn, they are thus proved to be sufficient for the existence of one of order pn1. Hence since they are sufficient in the case of sub-groups of order pm1, they are so generally.

We may summarize the results obtained in the last three paragraphs as follows:—

THEOREM III. The number of distinct types of Abelian groups of order pm, where p is a prime, is equal to the number of partitions of m; and each type may be completely represented by the symbol (m1,m2,,mr) of the corresponding partition. If the numbers in the partition are written in descending order, a group of type (m1,m2,,mr) will have a sub-group of type (n1,n2,,ns), when the conditions

s r, 1tn u 1tm u(t = 1, 2,,r),

are satisfied; and the type of every sub-group must satisfy these conditions.

48. It will be seen later that the Abelian group of order pm and type (1, 1, 1,, with m units) is of special importance in the general theory, and we shall here discuss one or two of its simpler properties.

Since the generating operations of the group are all of order p, every operation except identity is of order p; and therefore the type of any sub-group of order ps is (1, 1, 1,, with s units). If the group be denoted by G, every sub-group Gμ coincides with G; while of the sub-groups Hμ, the first coincides with G and all the rest consist of the identical operation only.

In choosing a set of independent generating operations, we may take for the first, P1, any one of the pm 1 operations of the group, other than identity. The sub-group {P1} is of order p; and therefore G has pm p operations which are not contained in {P1}. If we choose any one of these, P2, it is necessarily independent of P1, and may be taken as a second generating operation. The sub-group {P1,P2} is of order p2 and type (1, 1); and G has pm p2 operations which are not contained in this sub-group. If P3 be any one of these, no power of P3 other than identity is contained in {P1,P2}; and P1P2P3 are therefore three independent operations which generate a sub-group of order p3. This process may clearly be continued till all m generating operations have been chosen. If then the position which each generating operation occupies in the set of m, when they are written in order, be taken into account, there are

(pm 1)(pm p)(pm p2)(pm pm1)
distinct ways in which a set may be chosen. If on the other hand the sets of generating operations which consist of the same operations written in different orders be regarded as identical, the number of distinct sets is
(pm 1)(pm p)(pm pm1) m! .

49. No operation P of the group can belong to two distinct sub-groups of order p except the identical operation. Hence since every sub-group of order p contains p 1 operations besides identity, G must contain pm 1 p 1 sub-groups of order p.

Let Nm,r be the number of sub-groups of G of order pr, so that

Nm,1 = pm 1 p 1 .

There are, in G, pm pr operations not contained in any given sub-group of order pr. If P occurs among these operations, so also do P2, P3, …, Pp1. Hence there are pm pr p 1 sub-groups of order p in G which are not contained in a given sub-group of order pr. Each of these may be combined with the given sub-group to give a sub-group of order pr+1. When every sub-group of order pr is treated in this way, every sub-group of order pr+1 will be formed and each of them the same number, x, of times. Hence

xNm,r+1 = Nm,rpm pr p 1 .

Now a sub-group of order pr+1 contains Nr+1,r sub-groups of order pr, and pr+1 pr p 1 sub-groups of order p which are not contained in any given sub-group of order pr. Hence

x = pr+1 pr p 1 Nr+1,r,
and therefore
Nm,r+1 = Nm,r Nr+1,r pmr 1 p 1 .

We will now assume that

Nm,t = (pm 1)(pm1 1)(pmt+1 1) (p 1)(p2 1)(pt 1) ,
for all values of m and for values of t not exceeding r. This has been proved for r = 1. Then it follows, from the above relation, that
Nm,r+1 = (pm 1)(pm1 1)(pmr 1) (p 1)(p2 1)(pr+1 1) ,
that is to say, if the result is true for values of t not exceeding r, it is also true when t = r + 1. Hence the formula is true generally.

It may be noticed that

Nm,t = Nm,mt.

50. Ex. 1. Shew that a group whose operations except identity are all of order 2 is necessarily an Abelian group.

Ex. 2. Prove that in a group of order 16, whose operations except identity are all of order 2, the 15 operations of order 2 may be divided into 5 sets of 3 each so that each set of 3 with identity forms a sub-group of order 4; and that this division into sets may be carried out in 56 distinct ways.

Ex. 3. If G is an Abelian group and H a sub-group of G, shew that G contains one or more sub-groups simply isomorphic with  G H.

Ex. 4. If the symbols in the successive rows of a determinant of n rows are derived from those of the first row by performing on them the substitutions of a regular Abelian group of order n, prove that the determinant is the product of n linear factors. (Messenger of Mathematics, Vol. XXIII p. 112.)

Ex. 5. Discuss the number of ways in which a set of independent generating operations of an Abelian group of order pm and given type may be chosen. Shew that, for a group of type (m1,m2,,mr), where m1 > m2 > > mr, the number of ways is of the form pα(p 1)r; and in particular that for a group of order p1 2n(n+1) and type (n,n 1,,2,1), the number of ways is pν(p 1)n, where ν = 1 6n(n + 1)(2n + 1) n.

Ex. 6. Shew that for any Abelian group a set of independent generating operations

can be chosen such that, for each value of r, the order of Sr is equal to, or is a factor, of the order of Sr1.