Chapter XIII.
On the Graphical Representation of Groups: Groups of Genus Zero and Unity: Cayley’s Colour Groups.

199. We shall now proceed to a discussion in the cases p = 0 and p = 1 of the relation

2(p 1) = N n 2 1n 1 mr ,
which connects the number and the orders of the generating operations of a group with the order of the group itself; and to the consideration of the corresponding groups.

For any given value of p, other than p = 1, we may regard this relation as an equation connecting the positive integers Nn, m1, m2, …, mn. It does not however follow from the investigations of the last Chapter that there is always a group or a set of groups corresponding to a given solution of the equation. In fact, for values of p greater than 1, this is not necessarily the case. We shall however find that, when p = 0, there is a single type of group corresponding to each solution of the equation; and that, when p = 1, there is an infinite number of types of group, all characterized by a common property, corresponding to each solution of the equation. When p = 0, the groups are (§ 196) of genus zero; and all possible groups of genus zero are found by putting p = 0 in the equation. The groups thus obtained are of special importance in many applications of group-theory; for this reason, they will be dealt with in considerable detail.

200. When p = 0, the equation may be written in the form

2 1 1 N = 1n 1 1 mr ;
in this form, it is clear that the only admissible values of n are 2 and 3.

First, let n = 2. The only possible solution then is

N = m1 = m2 = n,
n being any integer. The corresponding group is a cyclical group of order n.

Secondly, let n = 3. In this case, one at least of the three integers m1m2m3 must be equal to 2, as otherwise the right-hand side of the equation would be not less than 2. We may therefore without loss of generality put m1 = 2. If now both m2 and m3 were greater than 3, the right-hand side would still be not less than 2; and therefore we may take m2 to be either 2 or 3. When m1 and m2 are both 2, the equation becomes

2 N = 1 m3;
m3 = n,N = 2n,
where n is any integer.

When m1 is 2 and m2 is 3, the equation is

2 N + 1 6 = 1 m3.

This has three solutions in positive integers; namely,

m3 = 3, N = 12; m3 = 4, N = 24; andm3 = 5, N = 60.

The solutions of the equation for the case p = 0 may therefore be tabulated in the form:—


I n n n

II 2 2 n 2n

III 2 3 3 12

IV 2 3 4 24

V 2 3 5 60

201. That a single type of group actually exists, corresponding to each of these solutions, may be seen at once by returning to our plane figure. The sum of the internal angles of the triangle A1A2A3 formed by circular arcs is, in each of these cases, greater than two right angles; and the common orthogonal circle is therefore imaginary. The complete figure will therefore divide the whole plane into black and white triangles, so that there are no boundaries to consider. Moreover, the number of white triangles in each case must be equal to the corresponding value of N; for the preceding investigation shews that this is a possible value, and on the other hand the process, by which the figure is completed from a given original triangle, is a unique one. There is therefore a group corresponding to each solution; and the correspondence which has been established in any case between the operations of a group and the polygons of a figure, proves that there cannot be two distinct types of group corresponding to the same solution.

202. The plane figure for p = 0 does not, in fact, differ essentially from the figure drawn on a continuous simply connected surface in space. The former may be regarded as the stereographic projection of the latter. The five distinct types are represented graphically by the following figures.

The first is a cyclical group, and the figure (fig. 9) does not differ essentially from fig. 2 in § 183.

The group given by the second solution of the equation is called the dihedral group. It is represented by fig. 10.




The group given by the third solution of the equation is represented in fig. 11. It is known as the tetrahedral group.

To the fourth solution of the equation corresponds the group represented by fig. 12. It is known as the octohedral group.

To the fifth solution of the equation corresponds the group represented in fig. 13. It is known as the icosahedral group.

The four last groups are identical with the groups of rotations which will bring respectively a double pyramid on an n-sided base, a tetrahedron, an octohedron, and an icosahedron to coincidence with itself in each case80.

When the figures are drawn on a sphere, and the three circles of the original triangle and therefore also all the circles of the figure are taken to be great-circles of the sphere, the actual displacements of the triangles among themselves which correspond



to the operations of the group can be effected by real rotations about diameters of the sphere; thus the statement of the preceding sentence may be directly verified.

203. In terms of their generating operations, the five types of group of genus zero are given by the relations:—

 I. S1n = 1, S 2n = 1, S 1S2 = 1;  II. S12 = 1, S 22 = 1, S 3n = 1, S 1S2S3 = 1;  III. S12 = 1, S 23 = 1, S 33 = 1, S 1S2S3 = 1;  IV. S12 = 1, S 23 = 1, S 34 = 1, S 1S2S3 = 1;  V. S12 = 1, S 23 = 1, S 35 = 1, S 1S2S3 = 1.

The first of these does not require special discussion.

In the dihedral group, we have

S1S3S1 = S1S2 = S31.

The dihedral group of order 2n therefore contains a cyclical sub-group of order n self-conjugately; and every operation of the group which does not belong to this self-conjugate sub-group is of order 2. The operations of the group are given, each once and once only, by the form

S1αS 3β,(α = 0, 1; β = 0, 1, 2,,n 1).

When n = 3, this group is simply isomorphic with the symmetric group of three symbols.

In the tetrahedral group, since

(S1S2)3 = 1, S21S 1S2S1 = S2S1S21,

and therefore S1, S21S1S2, S2S1S21 are permutable with each other. These operations of order 2 (with identity) form a self-conjugate sub-group of order 4; and the 12 operations of the group are therefore given by the form

S2α(S 21S 1S2)βS 1γ,
S2αS 1βS 2S1γ,(α = 0, 1, 2; β,γ = 0, 1).


S1 = (12)(34),S2 = (123),
S1S2 = (134);
and therefore the tetrahedral group is simply isomorphic with the alternating group of four symbols.

If, in the octohedral group, we write

S32 = S,
S2S = S1S3 = S1S22S 1;
and therefore
(S2S)3 = 1.

Hence S2 and S generate a tetrahedral group.


S1S2S1 = (S2S)2,
S1SS1 = S2SS21,
so that this is a self-conjugate sub-group. The operations of the group are given, each once and once only, in the form
S1αS 2βS 32γS 2S32δ,(α,γ,δ = 0, 1; β = 0, 1, 2).


S1 = (12),S2 = (234),
S1S2 = (1342);
and therefore the octohedral group is simply isomorphic with the symmetric group of four symbols.

The icosahedral group is simple. It is, in fact, simply isomorphic with the alternating group of five symbols which has been shewn (§ 111) to be a simple group. Thus if

S1 = (12)(34),S2 = (135),
S1S2 = (12345);
so that the substitutions S1 and S2 satisfy the relations
S12 = 1,S 23 = 1,(S 1S2)5 = 1.

They must therefore generate an icosahedral group or one of its sub-groups. On the other hand, from the substitutions S1 and S2 all the even substitutions of five symbols may be formed, and these are 60 in number. The group therefore cannot be a sub-group of the icosahedral group; the only alternative is that the two are identical.

As the icosahedral group has no self-conjugate group, we cannot in this case so easily construct a form which will represent each operation of the group just once in terms of the generating operations. It is however not difficult to verify that this is true of the set of forms81

S3α,S 3αS 1S3β,S 3αS 1S32S 1S3β, S3αS 1S32S 1S33S 1, (α,β = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4).

204. We shall next deal with the equation in the case p = 1. In this case alone, the order of the group disappears from the equation, which merely gives a relation between the number and order of the generating operations. This may be written in the form

2 = 1n 1 1 mr ;
and n must therefore be either 4 or 3.

When n is 4, the equation becomes

2 = 1 m1 + 1 m2 + 1 m3 + 1 m4,
and the only solution is clearly
m1 = m2 = m3 = m4 = 2.

When n is 3, the equation takes the form

1 = 1 m1 + 1 m2 + 1 m3,
and is easily seen to have three solutions, viz. 

m1 = 3, m2 = 3, m3 = 3; m1 = 2, m2 = 4, m3 = 4; andm1 = 2, m2 = 3, m3 = 6.

205. Take first the solution

n = 4,m1 = m2 = m3 = m4 = 1.
The corresponding general group is defined by the relations

S12 = 1,S 22 = 1,S 32 = 1,S 42 = 1, S1S2S3S4 = 1.

If we proceed to form the plane figure representing this group, the sum of the internal angles of the quadrilateral A1A2A3A4 is equal to four right angles, and the four circles that form it therefore pass through a point. If this point be taken at infinity, the four circles (and therefore all the circles of the figure) become straight lines. The plane figure will now take the form given in fig. 14, and the four generating operations are actual rotations through two right angles about lines through A1A2A3 and A4, perpendicular to the plane of the figure.


Every operation of the group is therefore, in this form of representation, either a rotation through two right angles about a corner of the figure or a translation; and it will clearly be the former or the latter according as it consists of an odd or an even number of factors, when expressed in terms of the generating operations. The operations which correspond to translations form a sub-group; for if two operations each consist of an even number of factors, so also does their product. Moreover, this sub-group is self-conjugate, since the number of factors in Σ1SΣ is even if the number in S is even. This self-conjugate sub-group is generated by the two operations

S1S2 andS2S3;

S1S3 = S1S2 S2S3, S2S1 = (S1S2)1,S 3S2 = (S2S3)1,S 3S1 = (S2S3)1(S 1S2)1;

and therefore every operation containing an even number of factors can be represented in terms of S1S2 and S2S3. Lastly, these two operations are permutable with each other; for

S2S3 S1S2 = S2S3 S4S3 = S1S3 = S1S2 S2S3;
and therefore every operation of the group is contained, once and only once, in the form
S1α(S 1S2)β(S 2S3)γ,(α = 0, 1 : β,γ = ,, 0,,).

The results thus arrived at may also be verified very simply by purely kinematical considerations. If a group generated by S1S2S3 and S4 is of finite order, there must, since it is of genus 1, be either one or two additional relations between the generating operations; and any such relation is expressible by equating the symbol of some operation of the general group to unity. Such a relation is therefore either of the form

S1(S1S2)b(S 2S3)c = 1,
(S1S2)b(S 2S3)c = 1.

The operation S1(S1S2)b(S2S3)c of the general group, consisting of an odd number of factors, must be a rotation round some corner of the figure, say a rotation round the corner Ar of the white quadrilateral Σ; it is therefore identical with Σ1SrΣ.

Now the relation

Σ1S rΣ = 1,
Sr = 1.

A relation of the first of the two forms is therefore inconsistent with the supposition that the group is actually generated by S1S2 and S3. It, in fact, reduces the generating operations and the relations among them to

S12 = 1,S 22 = 1,S 32 = 1,S 1S2S3 = 1,
which define a group of genus zero.

The only admissible relations for a group of genus 1 are therefore those of the form

(S1S2)b(S 2S3)c = 1.

A single relation of this form reduces the operations of the general group to those contained in

S1α(S 1S2)β(S 2S3)γ, (α = 0, 1; β = 0, 1,,b 1; γ = ,, 0,,);

and the group so defined is still of infinite order.

Finally, two independent relations

(S1S2)b(S 2S3)c = 1, (S1S2)b(S 2S3)c = 1,


b b c c,
must necessarily lead to a group of finite order. If m is the greatest common factor of b and b, so that
b = b1m,b = bm,
where b1 and b are relatively prime; and if
b1x by = 1;
the two relations give
(S2S3)cbcb1 = 1,
(S1S2)m = (S 2S3)cycx.

Every operation of the group is now contained, once and only once, in the form

S1α(S 1S2)β(S 2S3)γ, (α = 0, 1; β = 0, 1,,m 1; γ = 0, 1,,cb b1c 1);

and the order of the group is 2(bc bc).

206. Corresponding to the solution

n = 3,m1 = m2 = m3 = 3,
we have the general group generated by S1S2S3, where

S13 = 1,S 23 = 1,S 33 = 1, S1S2S3 = 1.

The sum of the three angles of the triangle A1A2A3 is two


right angles, and therefore again the circles in the plane figure (fig. 15) may be taken as straight lines. When the figure is thus chosen, the generating operations are rotations through 2 3π about the angles of an equilateral triangle; and every operation of the group is either a translation or a rotation.

The three operations

S1S22,S 2S1S2,S22S 1,
when transformed by S2, are interchanged among themselves. When transformed by S1 they become
S22S 1,S12S 2S1S2S1,S12S 22S 12,
and since
(S1S2)3 = 1,
the two latter are S1S22 and S2S1S2 respectively.

Hence the three operations generate a self-conjugate sub-group; and since

S1S22 S 2S1S2 S22S 1 = 1,
this sub-group is generated by S1S22 and S2S1S2.

These two operations are permutable; for

S1S22 S 2S1S2 = S12S 2 = S2S1S2S1S2 S2 = S2S1S2 S1S22.

Hence finally, every operation of the group is represented, once and only once, by the form

S1α(S 1S22)β(S 2S1S2)γ,(α = 0, 1, 2; β,γ = ,, 0,,).

This result might also be arrived at by purely kinematical considerations; for an inspection of the figure shews that the two simplest translations are

S1S22 andS 2S1S2,
and that every translation in the group can be obtained by the combination and repetition of these. Every operation in which the index α is not zero must be a rotation through 2 3π or 4 3π about one of the angles of the figure; it is therefore necessarily identical with an operation of the form
Σ1S rαΣ.

If now the group generated by S1S2S3 is of finite order, there must be either one or two additional relations between them. A relation of the form

S1a(S 1S22)b(S 2S1S2)c = 1,
where a is either 1 or 2, is equivalent to
Σ1S raΣ = 1,
so that
Sr = 1.
Such a relation would reduce the group to a cyclical group of order 3. This is not admissible, if the group is actually to be generated by two distinct operations S1 and S2.

A relation

(S1S22)b(S 2S1S2)c = 1,
gives, on transformation by S21,
(S2S1S2)b(S 22S 1)c = 1.


S22S 1 = (S1S22)1(S 2S1S2)1,
so that
(S1S22)c(S 2S1S2)bc = 1.

If m is the greatest common factor of b and c, so that

b = bm,c = cm,
where b and c are relatively prime; and if
bx cy = 1,
the two relations
(S1S22)b(S 2S1S2)c = 1,
(S1S22)c(S 2S1S2)bc = 1,
lead to
(S2S1S2)m(b2bc+c2) = 1,
(S1S2)m = (S 2S1S2)m{(cb)ycx};
and every operation of the group is contained, once and only once, in the form
S1α(S 1S22)β(S 2S1S2)γ,
α = 0, 1, 2; β = 0, 1,,m 1; γ = 0, 1,,m(b2 bc + c2) 1.
Thus the group is of finite order 3(b2 bc + c2). In this case then, unlike the previous one, a single additional relation is sufficient to ensure that the group is of finite order. Any further relation, which is independent, must of necessity reduce the group to a cyclical group of order 3 or to the identical operation.

207. The two remaining solutions may now be treated in less detail. The general group corresponding to the solution

n = 3,m1 = 2,m2 = m3 = 4,
is given by

S12 = 1,S 24 = 1,S 34 = 1, S1S2S3 = 1,

and is represented graphically by fig. 16.


All the translations of the group can be generated from the two operations

S1S22,S 2S1S2;
and every operation of the group is given, once and only once, by the form
S2α(S 1S22)β(S 2S1S2)γ,(α = 0, 1, 2, 3; β,γ = ,, 0,,).

An additional relation of the form

S2a(S 1S22)b(S 2S1S2)c = 1,
where a is 12 or 3, leads either to
S1 = 1,S2 = 1 orS3 = 1,
and is therefore inconsistent with the supposition that the group is generated by two distinct operations.

An additional relation

(S1S22)b(S 2S1S2)c = 1
(S1S22)c(S 2S1S2)b = 1 :
and if

b = b1m,c = c1m, b1x + c1y = 1,

where b1 and c1 are relatively prime, these relations are equivalent to

(S2S1S2)m(b12+c 12) = 1, (S1S22)m = (S 2S1S2)m(b1yc1x).

Every operation of the group is then contained, once and only once, in the form

S2α(S 1S22)β(S 2S1S2)γ, (α = 0, 1, 2, 3; β = 0, 1,,m 1; γ = 0, 1,,m(b12 + c 12) 1);

and the order of the group is 4(b2 + c2).

208. Lastly, the general group corresponding to the solution

n = 3,m1 = 2,m2 = 3,m3 = 6,
is given by

S12 = 1,S 23 = 1,S 36 = 1, S1S2S3 = 1;

and it is represented graphically by fig. 17.


Now it may again be verified, either from the generating relations or from the figure, that the two operations

S22S 32 andS 3S22S 3,
which are permutable with each other, generate all the operations which in the kinematical form of the group are translations; and that every operation of the group is represented, once and only once, by the form

S3α(S 22S 32)β(S 3S22S 3)γ, (α = 0, 1,, 5; β,γ = ,, 0,,).

Also as before, any further relation, which does not reduce the group to a cyclical group, is necessarily of the form

(S22S 32)b(S 3S22S 3)c = 1.

On transforming this relation by S31 we obtain

(S3S22S 3)b(S 32S 22)c = 1.


S32S 22 = (S 22S 32)1(S 3S22S 3);
so that
(S22S 32)c(S 3S2S3)b+c = 1.

If then

b = b1m,c = c1m, b1x + c1y = 1,

where b1 and c1 are relatively prime, it follows that

(S3S22S 3)m(b12+b 1c1+c12) = 1,
(S22S 32)m = (S 3S2S3)m{b1y+c1(yx)}.

Every operation of the group is then contained, once and only once, in the form

S3α(S 22S 32)β(S 3S22S 3)γ, (α = 0, 1,, 5; β = 0, 1,,m 1; γ = 0, 1,,m(b12 + b 1c1 + c12) 1);

and the order of the group is 6(b2 + bc + c2).

209. There are thus four distinct classes of groups82 of genus 1, which are defined in terms of their generating operations by the following sets of relations:—

    I. S12 = 1,S 22 = 1,S 32 = 1,(S 1S2S3)2 = 1, (S1S2)a(S 2S3)b = 1,(S 1S2)a(S 2S3)b = 1,(ab ab > 0); N = 2(ab ab).

    II. S13 = 1,S 23 = 1,(S 1S2)3 = 1, (S12S 22)a(S 2S1S2)b = 1; N = 3(a2 ab + b2).

    III. S12 = 1,S 24 = 1,(S 1S2)4 = 1, (S1S22)a(S 2S1S2)b = 1; N = 4(a2 + b2).

    IV. S16 = 1,S 23 = 1,(S 1S2)2 = 1, (S12S 22)a(S 1S22S 1)b = 1; N = 6(a2 + ab + b2).

For special values of a and b, some of these groups may be groups of genus zero; for instance, in Class I, if ab ab is a prime, the group is a dihedral group. It is left as an exercise to the reader to determine all such exceptional cases.

Ex. Prove that the number of distinct types of group, of genus two, is three; viz. the groups defined by

 (i) A4 = 1, B2 = A2, B1AB = A1;  (ii) A8 = 1, B2 = 1, B1AB = A3;  (iii) A8 = 1, B2 = 1, (AB)3 = 1,(A4B)2 = 1.

210. As a final illustration of the present method of graphical representation, we will consider the simple group of order 168 (§ 146), given by


The operations of this group are of orders 74, 3 and 2; and it is easy to verify that three operations of orders 23, and 7 can be chosen such that their product is identity.

In fact, if

S2 = (16)(34),S3 = (253)(476),S7 = (1673524);
S2S3S7 = 1.

Moreover, these three operations generate the group. The connectivity of the corresponding surface, by the regular division of which the group can be represented, is 2p + 1; where

2p 2 = 168(3 2 1 2 1 3 1 7).

This gives

p = 3;
it follows from Theorem II, § 197, that the genus of the group is 3.

The figure for the general group, generated by S2S3, and S7, where

S22 = 1,S 33 = 1,S 77 = 1, S2S3S7 = 1,

acquires as symmetrical a form as possible, by taking the centre of the orthogonal circle for that angular point of the triangle 1 at which the angle is 1 7π. In fig. 18 a portion of the general figure, which is contained between two radii of the orthogonal circle inclined at an angle 2 7π, is shewn. The remainder may be filled in by inversions at the different portions of the boundary.


The operations, which correspond to the white triangles of the figure, are given by the following table:—

1 1 9 S2S75S2 17 S2S75S2S73S2 2 S2 10 S7S2S75S2 18 S76S2S73S2 3 S7S2 11 S72S2S75S2 19 S2S73S2 4 S72S2 12 S73S2S75S2 20 S7S2S73S2 5 S73S2 13 S76S2S74S2 21 S2S72S2 6 S74S2 14 S2S74S2 22 S76S2S72S2 7 S75S2 15 S7S2S74S2 23 S75S2S72S2 8 S76S2 16 S72S2S74S2 24 S2S74S2S72S2.

The representation of the special group is derived from this general figure by retaining only a set of 168 white (and corresponding black) triangles, which are distinct when S2S3 and S7 are replaced by the corresponding substitutions given on p. 882. When each white triangle is thus marked with the corresponding substitution, it is found that a complete set of 168 distinct white (and black) triangles is given by the portion of the figure actually drawn and the six other distinct portions obtained by rotating it round the centre of the orthogonal circle through multiples of 2 7π.

To complete the graphical representation of the group of order 168, it is necessary to determine the correspondence in pairs of the sides of the boundary. This is facilitated by noticing that the angular points A1, A2, A3, … of the boundary must correspond in sets. Now the white triangle, which has an angle at A1 and lies inside the polygon, is given by

S2S74S 2S72S 2.

This must be equivalent to a white triangle, which lies outside the polygon, and has a side on the boundary and an angle at one of the points A2, A3, ….

The triangle, which satisfies these conditions and has an angle at A2n+1, is given by

S7S2S74S 2S72S 2S7n;
while the triangle, which satisfies the conditions and has an angle at A2n+2, is given by
S76S 2S75S 2S73S 2S7n.

When (16)(34) and (1673524) are written for S2 and S7, we find that

S2S74S 2S72S 2 = S7S2S74S 2S72S 2S75.

The white triangle with an angle at A1 inside the polygon is therefore equivalent to the white triangle with an angle at A11, which lies outside the polygon and has a side on the boundary. It follows, from the continuity of the figure, that the arcs A1A2 and A11A10 of the boundary correspond. Since the operation S7 changes the figure and the boundary into themselves, it follows that A3A4A13A12; A5A6A1A14; A7A8A3A2; A9A10A5A4; A11A12A7A6; and A13A14A9A8; are pairs of corresponding sides. Hence the above single condition is sufficient to ensure that the general group shall reduce to the special group of order 168.

By taking account of the relation

(S7S2)3 = 1, or(S 2S7)3 = 1,
the form of the condition may be simplified. Thus it may be written

S74S 2S72S 2 = S2S7S2S7 S73S 2S72S 2S75 = S76S 2S73S 2S72S 2S75,


S2S72S 2 = S72S 2S73S 2S72S 2S75.


S2S7 S7S2 = S76S 2S76S 2 S2S76S 2S76 = S76S 2S75S 2S76.


S74S 2S75S 2S7 = S2S73S 2S72S 2,
S74S 2S74 S 2S76S 2 = S2S73S 2S72S 2,
S74S 2S74S 2S74 = S 2S73S 2,
or finally
(S74S 2)4 = 1.

The simple group of order 168 is therefore defined abstractly by the relations83

S22 = 1,S 77 = 1,(S 7S2)3 = 1,(S 74S 2)4 = 1.

Ex. Shew that the symmetric group of degree five is a group of genus four; and that it is completely defined by the relations

S22 = 1,S 55 = 1,(S 2S5)4 = 1,(S 51S 2S5S2)3 = 1.

211. The regular division of a continuous surface into 2N black and white polygons is only one of many methods that may be conceived for representing a group graphically.

We shall now describe shortly another such mode of representation, due to Cayley84, who has called it the method of colour-groups. As given by Cayley, this method is entirely independent of the one we have been hitherto dealing with; but there is an intimate relation between them, and the new method can be most readily presented to the reader by deriving it from the old one.


be the operations of a group G of order N. We may take the N 1 operations other than identity as a set of generating operations. Their continued product
is some definite operation of the group. If it is the identical operation, the only modification in the figure, which represents the group by the regular division of a continuous surface, will be that the Nth corner of the polygon has an angle of two right-angles.

With this set of generating operations, the representation of the group is given by a regular division of a continuous surface into N white and N black polygons A1A2AN, the angle at Ar being  2π mr, mr being the order of Sr. Suppose now that in each white polygon we mark a definite point. From the marked point in the polygon Σ, draw a line to the marked point in the polygon derived from it by a positive rotation round its angle Ar. Call this line an Sr-line, and denote the direction in which it is drawn by means of an arrow. Carry out this construction for each polygon Σ, and for each of its angles except AN. We thus form a figure which, disregarding the original surface, consists of N points connected by N(N 1) directed lines, two distinct lines joining each pair of points. Now if the line drawn from a to b, where a and b are two of the points, is an S-line, then the line drawn from b to a is from the construction an S1-line. We may then at once modify our diagram, in the direction of simplification, by dropping out one of the two lines between a and b, say the S1-line, on the understanding that the remaining line, with the arrow-head reversed, will give the line omitted. If S is an operation of order 2, S and S1 are identical, and two arrow-heads may be drawn on such a line in opposite directions. The modified figure will now consist of N points connected by 1 2N(N 1) lines. From the construction it follows at once that, for every value of r, a single Sr-line ends at each point of the figure and a single Sr-line begins at each point of the figure; these two lines being identical when the order of Sr is 2.

We may pass from one point of the figure to another along the lines in various ways; but any path between two points of the figure will be specified completely by such directions as: follow first an Sr-line, then an Ss-line, then an St1-line, and so on. Such a set of directions is said to define a route. It is an immediate consequence of the construction that, if starting from some one particular point a given route leads back to the starting point, then it will lead back to the starting point from whatever point we begin. In fact, a route will be specified symbolically by a symbol

SuSt1S sSr,
and if
SuSt1S sSrΣ = Σ,
SuSt1S sSr = 1,
and therefore
SuSt1S sSrΣ = Σ,
whatever operation Σ may be.

212. If the diagram of N points connected by 1 2N(N 1) directed lines is to appeal readily to the eye, some method must be adopted of easily distinguishing an Sr-line from an Ss-line. To effect this purpose, Cayley suggested that all the Sr-lines should be of one colour, all the Ss-lines of another, and so on. Suppose now that, independently of any previous consideration, we have a diagram of N points connected by 1 2N(N 1) coloured directed lines satisfying the following conditions:—

(i) all the lines of any one colour have either (a) a single arrow-head denoting their directions: or (b) two opposed arrow-heads, in which case each may be regarded as equivalent to two coincident lines in opposite directions;

(ii) there is a single line of any given colour leading to every point in the diagram, and a single line of the colour leading from every point: if the colour is one with double arrow-heads, the two lines are a pair of coincident lines;

(iii) every route which, starting from some one given point in the diagram, is closed, i.e. leads back again to the given point, is closed whatever the starting point.

Then, under these conditions, the diagram represents in graphical form a definite group of order N.

It is to be noticed that the first two conditions are necessary in order that the phrase “a route” used in the third shall have a definite meaning. Suppose that R and R are two routes leading from a to b. Then RR1 is a closed route and will lead back to the initial point whatever it may be. Hence if R leads from c to d, so also must R; and therefore R and R are equivalent routes in the sense that from any given starting point they lead to the same final point. There are then, with identity which displaces no point, just N non-equivalent routes on the diagram, and the product of any two of these is a definite route of the set. The N routes may be regarded as operations performed on the N points; on account of the last property which has been pointed out, they form a group. Moreover, the diagram gives in explicit form the complete multiplication table of the group, for a mere inspection will immediately determine the one-line route which is equivalent to any given route; i.e. the operation of the group which is the same as the product of any set of operations in any given order.

From a slightly different point of view, every route will give a permutation of the N points, regarded as a set of symbols, among themselves; no symbol remaining unchanged unless they all do. To the set of N independent routes, there will correspond a set of N substitutions performed on N symbols; and we can therefore immediately from the diagram represent the group as a transitive substitution group of degree N.

213. It cannot be denied that, even for groups of small order, the diagram we have been describing would not be easily grasped by the eye. It may however still be considerably simplified since, so far as a graphical definition of the group is concerned, a large number of the lines are always redundant.

If in the diagram consisting of N points and 1 2N(N 1) coloured lines, which satisfies the conditions of § 212, all the lines of one or more colours are omitted, two cases may occur. We may still have a figure in which it is possible to pass along lines from one point to any other; or the points may break up into sets such that those of any one set are connected by lines, while there are no lines which enable us to pass from one set to another.

Suppose, to begin with, that the first is the case. There will then, as before, be N non-equivalent routes in the figure, which form a group when they are regarded as operations; it is obviously the same group as is given by the general figure. The sole difference is that there will not now be a one-line route leading from every point to every other point, and therefore the diagram will no longer give directly the result of the product of any number of operations of the group.

If on the other hand the points break up into sets, the new diagram will no longer represent the same group as the original diagram. Some of the routes of the original diagram will not be possible on the new one, but every route on the new one will be a route on the original diagram. Hence the new diagram will give a sub-group; and since it is still the case that no route, except identity, can leave any point unchanged, the number of points in each of the sets must be the same. The reader may verify that the sub-group thus obtained will be self-conjugate, only if the omitted colours interchange these sets bodily among themselves.

214. The simplest diagram that will represent the group will be that which contains the smallest number of colours and at the same time connects all the points. To each colour corresponds a definite operation of the group (and its inverse). Hence the smallest number of colours is the smallest number of operations that will generate the group. It may be noticed that this simplified diagram can be actually constructed from the previously obtained representation of the group by the regular division of a surface, the process being exactly the same as that by which the general diagram was obtained. For if

are a set of independent generating operations, and if
S1S2SnSn+1 = 1,
we may represent the group by the regular division of a surface into 2N black and white (n + 1)-sided polygons. When we draw on this surface the S1-, S2-, …, Sn-lines, the N points will be connected by lines in a single set, since from
every operation of the group can be constructed; and the set of points and directed coloured lines so obtained is clearly the diagram required.

As an illustration of this form of graphical representation, we may consider the octohedral group (§ 201), defined by

S12 = 1,S 23 = 1,S 34 = 1, S1S2S3 = 1.

On the diagram already given (p. 823), we may at once draw S1-, S2- and S3-lines. These in the present figure are coloured respectively red, yellow, and green. On the lines which correspond to operations of order two (in this case the red lines), the double arrow-heads may be dispensed with. By omitting successively the red, the yellow, and the green lines we form from this the three simplest colour diagrams which will represent the group85.