Chapter XII.
On the Graphical Representation of Group73.

O ur discussions hitherto have been confined exclusively to groups of finite order. When however, as we now propose to do, we consider a group in relation to the operations that generate it, it becomes almost necessary to deal, incidentally at least, with groups whose order is not finite; for it is not possible to say a priori what must be the number and the nature of the relations between the given generating operations, which will ensure that the order of the resulting group is finite.

Many of the definitions given in respect of finite groups may obviously be extended at once to groups containing an infinite number of operations. Among these may be specially mentioned the definitions of a sub-group, of conjugate operations and sub-groups, of self-conjugate sub-groups, of the relation of isomorphism between two groups and of the factor-group given by this relation. In regard to the last of them, the isomorphism between two groups, one at least of which is not of finite order, may be such that to one operation of the one group there correspond an infinitely great number of operations of the other. On the other hand, all the results obtained for finite groups, which depend directly or indirectly on the order of the group, necessarily become meaningless when the group is not a group of finite order.

181. Suppose that

represent any n distinct operations which can be performed, directly or inversely, on a common object, and that between these operations no relations exist. Then the totality of the operations represented by
SpαS qβS rγ,
where the number of factors is any whatever and the indices are any positive or negative integers, form a group G of infinite order, which is generated by the n operations. If, moreover, whenever such a succession of factors as SpαSpβ occurs in the above expression, it is replaced by Spα+β, each operation of the group can be expressed in one way and in one way only by an expression of the above form, which is then called reduced.

It will sometimes be convenient to avoid the use of negative indices in the expression of any operation of the group. To this end we may write

S1S2SnSn+1 = 1,
so that Sn+1 is a definite operation of the group; then
Sr1 = S r+1Sr+2SnSn+1S1Sr1,(r = 1, 2,,n).
By using these relations to replace all negative powers of operations wherever they occur, we may represent every operation of the group in a single definite way by means of the n + 1 operations
with positive indices only.

The group, thus defined and represented, is the most general group conceivable that is generated by n distinct operations. Any two such groups, for which n is the same, are simply isomorphic with each other.

Suppose now that

represent n distinct operations, but that, instead of being entirely independent, they are connected by a relation of the form
S̄paS̄ qbS̄ rc = 1,
which will be represented by
f(S̄i) = 1.

If is the group generated by these operations, an isomorphism may be established between G and by taking S̄i (i = 1, 2,,n) as the operation of  that corresponds to the operation Si of G.

Then to every operation of G

SpαS qβS rγ
will correspond a single definite operation
S̄pαS̄ qβS̄ rγ
of ; for the supposition that two distinct operations of  correspond to the same operation of G leads to the result that between the generating operations of G there is a relation, which is not the case. On the other hand, to the identical operation of  there will correspond an infinite number of distinct operations of G, namely those which are formed by combining together in every possible way all operations of G of the form
R1f(S i)R,
where R is any operation of G. These operations of G form a self-conjugate sub-group H; the corresponding factor-group G H is simply isomorphic with .

If between the generating operations of  there are several independent relations

f1(S̄i) = 1,f2(S̄i) = 1,,fm(S̄i) = 1,
it may be shewn exactly as before that the groups G and are isomorphic in such a way that to the identical operation of  there corresponds that self-conjugate sub-group of G, which is formed by combining in every possible way all the operations of G of the form
R1f j(Si)R,(j = 1, 2,,m).

182. We may at once extend the result of the preceding paragraph in the following way:—

THEOREM I. If G is the group generated by the n operations

between which the m relations
f1(Si) = 1,f2(Si) = 1,,fm(Si) = 1,
exist; and if  is the group generated by the n operations
which are connected by the same m relations
f1(S̄i) = 1,f2(S̄i) = 1,,fm(S̄i) = 1,
as hold between the generating operations of G, and by the further m relations
g1(S̄i) = 1,g2(S̄i) = 1,,gm(S̄i) = 1;
then  is simply isomorphic with the factor-group G H; where H is that self-conjugate sub-group of G, which results from combining in every possible way all operations of the form
R1g j(Si)R,(j = 1, 2,,m),
R being any operation of G.

In proving this theorem, it is sufficient to notice that, if we take S̄i (i = 1, 2,,n) as the operation of  which corresponds to the operation Si of G, then to each operation of G a single definite operation of  will correspond, while to the identical operation of  there corresponds the self-conjugate sub-group H of G.

The theorem just stated is of such a general nature that it is perhaps desirable to illustrate it by considering shortly some simple examples.

Let us take first the case of a group G, generated by two independent operations S1 and S2, subject to no relations; and let us suppose that the single relation

S̄1S̄2 = S̄2S̄1
holds between the generating operations of . The self-conjugate sub-group H of G then consists of all the operations
S1αn S2βn
of G which reduce to identity if we regard S1 and S2 as permutable; or, in other words, of those operations of G for which the relations
αn = 0, βn = 0
simultaneously hold.

In respect of this sub-group, the operations of G can be divided into an infinite number of classes of the form

S1pS 2qH.

For the operations of the class S1pS2qH, multiplied by those of the class S1pS2qH, give always operations of the class

S1pS 2qS 1pS 2qH,
since H is a self-conjugate sub-group; and, because
S1pS 2qS 1pS 2q= S 1p+pS 1pS 2qS 1pS 2q S 2q+q,
while S1pS2qS1pS2q belongs to H, the class S1pS2qS1pS2qH is the same as S1p+pS2q+qH. Hence the operations of any two given classes, multiplied in either order, give the same third class; and therefore the group  G H is an Abelian group generated by two permutable, but otherwise unrestricted, operations.

As a second illustration, we will choose a case in which  is of finite order. Let G be generated by the operations S and T, which satisfy the relations

S3 = 1,T3 = 1,(ST)3 = 1;
and for , suppose that the generating operations satisfy the additional relation
(ST2)3 = 1.

Then H is formed by combining in all possible ways the operations


Now it may be easily verified that in G, the operation ST2 belongs to a set of three conjugate operations

and that these three operations are permutable among themselves, while their product is identity. Hence H consists of the Abelian group
and in respect of H, G may be divided into 27 classes of the form
Sx(ST2)y(TST)zH,(x,y,z = 0,1,2).

The group  will be defined by the laws according to which these 27 classes combine among themselves; and the reader will have no difficulty in verifying that it is isomorphic with the non-Abelian group of order 27, whose operations are all of order 3 (§ 73).

Ex. If S1(= 1), S2, …, SN are the operations of a group G of finite order, prove that the totality of the operations of the form Sp1Sq1SpSq generate a self-conjugate sub-group H; and that the group  G H is an Abelian group. Shew also that, if H is a self-conjugate sub-group of G and if G H is Abelian, then H contains H. (Miller, Quarterly Journ. of Math., Vol. XXVIII, (1896), p. 266.)

183. For the further discussion of a group, as defined by its generating operations and the relations between them, a suitable graphical mode of representation becomes of the greatest assistance. To this we shall now proceed.

In the simple case in which the group is generated by a single unrestricted operation, such a representation may be constructed as follows. Let C1 and C1 be two circles which touch each other; C2 and C2 the inverses of C1 in C1 and C1 in C1; C3 and C3 the inverses of C2 in C1 and C2 in C1, and so on. These circles (fig. 1) divide the plane in which they are


drawn into an infinite number of crescent-shaped spaces. Suppose now that the space between C1 and C1 is left white, and the spaces between C1 and C2 and between C1 and C2 (on either side of this white space) are coloured black; the next pair on either side left white, the next coloured black, and so on. Then any white space may be transformed into any other (and any black into any other) by an even number of inversions at the circles C1 and C1; and if S denote the operation consisting of an inversion at C1 followed by an inversion at C1, the space between C1 and C1 will be transformed into another perfectly definite white space by the operation Sn, while conversely the operation necessary to transform the space between C1 and C1 into any other given white space will be a definite power of S. Hence if one of the white spaces, say that between C1 and C1, is taken to correspond to the identical operation, there is then a unique correspondence between the white spaces and the operations of the group generated by the unrestricted operation S; and the figure that has been constructed gives a graphical representation of the group. It should be noticed that the actual geometrical process of inversion, which has been here used to construct the spaces corresponding to the operations of the group, is in no way essential to the graphical representation. It is however convenient as giving definiteness to the construction; and later, when we deal with the case of a general group, such definiteness becomes almost a necessity.

In a precisely similar manner, the group generated by a single relation S, satisfying the relation

Sn = 1,
may be treated. In this case, we take two circles C1 and C1 intersecting at an angle π n, and from these form, as before, the circles obtained by successive inversions. This gives a


finite series of n circles, each of which intersects the two next to it on either side at angles π n, while the n circles divide the plane into 2n spaces. If these are left white and coloured black in alternate succession, and if one of the white is taken to correspond to the identical operation, there is a unique correspondence between the white spaces and the operations of the group generated by S, where S represents the result of successive inversions first at C1 and then at C1.

This operation obviously satisfies the relation

Sn = 1
and no simpler relation; so that the figure gives a graphical representation of a cyclical group of order n.

The systems of circles in figures 1 and 2 have a common geometrical property which may be noticed here as it will be of use in the sequel. Successive inversions at any one of the pairs C1 and C1, C1 and C2, C2 and C3 are equivalent to the operation S; and therefore successive inversions at C1 and Cr are equivalent to the operation Sr. Hence the result of an even number of inversions at any of the circles in either figure is equivalent to some operation of the group that the figure represents.

184. We may now proceed to construct a graphical representation of the group which is generated by n operations subject to no relations. To this end, suppose n + 1 circles drawn, each of which is external to all the others while each touches two and only two of the rest. Such a system can be drawn in an infinite variety of ways: we will suppose, to give definiteness and simplicity to the resulting figure, that the n + 1 points of contact lie on a circle, which cuts the n + 1 circles orthogonally. If these n + 1 points taken in order are A1, A2, …, An+1, the successive circles are An+1A1, A1A2, …, AnAn+1. We will suppose that only so much of these circles is drawn as lies within the common orthogonal circle A1A2An+1. The n + 1 circular arcs An+1A1, A1A2, … then bound a finite simply connected plane figure which we will denote provisionally by P. Suppose now that P is inverted in each of its sides, that the resulting figures are inverted in each of their new sides, and so on continually. Then from their mode of formation no two of the figures thus arising can overlap either wholly or in part; and when the process is continued without limit, every point in the interior of the orthogonal circle A1A2An+1 will lie in one and only one of the figures thus formed from P by successive inversions.

If P is any one of the figures or polygons so formed, the set of inversions by which it is derived from P is perfectly definite. For suppose, if possible, that P is derived from P by two distinct sets of inversions represented by Σ and Σ. Then ΣΣ1 is a set of inversions in the sides of P which transforms P into itself. But every set of inversions necessarily transforms P into some polygon lying outside it, and therefore

ΣΣ1 = 1;
or the set of inversions composing Σ is identical term for term


with the set composing Σ. It immediately follows that the polygons can be divided into two sets, according as they are derived from P by an even or an odd number of inversions. The latter we shall suppose coloured black, and the former (including P) left white. Every white polygon will be surrounded by black polygons and vice versâ. Since there is only one definite set of inversions that will transform P into any other white polygon P, the n + 1 corners of P will correspond one by one to the n + 1 corners of P; and when the perimeters of the two polygons are described in the same direction of rotation with regard to their interiors, the angular points that correspond will occur in the same cyclical order. On the other hand, in order that the corresponding angular points of a white and a black polygon may occur in the same cyclical order, their perimeters must be described in opposite directions. In consequence of these results, we may complete our figure (fig. 3) by lettering every angular point of every polygon with the same letter that occurs at the corresponding angular point of the polygon P.

185. If now T1, T2, …, Tn+1 represent inversions at A1A2, A2A3, …, An+1A1, the operation Tr1Tr leaves the corner Ar of P unchanged and it transforms P into the next white polygon which has the corner Ar in common with P, the direction of turning round Ar coinciding with the direction An+1AnA1 of describing the perimeter of P. For brevity, we shall describe this transformation of P as a positive rotation round Ar. If then we denote the operation Tr1Tr by the single symbol Sr, we may say that Sr produces a positive rotation of P round Ar. Let P1 be the new polygon so obtained; and let P be the polygon into which any other white polygon P is changed by a positive rotation round the corner of P that corresponds to Ar. Then if Σ is the set of inversions that changes P into P, it also changes P1 into P: so that Σ1SrΣ changes P into P, i.e. produces a positive rotation round the corner Ar of P; and SrΣ changes P into P.

Let us now represent the operations

so that
S1S2SnSn+1 = 1.

Then every operation, consisting of a pair of inversions in the sides of P, can be represented in terms of

For an inversion at ArAr+1, followed by an inversion at AsAs+1, is given by TrTs; and

TrTs = TrTr+1 Tr+1Tr+2 Ts1Ts = Sr+1Sr+2Ss.

If s > r, this is of the form required. If s < r, the term Sn+1 that then occurs may be replaced by

Sn1S n11S 21S 11.
Hence finally, every operation consisting of an even number of inversions in the sides of P can be expressed in terms of
and with a restriction to positive indices, every such operation can be expressed in terms of

Now it has been seen that no two operations, each consisting of a set of inversions in the sides of P, can be identical unless the component inversions are identical term for term. Hence no two reduced operations of the form

are identical; in other words, the n generating operations
are subject to no relations.

If then we take the polygon P to correspond to the identical operation of the group G generated by

each white polygon may be taken as associated with the operation which will transform P into it. The foregoing discussion makes it clear that in this way a unique correspondence is established between the operations of G and the system of white polygons; or in other words, that the geometrical figure gives a complete graphical representation of the group.

Moreover, since the operation Σ1SrΣ is a positive rotation round the corner Ar of the polygon Σ (calling now P the polygon 1), a simple rule may be formulated for determining by a mere inspection of the figure what operation of the group any given white polygon corresponds to.

This rule may be stated as follows. Let a continuous line be drawn inside the orthogonal circle from a point in the white polygon 1 to a point in any other white polygon, so that every consecutive pair of white polygons through which the line passes have a common corner, a positive rotation round which leads from the first to the second of the pair. This is always possible. Then if the common corners of each consecutive pair of white polygons through which the line passes, starting from 1, are Ap, Aq, …, Ar, As, the final white polygon corresponds to the operation


186. The graphical representation of a general group we have thus arrived at is only one of an infinite number that could be constructed; and we choose this in preference to others mainly because the form of the figure and the relative positions of the successive polygons are readily apprehended by the eye. As regards the mere establishment of such a representation we might, still using the process of inversion for the purpose of forming a definite figure, have started with n + 1 circles each exterior to and having no point in common with any of the others. Taking as the figure P the space external to all the circles and inverting it continually in the circles, we should form a series of black and white spaces of which the latter would again give a complete picture of the group. It is however only necessary to begin the construction of such a figure in order to convince ourselves that it would not appeal to the eye in the same way as the figure actually chosen.

Moreover, as in the representation of a cyclical group, the process of inversion is in no way essential to the representation at which we arrive. Any arbitrary construction, which would give us the series of white and black polygons having, in the sense of the geometry of position, the same relative configuration as our actual figure, would serve our purpose equally well.

187. If Σ is the operation which transforms P into P, and if Q is the black polygon which has the side ArAr+1 in common with P, then Σ transforms Q into the black polygon which has in common with P the side corresponding to ArAr+1. If then we take Q to correspond to the identical operation, any black polygon will correspond to the same operation as that white polygon with which it has the side ArAr+1 in common. In this way we may regard our figure as divided in a definite way into double-polygons, each of which represents a single operation of the group.

188. We have next to consider how, from the representation of a general group whose n generating operations are subject to no relations, we may obtain the representation of a special group generated by n operations connected by a series of relations

Fj(Si) = 1,(j = 1, 2,,m).

It has been seen (§ 181) that to the identical operation of the special group there corresponds a self-conjugate sub-group H of the general group; or in other words, that the set of operations ΣH of the general group give one and only one operation in the special group.

Hence, to obtain from our figure for the general group one that will apply to the special group, we must regard all the double-polygons of the set ΣH as equivalent to each other; and if from each such set of double-polygons we choose one as a representative of the set, the totality of these representative polygons will have a unique correspondence with the operations of the special group.

We shall first shew that a set of representative double-polygons can always be chosen so as to form a single simply connected figure. Starting with the double-polygon, P1, that corresponds to the identical operation of the general group as the one which shall correspond to the identical operation of the special group, we take as a representative of some other operation of the special group a double-polygon, P2, which has a side in common with P1. Next we take as a representative of some third operation of the special group a double-polygon which has a side in common with either P1 or P2; and we continue the choice of double-polygons in this way until it can be carried no further. The set of double-polygons thus arrived at of necessity forms a single simply connected figure C, bounded by circular arcs; and no two of the double-polygons belonging to it correspond to the same operation of the special group. Moreover, in C there is one double-polygon corresponding to each operation of the special group. To shew this, let C be the figure formed by combining with C every double-polygon which has a side in common with C; and form C from C, C from C, and so on, as C has been formed from C. From the construction of C it follows that every polygon in C is equivalent, in respect of the special group, to some polygon in C. Similarly, every polygon in C is equivalent to some polygon in C and therefore to some polygon in C; and so on. Hence finally, every polygon in the complete figure of the general group is equivalent to some polygon in C, in respect of the special group; and therefore, since no two polygons of C are equivalent in respect of the special group, the figure C is formed of a complete set of representative double-polygons for the special group.

Suppose now that S is a double-polygon outside C, with a side AA belonging to the boundary of C. Within C there must be just one polygon, say ST, of the set SH. If this polygon lay entirely inside C, so as to have no side on the boundary of C, every polygon having a side in common with it would belong to C. Now since S and ST are equivalent, every polygon having a side in common with S is equivalent to some polygon having a side in common with ST. Hence since C contains no two equivalent polygons, ST must have a side on the boundary of C; and if this side is AA, the operation T of H transforms AA into AA. Moreover, no operation of H can transform AA into another side of C; for if this were possible, C would contain two polygons equivalent to S. It is also clear that, regarded as sides of polygons within C, AA and AA belong to polygons of different colours. Hence a correspondence in pairs of the sides of C is established: to each portion AA of the boundary of C, which forms a side of a white (or black) polygon of C, there corresponds another definite portion AA, forming a side of a black (or white) polygon of C, such that a certain operation of H and its inverse will change one into the other, while no other operation of H will change either into any other portion of the boundary of C.

The system of double-polygons forming the figure C, and the correspondence of the sides of C in pairs, will now give a complete graphical representation of the group. For the figure has been formed so that there is a unique correspondence between the white polygons of C and the operations of the group, such that until we arrive at the boundary the previously obtained rule will apply; and when we arrive at a polygon on the boundary, the correspondence of the sides in pairs enables the process to be continued.

189. From the mode in which the figure C has been formed, no two of the figures CH can have a polygon in common, when for H is taken in turn each operation of the self-conjugate sub-group H of the general group G; also the complete set contains every double-polygon of our original figure. This set of figures, or rather the division of the original figure into this set, will then represent in a graphical form the self-conjugate sub-group H of G. Moreover, the operations which transform corresponding pairs of sides of C into each other will, when combined and repeated, clearly suffice to transform C into any one of the figures CH and will therefore form a set of generating operations of H.

190. A simple example, in which the process described in the preceding paragraphs is actually carried out, will help to familiarize the reader with the nature of the process and will also serve to introduce a further modification of our figure. The example we propose to consider is the special group with two generating operations which are connected by the relations

S13 = 1,S 23 = 1,S 1S2 = S2S1.

As a first step, we will take account only of the relation

S1S2 = S2S1,
and form for this special group the figure C. All operations
S1αn S2βn ,
for which Σαn and Σβn have given values, are in the special group identical. We may thus select from the figure for the general group the set of polygons
S2αS 1β(α,β = to + )
as a set of representative polygons; and a reference to the diagram75 (fig. 4) makes it clear that this set of polygons forms a figure with a single bounding curve. The black polygon which corresponds to the operation Σ has here been chosen as that which has the side A1A2 in common with the white polygon Σ.

Each double-polygon, except those of the set S1m, contributes two sides to the boundary of C, one belonging to a white polygon and


one to a black. The polygons, which border C and have sides in common with S2αS1β, are S1S2αS1β and S11S2αS1β; and these, regarded as operations of the special group, are equivalent to S2αS1β+1 and S2αS1β1. Hence the correspondence between the sides of C is such that

(i) to the side A1A3 of the white polygon S2αS1β corresponds the side A1A3 of the black polygon S2αS1β1;

(ii) to the side A1A3 of the black polygon S2αS1β corresponds the side A1A3 of the white polygon S2αS1β+1.

When we now take account of the additional relations

S13 = 1,S 23 = 1,
the figure C is found to reduce to a set of nine double-polygons, which is completely represented by fig. 5.

In addition to the correspondences between the sides of C to which those just written simplify when the indices of S1 and S2 are reduced (mod3), we have now also the correspondences, indicated in the figure by curved lines with arrow-heads, which result from the new relations. Our figure may be further modified in such a way that its form takes direct account of these four new correspondences. Thus without in any way altering the configuration of the double-polygons, from the point of view of geometry of position, we may continuously deform the figure so that the pairs of corresponding sides indicated by the curved arrow-heads are brought to actual coincidence. When this is done, the resulting figure will have the form shewn in fig. 6. The correspondence in pairs of the sides of the boundary is indicated in the figure by full and dotted lines.


The two unmarked portions A1A3A1 correspond, as also do the two similar portions marked with a full line, and the two marked with a dotted line.


It will be noticed that, in this final form of the figure for the special group, direct account is taken of the finite order of the generating operations S1 and S2 and also of the operation S1S2. The simplification of the figure that results by thus taking account directly of the finite order of the generating operations, and the greater ease with which the eye follows this simplified representation, are immediately obvious on a comparison of figs. 5 and 6.

191. In the applications of this graphical representation of a group that we have specially in view, namely to groups of finite order, the generating operations themselves are necessarily of finite order. The generating operations

of such a group may be taken as of orders
and if
S1S2SnSn+1 = 1,
then Sn+1 will be of finite order mn+1. We shall therefore next consider a group generated by n operations which satisfy the relations
S1m1 = 1,S 2m2 = 1,,S nmn = 1,(S 1S2Sn)mn+1 = 1.

The simple example we have given makes it clear that, at least in some particular cases, relations of this form may be directly taken into account in constructing our figure; in such a way that in the complete figure, consisting of a finite or an infinite number of double-polygons, the correspondence in pairs of the sides of the boundary, if any, will depend upon further relations between the generating operations.

We may, in fact, always take account of relations of the form in question in the construction of our figure as follows.

Let us take as before n + 1 arcs of circles

bounding a polygonal figure P of n + 1 corners; but now, instead of supposing the circles Ar1Ar and ArAr+1 to touch at Ar, let them cut at an angle (measured inside P) of
π mr,(r = 1, 2,,n),
while AnAn+1 and An+1A1 cut at an angle  π mn+1. Such a figure can again be chosen in an infinite variety of ways: we will suppose that it is drawn so that the n + 1 circles have a common orthogonal circle. This clearly is always possible; but it is not now necessarily the case that this orthogonal circle is real. Let the figure P be now inverted in each of its sides; let the new figures so formed be inverted in each of their new sides; and so on continually. Then since the angles of P are sub-multiples of two right angles, no two of the figures thus formed can overlap in part without coinciding entirely. Moreover, when the process is completely carried out, every point within the orthogonal circle when it is real, and every point in the plane of the figure when the orthogonal circle is evanescent or imaginary, will lie in one and in only one of the polygons thus formed from P by successive inversions.

192. Exactly as with the general group, these polygons are coloured white or black according as they are derivable from P by an even or an odd number of inversions. The corners of any white polygon correspond one by one to the corners of P; so that, when the perimeters of the polygons are described in the same direction, corresponding corners occur in the same cyclical order.

If now the operation of successive inversions at An+1A1 and A1A2 is represented by S1, and that of successive inversions at Ar1Ar and ArAr+1 by Sr, (r = 2, 3,,n); all operations, consisting of an even number of inversions in the sides of P, can be represented in terms of


Moreover, from the construction of the polygon P, these operations satisfy the relations

S1m1 = 1,S 2m2 = 1,,S nmn = 1,S n+1mn+1 = 1,
S1S2SnSn+1 = 1.

Again, if P is any white polygon of the figure, which can be derived from P by the operation Σ, a positive rotation (§ 185) of P round its corner A is effected by the operation Σ1SrΣ; and, if P is the polygon so obtained, P is derived from P by the operation SrΣ. It is to be observed that a positive rotation of a polygon round its Ar corner is now an operation of finite order mr.

Suppose now that two operations Σ and Σ transform P into the same polygon P, so that ΣΣ1 leaves P unchanged. If this operation, written at length, is

SpαS qβS rγS sδ,
and if P is transformed into P1 by a positive rotation round As repeated δ times, P1 into P2 by a rotation round its corner Ar repeated γ times, and so on; then the operation may be indicated by a broken line drawn from P to P1, from P1 to P2, and so on, the line returning at last to P. But the operation indicated by such a line is clearly equivalent to complete rotations, (i.e. rotations each of which lead to identity), round each of the corners which the broken line includes. In other words, ΣΣ1 reduces to identity when account is taken of the relations which the generating operations satisfy. Hence finally, to every white polygon P will correspond one and only one of the operations of the group, namely that operation which transforms P into P. The same is clearly true of the black polygons; and by taking P and a chosen black polygon which has a side in common with P as corresponding to the identical operation, the required unique correspondence is established between the complete set of double-polygons in the figure and the operations of the group, the relations which the generating operations satisfy being directly indicated by the configuration of the figure. Moreover, as with the general group (§ 185), a simple rule may be stated for determining, from an inspection of the figure, the polygon that corresponds to any given operation of the group.

193. The number of polygons in the figure and therefore the order of the group will still, in general, be infinite. We may now proceed, just as in the previous case of a quite general group, to derive from the figure representing the group G, generated by n operations satisfying the relations

S1m1 = 1,S 2m2 = 1,,S nmn = 1,(S 1S2Sn)mn+1 = 1,
a suitable representation of the more special group , generated by n operations which satisfy the above relations and in addition the further m relations
fj(Si) = 1,(j = 1, 2,,m).

As has been seen in § 182, if H is the self-conjugate sub-group of G which is formed by combining all possible operations of the form

R1f j(Si)R,
and if Σ is any operation of G, then the set of operations ΣH, regarded as operations of , are all equivalent to each other. From each set of polygons ΣH in the figure of G, we may therefore choose one to represent the corresponding operation of ; and, as was shewn with the general group, a complete set of such representative polygons may be selected to form a connected figure, i.e. a figure which does not consist of two or more portions which are either isolated or connected only by corners. Moreover, as in the former case, the sides of this figure C will be connected in pairs AA and AA, which are transformed into each other by some operation T of H and its inverse, while no other operation of H will transform either AA or AA into any other side of C.

It is not now however necessarily the case that the figure C, as thus constructed, is simply connected. Let us suppose then that C has one or more inner boundaries as well as an outer boundary, and denote one of these inner boundaries by L. If the sides of L do not all correspond in pairs, and if AA is a side of L such that the other side AA corresponding to it does not belong to L, we may replace the double-polygon P in C of which AA is a side by the double-polygon, not previously belonging to C, of which AA is a side. If P has a side on the boundary L, the new figure C thus obtained will have one inner boundary less than C; and if P has no side on the boundary L, the new inner boundary L that is thus formed from L will contain one double-polygon less than L, while the number of inner boundaries is not increased. This process may be continued till the new inner boundary L1 which replaces L is such that all of its sides correspond in pairs.

Let now AsAs+1 and AA be a pair of corresponding sides of L1, such that AsAs+1 is transformed into AA by an operation h of the self-conjugate sub-group H. A side AtAt+1 of another boundary of C may be chosen such that AsAs+1 and AtAt+1 are sides of a simply connected portion, say B, of C; while no side of L1 except AsAs+1 forms part of the boundary of B. The polygons of B are equivalent, in respect of the special group, to those of Bh. Moreover, since the sides of L1 correspond in pairs, no side of Bh, except AA can coincide with a side of L1. Hence when B is replaced by Bh, the inner boundary L1 will be got rid of and no new inner boundary will be formed. Finally then, C may always be chosen so as to form a single simply connected figure.

The simply connected plane figure C, which has thus been constructed, with the correspondence of the sides of its boundary in pairs, will now give a complete graphical representation of the special group. The rule already formulated will determine the operation of the group to which each white polygon corresponds; and when, in carrying out this rule, we come to a polygon on the boundary, the correspondence of the sides of the boundary in pairs will enable the process to be continued.

The correspondence of the sides of C in pairs involves a correspondence of the corners in sets of two or more. Thus if Ar is a corner of C and if, of the mr white polygons which in the complete figure have a corner at Ar, n1 lie within C, there must within C be mr n1 white polygons equivalent to the remainder, and each of these must have an Ar corner on the boundary. If A is a corner of C such that there are n2 white polygons, lying within C and having a corner at A, and if one of the sides of the boundary with a corner at A corresponds to one of the sides of the boundary with a corner at Ar, these n2 white polygons must be equivalent to n2 of the white polygons, lying outside C and having a corner at Ar. If

n1 + n2 < mr,
there must be a third corner A, contributing n3 more white polygons towards the set. With this we proceed as before; and the process may be continued till the whole of the mr white polygons surrounding Ar are accounted for. The set of corners Ar, A, A, … will then form a set of corresponding corners, which are equivalent to each other in respect of the special group; and the whole of the corners of C may be divided into such sets. At each set of corresponding corners Ar of C there must clearly be also mr black polygons belonging to C; and the sum of the angles of C at a set of corresponding corners must be equal to four right angles.

194. When the order of the group is finite, we may still further so modify our figure as to take account of the correspondence of the sides of the boundary in pairs. We may, in fact, by a suitable bending and stretching of the figure, bring corresponding sides of the boundary to actual coincidence. When this is done, the figure will no longer be a piece of a plane with a single boundary, but will form a continuous surface, which is unbounded and in general is multiply connected. Every point Ar on the surface, which in the plane figure did not lie on the boundary, will be a corner common to 2mr polygons alternately black and white; and, in consequence of what has just been seen in regard to the correspondence of corners of the boundary, the same is true for every point Ar on the surface which in the plane figure consisted of a set of corresponding corners of the boundary. If N is the order of the group, the continuous unbounded surface will be divided into 2N polygons, black and white. The configuration of the set of white polygons with respect to any one of them will, from the point of view of geometry of position, be the same as that with respect to any other; and the like is true for the black polygons. Such a division of a continuous unbounded surface is described as a regular division; and we have finally, as a graphical representation of any group of finite order N, a division of a continuous surface into 2N polygons, half black and half white, which is regular with respect to each


set. The correspondence between the operations of the group and the white polygons on the surface is given by the rule that a single positive rotation of the white polygon Σ round its corner Ar leads to the white polygon SrΣ.

195. We may again here illustrate this final modification of the graphical representation of a finite group by a simple example. For this purpose, we choose the group defined by

S14 = 1,S 24 = 1,S 34 = 1, S1S2S3 = 1,S21S 1S2S1 = 1.

This group (§ 74) is a non-Abelian group of order 8, containing a single operation of order 2. The reader will have no difficulty in verifying that the plane figure for this group is given by fig. 7; and that opposite sides of the octagonal boundary correspond. The single operation of order 2 is

S12(= S 22 = S 32);
this corresponds to a displacement of the triangles among themselves in which all the six corners remain fixed. If now corresponding sides of the boundary are brought to coincidence, the continuous surface formed will be a double-holed anchor-ring, or sphere with


two holes through it. A view of one half of the surface divided into black and white triangles, is given in fig. 8. The half of the surface, not shewn, is divided up in a similar manner; and the operation of order 2 replaces each triangle of one half by the corresponding triangle of the other, an operation which clearly leaves the six corners of the polygons undisplaced.

196. The form of the plane figure C, which with the correspondence of its bounding sides in pairs represents the group, is capable of indefinite modification by replacing individual polygons on the boundary by equivalent polygons. If however we reckon a pair of corresponding sides of the boundary as a single side and a set of corresponding corners of the boundary as a single corner, it is clear that, however the figure may be modified, the numbers of its corners, sides and polygons remain each constant. This may be immediately verified on replacing any single boundary polygon by its equivalent.

If now A be the number of corners, and E the number of sides in the figure C when reckoned as above, 2N being the number of polygons, then the connectivity76 2p + 1 of the closed surface is given by the equation

2p = 2 + E 2N A.

When the group and its generating operations are given, the integer p is independent of the form of the plane figure C, which as has been seen is capable of considerable modification. The plane figure C however depends directly on the set of generating operations that is chosen for the group. For a given group of finite order, such a set is not in general unique; and the number of generating operations as well as their order will in general vary from one set to another. It does not necessarily follow, and in fact it is not generally the case, that the connectivity of the surface by whose regular division the group is represented, is independent of the choice of generating operations. There must however obviously be a lower limit to the number p for any given group of finite order, whatever generating operations are chosen; this we shall call the genus of the group77.

197. We shall now shew that there is a limit to the order of a group which can be represented by the regular division of a surface of given connectivity 2p + 1. If N is the order of such a group, generated by the n operations

which satisfy the relations

S1m1 = 1,S 2m2 = 1,,S nmn = 1, S1S2Sn = 1;

the surface will be divided in 2N polygons of n sides each. Let A1, A2, …, An be the angular points of one of these polygons; and suppose that on the surface there are C1 corners in the set to which A1 belongs, C2 in the set to which A2 belongs, and so on. Round each corner Ar there are 2mr polygons; and each polygon has one and only one corner of the set to which Ar belongs. Hence

Crmr = N,
and so
C1 + C2 + + Cn = N 1n 1 mr.

Again, each side belongs to two and only to two polygons, so that the number of sides is


Using these values for A and E in the formula of § 196, we obtain the equation

2(p 1) = N n 2 1n 1 mr .

A complete discussion of this equation for the cases p = 0 and p = 1 will be given in the next chapter.

When p is a given integer greater than unity, we can determine the greatest value that is possible for N by finding the least possible positive value of the expression

n 2 1n 1 mr.

If n > 4, this quantity is not less than 1 2, since mr cannot be less than 2.

If n = 4, the simultaneous values

m1 = m2 = m3 = m4 = 2
are not admissible, since they make the expression zero. Its least value in this case will therefore be given by
m1 = m2 = m3 = 2,m4 = 3;
and the expression is then equal to 1 6.

If n = 3, we require the least positive value of

K = 1 1 m1 1 m2 1 m3.

Now the three sets of values

m1 = 3, m2 = 3, m3 = 3, m1 = 2, m2 = 4, m3 = 4, andm1 = 2, m2 = 3, m3 = 6,

each make K zero; and therefore no positive value of K can be less than the least of those given by

m1 = 3, m2 = 3, m3 = 4, m1 = 2, m2 = 4, m3 = 5, andm1 = 2, m2 = 3, m3 = 7.

These sets of values give for K the values 1 12 1 20 and  1 42. Hence finally, the absolutely least positive value of the expression is  1 42, and therefore the greatest admissible value of N is

84(p 1).


THEOREM II. The order of a group, that can be represented by the regular division of a surface of connectivity 2p + 1, cannot exceed 84(p 1), p being greater than unity.

198. If, when a group is represented by the regular division of an unbounded surface, we draw a line from any point inside the white polygon 1 (or any other polygon) returning after any path on the surface to the point from which it started, it will represent a relation between the generating operations of the group. For in following out along the line so drawn the rule that determines the operation of the group corresponding to each white polygon, some operation

will be found to correspond to the final polygon; and this being the white polygon 1, it follows that
F(Si) = 1.

If the surface is simply connected, any such line can be continuously altered till it shrinks to a point; and therefore the n + 1 relations between the n generating operations completely define the group, since all other relations can be deduced from them.

If however the surface is of connectivity 2p + 1, there are 2p independent closed paths that can be drawn on the surface, no one of which can by continuous displacement either be shrunk up to a point or brought to coincidence with another; and every closed path on the surface can by continuous displacement either be brought to a point or to coincidence with a path constructed by combination and repetition of the 2p independent paths79. Any one of these 2p independent paths will give a relation between the n generating operations of the group, which cannot be deduced from the n + 1 relations on which the angles of the polygons depend. Moreover, every relation between the generating operations can be represented by a closed path on the surface; and therefore there can be no further relation independent of the original relations and those obtained from the 2p independent paths. There cannot therefore be more than 2p independent relations between the n generating operations of a group, in addition to the n + 1 relations that give the order of the generating operations and of their product; 2p + 1 being the connectivity of the surface by whose regular division into n-sided polygons the group is represented.

The 2p relations given by 2p independent paths on the surface are not, however, necessarily independent. In fact we have already had an example to the contrary in § 195. On the closed surface, by the regular division of which the group there considered is represented, four independent closed paths can be drawn. Any three of the corresponding relations can be derived from the fourth by transformation.

The only known cases in which the 2p relations are independent are those of a class of groups of genus one (§ 205).

Ex. Draw the figure of the group generated by S1S2S3, where

S12 = 1,S 23 = 1,S 38 = 1,S 1S2S3 = 1.

Shew from the figure that the special group, given by the additional relation

(S1S34)2 = 1,
is a finite group of order 48; and that it can be represented by the regular division of a surface of connectivity 5.

Note to § 194.

If in the process of bending and stretching, described in § 194, by means of which the plane figure C is changed into an unbounded surface, the angles of the polygons all remain unaltered, the circles of the plane figure will become continuous curves on the surface. These curves on the surface, which we will still call circles, are necessarily re-entrant. It is not however necessarily the case that, on the surface, a circle will not cut itself.

In the plane figure for the general group, an inversion at any circle of the figure leaves the figure unchanged geometrically but interchanges the black and white polygons. Each circle is, in fact, a line of symmetry for the figure such that, in respect of it, there is corresponding to every white polygon a symmetric black polygon and vice versâ.

Similarly on the surface a circle which does not cut itself may be a line of symmetry, such that a reflection at it is an operation of order two which leaves the surface and its division into polygons unchanged, but interchanges black and white polygons. When this is the case, every circle on the surface will be a line of symmetry and no circle will cut itself. On the other hand no such operation can ever be connected with a circle which cuts itself.

When such lines of symmetry exist, Prof. Dyck speaks of the division of the surface as regular and symmetric.