Chapter III.
On the Simpler Properties of a Group which are Independent of its Mode of Representation.

I n this chapter we proceed to discuss some of the simplest of the properties of groups of finite order which are independent of their mode of representation. If among the operations of a group G a certain set can be chosen which do not exhaust all the operations of the group G, yet which at the same time satisfy all the conditions of § 12 so that they form another group H, this group H is called a sub-group of the group G. Thus if S be any operation, order m, of G, the operations

evidently form a group; and when the order of G is greater than m, this group is a sub-group of G. A sub-group of this nature, which consists of the different powers of a single operation, is called a cyclical sub-group; and a group, which consists of the different powers of a single operation, is called a cyclical group.

THEOREM I. If H is a sub-group of G, the order n of H is a factor of the order N of G.


be the n operations of H; and let S1 be any operation of G which is not contained in H.

Then the operations

are all distinct from each other and from the operations of H.

For if

TpS1 = TqS1,
Tp = Tq,
contrary to supposition; and if
Tp = TqS1,
S1 = Tq1T p,
and S1 would be contained among the operations of H.

If the 2n operations thus obtained do not exhaust all the operations of G, let S2 be any operation of G not contained among them.

Then it may be shewn, by repeating the previous reasoning, that the n operations

are all different from each other and from the previous 2n operations. If the group G is still not exhausted, this process may be repeated; so that finally the N operations of G can be exhibited in the form
1, T1, T2, , Tn1, S1, T1S1, T2S1, , Tn1S1, S2, T1S2, T2S2, , Tn1S2, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sm1, T1Sm1, T2Sm1, , Tn1Sm1.
Hence N = mn, and n is therefore a factor of N.

When N is a prime p, the group G can have no sub-group other than one of order unity consisting of the identical operation alone. Every operation S of the group, other than the identical operation, is of order p, and the group consists of the operations

A group whose order is prime is therefore necessarily cyclical.

23. THEOREM II. The operations common to two groups G1G2 themselves form a group g, whose order is a factor of the orders of G1 and G2.

For if ST are any two operations common to G1 and G2, ST is also common to both groups; and hence the common operations satisfy conditions (α) and (β) of the definition in § 12. But their orders are finite and they must therefore satisfy also condition (γ), and form a group g. Moreover g is a sub-group of both G1 and G2, and therefore by Theorem I its order is a factor of the orders of both these groups.

If G1 and G2 are sub-groups of a third group G, then g is also clearly a sub-group of G.

The set of operations, that arise by combining in every way the operations of the groups G1 and G2, evidently satisfy the conditions of § 12 and form a group; but this will not necessarily or generally be a group of finite order. If however G1 and G2 are sub-groups of a group G of finite order, the group g that arises from their combination will necessarily be of finite order; it may either coincide with G or be a sub-group of G. In either case, the order of g will be a multiple of the orders of G1 and G2.

It is convenient here to explain a notation that enables us to avoid an otherwise rather cumbrous phraseology. Let S1S2, S3, … be a given set of operations, and G1, G2, … a set of groups. Then the symbol

will be used to denote the group that arises by combining in every possible way the given operations and the operations of the given groups.

Thus, for instance, the group g above would be represented by

the cyclical group that arises from the powers of an operation S by
and, as a further example, the sixth group of § 17 may be represented by
{(xy), (xz)}.

24. Definition. If S and T are any two operations of a group, the operations S and T1ST are called conjugate operations; while T1ST is spoken of as the result of transforming the operation S by T.

The two operations S and T1ST are identical only when S and T are permutable. For if

S = T1ST,
TS = ST.

Two conjugate operations are always of the same order. For

(T1ST)n = T1ST T1STT1ST = T1SnT.

Therefore, if

Sn = 1, (T1ST)n = T1T = 1;

and conversely, if

(T1ST)n = 1,
Sn = T T1SnT T1 = T(T1ST)nT1 = TT1 = 1.

The operations ST and TS are always conjugate and therefore of the same order; for

ST = T1T ST = T1 TS T.

Ex. Shew that the operations S1S2Sn1Sn and SrSr+1 SnS1Sr1 are conjugate within the group {S1,S2,,Sn}.

Definition. An operation S of a group G, which is identical with all its conjugate operations, is called a self-conjugate operation. Such an operation must evidently be permutable with each of the operations of G.

In every group the identical operation is self-conjugate; and in a group, whose operations are all permutable, every operation is self-conjugate. A simple example of a group, which contains self-conjugate operations other than the identical operation, while at the same time its operations are not all self-conjugate, is given by

It is easy to shew that the order of this group is 8, and that (13)(24) is a self-conjugate operation.

If all the operations of a group be transformed by a given operation, the set of transformed operations form a group. For if T1 and T2 are any two operations of the group, so that T1T2 is also an operation of the group, then

S1T 1S S1T 2S = S1T 1T2S;
hence the product of any two operations of the transformed set is another operation belonging to the transformed set, and the set therefore forms a group. Moreover the preceding equation shews that the new group is simply isomorphic to the original group. If G is the given group, the symbol S1GS will be used for the new group. When S belongs to the group G, the groups G and S1GS are evidently the same.

Now unless S is a self-conjugate operation of G, the pairs of operations T and S1TS will not all be identical when for T the different operations of G are put in succession. Hence the process of transforming all the operations of a group by one of themselves is equivalent to establishing a correspondence between the operations of the group, which exhibits it as simply isomorphic with itself.

Definitions. When H is a sub-group of G and S is any operation of G, the groups H and S1HS are called conjugate sub-groups of G.

If H and S1HS are identical, S is said to be permutable with the sub-group H. This does not necessarily involve that S is permutable with each of the operations of H.

If H and S1HS are identical, whatever operation S is of G, H is said to be a self-conjugate sub-group of G.

A group is called composite or simple, according as it does or does not possess at least one self-conjugate sub-group other than that formed of the identical operation alone.

25. THEOREM III. The operations of a group G, which are permutable with a given operation T, form a sub-group H; and the order of G divided by the order of H is the number of operations conjugate to T7.

If R1 and R2 are any two operations permutable with T, so that

R1T = TR1 andR2T = TR2;
R1R2T = R1TR2 = TR1R2,
and therefore R1R2 is permutable with T. The operations permutable with T therefore form a group H. Let n be its order and
its operations. Then if S is any operation of G not contained in H, the operations
all transform T into the same operation T.


(RiS)1TR iS = S1R i1TR iS = S1TS.

Also the n operations thus obtained are the only operations which transform T into T; for if

S1TS = T,
SS1TSS1 = STS1 = T;
and therefore SS1 belongs to H. The number of operations which transform T into any operation conjugate to it is therefore equal to the number that transform T into itself, that is, to the order of H. If then N is the order of G, the operations of G may be divided into N n  sets of n each, such that the operations of each set transform T into a distinct operation, those of the first set, namely the operations of H, transforming T into itself. The number of operations conjugate to T, including itself, is therefore N n .


T = STS1,
Ri1TR i = Ri1STS1R i;
T = S1TS = S1R i1TR iS = S1R i1S T S1R iS,
so that every operation of the form S1RiS is permutable with T. Hence if H is the group of operations permutable with T, and if
S1TS = T,
then S1HS is the group of operations permutable with T.

It is convenient to have a symbol to represent the set of operations

form a group H. We shall in future represent this set of operations by HS; and we shall use SH to represent the set

THEOREM IV. The operations of a group G which are permutable with a sub-group H form a sub-group I, which is either identical with H or contains H as a self-conjugate sub-group. The order of G divided by the order of I is the number of sub-groups conjugate to H8.

If S1S2 are any two operations of G which are permutable with H, then

S11HS 1 = H,S21HS 2 = H,
and therefore
S21S 11HS 1S2 = H,
so that S1S2 is permutable with H. The operations of G which are permutable with H therefore form a group I, which may be identical with H and, if not identical with H, must contain it. Also, if S is any operation of I,
S1HS = H,
and therefore H is a self-conjugate sub-group of I.

If now Σ is any operation of G not contained in I, it may be shewn, exactly as in the proof of Theorem III, that the operations IΣ and no others transform H into a conjugate sub-group H which is not identical with H; and therefore that the number of sub-groups in the conjugate set to which H belongs is the order of G divided by the order of I.

The operations of G which are permutable with H may also be shewn to form the group Σ1IΣ.

It is perhaps not superfluous to point out that two distinct conjugate sub-groups may have some operations in common with one another.

26. Let S1 be any operation of G, and

the distinct operations obtained on transforming S1 by every operation of G. The number, m, of these operations is, by Theorem III, a factor of N, the order of G. Moreover if, instead of transforming S1, we transform any other operation of the set, Sr, by every operation of G, the same set of m distinct operations of G will result. Such a set of operations we call a complete set of conjugate operations. If T is any operation of G which does not belong to this complete set of conjugate operations, no operation that is conjugate to T can belong to the set. Hence the operations of G may be distributed into a number of distinct sets such that every operation belongs to one set and no operation belongs to more than one set; while any set forms by itself a complete set of conjugate operations. If m1, m2, …, ms are the numbers of operations in the different sets, then
N = m1 + m2 + + ms;
and, since the identical operation is self-conjugate, one at least of the m’s must be unity.

Similarly, if H1 is any sub-group of G, and

the distinct sub-groups obtained on transforming H1 by every operation of G, we call the set a complete set of conjugate sub-groups. If K is a sub-group of G not contained in the set, no sub-group conjugate to K can belong to the set. If the operation S1 belongs to one or more of a complete set of conjugate sub-groups, Σ1S1Σ must also belong to one or more sub-groups of the set, Σ being any operation of G. Hence among the operations contained in the complete set of conjugate sub-groups, the complete set of conjugate operations

No sub-group of G can contain operations belonging to every one of the complete sets of conjugate operations of G. For if such a sub-group H existed, the complete set of conjugate sub-groups, to which H belongs, would contain all the operations of G. Let m be the order of H and n ( m) the order of the sub-group I formed of those operations of G which are permutable with H. Then H is one of N n  conjugate sub-groups, each of which contains m operations. The identical operation is common to all these sub-groups, and they therefore cannot contain more than

1 + N(m 1) n
distinct operations in all. This number is less than N, and therefore the complete set of conjugate sub-groups cannot contain all the operations of G.

27. If a group contains self-conjugate operations, it must contain self-conjugate sub-groups. For the cyclical sub-group generated by any self-conjugate operation must be self-conjugate. The only exception to this statement is the case of the cyclical groups of prime order. Every operation of such a group is clearly self-conjugate; but since the cyclical sub-group generated by any operation coincides with the group itself, there can be no self-conjugate sub-group9.

If every operation of a group is not self-conjugate, or, in other words, if the operations of a group are not all permutable with each other, the totality of the self-conjugate operations forms a self-conjugate sub-group. For, if S1 and S2 are permutable with every operation of the group, so also is S1S2.

THEOREM V. The operations common to a complete set of conjugate sub-groups form a self-conjugate sub-group.

It is an immediate consequence of Theorem II that the operations common to a complete set of conjugate sub-groups form a sub-group. Also the set of conjugate sub-groups, when transformed by any operation of the group, is changed into itself. Hence their common sub-group must be self-conjugate.

It may of course happen that the identical operation is the only one which is common to every sub-group of the set.

Corollary. The operations permutable with each of a complete set of conjugate sub-groups form a self-conjugate sub-group.

For, if the operations permutable with the sub-group H form a sub-group I, the operations permutable with every sub-group of the conjugate set to which H belongs are the operations common to every sub-group of the conjugate set to which I belongs.

Further, the operations which are permutable with every operation of a complete set of conjugate sub-groups form a self-conjugate sub-group.

THEOREM VI. If T1, T2, …, Tr are a complete set of conjugate operations of G, the group {T1,T2,,Tr}, if it does not coincide with G, is a self-conjugate sub-group of G; and it is the self-conjugate sub-group of smallest order that contains T1.

Since the operations T1, T2, …, Tr are merely rearranged in a new sequence when the set is transformed by any operation of G, it follows that

S1{T 1,T2,,Tr}S = {T1,T2,,Tr},
whatever operation of G may be represented by S. Hence {T1,T2,,Tr} is a self-conjugate sub-group. Also any self-conjugate sub-group of G that contains T1 must contain T2, T3, …, Tr; and therefore any self-conjugate sub-group of G which contains T1 must contain {T1,T2,,Tr}.

In exactly the same way it may be shewn that, if

are a complete set of conjugate sub-groups of G, the group {H1,H2,,Hs}, if it does not coincide with G, is the smallest self-conjugate sub-group of G which contains the sub-group H1.

The theorem just proved suggests a process for determining whether any given group is simple or composite. To this end, the groups {T1,T2,,Tr} corresponding to each set of conjugate operations in the group are formed. If any one of them differs from the group itself, it is a self-conjugate sub-group and the group is composite; but if each group so formed coincides with the original group, the latter is simple. If the order of T1 contains more than one prime factor and if T1m is of prime order, it is easy to see that the distinct operations of the set T1m, T2m, …, Trm form a complete set of conjugate operations, and that the group {T1,T2,,Tr} contains the group {T1m,T2m,,Trm}. Hence practically it is sufficient to form the groups {T1,T2,,Tr} for all conjugate sets of operations whose orders are prime.

With the notation of § 26 (p. 106), the order of any self-conjugate sub-group of G must be of the form mα + mβ + ; for if the sub-group contains any given operation, it must contain all the operations conjugate with it. Moreover one at least of the numbers mα, mβ, … must be unity, since the sub-group must contain the identical operation. It may happen that the numbers mr are such that the only factors of N of the form mα + mβ + , one of the m’s being unity, are N itself and unity. When this is the case, G is necessarily a simple group. It must not however be inferred that, if N has factors of this form, other than N itself and unity, then G is necessarily composite.

If G1 and G2 are sub-groups of G, it has already been seen (§ 23) that the operations common to G1 and G2 form a sub-group g of G; and it is now obvious that, when G1 and G2 are self-conjugate sub-groups, so also is g. Moreover the group {G1,G2} is a self-conjugate sub-group unless it coincides with G. For

S1{G 1,G2}S = {S1G 1S,S1G 2S} = {G1,G2}.

Again, with the same notation, if T1 is an operation of G not contained in the self-conjugate sub-group G1, and if T1, T2, …, Tr is a complete set of conjugate operations, the group {G1,T1,T2,,Tr} is a self-conjugate sub-group, unless it coincides with G.

Definitions. If G1, a self-conjugate sub-group of G, is such that the group

coincides with G, when T1, T2, …, Tr is any complete set of conjugate operations not contained in G1, then G1 is said to be a maximum self-conjugate sub-group of G. This does not imply that G1 is the self-conjugate sub-group of G of absolutely greatest order; but that there is no self-conjugate sub-group of G, distinct from G itself, which contains G1 and is of greater order than G1.

If H is a sub-group of G, and if, for every operation S of G which does not belong to H, the group {H,S} coincides with G, H is said to be a maximum sub-group of G.

28. Definition. When a correspondence can be established between the operations of a group G and the operations of a group G, whose order is smaller than the order of G, such that to each operation S of G there corresponds a single operation S of G, while to the operation SpSq there corresponds the operation SS, the group G is said to be multiply isomorphic with the group G.

THEOREM VII. If a group G is multiply isomorphic with a group G, then (i) the operations of G, which correspond to the identical operation of G, form a self-conjugate sub-group of G; (ii) to each operation of G there correspond the same number of operations of G; and (iii) the order of G is a multiple of the order of G.


be the set of operations of G which correspond to the identical operation of G. These operations must form a group, since to SpSq corresponds the operation 1 1, i.e. the identical operation of G; and therefore SpSq must belong to the set.

Again, to the operation T1SpT of G corresponds the operation T1 1 T, that is, the identical operation of G. Hence, whatever operation of G is taken for T,

T1{S 0,S1,,Sn1}T = {S0,S1,,Sn1}.

The sub-group Γ of G formed of the operations

is therefore self-conjugate.

Again, if T and T1 are two operations of G which correspond to the operation T of G, the operation T1T1 corresponds to the identical operation of G, and therefore belongs to Γ. Hence the operations that correspond to T are all contained in the set TΓ. The operations of this set are all distinct and equal in number to the order of Γ. Hence if n is the order of Γ, to each operation of G there correspond n operations of G.

Finally, since to each operation of G there corresponds only one of G, while to each operation of G there correspond n of G, the order of G is n times the order of G.

To any sub-group of G of order μ, there corresponds a sub-group of G of order μn. For if TT forms one of the set

at least one, and therefore all, of the set TpTqΓ must occur among
and hence these operations form a group. Moreover, if the sub-group of G is self-conjugate, so also is the corresponding sub-group of G.

It should be noticed that no correspondence is thus established between a sub-group of G which does not contain Γ and any sub-group of G.

29. The relation of multiple isomorphism between two groups can be presented in a manner rather different from that of the last paragraph. Let G be any composite group, and Γ a self-conjugate sub-group of G consisting of the operations


Then, as in § 22, the operations of G can be arranged in the scheme

1, T1, T2, , Tn1, S1, T1S1, T2S1, , Tn1S1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si, T1Si, T2Si, , Tn1Si, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sm1, T1Sm1, T2Sm1, , Tn1Sm1.

Now Γ being a self-conjugate sub-group of G, it follows that

Si1ΓS i = Γ,
and therefore the two sets of operations ΓSi and SiΓ coincide except as regards arrangement. Hence
TαSiTβSj = TαTβSiSj = TγSiSj,
SiTβSi1 = T β,
TαTβ = Tγ;
so that both Tβ and Tγ belong to Γ. Now all the operations of the set ΓSiSj occur in a single line, say the (k + 1)th, of the above scheme. Hence if any operation of the (i + 1)th line be followed by any operation of the (j + 1)th line, the result is some operation of the (k + 1)th line. If then we regard the set of operations contained in each line of the scheme as a single entity, they will by their laws of combination define a new group of order m. In fact, if we denote these entities by
a relation of the form
SS = S
has been proved to hold for every pair. Moreover, these relations necessarily obey the associative law; for if
SS = S,
then the relation
follows in consequence of the symbols of G itself obeying the associative law. The symbol S, corresponding to the first line of the scheme, is clearly the symbol of the identical operation in the new group thus defined.

If now G and Γ coincide with the groups of the preceding paragraph which are represented by the same symbols, then G of the preceding paragraph must be simply isomorphic with the group whose operations are


It follows that a group G with which a group G is multiply isomorphic, in such a way that to the identical operation of G there corresponds a given self-conjugate sub-group Γ of G, is completely defined (as an abstract group) when G and Γ are given. This being so it is natural to use a symbol to denote directly the group thus defined in terms of G and Γ. Herr Hölder10 has introduced the symbol

to represent this group; he calls it the quotient of G by Γ, and a factor-group of G. We shall in the sequel make constant use both of the symbol and of the phrase thus defined.

It may not be superfluous to notice that the symbol G Γ has no meaning11, unless Γ is a self-conjugate sub-group of G. Moreover, it may happen that G has two simply isomorphic self-conjugate sub-groups Γ and Γ. When this is the case, there is no necessary relation between the factor-groups G Γ and G Γ (except of course that their orders are equal); in other words, the type of the factor-group G Γ depends on the actual self-conjugate sub-group of G which is chosen for Γ and not merely on the type of Γ.

Further, though in relation to its definition by means of G and Γ we call G Γ a factor-group of G, we may without ambiguity, since the symbol represents a group of definite type, omit the word factor and speak of the group G Γ .

It is also to be observed that G has not necessarily a sub-group simply isomorphic with G Γ . This may or may not be the case.

30. If G is multiply isomorphic with G so that the self-conjugate sub-group Γ of G corresponds to the identical operation of G, it was shewn, at the end of § 28, that to any self-conjugate sub-group of G there corresponds a self-conjugate sub-group of G containing Γ. Hence, unless G Γ is a simple group, Γ cannot be a maximum self-conjugate sub-group of G. If g1 is any self-conjugate sub-group of G Γ , and G1 the corresponding (necessarily self-conjugate) sub-group of G, containing Γ, we may form the factor-group  G G1, and determine again whether this group is simple or composite. By continuing this process a maximum self-conjugate sub-group of G, containing Γ, must at last be reached.

31. Though G Γ is completely defined by G and Γ, where Γ is any given self-conjugate sub-group of G, the reader will easily verify that G is not in general determined when Γ and G Γ are given.

We shall have in the sequel to consider the solution of this problem in various particular cases. There is, however, in every case one solution of it which is immediately obvious. We may take any two groups G1 and G2, simply isomorphic with the given groups Γ and G Γ , such that G1 and G2 have no common operation except identity, while each operation of one is permutable with each operation of the other. The group {G1,G2}, formed by combining these two, is clearly such that {G1,G2} G1 is simply isomorphic with G Γ ; it therefore gives a solution of the problem.

Definition. If two groups G1G2 have no common operation except identity, and if each operation of G1 is permutable with each operation of G2, the group {G1,G2} is called the direct product of G1 and G2.

Ex. If Hh are self-conjugate sub-groups of G, and if h is contained in H, so that H h  is a self-conjugate sub-group of G h , shew that the quotient of G h by H h is simply isomorphic with  G H.

32. If H is a self-conjugate sub-group of G, of order n, and if H is a self-conjugate sub-group of G, of order n, and if G H and G H are simply isomorphic, a correspondence of the most general kind may be established between the operations of G and G. To every operation of G (or G) there will correspond n (or n) operations of G (or G), in such a way that to the product of any two operations of G (or G) there corresponds a definite set of n (or n) operations of G (or G). Let

G = H,S1H,S2H,,Sm1H,
and in the simple isomorphism between G H and  G H, let Sr and S (r = 0,1,,m 1) be corresponding operations. Then if we take the set SHas the n operations of Gthat correspond to any operation of the set SrH of G, and the set SrH as the n operations of G that correspond to any operation of the set SH of G, the correspondence is, in fact, established.

For, if hand h are any two operations of H, the set of operations ShShincludes n distinct operations only, namely those of the set SSH. Hence to the product of any given operation of the set SrH by any given operation of the set SsH, there corresponds the set of n operations SSH; at the same time the product of the two given operations belongs (in consequence of the isomorphism between G H and  G H) to the set SrSsH. The same statements clearly hold when we interchange accented and unaccented symbols.

We still speak of G and G as isomorphic groups, and the correspondence between their operations is said to give an n-to-n isomorphism of the two groups. We shall return to this general form of isomorphism in dealing with intransitive substitution groups.

33. Definition. Two groups G and G are said to be permutable with each other when the distinct operations of the set SiS, where for Si every operation of the group G is put in turn and for S every operation of the group G, coincide with the distinct operations of the set SSi except possibly as regards arrangement.

If the two groups G and G are permutable, the group {G,G} must be of finite order. For, by the definition, every operation

can be reduced to the form SiS; and therefore the number of distinct operations of the group {G,G} cannot exceed the product of the orders of G and G. Let g be the group formed of the common operations of G and G. Divide the operations of these groups into the sets

Then every operation of the set SiS can clearly be expressed in the form

where γ is some operation of g. And no two operations of this form can be identical, for if
Σpγ1Σ = Σrγ2Σ,
γ21Σ r1Σ pγ1 = ΣΣ1;
so that ΣΣ1 belongs to g. But this is only possible if
Σ = Σ,
which leads to
Σr = Σp,
γ2 = γ1.
The order of {G,G} is therefore the product of the orders of G and G, divided by the order of g.

If every operation of G is permutable with G, then g must be a self-conjugate sub-group of G. For G and G are transformed, each into itself, by any operation of G; and therefore their common sub-group g must be transformed into itself by any operation of G.

Moreover those operations of G, which are permutable with every operation of G, form a self-conjugate sub-group of G. For if T is an operation of G, which is permutable with every operation S of G, so that

T1ST = S,
and if S is any operation of G, then
S1T1S S 1SS S1TS = S1SS,
so that S1TS is permutable with every operation of G. Hence every operation of G, which is conjugate to T, is permutable with every operation of G; and the operations of G, which are permutable with every operation of G, therefore form a self-conjugate sub-group.

If G is a simple group, g must consist of the identical operation only; and either all the operations of G, or none of them, must be permutable with every operation of G.

A special case is that in which the two groups G and G are respectively a self-conjugate sub-group Γ and any sub-group H of some third group; for then every operation of H is permutable with Γ. If H is a cyclical sub-group generated by an operation S of order n, and if Sm is the lowest power of S which occurs in Γ, then m must be a factor of n. For if m is the greatest common factor of m and n, integers x and y can be found such that

xm + yn = m.


Sm = Sxm+yn = Sxm,
and therefore Sm belongs to Γ. Hence m cannot be less than m, and therefore m is a factor of n. Moreover, since {Sm} is a sub-group of Γ, the order of Γ must be divisible by  n m. Hence:—

THEOREM VIII. If an operation S, of order n, is permutable with a group Γ, and if Sm is the lowest power of S which occurs in Γ; then m is a factor of n, and n m is a factor of the order of Γ.

The operations of {Γ,S} can clearly be distributed in the sets

and no two of the operations S, S2, …, Sm1 are conjugate in {Γ,S}.

34. A still more special case, but it is most important, is that in which the two groups are both of them self-conjugate sub-groups of some third group. If in this case the two groups are G and H, while S and T are any operations of the two groups respectively, then

S1HS = H,
T1GT = G;
so that every operation of G is permutable with H and every operation of H is permutable with G.

Consider now the operation S1T1ST. Regarded as the product of S1 and T1ST it belongs to G, and regarded as the product of S1T1S and T it belongs to H. Every operation of this form therefore belongs to the common group of G and H. If G and H have no common operation except identity, then

S1T1ST = 1,
ST = TS;
and S and T are permutable. Hence:—

THEOREM IX12. If every operation of G transforms H into itself and every operation of H transforms G into itself, and if G and H have no common operation except identity; then every operation of G is permutable with every operation of H.

Corollary. If every operation of G transforms H into itself and every operation of H transforms G into itself, and if either G or H is a simple group; then G and H have no common operation except identity, and every operation of G is permutable with every operation of H.

For, by § 33, if G and H had a common sub-group, it would be a self-conjugate sub-group of both of them; and neither of them could then be simple, contrary to hypothesis. Consequently, the only sub-group common to G and H is the identical operation.

35. If N and Nare the orders of two permutable groups G and G, the NN equations expressing every operation of the form SS, where S belongs to G and S to G, in the form ΣΣ, where Σ and Σ belong to G and G respectively, are never all independent. In particular, if

are a set of independent generating operations of G, and
their orders, it is clearly sufficient that each operation of the form
SSpα(α = 1,2,,m p 1;p = 1,2,,r)
should be capable of expression in the form ΣΣ.

When, in fact, these conditions are satisfied, it is always possible by a series of steps to express any operation SS in the form ΣΣ.

Ex. 1. Shew that, in the group whose defining relations are

A4 = 1,B3 = 1,(AB)2 = 1,
the three operations A2, B1A2B, BA2B1 are permutable and that they form a complete set of conjugate operations. Hence shew that {A2,B} is a self-conjugate sub-group, and that the order of the group is 24.

Ex. 2. Shew that the cyclical group generated by the substitution (1234567) is permutable with the group

and that the order of the group resulting from their product is 168.

Ex. 3. If g1 and g2 are the orders of the groups G1 and G2, γ the order of their greatest common sub-group and g the order of {G1,G2}, shew that

gγ g1g2,
and that, if gγ = g1g2, then G1 and G2 are permutable. (Frobenius.)

Ex. 4. If G1 and G2 are two sub-groups of G of orders g1 and g2, and S any operation of G, prove that the number of distinct operations of G contained in the set S1SS2, when for S1 and S2 are put in turn every pair of operations of G1 and G2 respectively, is g1g2 γ ; γ being the order of the greatest sub-group common to S1G1S and G2.

If T is any other operation of G, shew also that the sets S1SS2 and S1TS2 are either identical or have no operation in common. (Frobenius.)

Ex. 5. If a group G of order mn has a sub-group H of order n, and if n has no prime factor which is less than m, shew that H must be a self-conjugate sub-group. (Frobenius.)